

Ratio of jet responses (gothic-script R) between Herwig++ and Pythia for isolated Anti-kt R=0.4 jets in inclusive QCD jet topologies. The jet response and the avor matching procedure are defined in ATLAS-CONF-2012-138. The version of Herwig++ that has been used is 2.5.2 with default parameters; Pythia 6.4 has been used with the MC11 AUET2B tune and MRST LO** PDF. Light-quark jets (solid red circles) and gluon-induced jets (open blue circles) are shown. Jets have been calibrated using the EM+JES scheme and are restricted to the barrel calorimeter.
Ratio of jet responses (gothic-script R) between Herwig++ and Pythia for isolated Anti-kt R=0.4 jets in inclusive QCD jet topologies. The jet response and the avor matching procedure are defined in ATLAS-CONF-2012-138. The version of Herwig++ that has been used is 2.5.2 with default parameters; Pythia 6.4 has been used with the MC11 AUET2B tune and MRST LO** PDF. Light-quark jets (solid red circles) and gluon-induced jets (open blue circles) are shown. Jets have been calibrated using the LCW+JES scheme and are restricted to the barrel calorimeter.

Major updates:
-- MichaelBegel - 18-Apr-2013

Responsible: MichaelBegel
Subject: public

This topic: AtlasPublic > WebHome > JetEtMissPublicResults > JetEtmissApproved2013FlavorResponse
Topic revision: r1 - 2013-04-18 - MichaelBegel
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