Event Type : 40000020 40000010

40000020 (incl_2b2c_AlpGen) - Gauss v45r10p1
DecFiles v27r55
DDDB dddb-20130929 - SIMCOND sim-20130522-vc-md100
APPCONFIG v3r228 Sim08-Beam3500GeV-md100-2011-nu2
Mon Jan 25 15:12:21 2016
Counters Interaction
Mean Number of generated Pile-Up interactions Mean Number of non-empty generated Pile-Up interactions Mean Number of accepted Pile-Up interactions Full event cut efficiency total cross-section (mb) b cross-section (mb) Double b cross-section (mb) c cross-section (mb) Double c cross-section (mb) Prompt D cross-section (mb) b and c cross-section (mb)
2.9984 2.9984 3.0420 0.55806 90.870 30.649 0.3961 34.823 4.7622 0.2410 30.377
± 0.0025 ± 0.0025 ± 0.0033 ± 0.00035 ± 0.064 ± 0.018 ± 0.0024 ± 0.018 ± 0.0083 ± 0.0019 ± 0.018
Hadron Counters
Generator level cut efficiency
± 0.00

Warning: No Signal Counters lines found

Number of accepted events/generated events: 1112784 / 1994029 = 0.558058
Number of interactions in accepted events/generated interactions: 3385101 / 5978866 = 0.566178

Statistics done (script version 20130920) with 975 jobs from the following ProdID: 48422

40000010 (incl_4c_AlpGen) - Gauss v45r10p1
DecFiles v27r55
DDDB dddb-20130929 - SIMCOND sim-20130522-vc-md100
APPCONFIG v3r228 Sim08-Beam3500GeV-md100-2011-nu2
Mon Jan 25 15:15:29 2016
Counters Interaction
Mean Number of generated Pile-Up interactions Mean Number of non-empty generated Pile-Up interactions Mean Number of accepted Pile-Up interactions Full event cut efficiency total cross-section (mb) b cross-section (mb) Double b cross-section (mb) c cross-section (mb) Double c cross-section (mb) Prompt D cross-section (mb) b and c cross-section (mb)
2.9999 2.9999 3.0478 0.51506 90.88 0.6245 0.00699 34.813 30.780 0.2379 0.3581
± 0.0022 ± 0.0022 ± 0.0030 ± 0.00031 ± 0.39 ± 0.0027 ± 0.00029 ± 0.016 ± 0.015 ± 0.0017 ± 0.0020
Hadron Counters
Generator level cut efficiency
± 0.00

Warning: No Signal Counters lines found

Number of accepted events/generated events: 1329890 / 2581999 = 0.515062
Number of interactions in accepted events/generated interactions: 4053222 / 7745862 = 0.523276

Statistics done (script version 20130920) with 973 jobs from the following ProdID: 48425