threadmm::posix::thread< Client > Class Template Reference
[POSIX threads backend classes]

#include <threadmm/thread.hh>

Collaboration diagram for threadmm::posix::thread< Client >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<typename Client>
class threadmm::posix::thread< Client >

POSIX thread implementation.

See also:

Public Types

typedef Client client_type
typedef ::threadmm::thread_specific<
client_type, thread_create,

Public Member Functions

 thread (int flags, int policy=regular, int priority=0, int gsize=-1, void *address=0, size_t ssize=0)
virtual ~thread ()
int kind () const
void * stack (size_t &n) const
size_t guard_size () const
int scheduling (int flag, int priority)
int scheduling (int &flag) const
void cancel ()
void detach ()
bool equal (const client_type &other)
void * join ()

Static Public Member Functions

bool at_fork (void(*prep)(), void(*par)(), void(*chi)())
Current-thread manipulators.
void exit (void *retval)
void kill_others ()
int cancellation (int type)
int concurrency ()
int concurrency (int c)
bool disable_cancellation ()
bool enable_cancellation ()
client_typeself ()
void test_cancel ()
void yield ()

Protected Member Functions

 thread ()
void run (client_type *client)


struct thread_create

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename Client>
typedef Client threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::client_type

Helper structure to set thread data, in case it doesn't exist.

template<typename Client>
typedef ::threadmm::thread_specific<client_type, thread_create, thread_cleanup> threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::pool_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename Client>
threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::thread  )  [inline, protected]

template<typename Client>
threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::thread int  flags,
int  policy = regular,
int  priority = 0,
int  gsize = -1,
void *  address = 0,
size_t  ssize = 0

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Client>
threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::~thread  )  [inline, virtual]

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Client>
bool threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::at_fork void(*)()  prep,
void(*)()  par,
void(*)()  chi
[inline, static]

at fork handlers.

prep Function executed before fork
par Function executed in parent
chi Function executed in child.
true if installation succeeded.

template<typename Client>
void threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::cancel  )  [inline]

Cancel this thread from another thread.

template<typename Client>
int threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::cancellation int  type  )  [inline, static]

Set the cancellation type.

template<typename Client>
int threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::concurrency int  c  )  [inline, static]

Set the concurrency of the thread.

template<typename Client>
int threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::concurrency  )  [inline, static]

Get the concurrentcy of the thread.

template<typename Client>
void threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::detach  )  [inline]

Detach thread.

template<typename Client>
bool threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::disable_cancellation  )  [inline, static]

Disable cancellations.

template<typename Client>
bool threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::enable_cancellation  )  [inline, static]

Enable cancellations.

template<typename Client>
bool threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::equal const client_type other  )  [inline]

Compare two threads for equality.

other Other thread to compare to.
true if threads are equal, false otherwise.

template<typename Client>
void threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::exit void *  retval  )  [inline, static]

Exit thread.

template<typename Client>
size_t threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::guard_size  )  const [inline]

Get the guard parameters.

template<typename Client>
void * threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::join  )  [inline]

Join to this thread.

The calling thread is joined to this thread, if this thread is joinable. That is, it is created with the joinable flag set.

the return value of the user overloaded thread member function operator().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Client>
void threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::kill_others  )  [inline, static]

Kill all other threads.

template<typename Client>
int threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::kind  )  const [inline]

Get the flags.

template<typename Client>
void threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::run client_type client  )  [inline, protected]

Start the thread.

client Pointer to client, or user-derived, object.

template<typename Client>
int threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::scheduling int &  flag  )  const [inline]

Get the schedluing paramaters.

template<typename Client>
int threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::scheduling int  flag,
int  priority

Get/Set the scheduling parameters.

template<typename Client>
thread< Client >::client_type & threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::self  )  [inline, static]

Get current running thread.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Client>
void * threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::stack size_t &  n  )  const [inline]

Get the stack parameters.

template<typename Client>
void threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::test_cancel  )  [inline, static]

Test if we've got a cancel.

template<typename Client>
void threadmm::posix::thread< Client >::yield  )  [inline, static]

yield this thread.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<typename Client>
friend struct thread_create [friend]

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Last update Tue Nov 9 12:40:51 2004
Christian Holm
Created by DoxyGen