Event Type : 42112101

42112101 (Zgamma_mumu=PHOTOS) - Gauss v45r3
DecFiles v27r9
DDDB Sim08-20130503-1 - SIMCOND Sim08-20130503-1-vc-mu100
APPCONFIG v3r171 Sim08-Beam4000GeV-mu100-2012-nu2.5-Pythia6
Mon Sep 23 17:27:34 2013
Counters Interaction
Mean Number of generated Pile-Up interactions Mean Number of non-empty generated Pile-Up interactions Mean Number of accepted Pile-Up interactions total cross-section (mb) b cross-section (mb) Double b cross-section (mb) c cross-section (mb) Double c cross-section (mb) Prompt D cross-section (mb) b and c cross-section (mb)
3.5050 3.5050 3.4952 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
± 0.007482 ± 0.007482 ± 0.012146 ± 0.000000 ± 0.000000 ± 0.000000 ± 0.00000 ± 0.000000 ± 0.000000 ± 0.000000
Hadron Counters
Generator level cut efficiency
± 0.000913

Warning: No Signal Counters lines found

Number of accepted events/generated events: 106500 / 282048 = 0.377595
Number of interactions in accepted events/generated interactions: 372243 / 988591 = 0.376539

Statistics done (script version 20130920) with 216 jobs from the following ProdID: 26850