
Muon Performance

This page features public results from the ATLAS Muon Performance Group.

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PNGpng Calibration_loop.png r1 manage 236.6 K 2012-11-09 - 15:41 EdwardDiehl Diagram of ATLAS MDT calibration loop from the formation of the calibration stream in the level-2 trigger processors, transfer of calibration stream to calibration centers, ntuple creation and calibrations at calib centers, and loading of COOL DB with calibration constants
PNGpng DeltaEta_segMuonHisto_BIS7.png r1 manage 13.9 K 2014-02-21 - 18:58 LorenzoMassa L1 Rate Reduction by Adding RPCs to BIS: The picture shows the difference between the Eta coordinate of mboy segments inside the BIS7 chamber and the Eta coordinate of L1MU20 ROIs associated to reconstructed muons with transverse momentum greater than 20 GeV, calculated using data from the physics muon stream. The DeltaEta calculated using ROIs associated to positive muons is drawn in red, while the one calculated using ROIs associated to negative muons is drawn in blue. Almost all the signal is concentrated in the region |DeltaEta|<0.04
PNGpng DeltaEta_segRoiMuon_BIS7.png r1 manage 13.6 K 2014-02-21 - 19:16 LorenzoMassa L1 Rate Reduction by Adding RPCs to BIS: The picture shows in black the difference between the Eta coordinate of mboy segments reconstrucet in BIS7 chamber and the Eta coordinate of L1MU20 ROIs, using data from a 25 ns enhanced bias stream. The DeltaEta calculated using ROIs associated to positive muons is drawn in red, while the one calculated using ROIs associated to negative muons is drawn in blue. Applying a cut of |DeltaEta|<0.04 it is possible to reject about 40% of background, especially low pT muons.
PNGpng DriftTubeDeltaT0.png r1 manage 2229.7 K 2012-11-09 - 15:38 EdwardDiehl Difference of T0s (T0 - initial T0) averaged over all MDT chambers for calibrations performed from April 8 2012 to Oct 15 2012
PNGpng Geometrical_Coverage_positiveEta.png r1 manage 54.3 K 2014-02-21 - 18:58 LorenzoMassa L1 Rate Reduction by Adding RPCs to BIS: The picture shows the geometrical coverage in range 1< Eta <1.3, obtained drawing the Eta-Phi coordinates of reconstructed muons from the physics muon stream, associated with EndCap trigger and segments inside the EI, BIS6, BIS7, BIS8 chambers
PNGpng PassThrough_MuonPt_comparison2vs04_GeV.png r1 manage 12.4 K 2014-02-21 - 18:58 LorenzoMassa L1 Rate Reduction by Adding RPCs to BIS: The picture shows how the distribution of the transverse momentum of the reconstructed muons changes applying a different cut in DeltaEta between the segments inside the chambers and the L1_MU20 ROIs. The distribution obtained with DeltaEta < 0.2 is drawn in blue, while the one obtained with DeltaEta < 0.04. As can be seen, a thight cut in Dh permits to reject muons with transverse momentum smaller than 20 GeV, which is the nominal pT lower limit of the trigger.
PNGpng PassThrough_real_Efficiency_comparison2vs04_GeV.png r1 manage 12.2 K 2014-02-21 - 18:58 LorenzoMassa L1 Rate Reduction by Adding RPCs to BIS: The picture shows the L1_MU20 Efficiency with respect to all reconstructed muons as a function of the muon momentum, for two different cuts in DeltaEta between the segments inside the chambers and the L1_MU20 ROIs. The curve obtained with DeltaEta < 0.2 is drawn in blue, while the one obtained with DeltaEta < 0.04 is drawn in red.
PNGpng StackEfficiency_Eta_All.png r1 manage 18.3 K 2014-02-21 - 18:58 LorenzoMassa L1 Rate Reduction by Adding RPCs to BIS: The picture shows the Eta distribution of the reconstructed muons from the physics muon data stream. The hatched distribution is the one obtained with the actual trigger, while the full colored one shows how the distribution in EndCaps changes applying the request of RPCs in BIS6, BIS7 and BIS8. In transition region (1.05< |Eta| <1.24) the fraction with hits on EI or BIS chambers is 80.1%.
PNGpng StackRateReduction_Eta_All.png r1 manage 20.5 K 2014-02-21 - 18:58 LorenzoMassa L1 Rate Reduction by Adding RPCs to BIS: The picture shows the Eta distribution of the L1_MU20 ROIs from a 25 ns enhanced bias stream. The hatched distribution is the one obtained with the actual trigger, while the full colored one shows how the distribution in end caps changes applying the request of RPC hits in BIS6, BIS7 and BIS8. In transition region (1.05<|Eta|<1.24) the fraction that survives the new trigger request is 6.8%.
PNGpng muon-RT-function.png r1 manage 80.3 K 2010-06-04 - 13:20 OliverKortner  
PNGpng muon-T0-global-offset.png r1 manage 150.2 K 2010-06-04 - 13:21 OliverKortner  
PNGpng muon-T0diff-2010-2009.png r1 manage 97.0 K 2010-06-04 - 13:21 OliverKortner  
PNGpng muon-T0diff-beam2-beam1.png r1 manage 101.9 K 2010-06-04 - 13:21 OliverKortner  
PNGpng muon-TDC-spectrum.png r1 manage 96.3 K 2010-06-04 - 13:30 OliverKortner  
PNGpng muon-Tmax-monitor.png r1 manage 627.0 K 2010-06-04 - 13:22 OliverKortner  
PNGpng muon-Tmax-pressure.png r1 manage 115.8 K 2010-06-04 - 13:22 OliverKortner  
PNGpng muon-dTmax-temperature.png r1 manage 135.3 K 2010-06-04 - 13:22 OliverKortner  
PNGpng muon-occupancy.png r1 manage 117.5 K 2010-06-04 - 13:23 OliverKortner  
PNGpng muon-rawT0.png r1 manage 139.3 K 2010-06-04 - 13:23 OliverKortner  
PNGpng muon-segment-hit-residual-radius.png r1 manage 286.2 K 2010-06-04 - 13:24 OliverKortner  
PNGpng muon-segment-hit-residual.png r1 manage 171.5 K 2010-06-04 - 13:24 OliverKortner  
PNGpng muon-segment-hit-resolution.png r1 manage 204.9 K 2010-06-04 - 13:24 OliverKortner  
PNGpng ntuple_latency_vs_time.png r1 manage 161.3 K 2012-11-09 - 15:28 EdwardDiehl Distributions of times to create calibration ntuples at the Rome Calibration center for time period 15-Jul-2012 to 10-Oct-2012
PNGpng processing_vs_creation.png r1 manage 322.0 K 2012-11-09 - 15:31 EdwardDiehl Distributions of times to create calibration ntuples at the Rome Calibration center for time period 15-Jul-2012 to 10-Oct-2012 vs date
PNGpng splitter_dqmf_plots.png r2 r1 manage 2442.4 K 2012-11-12 - 23:56 EdwardDiehl Example of MDT DQMF plots from produced with calibration stream on a calibration splitter for chamber BIL1A01, for run 208261

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Topic revision: r49 - 2022-05-16 - GianlucaPicco
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