Computing Technical Design Report

2.3 Data Analysis

The types of event data (SIM/RAW, ESD, AOD, TAG, DPD) are described in an earlier section. All the useful events acquired from the detector and those events from large production Monte Carlo samples will be reconstructed to produce ESD, AOD and TAG using the production process described in the previous section. In principle, a user wishing to perform data analysis can access any of this data but, in practice, the available resources (CPU, disk and bandwidth) for any one job will limit access to a small fraction. This is true not because most of the resources are dedicated to production but because there are many such analysts each typically submitting a series of jobs in an iterative analysis process.

It should be noted in the following that analysis in `local' Tier-3 facilities (which may in practice be a fraction of a facility otherwise regarded as a Tier-2 or even a Tier-1), where the resource allocation and sharing is completely under local control for a local community, is not included. However, such Tier-3 facilities may form an appreciable additional resource in the overall ATLAS computing.

2.3.1 Analysis Procedures and Data Flow

The resources required by analysis jobs will vary widely and a combination of physics priority and fair share will be used to allocate resources and thus determine which jobs run and when. On the communal ATLAS Tier-2 resources, each user will be assigned a resource quota that can be extended with approval from a physics group. Jobs exceeding the quota assigned to an individual user can be submitted to the production system for processing in a more controlled manner with priority assigned by a physics group. All large-scale access to Tier-1 resources must be arranged through physics or detector groups, given the resource implications. A Grid computing system will enable processing to take place at remote sites and even multiple sites for a single job. The Grid model also makes the system extensible: non-ATLAS Grid resources can easily be utilized when available and needed.

The goal of the data organization is to enable users to identify the input dataset of interest and then to enable the processing system to gain efficient access to the associated data. Here "dataset" refers to some collection of data, possibly, but not necessarily, all the data in a single file or collection of files. These datasets are catalogued along with metadata specifying their content (ESD, AOD, ...) and book-keeping data specifying their provenance and quality to enable users to make selections. The provenance also enables users to discover if the output dataset they intend to create already exists or at least appears in the catalogue.

The datasets appearing in the metadata catalogue are typically virtual, i.e. they have no specific location (e.g. list of files) holding their data. Instead there is a dataset replica catalogue, which provides the mapping to one or more concrete replicas for each virtual dataset. The processing system may choose from these the concrete dataset whose location provides the most efficient data access. The job description should also include the required content to ensure that the input dataset is suitable for processing. If the input dataset includes unneeded content, it may be replaced with a sub-dataset removing the need to stage unused data.

The POOL collection files make use of the ROOT infrastructure and so the AOD and ESD event headers and objects they reference are directly accessible once the files holding these objects are available. The distributed analysis system will typically stage all required files on a local disk before starting a processing job. If the data are sparse, i.e. the dataset does not reference all the data in the files, the system may copy the referenced data (e.g. selected events) into new files to avoid transferring data that will not be accessed. A new concrete dataset may be formed from these files. This dataset is a concrete replica equivalent to the original. The new files and dataset may be catalogued for future processing.

Both ESD and AOD are stored in POOL event collection files and are processed using the ATLAS software framework, Athena. The TAG data are stored in relational tables as event attributes for these pool collections. The decreasing event size in the event model allow an analyst with a given set of resources, to process a much large number of AOD events than ESD or RAW events. In addition, the AOD is likely to be more accessible with a full copy at each Tier-1 site and large samples at Tier-2 sites. An analyst beginning with a sample containing a very large number of events can issue a query against the TAG data to select a subset of events for processing using AOD or ESD.

A typical analysis scenario might begin with the physicist issuing a query against a very large TAG dataset, e.g. the latest reconstruction of all data taken to date. For example, the query might be for events with three leptons and missing transverse energy above some threshold. The result of this query is used to define a dataset with the AOD information for these events. The analyst could then provide an Athena algorithm to make further event selection by refining the electron quality or missing transverse energy calculations. The new output dataset might be used to create an n-tuple for further analysis or the AOD data for the selected events could be copied into new files. A subset of particularly striking events identified in one of these samples could be used to construct a dataset that includes the ESD and perhaps even RAW data for these events. The physicist might then redo the electron reconstruction for these events and then use it to create a new AOD collection or n-tuple.

An actual analysis would be much more complicated with steps being repeated and perhaps requiring the addition of Monte Carlo signal and background samples. Large data samples (say 0.1 TB and larger) will be processed using the distributed analysis system where the user specifies an input data dataset and query or algorithm (also known as "transformation") to apply to this dataset and the processing system generates an output dataset. Each dataset may include event data and/or summary (histogram, n-tuple...) data. An event dataset may be represented in many ways: a deep copy of the included data, a copy of the relevant event headers, the tokens for these event headers, a list of event identifiers with reference to another dataset, or simply references to the transformation and input dataset (virtual data). The processing system decides which is most appropriate and where to place the associated data possibly with some guidance from the user. This enables the system to balance usage of the different resources (processing, storage and network).

2.3.2 The Analysis Model and Access to Resources

For the purposes of estimation of the required resources for analysis, the analysis activity is divided into two classes. The first is a scheduled activity run through the working groups, analysing the ESD and other samples, and thereby extracting new TAG selections, working-group enhanced AOD sets or n-tuple equivalents. The jobs involved would be developed at Tier-2 sites using small sub-samples in a `chaotic' manner (i.e. not involving detailed scheduling). Running over the large data sets would be approved by working-group organizers. It is assumed there are ~20 physics groups at any given time, and that each will run over the full sample four times in each year. It is also assumed that only two of these runs will be retained, one current and one previous.

The second class of user analysis is chaotic in nature and run by individuals. It is mainly undertaken in the Tier-2 facilities, and includes direct analysis of AOD and small ESD sets and analysis of DPD. It is estimated that for the analysis of DPD, some 25 passes over 1% of the events collected each year would require only 92 SI2k per user. (It should be kept in mind that the majority of the user analysis work is to be done in Tier-3s.) Assuming the user reconstructs one thousandth of the physics events once per year, this requires a more substantial 1.8 kSI2k per user. It is assumed the user also undertakes CPU-intensive work requiring an additional 12.8 kSI2k per user, equivalent to the community of 600 people running private simulations each year equal to 20% of the data-taking rate. Such private simulation is in fact observed in some experiments, although it must be stressed that all samples to be used in published papers must become part of the official simulation sets and have known provenance. It is assumed that each user requires ~1 TB of storage by 2007/2008, with a similar amount archived.

From this perspective, the activities of the CERN Analysis Facility are seen to be those of a large Tier-2, but with a higher-than-usual number of ATLAS users (~100), without the simulation responsibilities required of a normal Tier-2. It is envisaged that there will be ~30 Tier-2 facilities of various sizes, with an active physics community of ~600 users accessing the non-CERN facilities.

2.3.3 Distributed Analysis System

The distributed analysis system will enable users to submit jobs from any location with processing to take place at remote sites. It will provide the means to return a description of the output dataset and enable the user to access quickly the associated summary data. Complete results will be available after the job finishes, while partial results will be available during processing. The system will ensure that all jobs, output datasets and associated provenance information (including transformations) are recorded in the catalogues. In addition, users will have the opportunity to assign metadata and annotations to datasets, as well as jobs and transformations to aid in future selection.

The distributed analysis system will typically split a user job request into a collection of subjobs, usually by splitting the input dataset. The results (output datasets) of the subjobs will be merged to form the overall output dataset. The distributed analysis system will decide how to split and merge datasets taking into account available resources and user requirements such as response time. Some fraction of resources will be dedicated to interactive analysis that enables users to examine (at least partial) results 10-100 seconds after job submission.

4 July 2005 - WebMaster

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