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14–17 Sept 2017
Hotel les Aiglons
Europe/Zurich timezone


Note for participants

You encouraged to prepare a Poster+FlashOral!

More information here

You can now download the image of the virtual machine ! More details here.

The SCINT Summer School aims at bringing to the attendees an educational oriented overview of the various topics of the scintillating materials field which will be covered by the SCINT2017 conference. It targets master and PhD students, but is also open to Post-docs and senior scientists.

During 3 full days, just before the SCINT2017 conference, the SCINT School will gather experienced lecturers and attendees for talks, open discussions and practicals.

It will include :

  • a general introduction to the mechanisms of scintillation with practical aspects
  • an introduction to Photon-Tracking Simulations and some tutorials on Geant4.
  • an overview of photodetectors and an address of the challenges in fast timing and medical applications.

The attendees will also have the opportunity to present their current works as flash oral presentations and posters.



Supporting projects