Software Process and Infrastructure

Software Stacks For CERN Experiments

In the context of the EP-SFT activities, the SPI team provides coherent software stacks for the use of LHC experiments and CERN users in general. These software stacks consist of several packages - including Monte Carlo generators, Machine Learning tools, Python modules - all available for a large number of compilers, operating systems and hardware architectures.

Latest news


LCG_105a Layers available


LCG_104d Layers available


LCG_105 Layers available


LCG_104a Layers available

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Introduction to SPI deliverables

A description of the deliverables of the SPI team, the contrib tool, the LCG releases and their usage, including the available RPMs and the CVMFS repository /cvmfs/

Internal Documentation for SPI related activities

This documentation is a collection of HOWTO's documenting the operations required to run the LCG infrastructure.

Shifts assignments

In case you want to cite SPI in your own publications, this is the preferred reference:

Building, testing and distributing common software for the LHC experiments, CHEP 2018, EPJ Web Conf. Volume 214, 2019 .

Main users

About us

In the context of the EP-SFT activities, the SPI team provides coherent software stacks for the use of LHC experiments and CERN users in general. These software stacks consist of several packages - including Monte Carlo generators, Machine Learning tools, Python modules - all available for a large number of compilers, operating systems and hardware architectures.

The SPI team is also responsible to run the Librarians and Integrators Meeting (LIM), a forum bringing together librarians of all the LHC and other expriments to share experiences about software stack provisioning.

Among the services further provided by the SPI team, there is support for Jenkins-based build orchestrations, a JIRA issue tracking instance (in coordination with IT), and maintenace / support for the SFT and related web sites.



Our group: SFT Website

Our department: EP Website