Computing Technical Design Report

3.10 Physics Analysis Tools

The Reconstruction Task Force (RTF) examined the architectural aspects of the ATLAS reconstruction software, and arrived at a set of suggestions/proposals which have come to be known as the RTF recommendations [3-32]. The RTF covered the preparation of data for physics analysis, but its mandate did not extend into physics analysis in detail. The scope of Physics Analysis Tools (PAT) is to span the gap between the combined reconstruction and the analysis on n-tuples. The objectives of PAT include:

The activities carried out within the PAT group are not about ROOT, PAW, JAS, etc. as stand-alone analysis tools, nor about distributed physics analysis. Rather, the idea is to propose a unified, baseline framework for analysis, to explore and propose various options for interactive analysis, and to interact with combined performance and physics groups so as to develop tools satisfying user requirements. The unified, baseline framework for analysis consists of the following:

A dedicated workshop was held in April 2004 to make a first attempt at a baseline, unified, common framework for analysis, thus extending the work of the RTF. A detailed summary of the workshop can be found at reference [3-35]. A follow-up workshop was held in May 2005.

3.10.1 Current Status

Baseline implementations of all the AOD classes exist. The contents of the ESD, AOD and event tags follow the recommendations of the AOD/ESD definition task force [3-36] and of the combined performance groups. The PAT group provides a set of tools useful in the analysis environment. They consist of the following tools:

3.10.2 Short-Term Objectives

Some of the tools described above are being improved with added functionality, following requests from individual users or groups. Concurrently, the design and implementation of other tools are being discussed. These consist of the following:

The analysis tools [3-37] described here are already quite well documented. Web and wiki documentation is available on the PAT web page [3-38]. This page is linked from the ATLAS main page and also from the ATLAS computing page.

1. Atlantis is described in more detail in Section 3.6.2

4 July 2005 - WebMaster

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