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Prospects for non-resonant Higgs boson pair production measurement in bb$\gamma\gamma$ final states in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 14 TeV at the High-Luminosity LHC
Abstract: The nonresonant production of a Higgs boson pair, followed by decays to a pair of bottom quarks and a pair of photons, is studied in the context of the high luminosity operation of the LHC machine. The standard model signal sensitivity is studied with a fast simulation of the Phase-2 upgraded CMS detector with an average of 200 interactions per bunch crossing at $\sqrt{s}=$ 14 TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb$^{-1}$.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Representative Feynman diagrams, referred to as the triangle and the box respectively, that contribute to the ggHH production at the leading order in the SM.

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Figure 1-a:
Representative Feynman diagrams, referred to as the triangle and the box respectively, that contribute to the ggHH production at the leading order in the SM.

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Figure 1-b:
Representative Feynman diagrams, referred to as the triangle and the box respectively, that contribute to the ggHH production at the leading order in the SM.

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Figure 2:
Representative Feynman diagrams for the production of Higgs boson pairs via VBF processes at the leading order. The left-most diagram involves the HHH vertex ($\lambda $), the middle one involves HHVV vertex ($C_{2V}$) while the right-most features neither of those couplings, but includes two HVV vertices ($C_{V}$).

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Figure 2-a:
Representative Feynman diagrams for the production of Higgs boson pairs via VBF processes at the leading order. The left-most diagram involves the HHH vertex ($\lambda $), the middle one involves HHVV vertex ($C_{2V}$) while the right-most features neither of those couplings, but includes two HVV vertices ($C_{V}$).

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Figure 2-b:
Representative Feynman diagrams for the production of Higgs boson pairs via VBF processes at the leading order. The left-most diagram involves the HHH vertex ($\lambda $), the middle one involves HHVV vertex ($C_{2V}$) while the right-most features neither of those couplings, but includes two HVV vertices ($C_{V}$).

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Figure 2-c:
Representative Feynman diagrams for the production of Higgs boson pairs via VBF processes at the leading order. The left-most diagram involves the HHH vertex ($\lambda $), the middle one involves HHVV vertex ($C_{2V}$) while the right-most features neither of those couplings, but includes two HVV vertices ($C_{V}$).

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Figure 3:
Distributions of the $ {\mathrm m_{\gamma \gamma}} $ variable for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 3-a:
Distributions of the $ {\mathrm m_{\gamma \gamma}} $ variable for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 3-b:
Distributions of the $ {\mathrm m_{\gamma \gamma}} $ variable for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 4:
Distributions of the $ {\rm m_{\rm bb}} $ variable for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 4-a:
Distributions of the $ {\rm m_{\rm bb}} $ variable for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 4-b:
Distributions of the $ {\rm m_{\rm bb}} $ variable for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 5:
Distributions of the $ {\rm \tilde{M}_X} $ variable for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 5-a:
Distributions of the $ {\rm \tilde{M}_X} $ variable for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 5-b:
Distributions of the $ {\rm \tilde{M}_X} $ variable for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 6:
Distribution of the ggHH-ttHKiller and the VBFHH-ttHKiller discriminant scores for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 6-a:
Distribution of the ggHH-ttHKiller and the VBFHH-ttHKiller discriminant scores for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 6-b:
Distribution of the ggHH-ttHKiller and the VBFHH-ttHKiller discriminant scores for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 7:
Distributions of the ggHH-Tagger and the VBFHH-Tagger discriminant scores for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 7-a:
Distributions of the ggHH-Tagger and the VBFHH-Tagger discriminant scores for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 7-b:
Distributions of the ggHH-Tagger and the VBFHH-Tagger discriminant scores for the ggHH- (left) and VBFHH- (right) selected events corresponding to $\mathcal {L} =$ 3000 fb$^{-1}$; ggHH signal (in red), VBFHH signal (in blue) are overlaid on different background processes (filled stacks in different colours).

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Figure 8:
Distributions of the $ {\mathrm m_{\gamma \gamma}} $ (left) and the $ {\rm m_{\rm bb}} $ (right) for the ggHH signal sample in ggHH CAT4 (high $ {\rm \tilde{M}_X} $ and medium purity).

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Figure 8-a:
Distributions of the $ {\mathrm m_{\gamma \gamma}} $ (left) and the $ {\rm m_{\rm bb}} $ (right) for the ggHH signal sample in ggHH CAT4 (high $ {\rm \tilde{M}_X} $ and medium purity).

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Figure 8-b:
Distributions of the $ {\mathrm m_{\gamma \gamma}} $ (left) and the $ {\rm m_{\rm bb}} $ (right) for the ggHH signal sample in ggHH CAT4 (high $ {\rm \tilde{M}_X} $ and medium purity).

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Figure 9:
Distributions of the $ {\mathrm m_{\gamma \gamma}} $ (left) and the $ {\rm m_{\rm bb}} $ (right) for the selected pseudo-data events (black points) corresponding to $\mathcal {L} = $ 3000 fb$^{-1}$ shown for ggHH CAT4 (high $ {\rm \tilde{M}_X} $ and medium purity) along with the expectations as estimated from the simulation. The curves correspond to continuum background only (green dashed), total background (continuum + single Higgs boson) (solid blue), and the signal + background (solid red). The signal contribution is shown in solid magenta line at the bottom of the plot.

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Figure 9-a:
Distributions of the $ {\mathrm m_{\gamma \gamma}} $ (left) and the $ {\rm m_{\rm bb}} $ (right) for the selected pseudo-data events (black points) corresponding to $\mathcal {L} = $ 3000 fb$^{-1}$ shown for ggHH CAT4 (high $ {\rm \tilde{M}_X} $ and medium purity) along with the expectations as estimated from the simulation. The curves correspond to continuum background only (green dashed), total background (continuum + single Higgs boson) (solid blue), and the signal + background (solid red). The signal contribution is shown in solid magenta line at the bottom of the plot.

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Figure 9-b:
Distributions of the $ {\mathrm m_{\gamma \gamma}} $ (left) and the $ {\rm m_{\rm bb}} $ (right) for the selected pseudo-data events (black points) corresponding to $\mathcal {L} = $ 3000 fb$^{-1}$ shown for ggHH CAT4 (high $ {\rm \tilde{M}_X} $ and medium purity) along with the expectations as estimated from the simulation. The curves correspond to continuum background only (green dashed), total background (continuum + single Higgs boson) (solid blue), and the signal + background (solid red). The signal contribution is shown in solid magenta line at the bottom of the plot.

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Table 1:
Definitions of the analysis categories.

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Table 2:
Sources of experimental uncertainties and impacts on event yields (in %) estimated for the Run 2 [6] studies and used in this analysis.

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Table 3:
Sources of theoretical uncertainties and impacts on event yields (in %) estimated for the Phase-2 studies and used in this analysis according to CERN Yellow Report IV [34].
The expected signal sensitivity for the standard model production of non-resonant Higgs boson pair in the inclusive bb$\gamma\gamma$ final state is determined to be 2.16$\sigma$. The study has been carried out using Delphes fast simulation of the Phase-2 upgraded CMS detector and corresponding to an average pileup scenario of 200 and integrated luminosity of 3000 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 14 TeV. Anticipating better analysis techniques and reduced systematic uncertainties, it is expected that the combination of various final states will pave the way for the CMS and ATLAS experiment towards a 5$\sigma$ discovery for the Higgs boson pair production at the HL-LHC.
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Compact Muon Solenoid