rlmm Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Namespace for C++ interface to C readline library.

This namespace holds some classes for using the C readline library with C++. The idea is to use STL containers and standard strings rather thant C strings and arrays, so that the user may have the full power of C++ available. However, this does create a bit of overhead, as we sometimes have to allocate and deallocate memory as we go from C arrays to STL containers and back. This has of course been kept to a minimum to the authors ability. The author believes that the overhead is a small price to pay for the increased ease of use due to the STL containers and like. As far as possible, the readline have been kept as coheriant as possible, but a few odd things does pop up from time to time.


struct  basic_buffer
 Buffer readline class. More...
struct  basic_callback
 Readline in call-back mode. More...
struct  command
 Command. More...
struct  basic_completion
 Class to do completions for readline. More...
struct  basic_function_map
 Map of currently defined functions. More...
struct  basic_history
 history for readline. More...
struct  basic_key_map
 key_map. More...
struct  basic_readline
 Readline. More...
struct  basic_signal_handler
 signal handler utility class

Signal handling for readline. More...

struct  basic_streambuf
 Stream buffer reading from readline. More...
struct  basic_terminal
 Terminal handling. More...
struct  undo
 Utility class. More...
struct  single_thread
 Default locking - for single threaded applications. More...
struct  guard
 Utility class to lock a lock in a scope, and unlock it at axit of a scope. More...
struct  one_at_a_time
 Utility class for common behaviour. More...
struct  singleton
 Utility class to implement singletons. More...


typedef basic_buffer< single_threadbuffer
typedef basic_callback< single_threadcallback
typedef int(* command_t )(int, int)
typedef basic_completion<
typedef basic_function_map<
typedef basic_history< single_threadhistory
typedef basic_key_map< single_threadkey_map
typedef basic_readline< single_threadreadline
typedef basic_signal_handler<
typedef basic_streambuf< single_threadstreambuf
typedef basic_terminal< single_threadterminal


template<typename Lock>
void rlmm_callback (char *line)
template<class T>
int rlmm_command_wrapper (int count, int key)
template<typename Lock>
char * rlmm_completer (const char *what, int state)
template<typename Lock>
char ** rlmm_alternate_completer (const char *what, int start, int end)
template<typename Lock>
char * rlmm_filename_quote (char *what, int match, char *quote)
template<typename Lock>
char * rlmm_filename_dequote (char *what, int quote)
template<typename Lock>
int rlmm_quoted (char *what, int index)
template<typename Lock>
int rlmm_remove (char **matches)
template<typename Lock>
int rlmm_directory_hook (char **fullpath)
template<typename Lock>
void rlmm_display_hook (char **matches, int n, int w)
template<typename Lock>
char * rlmm_completer (const char *what, int state)
template<typename Lock>
char ** rlmm_alternate_completer (const char *what, int start, int end)
template<typename Lock>
char * rlmm_filename_quote (char *what, int match, char *quote)
template<typename Lock>
char * rlmm_filename_dequote (char *what, int quote)
template<typename Lock>
int rlmm_quoted (char *what, int index)
template<typename Lock>
int rlmm_remove (char **matches)
template<typename Lock>
int rlmm_directory_hook (char **fullpath)
template<typename Lock>
void rlmm_display_hook (char **matches, int n, int w)
template<typename Lock>
int rlmm_inhibit_expansion (char *line, int where)
template<typename Lock>
int rlmm_inhibit_expansion (char *line, int where)
template<typename Lock>
int rlmm_input_hook ()
template<typename Lock>
int rlmm_event_hook ()
template<typename Lock>
int rlmm_startup_hook ()
template<typename Lock>
int rlmm_read_character (FILE *in)
template<typename Lock>
void rlmm_redisplay ()
template<typename Lock>
void rlmm_prepare (int eightbit)
template<typename Lock>
void rlmm_deprepare ()
template<typename Lock>
int rlmm_read_character (FILE *in)
template<typename Lock>
void rlmm_redisplay ()
template<typename Lock>
void rlmm_prepare (int eightbit)
template<typename Lock>
void rlmm_deprepare ()
char * rlmm_string_duplicate (const std::string &orig)
char rlmm_directory_separator ()
template<typename Lock>
char * rlmm_basename (const char *name)
template<typename Lock>
char * rlmm_dirname (const char *name)

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(* rlmm::command_t)(int, int)


Type of commands (a C function

typedef basic_terminal<single_thread> rlmm::terminal

The default terminal class.

Function Documentation

template<typename Lock>
char** rlmm::@0::rlmm_alternate_completer const char *  what,
int  start,
int  end

template<typename Lock>
char* rlmm::@0::rlmm_completer const char *  what,
int  state

template<typename Lock>
void rlmm::@0::rlmm_deprepare  )  [static]

template<typename Lock>
int rlmm::@0::rlmm_directory_hook char **  fullpath  )  [static]

template<typename Lock>
void rlmm::@0::rlmm_display_hook char **  matches,
int  n,
int  w

template<typename Lock>
char* rlmm::@0::rlmm_filename_dequote char *  what,
int  quote

template<typename Lock>
char* rlmm::@0::rlmm_filename_quote char *  what,
int  match,
char *  quote

template<typename Lock>
int rlmm::@1::rlmm_inhibit_expansion char *  line,
int  where
[inline, static]

template<typename Lock>
int rlmm::@0::rlmm_inhibit_expansion char *  line,
int  where

template<typename Lock>
void rlmm::@0::rlmm_prepare int  eightbit  )  [static]

template<typename Lock>
int rlmm::@0::rlmm_quoted char *  what,
int  index

template<typename Lock>
int rlmm::@0::rlmm_read_character FILE *  in  )  [static]

template<typename Lock>
void rlmm::@0::rlmm_redisplay  )  [static]

template<typename Lock>
int rlmm::@0::rlmm_remove char **  matches  )  [static]

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Last update Fri Aug 26 15:19:53 2005
Christian Holm
Created by DoxyGen 1.4.4