"General" binned jet corrections.

N.B. This page will be re-organized soon

Reminder of Jet Correction definition:

The Jet Corrections are defined as the ratio between jet energy in Z peak data and corresponding Monte Carlo. They are angle-dependent and (in principle) year-dependent. The "jet energy" is not unambiguously defined and depends on definitions and cuts.

Here is a description of the "standard" definition

Find here an example of code used to get jet-correction information from Z data (or MC).

Example of a simple function which reads the jet correction file in the ratio.data format and returns the correction corresponding to a given polar angle.

Find here an example of kumac used to make jet correction plots

The statistical error files given below are given in the same format as the ratio.data files, and are only used to evaluate the so called "Jet Correction" systematic uncertainty".

The corresponding files in the format (conventionally fune.dat used by the actual Common Ntuple reading code are also provided. For the "special" analyses, only the fune.dat format is given.

Available Jet Correction files