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Viewing the code

Different views of the code serve different purposes:

Installed code
The built code is available on AFS for each project and release. The area contains the code (source, libraries, etc.), and the InstallArea against which you normally link when running a job at CERN. The directory structure is "enhanced" – compared to the CVS repository (see below) – with information about release number and compiler used. The latest release of each project can be accessed in the directory latest.
More links to the release area are provided for convenient web access; the corresponding links are maintained also as TWiki variables for use in TWiki documents.
The CVS repository is the central repository for ATLAS software. You can browse with ViewVC the containers, their packages and files. For experts details of the CVS operations (date, version number, etc.) are displayed and tools help to compare different revisions. If you are new to ATLAS software, scan through one of the packages, e.g. Control/AthenaExamples, to see the structure of the software packages.
LXR is similar to ViewVC, but has a powerful search tool. If you need to find, where a certain class or parameter is used, this is the tool to use. Both Athena and Gaudi packages are accessible. For details consult the BNL LXR page additional links and explanations of the LXR tools.
Doxygen is used in ATLAS to document the code. Doxygen extracts documentation from comments in the source C++ and Python code, and analyses the code for dependencies. A description of the classes and their dependencies is generated and depicted in UML diagrams. Navigation back to the code is provided. Per package, a mainpage provides a description of the package and its interface classes. Doxygen documentation is generated for all releases and nightly builds. Doxygen documentation is very useful if you have to work through details of the code.
Developers should follow the guidelines for writing Doxygen documentation for C++ code and Python scripts.
Doxygen view of Packages (AMI)
Doxy doc, and also CVS, LXR access to different packages and releases (later than 11.2.0); graphical display of dependencies of projects and selection of projects. To get a list of all ATLAS packages, click on View all projects packages. By selecting Apply software domain filter on, one can view packages for selected domains.
Doxygen view (Torre Wenaus)
Doxy doc, and also CVS, LXR access to different packages and releases (starting from 11.5.0). This is another way of getting access to the Doxygen documentation. The list of external packages and their versions is also shown. If a package has no file html/index.html then no link to the doxy doc is displayed.
Doxygen of Classes - latest nightly release
The Doxygen view described above provides easy access to classes in a package, but it does not allow an overall search for classes. As this was felt to be very useful, a script was provided, which lists all classes of the latest nightly release. This page is not available when the nightly build failed.

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