The Gaudi Framework  master (594c33fa)
Gaudi::Histograming::Sink::Traits< isProfile, RootHisto, N > Struct Template Reference

templated Traits dealing with Root Histogram filling for standard histograms More...

#include </builds/gaudi/Gaudi/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h>

Detailed Description

template<bool isProfile, typename RootHisto, unsigned int N>
struct Gaudi::Histograming::Sink::Traits< isProfile, RootHisto, N >

templated Traits dealing with Root Histogram filling for standard histograms

Specializatoins of the Traits type must provide the following static functions :

  • Histo create( std::string& name, std::string& title, Axis& axis... ) it should intanciate a new ROOT histogram instance and return it
  • void fillMetaData( Histo& histo, nlohmann::json const& jsonAxis, unsigned int nentries) it should fill metadata in the ROOT histo histogram provides from the list of axis number of entries
  • void fill( Histo& histo, unsigned int nbins, const WeightType& weight ) it should fill the given number of bin with the given values Last point, it should have a static constexpr unsigned int Dimension

Definition at line 58 of file Utils.h.

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