Event Type : 42112050 40900001 42112051

42112050 (Zbjet=mumu,InAcc) - Gauss v45r3
DecFiles v27r6
DDDB Sim08-20130503-1 - SIMCOND Sim08-20130503-1-vc-md100
APPCONFIG v3r171 Sim08-Beam4000GeV-md100-2012-nu2.5-Pythia6
Fri Dec 12 18:43:35 2014
Counters Interaction
Mean Number of generated Pile-Up interactions Mean Number of non-empty generated Pile-Up interactions Mean Number of accepted Pile-Up interactions Full event cut efficiency total cross-section (mb) b cross-section (mb) Double b cross-section (mb) c cross-section (mb) Double c cross-section (mb) Prompt D cross-section (mb) b and c cross-section (mb)
3.50296 3.50296 3.4973 0.0015851 0.00000080592 0.0000000137825 0.00000000021861 0.000000078396 0.0000000086757 0.0000000026144 0.0000000025236
± 0.00032 ± 0.00032 ± 0.0080 ± 0.0000032 ± 0.00000000027 ± 0.0000000000045 ± 0.00000000000057 ± 0.000000000010 ± 0.0000000000036 ± 0.0000000000020 ± 0.0000000000019
Hadron Counters
Generator level cut efficiency
± 0.00

Warning: No Signal Counters lines found

Number of accepted events/generated events: 243000 / 153303416 = 0.001585
Number of interactions in accepted events/generated interactions: 849852 / 537016003 = 0.001583

Statistics done (script version 20130920) with 972 jobs from the following ProdID: 25260

40900001 (gg_Higgs_bb=mH125GeV,2binAcc) - Gauss v45r4
DecFiles v27r11
DDDB Sim08-20130503-1 - SIMCOND Sim08-20130503-1-vc-md100
APPCONFIG v3r171 Sim08-Beam4000GeV-md100-2012-nu2.5-Pythia6
Fri Dec 12 18:44:22 2014
Counters Interaction
Mean Number of generated Pile-Up interactions Mean Number of non-empty generated Pile-Up interactions Mean Number of accepted Pile-Up interactions Full event cut efficiency total cross-section (mb) b cross-section (mb) Double b cross-section (mb) c cross-section (mb) Double c cross-section (mb) Prompt D cross-section (mb) b and c cross-section (mb)
3.5032 3.5032 3.4997 0.05129 0.0000000026897 0.00000000077856 0.000000000030188 0.00000000028831 0.000000000036369 0.000000000008709 0.00000000018145
± 0.0018 ± 0.0018 ± 0.0080 ± 0.00010 ± 0.0000000000012 ± 0.00000000000030 ± 0.000000000000069 ± 0.00000000000020 ± 0.000000000000076 ± 0.000000000000037 ± 0.00000000000016
Hadron Counters
Generator level cut efficiency
± 0.00

Warning: No Signal Counters lines found

Number of accepted events/generated events: 245500 / 4786059 = 0.051295
Number of interactions in accepted events/generated interactions: 859173 / 16766312 = 0.051244

Statistics done (script version 20130920) with 982 jobs from the following ProdID: 29313

42112051 (Zcjet=mumu,InAcc) - Gauss v45r3
DecFiles v27r6
DDDB Sim08-20130503-1 - SIMCOND Sim08-20130503-1-vc-md100
APPCONFIG v3r171 Sim08-Beam4000GeV-md100-2012-nu2.5-Pythia6
Fri Dec 12 18:50:37 2014
Counters Interaction
Mean Number of generated Pile-Up interactions Mean Number of non-empty generated Pile-Up interactions Mean Number of accepted Pile-Up interactions Full event cut efficiency total cross-section (mb) b cross-section (mb) Double b cross-section (mb) c cross-section (mb) Double c cross-section (mb) Prompt D cross-section (mb) b and c cross-section (mb)
3.50283 3.50283 3.4997 0.0035555 0.00000079835 0.0000000136421 0.00000000021587 0.000000077683 0.0000000085964 0.0000000025908 0.0000000024983
± 0.00048 ± 0.00048 ± 0.0080 ± 0.0000072 ± 0.00000000039 ± 0.0000000000067 ± 0.00000000000084 ± 0.000000000015 ± 0.0000000000053 ± 0.0000000000029 ± 0.0000000000029
Hadron Counters
Generator level cut efficiency
± 0.00

Warning: No Signal Counters lines found

Number of accepted events/generated events: 245500 / 69048293 = 0.003555
Number of interactions in accepted events/generated interactions: 859176 / 241864698 = 0.003552

Statistics done (script version 20130920) with 982 jobs from the following ProdID: 25258