The transfer function, which can be specified in either of two ways:

There is no default transfer function, but the transfer function is remembered from one call to the next.


Some transfer functions contain, in the time domain, a \δ-distribution term. This is for instance the case of pole/zero filters which have as transfer functions (modulo overall constant factors):
       s + 1/t1
F(s) = -------- ,   F(t) = (1/t1 - 1/t2) * exp(-t/t2) + \δ(t)
       s + 1/t2
To simulate such a filter, one would convolute with exp(-t/t2) and add the original signal on top.

The function to be added is allowed to be a function of the time, written as T, and of the signal, written as SIGNAL. In the case of the example, one would therefore type

convolute transfer-function 0.2*exp(-t/0.012) add signal

[By default, no function is added.]


The range over which the transfer function is valid, beyond this range the transfer function is set to 0.

[By default, the range extends from 0 to 10\<SUP\>10\</SUP\>\&nbsp;\&mu;sec.]

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.