LCG Bulletin


Grid Deployment Board (GDB)
Web - Wiki - Agendas - Minutes

9 January 2007 - GDB Meeting - Agenda

The main topics presented and discussed at the GDB in January 2008 were the Handling of Persistent Storage Classes (T1D0), the status of the SRM2 Deployment and the preparation for the CCRC08 Challenges.

There were also reports about CPU Benchmarking in HEPiX, Security Policies, Pilot Jobs and the Worker Node Strategies.

10 January 2008 - Post-GDB Meeting - Agenda

CCRC 2008 F2F Meeting - The all-day F2F meeting focused on the preparation of the CCRC challenges for February and May 2008. The Experiments presented their requirements in terms of storage at the different sites (Tier-0 and Tier-1). The SRM 2.2 Deployment at every WLCG Site was discussed and Tape Usage Statistics at CERN were presented. Proposals for basic operations, bug fixing, upgrades, metrics, monitoring and reporting were also discussed.

5 December 2007 - GDB Meeting - Agenda

At the GDB in December, in addition to the regular monthly on SRM, CCRC, the main topic covered by several presentations was the current developments and plans for WLCG Monitoring and Reporting. There were also reports about the Usage of GGUS to Connect VOs and Sites, the WLCG Service Reliability Workshop (Link). and the recent HEPiX Meeting.

4 December 2007 - Pre-GDB Meeting  - Agenda

CCRC 2008 F2F Meeting - The CCRC08 planning Meeting focused on the storage requirements and targets of the Experiments for the February's and May's challenges. Initial milestones were discussed and the goal is to collect explicit service requirements from for the Tier-0 and Tier-1 sites. Storage classes required by each VO at each Site need to be clarified,  implemented and ready for testing prior to the February Challenge.

WLCG-OSG-EGEE Operations (OPS)
Agendas - Action List

7 January 2007

No WLCG-OSG-EGEE Operations meeting.

17 December 2007 - Agenda, Minutes

Grid Monitoring Issue - There appeared to be problems with the grid monitoring.: It seemed to be testing grid services even when they were set not to be monitored T Sites still seeing this behaviour are encouraged to submit detailed GGUS tickets.

LHCb at CNAF and SARA - LHCb recorded that they are having problems using the CNAF and NIKHEF/SARA sites. The problems at CNAF seem due to MSS issues: Feedback was requested from NIKHEF/SARA regarding details on the problem and about the status of the MSS system and the site.

10 December 2007 - Agenda, Minutes

VOBOX on PPS - The SL4 version of the VOBOX Service entered the testing phase on the Pre-Production Service (PPS).

gLite Update Released and Revoked - gLite 3.1 Update 07 went in production included an update to GFAL/lcg_util. A serious problem has been found with this update whereby lcg-cr crashed when used with a classic SE endpoint.. The release was revoked. This problem was not seen in the Pre-Production Service (PPS) because,  upon request of one of the LHC experiments, this update of GFAL/lcg_util bypassed the standard PPS testing.

CERN UI Moving to gLite 3.1 - The default version of the AFS UI at CERN was changed on Wednesday (12 December) from gLite .0 to gLite 3.1. In practical terms this means that the 'current' AFS UI link will not point to the latest gLite 3.0 version anymore, but to the latest gLite 3.1 version. The gLite 3.0 UI will still be accessible, but not as default.

3 December 2007 - Agenda, Minutes

Testers Needed for the AMGA Component - The Pre-Production Service (PPS) made a call for volunteering VOs to try out the new AMGA meta-data catalogue. LHCb expressed interest once the Oracle version is available. Any other LHC experiments interested should contact "".

SL4 Components on PPS - Several SL4 (32 bit) versions of middleware services entered the Pre-Production Service (PPS):: AMGA (postgres), LFC (mysql and Oracle), MyProxy, DPM (disk), DPM (mysql), VOMS (mysql and Oracle)

Testing the Sites Accounting Data - There will soon be a critical test for the publishing of APEL accounting information by sites. The time-line for this is currently being discussed by the ROC Managers.


Management Board (MB)
Web - Wiki - Members - Agendas - Minutes

8 January2008 - Agenda, Minutes

OSG Resource and Service Validation (RSV) - OSG is developing a services testing infrastructure and probes that will calculate the availability and reliability of the OSG sites. The results collected will also be passed by the standard WLCG SAM availability monitoring system and published via GridView.

CCRC08 F2F Meeting - J.Shiers presented the status of the CCRC planning and the preparation of the F2F Meeting scheduled for the 10 January 2008 at CERN. Link

Improving Tape Efficiency at Tier-0 Site - T.Bell summarized the issues around storage tapes handling and explained which are the major areas for improvement, both in the configuration of the Tier-0 storage system and in the usage patterns of the storage in the Experiments applications. The presentation was followed by a discussion and by feedback from the Experiments on how their applications could improve tape usage. A similar kind of analysis  of tape efficiency will be performed at the Tier-1 Sites in the coming weeks.

18 December 2007 - Agenda, Minutes

SRM Roll-Out and CCRC Planning Updates - J.Shiers presented the weekly update on the SRM deployment at the Tier-1 Sites and the work in  preparation of the CCRC’08 challenges.

Sites Operations During the Holidays Period - All Tier-0 and Tier-1 grid sites reported on their level of operational and user support that they would provide during the Holidays period. In addition the LHC Experiments described the kind of computing grid activity they were planning for the same period.

11 December 2007 - Agenda, Minutes

 CMS VO-Specific SAM Tests - A.Sciabá presented how the SAM availability monitoring is used by CMS. SAM is used in CMS to test the basic functionalities which are needed by the CMS workflows both for Monte Carlo production and for Analysis.

LHCb VO-Specific SAM Tests - Ph.Charpentier presented the LHCb Tests that are run in the SAM system. The tests do the basic check of the site and cover several of the typical needs of LHCb.  This is done by running small applications on a limited number of events at each Tier-0 and Tier-1 WLCG site.

CPU Benchmarking in HEP - H.Meinhard presented a summary of the activities of the HEPiX working group on CPU Benchmarking. The working group will be benchmarking the processors used in HEP, with standard SPEC benchmarks and with typical HEP applications from the LHC Experiments. 

4 December 2007 - Agenda, Minutes

WLCG Reliability Workshop - J.Shiers summarized the Reliability workshop of the previous week. The focus of the workshop was on the fact that the best way to achieve the requested level of resilience is by building fault tolerance into the services, including experiment-specific ones. Link

ALICE VO-Specific SAM Tests - P.Mendez Lorenzo presented the summary of the ALICE V-specific tests. ALICE uses SAM to monitor the VOBOXES only, with specific tests associated to the VOBOXES service.

ATLAS VO-Specific SAM Tests - A.Di Girolamo presented the ATLAS-Specific SAM tests. ATLAS run the standard SAM tests using ATLAS credentials (i.e. the original SAM tests run under the ATLAS VO) and in addition are developing ATLAS specific tests covering the services and features that the Experiments expects from each WLCG Site.

Architects Forum (AF)
Minutes - Web

13 December 2007 - Minutes

ROOT Release Delayed - The release of the production version of ROOT will be delayed until January 16th. Meanwhile a development release (5.17/8) will be made available this week as the 'release candidate' for the experiments to validate. Only bug fixes will be committed in the code repository.

Geant 4 9.1 Release - Geant4 version 9.1 will be released on December 14th as planned. The validation of the hadronic physics has been done with 5000 jobs submitted in the Grid. It is about half the number of jobs compared with last time mainly due to the reduced computing resources with SL4 available for Geant4.

Request CASTOR Client for OSX and Windows - A new request will be issued for the Castor (rfio) client libraries for MacOSX and Windows. These libraries are needed when experiment software is executed in these platforms for data analysis.

Python 2.5 in Next Configuration - The next LCG configuration (LCG_54) will be based on Python 2.5. It was agreed to add Python 2.5 into the "dev" slot of the nightly builds.

ROOT Schema Evolution - Quick update on the ROOT status of schema evolution and support for split mode. A specifications document  on ROOT Schema Evolution is due by the end of the 2007.

General News and Events
 LCG Meetings - Calendar

6 February 2008 Grid Deployment Board (GDB) Meeting at CERN. Agenda
5 March 2008 Grid Deployment Board (GDB) Meeting at CERN. Agenda
2 April 2008 Grid Deployment Board (GDB) Meeting at CERN. Agenda
21-25 April 2008 WLCG Collaboration Workshop (Tier0/Tier1/Tier2) at CERN. Link/span>
12-13 June 2008 WLCG CCRC-08 Workshop at CERN. Link