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Editorial Notes

Past experience shows that it is a good policy to have four CNL editions per year (one around Easter, one before and one after the summer, and the last one just before Xmas), unless the number of contributions makes it necessary to have a supplementary issue, or to cancel one. Thus, the date of the deadline for contributions to the next issue of the CNL is:

Issue number: 222

Final date: Monday, 4th March 1996

Contributions to the CNL are accepted as plain text, although marked-up text in LaTeX is preferred. Articles, news items and letters intended for publication in the next issue should be sent directly to the editor ( without particular controls on the mail subject line.

The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the CERN management. The editorial board reserves the right to edit, omit or hold-over copy due to lack of space.

This document was produced with LaTeX and the cerncnl style. Compressed PostScript files, containing the complete printable version of this CNL or parts of it can be obtained by anonymous ftp to as follows (commands to be typed by the user are underlined):

ftp Name (asisftp:username): anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password. Password: ftp> cd cnl/221 ftp> binary ftp> get (or get ftp> quit

Please note that, if you do not have the gnu gunzip utility on your system you can get the uncompressed PostScript Version by typing the command get, without the gz suffix. In order to save Internet bandwidth, you are, however, strongly urged to try and install the gunzip utility since gzipped files are about three times smaller than their unzipped equivalents.

The following files related to the present CNL are available in that directory:

Complete CNL
Application Software & Databases
Communications and Networks
Computer Documentation
Desktop Computing
Editorial and Help Pages
Feynman Diagrams with PAW
Questions and Answers from the UCO
Text Processing
VM Migration Issues

We would like to encourage you to subscribe to the announcement of the PostScript version. You just have to send a mail to (the "CNL server" machine) with the subject line being:


The CNL server will then send you a mail whenever there is a new CNL ready as a PostScript file.

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Michel Goossens
CN Division
Tel. 3363
Tue Nov 28 18:14:41 MET 1995