Code provided by the Two Photon Group

Useful Analysis Tools

Basic selection code with library of routines. The selection code also requires you to link in a special pi-zero-finding routine, and the trigger reweighting code (see below).

Trigger code, to reweight events using Level1, Level2 and Level3 information - OLD VERSION, not updated for use with >161 GeV data!

A new version of trigger code uses the start-of-run record where available -

this is the updated version (as of 9/98), modified to cope with corrupted MINI data.
(NOTE: you must change the call to "QUWT" in the selection code to "QUTRWT".)

Jetfinder code, tuned for two-photon events.

Muon-finding code - QMUIDO adapted for very low momentum muons.

Information on trigger changes.

Access to BCAL++ information through ALPHA: the object code is available on /aleph/uphy/libbcalinfo.a; the source code and a small instruction guide (README file) can be found in /al/reference/cvs/uphy/bcalinfo/.
Comments and questions can be addressed to: Gonzalo Merino,

Trigger code (from July 9, 1999) to check potential effect of tightening the trigger (DBL_C_E2).

The newest version of trigger code (7/2001 and 10/2002) is now available!