CERN Accelerating science

Source Code


The SixTrack source code is available in the SixTrack GitHub repository.

Files can be checked out with:

git clone

SixDesk LHC Tracking Environment

The SixDesk source code is available in the SixDesk GitHub repository.

Files can be checked out with:

git clone

Other Developements

SixDeskDB: SixDesk environment implemented in Python/SQLite
SixTrackLib: C library implementing SixTrack models.

Contributing to the Code

Developers are encouraged to create a GitHub fork and create pull requests.

Specific on going developements are hosted on the GitHub SixTrack page and they will normally be merged with the official repository as soon as the code is stable.

Please use the git merge functionality to keep your master branch in synch with the official repository.

For further details, see the build manual.