LCG Bulletin

Grid Deployment Board (GDB)
Web - Wiki - Agendas - Minutes

9 July 2008 - GDB Meeting - Agenda

CPU Benchmarking - H.Meinhard presented the work of the HEPiX CPU Benchmarking working group and a proposal for a future CPU unit to use in the WLCG accounting, pledges, etc.

Distributed Monitoring - J.Casey summarized the work that is progressing in order to provide system and standards to monitor the services distributed on the grid.

WLCG Sites Readiness - J.Gordon (Tier-1 sites) and M.Vetterli (Tier-2 sites) presented a summary of the status of the WLCG Sites wrt the activities of the LHC Experiments in 2008.

Middleware Status - M.Schulz described the status of the middleware (gLite, OSG and ARC). And SRM (CASTOR, dCache, StoRM, and DPM) implementation.

The CREAM CE - Di Qing presented the status and progress of the certification and testing of the CREAM CE.

Security at OSG and NDGF - M.Altunay (for OSG) and A.Gregersen (for NDGF) reported on the security activities of the OSG and NDGF grid infrastructures.

Accounting Installed Capacities - F.Donno presented a proposal for obtaining, in an automatic manner, the installed CPU and SE capacity at all sites.

11 June 2008 - GDB Meeting - Agenda

Security -R.Wartel presented the main security challenges ahead and the need to improve monitoring and provide constant and targeted training. 

Policies - D.Kelsey proposed the revised mandate of the Joint Security Policy Group (JSPG) and four policy documents that need to be approved.

CCRC Post-Mortem Workshop - J.Shiers presented the goals of the CCRC workshop (on the following week) that concluded and summarized the CCRC08 combined challenges in February and May 2008.

HEPiX Spring Meeting - M.Jouvin summarized the highlights of the HEPiX Spring 2008 Meeting at CERN.

Pilot Job Frameworks - M.Litmaath reported on the status and progress of the working group reviewing the security aspects involving the Pilot Job Frameworks of the LHC Experiments.

Addendum to the SRM MoU - F.Donno presented that mandate of the working group in charge of proposing the Addendum to the SRM MoU taking in charge the requirement of the Experiments.

Storage Accounting - J.Gordon presented the status and progress of the work on Storage Accounting that will report on the storage resources allocated to, and used by, the LHC Experiments.

CPU Utilisation - U.Schwickerath presented the work being done at CERN in order to detect the CPU utilization and the job efficiency.

OSG Report - R.Pordes summarized the activities of the OSG infrastructure in order to support the CCRC’08 and experiments data challenges.

WLCG-OSG-EGEE Operations (OPS)
Agendas - Minutes - Action List

14 July 2008 - Agenda, Minutes

Quiet week with small number of alarms and no outstanding issues. Italian ROC produced a detailed report, passed to WLCG management, concerning their recent problems with power.

7 July 2008 - Agenda, Minutes

Semi-Transparent Interventions - The Italian ROC questioned the correct procedure for advertised transparent interventions that, because of unexpected issues, change status during the execution and become not transparent. To be considered and discussed with the GOCDB staff.

FTS Configuration Completed - The last of the WLCG Tier-1 sites, BNL and Fermilab, confirmed that their FTS servers had been reconfigured to zero retries for the LHC VOs.

30 June 2008 - Agenda, Minutes

CREAM CE Testing - Pre-production testing of the CREAM CE is now well under way.

Feedback on Proxy Renewal Issues - Requests were made for comments on the proxy renewal daemon crashing with the recently released VOMS servers.

Base Storage Services Report - A report was given on the status of base storage services needed at sites.

LFCs on GOCDB and BDII - ATLAS requested gstat should highlight discrepancies between LFCs in GOCDB, but not those in BDII.

23 June 2008 - Agenda, Minutes

TAU-LCG2 Closed- TAU-LCG2 site in Israel was closed.

VOMS Roles in GGUS - LHCb asked about the use of VOMS roles with in GGUS authorization. This issue is now being followed up.

16 June 2008 - Agenda


9 June 2008 - Agenda, Minutes

CE Node Types - It was reported that while the lcg-CE SAM tests can be used unmodified on the CREAM CE. A new node type will be created so that the results and logs can be distinguished.

ACBR FAQ Needed - Again sites are asking how to publish ACBRs (Access Control Base Rule) for read-only access to production queues. It seems there are no clear concise instructions and should be provided urgently.

2 June 2008 - Agenda, Minutes

Temp Cleaning Script Issues - LHCb reported that the scripts cleaning temporary areas (“tmpwatch”) do not work well. Jobs unpacked in /tmp were deleted at the very first run of tmpwatch.


Management Board (MB)
Web - Wiki - Members - Agendas - Minutes

8 July 2008 - Agenda, Minutes

LCG Services Weekly Report - J.Shiers presented a summary of status and progress of the LCG Services. This report covered the last two weeks. Notes from each  daily meeting can be found from these pages: Link

Accounting Installed Capacities - F.Donno presented a proposal for obtaining, in an automatic manner, the installed CPU and SE capacity at all sites. The goal is to provide the management with information about installed capacity (per VO) with information about actual resources usage (per VO), focusing on CPU and SE resources.

Proposal for CPU Benchmarking - H.Meinhard summarized the work of the HEPiX CPU Benchmarking working group and a proposal for a future CPU unit to use in the WLCG accounting, pledges, etc.

MonALIsa Accounting - H.Marten reported on the comparison between accounting done by ALICE with MonALIsa and the one by with the PBS batch system at GridKa.

User Space Management - B.Panzer drafted a first proposal on how to tackle the support end-user analysis.

24 June 2008 - Agenda, Minutes

LHCb Request of Using Pilot Jobs - Ph.Charpentier distributed a note about allowing LHCb to use multi-user pilot jobs at the Tier-1 sites.

LCG Services Weekly Report - J.Shiers presented a summary of the LCG Services activities.

High Level Milestones Verification - I.Bird asked for a final verification of some HL Milestones before the LHCC Review of next week.

Status of OSG RSV test and Equivalence to SAM - D.Collados proposed a set of critical tests for OSG (RSV_Crit_Tests) and R.Pordes reported the status of the OSG RSV milestones present in the HL Milestones dashboard.

17 June 2008 - Agenda, Minutes

CCRC Post-Mortem Workshop - J.Shiers mentioned that relevant information including the presentation given to the OPN is available from the agenda page and his brief intervention would concentrate on 2 main issues:

SRM 2.2 Usage Agreement - I. Bird introduced the SRM v2.2 usage agreement as the additional set of functionality regarded as important now. F. Donno stated that her presentation was mainly to outline the proposal and obtain the approval of the Management Board.

LHCb Quarterly Report - Ph.Charpentier presented the LHCb Quarterly Report (March-May 2008).

10 June 2008 - Agenda, Minutes

End of CCRC Meetings - J.Shiers presented the last post- CCRC08 summary. From now on will be the “LCG Weekly Services Report”.

Additional information will be presented to the GDB meeting and to the P-M Workshop in the next days of this week.

The daily operations calls will continue at 15:00, with a weekly summary, until it is decided otherwise. Notes from the daily meetings continue to be made available shortly after the conf-call is over.

ATLAS Quarterly Report - D.Barberis presented the Quarterly Report (March-May 2008) for ATLAS.

CMS Quarterly Report - M.Kasemann presented the Quarterly Report (March-May 2008) for CMS.

03 June 2008 - Agenda, Minutes

CCRC’08 is now formally over – leaving behind a good service base on which to steadily, but non-disruptively build. We will have an extended post-mortem next week (Link) – today we will (briefly) summarize the key events of the last week of the May run together with some initial lessons

There were several discussion and emails on the accounting reported by ALICE on the week before.

Architects Forum (AF)
Minutes - Web

12 June 2008Minutes

Schema Evolution in ROOT- The ROOT release scheduled for 26 June will not include the new extension of the schema evolution. The introduction of the new schema evolution functionality will be done by the end of August. The production release with these features is expected in December 2008.

Configuration Changes - LCG_54g has been released, LCG_55 can go immediately undoing the upgrade of the version of Boost that did not work straight away. Boost 1.35 will be added in the "dev" nightly slot to prepare for its inclusion in future configurations.

Geant4 Beta Release - There will not be a new production version of Geant4 in June this year.  There will be instead a beta release (9.2-beta) which will be made available for testing to users at the beginning of July.

29 May 2008Minutes

Changes to POOL - Report on the ongoing effort for reducing the complexity of the POOL package; summary of series of meetings with representatives from the experiments that has been held to know about their use of POOL.

Gcc 4.1 on SL5 - The AF decided for the moment the usage of the gcc 4.1 compiler for the SLC5 platform. It is the default compiler version for SL5.

CernVM Release0.5 - The new 0.5 release of CernVM is under preparation; the release includes small fixes and extra packages on request from LHCb, addressing SLC4/5 compatibility libraries.

General News and Events
LCG Meetings - Calendar

10 September 2008

Grid Deployment Board (GDB) Meeting at CERN. Agenda

8 October 2008

Grid Deployment Board (GDB) Meeting at CERN. Agenda