Configuring VyPR Analysis

The VyPR Analysis provides a set of configuration functions that allow you to configure your analysis as you need.

All of these functions are accessible via the top-level VyPRAnalysis package.

The first set of functions should each be used in a distinct scenario. set_server assumes that a verdict server is already running and attempts to connect to it, whereas prepare is useful if you have a database file and want to perform some local analysis.


Set the server for the analysis library to given_url and then perform a handshake.


Given the database file name db, set up an instance of a verdict server attached to that database in the background and then attempt to perform a handshake until the server is reachable.

Some facilities provided by the analysis library require access to the source code of the monitored service. You can tell them where to find it using the set_monitoring_service_path function.


Set the path of the monitored service to path . No existence or permission checks are currently performed.