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Registration for CNL Paper Version

As the possibilities of accessing information have changed substantially, we would like to make a general survey of the real need for distributing a printed version of the Computer NewsLetter (CNL), especially inside CERN gif. A first step of this survey will be to update the lists of people that are getting a paper copy of the CNL, both for those with a CERN address and outside users (external address) gif. This will give us a precise idea of the number of people who are still interested by this service. We also have the intention to make a regular review of these lists, probably every year, with forms to be filled in and returned either for cancellation or for new registrations.

I take the opportunity of this request for registration to remind you that presently the CNL is easily accessible in several ways:

Moreover, readers are reminded that they can be informed automatically about the availability of a new CNL by subscribing to a mailing listgif. Also all CERN computer-related news groups will carry a similar announcement. Users also have the possibility to come to (or contact) the UCO ``Help Desk'' in Bld. 513 (or the User's Office in Main Bld.) where a small number of printed copies are kept.

\begin{center} N.B.: ALL CNL readers who still want to receive a PRINTED version of the CNL at a given address (inside or outside CERN) MUST complete the following registration form and mail it to the undersigned, BEFORE 15th December 1995. For those who prefer to fill in the form electronically and send it by e-mail, a pre-written text file is available here.

Please fill in one of the following forms (CERN or OUTSIDE) and send it to:
Marie-Claire PERLER
CERN / CN Division
CH-1211 Genève 23, Suisse.


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Michel Goossens
CN Division
Tel. 3363
Tue Nov 28 18:14:41 MET 1995