The MOORE Project

MOORE v30r1

The MOORE v30r1 Full Release Notes

2018-08-20 Moore v30r1

Checkpoint release from master

Based on Gaudi v30r3, LHCb v50r1, Lbcom v30r1, Rec v30r1, Phys v30r1, Hlt v30r1. This version is released on the master branch.

2018-04-16 Moore v30r0

Development release for upgrade studies

Based on Gaudi v30r2, LHCb v50r0, Lbcom v30r0, Rec v30r0, Phys v30r0, Hlt v30r0 This version is released on the master branch.

2018-06-21 Moore v28r3

Production version for 2018, post TS1

Based on Gaudi v29r4, LHCb v44r3, Lbcom v22r0p4, Rec v23r3, Phys v25r6, Hlt v28r3. This version is released on the 2018-patches branch.

2018-05-22 Moore v28r2p1

Production version for 2018

Based on Gaudi v29r4, LHCb v44r2p1, Lbcom v22r0p3, Rec v23r2p1, Phys v25r4, Hlt v28r2p1 This version is released on the 2018-patches branch.

2018-04-20 Moore v28r2

Production version for 2018

Based on Gaudi v29r4, LHCb v44r2, Lbcom v22r0p2, Rec v23r2, Phys v25r2, Hlt v28r2 This version is released on the 2018-patches branch.

2018-04-12 Moore v28r1

Production version for 2018

Based on Gaudi v29r3, LHCb v44r1, Lbcom v22r0p1, Rec v23r1, Phys v25r1, Hlt v28r1 This version is released on the 2018-patches branch.

2018-03-08 Moore v28r0

Development release for 2018

Based on 2018-patches This version is released on Gaudi v29r3, LHCb v44r0, Lbcom v22r0, Rec v23r0, Phys v25r0, Hlt v28r0.


Cleanup and testing


2017-10-25 Moore v27r0

Release from master. The base of the 2018 production branch.

Based on Gaudi v29r0, LHCb v43r1, Lbcom v21r1, Rec v22r1, Phys v24r1, Hlt v27r0 This version is released on the master branch.


2018-02-15 Moore v26r6p1

Wrap-up release for 2017

Based on Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v42r6p1, Lbcom v20r6p1, Rec v21r6p1, Phys v23r7p1, Hlt v26r6p1. This version is released on the 2017-patches branch.

Imported packages

The Phys/LoKiHlt and Phys/LoKiCore are imported from LHCb/2017-patches in order to pick up the unreleased lhcb/LHCb!948 No other changes are picked up, as seen by the output of

git diff LHCb/v42r6p1..9c04421cbda58e6dde4c26c609fc153080f8274b Phys/LoKiHlt Phys/LoKiCore


Bug fixes

Cleanup and testing

2017-09-13 Moore v26r6

Production release for 2017 data taking

Based on Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v42r6p1, Rec v21r6p1, Phys v23r6p1 and Hlt v26r6.

2017-08-02 Moore v26r5p1

Production release for 2017 data taking with changes already used in TCKs

Based on Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v42r5, Rec v21r5, Phys v23r5, Hlt v26r5p1

Line developments

New features


Bug fixes

Cleanup and testing


2017-07-07 Moore v26r5

Production release for 2017 data taking

Based on Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v42r5, Rec v21r5, Phys v23r5, Hlt v26r5

Bug fixes

=== old style release notes ===

Package             : MooreSys
Package Coordinator : Rosen Matev, Roel Aaij
Purpose             : LHCb HLT application

2017-06-08 Moore v26r4

Production release for 2017 data taking
Based on Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v42r4, Rec v21r4, Phys v23r4, Hlt v26r4.

### New features
- Only add HltLinePersistenceSvcs in TCK with Hlt2, !91 (@rmatev)
- Add the HltLinePersistenceSvc to the list of services in the TCK, !89 (@rmatev)

### Enhancements
- Silence python messages earlier in Moore, !88 (@rmatev)
  - also write histograms by default in the demo Moore options

### Bug fixes
- Add DstData in the list of killed HLT banks, !90 (@rmatev)

2017-05-11 Moore v26r3

Validation release for 2017 data taking
Based on Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v42r3, Rec v21r3, Phys v23r3, Hlt v26r3

This version is released on the master branch.

### Enhancements
- Fix and improve functor cache, !84 (@rmatev) [LBHLT-281]
- Improve tests and python logging, !83 (@rmatev)
- Make EnableTimer a proper bool and add TimerSummaryFile property, !82 (@rmatev)
- Ignore QMTest products, !79 (@rmatev)

### Cleanup and testing
- Remove 2016 tests, !81 (@rmatev)

2017-03-30 Moore v26r2

Development release for April 2017 commissioning week
Based on Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v42r2, Rec v21r2, Phys v23r2 and Hlt v26r2.

- Add a test for Physics_pp_Tight2017 settings
  - Also add a test that ensures all Hlt2 lines that accept *MVA also accept MVATight
  - See Hlt!230
  - See LBHLT-275 and LBHLT-291
  - See merge request !76

2017-03-06 Moore v26r1

Development release for 2017 commissioning
Based on Gaudi v28r1, LHCb v42r1, Rec v21r1, Phys v23r1 and Hlt v26r1.

- Update DataType to 2017
  - See merge request !73
- Auto-generate a module with the project version
  - See merge request !72
- Use the default Moore DataType in HltCache building
  - See merge request !68
- Allow generation of cache for MC TCKs
  - handle TCKs starting with 5 and 6 correctly
  - emulate what is done in (flagged) MC to generate *all* functors
  - See merge request !70

2017-01-17 Moore v26r0

Development release for 2017 commissioning
Based on Gaudi v28r0, LHCb v42r0, Rec v21r0, Phys v23r0 and Hlt v26r0.

- Refactor setting DataType and temporarily use 2016
  - needed for the release based on LHCb v42r0 (where 2017 is not yet implemented)
  - See merge request !64
- Add validators to TCK tests
  - Add validator to testtck tests that compares with the createtck timing tables.
  - Cleanup some options
  - See LHCBPS-1440
  - See merge request !57
- Remove CMT files and package versions
  - CMT is no longer supported as from Gaudi v28r0
  - Package versions have no meaning and are removed
  - Remove obsolete files referencing CMT
  - See merge request !63 and !65
- Move most tests to 2017 settings
  - Move most tests to 2017 settings (leave only 2016draft)
  - Use 2017 settings for Hlt cache
  - See merge request !60
- Add tests for the 2017 settings
  - See lhcb/Hlt!209
  - See merge request !59
- Refactor HltCache
  - Cache for settings is treated more like TCK
  - Add option to disable cache for settings (DISABLE_SETTINGS_CACHE=TRUE)
  - Use `` as DataType and use the latest global tags
  - Suppress warnings from Boost and ROOT
  - Refactor functor cache post action and make sure it's invoked last
  - Suppress all python logging WARNINGs for functor cache
  - Add Calibration_VeloMicroBias settings to functor cache
  - See LBHLT-47
  - See merge request !58
- Remove obsolete configurables test, was checking integrity of SVN project recursive checkout
  - See merge request !45

2017-01-12 Moore v25r5p1

Patch release for the 2016 heavy ion run (November 2016)
Based on v25r5 plus the following patches:
- Fix RecSummary for lines with no candidates
  - Copied Hlt/HltRawData from lhcb/Hlt!196

2016-11-03 Moore v25r5

Production release for the 2016 heavy ion run (November 2016)
Based on Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r3, Rec v19r4, Phys v21r5p1 and Hlt v25r5.

- Add test for the proton-helium configuration
  - Relies on lhcb/Hlt!174
  - See LBHLT-56
  - See merge request !50
- Generator FSR merging
  - Add three qmtests for to make sure the generator FSR merging works in Moore
    - run L0App on the input, propagating the FSRs but not merging them
    - run Moore with the merging enabled (only Hlt1 to save CPU)
    - run GenFSRLog on the output and compare with a reference
  - Add MergeGenFSR option to L0App allow merging of generator FSRs and add tests
    - run L0App with the merging enabled
    - run GenFSRLog on the output and compare with a reference
  - See LHCBGAUSS-263
  - See merge request !47
- Fix HltCache build inside satellite projects
  - See merge request !44
- Add timing table to L0App
  - The timing table is always enabled, because why not?
  - See merge request !49
- Add tests for proton-lead settings
  - See LHCBPS-1592
  - See merge request !42
- Add TCK creation and diff from zero events
  - create a new subdirectory zeroevents with createtck1 and createtck2 tests, and then diffs for Hlt1 and Hlt2 TCKs, with respect to the nominal ones.
  - remove `hundredevents.qmt`, `oneevent.qmt` and `zeroevents.qmt` (replaced)
  - remove `zfromxtck.qmt`
  - See LHCBPS-1440
  - See merge request !43
- Remove obsolete configurables test, was checking integrity of SVN project recursive checkout
  - See merge request !45 !46
- Fix moore rate test
  - See LBHLT-20
  - See merge request !38
- Fix create TCK script to correctly set UseCache option.
  - Need overrule of UseCache option when disabling cache while TCK creation.
  - See merge request !41
- Fix calibration test
  - See LBHLT-32
  - See merge request !39
- Add qmtest for the Physics_pp_LooseDraft2016 settings
  - Depends on lhcb/Hlt!149
  - See LHCBPS-1621
  - See merge request !40

2016-07-27 Moore v25r4

Production release for post-MD1 (August 2016)
Based on Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r3, Rec v19r4, Phys v21r5p1 and Hlt v25r4.

- Add new tests for mooreratetest and remove old
  - The MC efficiency test is still broken (Herschel decoding)
  - See LBHLT-20
  - See merge request !34
- Improve TCK scripts and tests
  - Remove some superseded tests
  - Fix and improve TCK creation scripts
  - See merge request !32
- Merge cache creation from settings and from TCK.
  - This merges !27 and what is currently installed in the pit
  - by default, the cache is build from settings (in split mode)
  - cache is built for TCKs if a list is specified in [tcks.cmake](Hlt/HltCache/tcks.cmake).
    In this case, the cache from settings is skipped
  - Supersedes !27
  - See merge request !33
- Small fixes for the timing test to fix production of timing tables
  - See merge request !31
- Add the option to override HltType from
- Add .gitignore and .gitattributes
  - see LHCBPS-1599
  - See merge request !30
- Update Moore tests to use the new 2016NB_25ns_L0Filt0x1609 input sample
  - See merge request !28
- Update overrule instead of setting it.
  - See merge request !26

2016-06-02 Moore v25r3

Production release for post-TS1 (June 2016)
Based on Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r2, Rec v19r3p1, Phys v21r5 and Hlt v25r3.

- Suppress warnings and errors from functor cache
  - This sets the default output level to FATAL and the python logger
    level to ERROR.
  - See merge request !25
- Move from Physics_pp_May2016 to Physics_pp_June2016.
  - Update 2016_may to 2016_june
  - Update TCK tests to use Physics_pp_June2016
  - Make sure 2016_draft and 2016_june write out a csv timing table
  - Add prerequisite to hlt1only
  - Update settings in tistos
  - See merge request !23
- Fix many tests and remove obsolete ones.
  - Fix mc_mooreratetest_eff to put up with ERROR from Herschel decoder
  - Remove obsolete tests
    - 2010 data tests
    - magicnumber
  - Fix vdm test to use VanDerMeerScan_2016 and proper input data
  - Fix passthrough test to run in Hlt1 split mode
  - Fix 2016_draft and 2016_may to put up with WARNING from Hlt2HcalCov.HcalCovarTool.DBAccessor
  - Fix vdm_streams test
  - Fix cosmics test
  - Fix sim08 test and make it tolerate "known" warnings and errors
  - Fix old TCK tests
  - Attempt to fix calibration test but proper input data is missing
  - Remove unused files in tests/options
  - See merge request !22
- Change db tags in options file for functor cache creation.
  - See merge request !21
- Fix some of the failing nightlies.
  - Reduced numbers of events in some cases and increased the timeout for createtck2.
  - See merge request !20
- Mvesteri moore rate test signal mc. in PRConfig now has an "efficiency" mode. Two new qmtests
  - Rerun L0 on an already jugged MC sample in the TestFileDB
  - Run $PRCONFIGROOT/.../ with --mode="efficiency" using the output of the previous step as input
  - See merge request !17
- Update testfiledb sample and conddb tag.
  - See merge request !18
- Add ReplayL0DUOnly option to L0App.
  - Used to recompute L0DU decision using the existing L0Calo and L0Muon data.
  - See merge request !12
- Added new TCK tests.
  - See merge request !13 and !15
- Do not count errors in tck.redol0 test.
  - See merge request !10
- Don't set HltConf().EnableOutputStreaming when configuring output.
  - See merge request !9
- Fix DB issue in main qmtests with physics settings.
  - See merge request !7 and !8
- Add qmtests for the RedoL0 and CreateTCK1 steps of the split TCK creation and testing procedure
- Don't count warnings in validator for hltratesmoore.qmt
- Updated reference of Hlt1 PrChecker test and added a test for Hlt2.
  - See merge request !5

2016-04-18 MooreSys v25r2

Based on LHCb v40r1 stack + Rec v19r2 and Phys v21r3
Includes patches from LHCb for persist reco and L0DU emulation.
Next iteration of 2016 production release.

2016-04-11 MooreSys v25r1

Based on v40r1 stack.
Second iteration of 2016 production release.

2016-02-26 MooreSys v25r0

Based on v40r0 stack.
First iteration of 2016 production release.
Will be used for rates/timing evaluation and tuning.

2015-12-17 MooreSys v24r4

Release for 2016 preparation.
Based on Hlt v24r4.

2015-11-13 MooreSys v24r3

Release for the lead-lead and the proton-proton (at 5 TeV) data taking.

Release based on Hlt v24r2, plus

2015-10-08 MooreSys v24r2

Release for the proton argon data taking and to include fixes
for problems found since the previous release.

Release as part of stack based on LHCb v39r0 and Gaudi v26r3.
Depends on Hlt v24r2

2015-09-22 MooreSys v24r1p1

Added fixes in following packages.

2015-09-01 MooreSys v24r1

Post technical stop updates.

2015-08-05 MooreSys v24r0p1

As v24r0, but with minor updates/fixes to the python configuration in:

Also picks up the following Rec packages:
Pr/PrPixel v1r13
Tf/TrackSys v9r10
Tr/PatChecker v3r16

2015-07-26 MooreSys v24r0

Release as part of stack based on LHCb v39r0 and Gaudi v26r3.
Depends on Hlt v24r0

Release for data 25ns data taking in August 2015.

2015-07-04 MooreSys v23r7p5

Patch Release as part of stack based on LHCb v38r7 and Gaudi v26r2.
Depends on Hlt v23r7p3.

Release for data EM taking in July 2015. Includes patches of
MVADictTools and HltGlobalMonitor for MC production.

2015-07-03 MooreSys v23r7p4

Patch Release as part of stack based on LHCb v38r7 and Gaudi v26r2.
Depends on Hlt v23r7p3.

Release for data EM taking in July 2015. Includes patches of
MVADictTools and HltGlobalMonitor for MC production.

OBSOLETE: CMT build broken, archived.

2015-07-01 MooreSys v23r7p3

Patch Release as part of stack based on LHCb v38r7 and Gaudi v26r2.
Depends on Hlt v23r7p3.

Release for data EM taking in July 2015. Includes patch of
HltRawData to not save PV tracks in the Turbo reports.

2015-06-28 MooreSys v23r7p2

Patch Release as part of stack based on LHCb v38r7 and Gaudi v26r2.
Depends on Hlt v23r7p2.

Release for data EM taking in July 2015.

Not used for data taking: OBSOLETE.

2015-06-10 MooreSys v23r7p1

Patch Release as part of stack based on LHCb v38r7 and Gaudi v26r2.
Depends on Hlt v23r7p1.

Release for further commissioning of EM configuration.

2015-05-27 MooreSys v23r7

Patch Release as part of stack based on LHCb v38r7 and Gaudi v26r2.
Depends on Hlt v23r7.

Release for calibration runs in early June 2015 and tests of
early measurements configuration.

2015-04-28 MooreSys v23r6

Patch Release as part of stack based on LHCb v38r6 and Gaudi v26r1.
Depends on Hlt v23r6.

Main changes:
     Release for further tuning of HLT2 lines and SMOG run.

2015-04-02 MooreSys v23r5p2

Patch Release as part of stack based on Gaudi v26r1.
Depends on Hlt v23r5p2.

Main changes:
     Release for tuning of Hlt2 lines.

2015-03-31 MooreSys v23r5p1

Patch Release as part of stack based on Gaudi v26r1.
Depends on Hlt v23r5p1.

Main changes:
     Release for tuning of Hlt2 lines.

2015-03-04 MooreSys v23r4p1

Patch Release as part of stack based on Gaudi v26r0.
Depends on Hlt v23r4.

Main changes:
		 Backported functionality for calibration triggers.

2015-01-20 MooreSys v23r4

Release as part of stack based on Gaudi v26r0.
Depends on Hlt v23r4.

Main changes:
     CMake build.
     Development release to pick up speed improvements.

2015-01-08 MooreSys v23r3p1

Patch Release on stack v38r3 for Turbo MC production.
Depends on Hlt v23r3.

Main changes:
    Fixes to HltRawData and HltDAQ

2014-12-15 MooreSys v23r3

Release on stack v38r3. Depends on Hlt v23r3.

Main changes:
    En'block used up front by default.
    Split configuration simplified.

2014-11-05 MooreSys v23r2

Release on stack v38r2. Depends on Moore v23r2.

Main changes:
   Turbo stream flag supported,
   Root6 enhancements uncluding xrootd patch,
   Fixes to DecReports and vertex reports,
   Various C++ enhancements,
   Tag and probe infrastructure in the Hlt,
   MatchVeloMuon bug fixes.

For more details see:
For more details see:

2014-10-17 MooreSys v23r1p1

Patch version to pick up new Hlt1 line for calibrations.

2014-9-29 MooreSys v23r1

For HLT commissioning week at the beginning of October.

Major changes include:
    - Addition of Hlt1TrackAllL0Block that uses TrackCandidates rather than VeloCandidates in the streamer.
    - Addition of Hlt1 electron lines.
    - Updates to the CALO matching (including MatchTracks functor).
    - Picks up updates to PatAlgorithms.
    - Addition of new location to TrackReports, with change of bit shift of major SourceID from 13 to 11 for TrackReports.
    - Various updates and fixes related to the new split infrastructure.

A complete list can be seen here:

2014-8-17 MooreSys v23r0

For HLT commissioning week of the end of August. This is the first version to use ROOT 6 and should be considered as a development version.

Major changes include:
    - Fix inputs of OfflineVertexFitter such that parallel particles are never used in the vertex fit.
    - Substantial updates and fixes to the flagging of used tracks and the resurrection of Hlt1 tracks, including the addition of the "Hlt1TrackOption" to Hlt2Conf.
    - Bug-fix for the use of PatForwardTool in Hlt1 that has existed since before the dawn of LHC running, with non-negligible increase in Hlt1 rate (r176r58).
    - Default to split Hlt running, running together a special case.
    - Automatic import of Hlt configurables to avoid duplication.

Also options have been added to run the juggler and L0 on 2015 MC.

A complete list can be seen here:

2014-6-16 MooreSys v22r2

Main changes:
-Insertion of Hlt1 decoders streamlined when running Hlt2 only.

-CDB is now added as part of TCK persistence.

-New scripts of create a local Hlt1 TCK for testing.

-Moore now takes thresholds from HltConf when making a TCK.

-Moore_Hlt1only options kill old DecReports raw banks.

2014-4-29 MooreSys v22r1

- Better configurables test separates and checks all configurables, followed by just configurables in this project. See task #50698

- Removed the temporary inclusion of DAQSys, DDDB, MuonID and HltDAQ, because they are included lower down the stack.

2014-03-03 MooreSys v22r0

Moore/HLT LS1 development version and Upgrade TDR version, LHCb stack. Depends on HLT v22r0, Phys v18r0, Rec v17r0 ... Based on Gaudi v25r0. Aimed to fit the needs of the Upgrade TDR.

Major Developments:
  . C++11 :
    This is the first Moore release which allows C++11 features.
    Therefore is only available on slc6-gcc48.
    C++11 features have been introduced throughout this stack,
    and this constitutes the majority of changes in this release.
    Several packages require the new C++11 features of lower projects,
    and so several packages have had their major versions incremented.

  . Moore().OutputLevel is now WARNING by default
    By default now Moore will print a lot less output.
    Too see everything you used to see, try Moore().OutputLevel=INFO
    By default Moore now prints only some 60 -lines, which will be
    reduced even further in the next release.

  . Moore's Online-specific parts are moved to the MooreOnline project
    This means fewer options to Moore, less complicated Moore, and
    deprecation warnings in case you try and configure these parts.
    See MooreOnline v22r0, and the module MooreScripts/MooreOnlineConf
    which contains the new configurable, MooreOnline()
    task #48780

  . Moore's options.
    Moore has lost over half it's options since v14r8, from 52 to 24 different slots.
    This campaign makes Moore much simpler to use. Remember:
    - L0App handles L0
    - MooreOnline handles Online configuration
    - Moore handles running HLT1 and/or 2 in an offline-like configuration

Other developments:
  . Tracking in the HLT1/2 Split:
    task #48808, task #48807.
    Tracking in the split configuration is beginning to take shape,
    with the possibility to transfer tracks in a raw bank from Hlt1->2.

  . CMAKE dependencies:
    Almost every package has been touched to add cmake replacements
    for the requirements files,

  . Retirement of "castor:" protocol
    Required many of the tests to be adjusted to "root:"
    note that mdf files require "mdf:root:" to be read.

  . Removal of Persistency options of configurables:
    Moore() and L0App().Persistency have gone, since they are not needed
    task #49581

Removed packages:
  . The temporarily included packages, GaudiConf,
    Phys/TisTobTobbing and Phys/ParticleMaker, were removed,
    since they changes are part of the stack.

Added temporary packages:
  . The following packages were temporarily added.
  . Det/DDDB: to allow the event-time to be set to Moore prefferred "Now"
  . Muon/MuonID suppress warning message during configuration
  . DAQ/DAQSys hande the case where default configurables "Alg/Alg"
    were not recognised as being the same thing as "Alg"
  . Hlt/HltDAQ to correctly add a track bank to the raw event, and decode it correctly.

For more details see:

2014-01-10 MooreSys v21r0

Moore/HLT LS1 development version. LHCb v36r4 stack. Depends on Rec v15r4 via Phys v17r4. Based on Gaudi v24r2.

This is a Dev version For January 2014 trigger workshop and commissioning week.

This is expected to be the last HLT/Moore release compatible with slc5.
From v22r0 we will only release for slc6 to permit incoming C++11 modifications.
This is the first Moore version to be macroscopically different from 2012 Moore.
Deferred HLT2 is now much more similar to concurrent HLT2, but there are still significant differences.

- Hlt/Tracking v11r0
 - See task #49515. Up-front HLT1 Velo reco is now identical to HLT2.


- Hlt/Moore v21r0
 - Several minor changes in the configurable.
   . New options OutputLevel: let the user decide the verbosity of Moore. #42883
   . INFO (usual really verbose), INFO (almost silent)
   . Several deprecated options for L0 emulation, please now use L0App.
   . Reorganize options into options groups and add documentation for options (finally).
 - Migrate to DAQSys, DecoderDB, see task #19106

- Phys/TisTosTobbing v8r0
 - Implement split TisTosTob digesting, see task #48782

Temporarily added packages, ParticleMaker, DAQSys and GaudiConf for small new features.

For more details see:

2013-10-09 MooreSys v20r4

Moore/HLT LS1 development version. LHCb v36r2 stack. Depends on Rec v15r2 via Phys v17r2. Based on Gaudi v23r10.

First Hlt/Moore version to support gcc48 :)
Otherwise very minor changes. Most changes are in the project re-organization of lower projects.

For more details see:

2013-09-09 MooreSys v20r3p3

Moore/HLT LS1 development version. LHCb v36r1 stack. Depends on Rec v15r1 via Phys v17r1 via Hlt v20r3p1. Based on Gaudi v23r9.

Minor changes to Moore, implementation of new tests and "Gerhard's Sledgehammer" of turning off the TOS linking for the split HLT scenario.

For more information see:

2013-09-03 MooreSys v20r3p2

Moore/HLT LS1 development version. LHCb v36r1 stack. Depends on Rec v15r1 via Phys v17r1 via Hlt v20r3p1. Based on Gaudi v23r9.

Commissioning Hlt/Moore version for September 2013 commissioning week. Some fixes to Online configuration in Hlt/Moore, and online installation scripts moved from Hlt/Moore to MooreSys.

The split differences in v20r3p2 (Hlt2 after Hlt1 doesn't work the same as the full Hlt in one job) seem all to be due to TOS problems from being unable to locate the Hlt1Dec/SelReports, which need to be put in a new location and decoded as in the offline in the future.

2013-08-27 MooreSys v20r3p1

Moore/HLT LS1 development version. LHCb v36r1 stack. Depends on Rec v15r1 via Phys v17r1 via Hlt v20r3p1. Based on Gaudi v23r9.

Commissioning Hlt/Moore version for September 2013 commissioning week. First Moore version to natively be able to run Hlt1 and Hlt2 independently, although the results are not identical to when they are run together.

This Hlt release picks up a branch (v2r17b) of HltDAQ to deal with multiple possible TES locations for decoded trigger banks, and also some fixes in LoKiCore.

For more information see:

2013-08-01 Moore v20r3

Moore/HLT LS1 development version. LHCb v36r1 stack. Depends on Rec v15r1 via Phys v17r1. Based on Gaudi v23r9.

First version released on gcc 4.7 platform, slc6 gcc47 is expected to be *much* faster than slc5 gcc43. Real changes are only minor in the projects beneath, no significant changes in Hlt itself.

DAQ/RawEventCompat removed, now released with LHCb as v1r1.

For more information, see:

2013-07-03 Moore v20r2

Moore/HLT LS1 development version. LHCb v36r0 stack. Depends on Rec v15r0 via Phys v16r5. Based on Gaudi v23r8.

New packages:
   . Add L0/L0App to handle L0 emulation, see task #42380
   . DAQ/RawEventCompat, (depends on new DBase package) to juggle around raw events.

The Project structure has been re-arranged. Now we have a different definition of the content of LHCb, Lbcom. Lbcom is now included directly in Rec.

There are minor changes in this version to address compilation on slc6 gcc47. See task #42876. This HLT version replaces v20r1p1 as the main development version.

2013-05-16 Moore v20r1p1

Moore/HLT LS1 development version. LHCb v35r5 stack. Depends on Rec v14r5 via Phys v16r5. Based on Gaudi v23r7.

Moore version intended to be used for HLT splitting commissioning in the May 2013 commissioning week.

Two major fixes made:
 - postConfigure fix all PVlocations to replace OnOfflineTool behaviour.
 - ensure each ISMUON functor has a previous HASMUON functor to suppress loki warnings

Other modifications:
 - testing improved a lot, now Moore tests running with vdm, passthrough and physics
   are sensitive to legitimate problems.

Disclaimer: This Moore version does not behave identically to 2012 trigger differences are at the %-level, nominally v20r1p1 selects fewer events, but the majority of the modifications seem to be from changes in FastVelo.

To see what has changed take a look at the test references for moore.physics.2012 test.

For more details see:


2013-04-09 Moore v20r1

Moore/HLT LS1 development version. LHCb v35r5 stack. Depends on Rec v14r5 via Phys v16r5. Based on Gaudi v23r7.

On top of First HLT version to directly take Lbcom as a dependency, Lbcom v13r5. see task #40844

Packages added:
 - HltMonitor (Moved from HLT)
 - Swimming (moved from Phys).

Modification Summary (HLT project, not Moore):
 - Added a test suite into every package, see task #40437
   Tests check that configurables&modules can be instantiated and algs can be constructed
 - During the addition of tests, some minor bugs showed up in Hlt2SharedParticles and HltMonitor.
 - Some test updates in Moore,
 - bug in L0 emulation configuration fixed see task #39741
 - Swimming package now to be included in Moore, major version change due to previous incompatibility with the head. See task #40021

For a description of the introduced changes, links to changesets, and other details, see:

2013-02-28 Moore v20r0

HLT/Moore LS1 first development version. First backward-incompatible changes for 2012 triggers and Gaudi versions tentatively allowed. see task #40113.

LHCb v35r4 stack. Depends on Rec v14r4 via Phys v16r4 via Hlt v20r0. Also depends on Lbcom v13r4. Based on Gaudi v23r6.

Packages Removed from HLT:
 - HltSelChecker (is in Analysis project and has been for a while)
 - PatAlgorithms v4r24, now taken from latest Rec
 - L0Calo v11r8, now taken in Moore from latest Lbcom (was never needed in HLT)

Packages Removed from MooreSys:
 - HltSettings, Hlt1Lines, Hlt2Lines, HltConf, HltTracking
 - All of the above are now inherited from HLT
 - RichDet, DetCond,
 - All of the above taken through latest stack, Lbcom, etc.

Modification summary:
 - Review of debug printout: task #40215
 - Replace exist-get with getIfExists: task #40118. Requires latest Gaudi
 - Absorption of minor changes which were otherwise included directly in Moore.
 - Major bug reported in HltGlobalMonitor, see bug #100666

For a description of the introduced changes, links to changesets, and other details, see:

2013-01-09 Moore v14r12

For the pA run only.

2012-11-6 Moore v14r11

As v14r10. Remove GaudiConf and L0DU, L0Base.

2012-10-29 Moore v14r10

As v14r9. Fix Hlt2HighPtJets. New GaudiConf and L0DU, L0Base for MC.

2012-10-11 Moore v14r9

As v14r8. Tighter cuts on charm lines. Hlt1HighPtJets added.

2012-09-19 Moore v14r8

Uses Hlt v15r5 (V0 LT cut as in june, no DOCA cuts)

2012-09-11 Moore v14r7p2

Low mult lines back in, no tracking activity for pA pilot run

2012-09-11 Moore v14r7p1

Same as v14r7p1 with pA pilot run fix

2012-07-2 Moore v14r6p1

Uses Hlt v15r3p1 with fix in Gaudi to problem below

2012-06-28 Moore v14r6

Uses Hlt v15r3 with fix to PatSeeding small numbers rounded in TCK problem

2012-06-27 Moore v14r5p3

With tuned settings from Christoph

2012-06-23 Moore v14r5p2

For patched Hlt v15r2p2

2012-06-21 Moore v14r5p1

For patched Hlt v15r2p1

2012-06-20 Moore v14r5

For use with higher deferral rate (using new disks in the pit)

2012-05-16 Moore v14r4

Final tuned version for 2012 datataking

2012-04-30 Moore v14r3

With Rich/RichRecSys v4r5 fix for lines using Rich PID to use
match as well as forward tracks

2012-04-29 Moore v14r2

As v14r1 with HltSettings v5r33 (for 3 physics TCK families)

2012-04-26 Moore v14r1p1

As v14r1 with HltSettings v5r32 (for 6 physics TCKS)

2012-04-26 Moore v14r1

For May 2012 data taking.

2012-04-20 Moore v13r4p1

As v13r4, with Physics_May2012 settings and improved

2012-04-17 Moore v13r4

Uses Hlt v14r4.

2012-04-09 Moore v13r3

Uses Hlt v14r3. Bug fixes for 2012 data taking

2012-04-03 Moore v13r2p5

For loose SPD settings.

2012-04-02 Moore v13r2p4

HltSettings with Physics_April{BU}2012, fixed topo, prescaled diproton,
removed nobias & lumi rate limiters

2012-03-28 Moore v13r2p3

Same as v13r2p1 with HltGlobalMonitor v3r9 and TrackFitter v4r7.

2012-03-28 Moore v13r2p2

Same as v13r2p2 without EventPacker and PackedEvent.

2012-03-23 Moore v13r2p1

Fix topo rate bug; fix displvertices bug. Set rate limit to lumi
and nobias very high. Subscribe to odin nobias evttyp.

2012-03-17 Moore v13r2

Uses Hlt v14r2.

2012-03-09 Moore v13r1p3

Fixed mainly online bugs in Hlt/Moore/python/Moore.

2012-03-07 Moore v13r1p2

PatForward, TrackFitter, Hlt2SharedParticles and Hlt2DisplVertices
bugfixes. Add DD KS to the topo.

2012-03-06 Moore v13r1p1

Fix GaudiConf bug in

2012-02-29 Moore v13r1

based on HLT_v14r1 and Gaudi v23r1 stack.

2012-02-06 Moore v13r0

based on HLT_v14r0 and Gaudi v23r0 stack.

2012-01-25 Moore v12r10

based on HLT_v13r11. Intermediate version for testing deferred
triggering in the pit.

2011-08-29 Moore v12r9p1

based on HLT_v13r10p1

2011-08-29 Moore v12r9

based on HLT_v13r10

2011-05-12 Moore v12r6p1

based on HLT_v13r5p1, bugfixes on top of v13r5

2011-05-06 Moore v12r6

based on HLT_v13r5, candidate release for use after the
May 9th LHC technical stop

2011-04-07 Moore v12r5

based on HLT_v13r4

2011-03-17 Moore v12r4

still based on HLT_v13r2p1, minor patches applied

2011-03-10 Moore v12r3

based on HLT_v13r2p1, minor patches for Physics_Feb11 setting

2011-03-06 Moore v12r2

based on HLT_v13r2, minor patches for Physics_Feb11 setting

2011-03-04 Moore v12r1p1

based on HLT_v13r1, minor patches for Physics_Feb11 setting

2011-03-02 Moore v12r1

based on HLT_v13r1

2011-02-22 Moore v12r0

based on HLT_v13r0

2011-02-19 Moore v11r6p1

based on HLT_v12r6p1

2011-02-17 Moore v11r6

based on HLT_v12r6

2011-02-10 Moore v11r5

based on HLT_v12r5

2011-02-08 Moore v11r4

based on HLT_v12r4

2011-01-30 Moore v11r3

based on HLT_v12r3

2011-01-21 Moore v11r2

based on HLT_v12r2

2011-01-05 Moore v11r1

based on HLT_v12r1

2010-12-09 Moore v11r0

based on HLT_v12r0

2010-12-16 Moore v10r2p1

Add support for swimming

2010-09-30 Moore v10r2

based on HLT_v11r2

2010-09-09 Moore v10r1

based on HLT_v11r1

2010-09-02 Moore v10r0

based on HLT_v11r0

2010-07-21 Moore v9r4

based on Hlt v10r5

2010-07-02 Moore v9r3

Patches on top of v9r2, but given that there is eg. now
(the possibility of adding) a global pile-up veto in Hlt2,
call it v9r3 instead of v9r2p1...

2010-05-31 Moore v9r2

Release of top of Hlt v10r4

2010-05-07 Moore v9r1p2

Patches on top of v9r1p1 to pick up RICH gas parameters online,
improve startup behaviour of rate limiters, add some monitoring

2010-05-07 Moore v9r1p1

change compared to v9r1: allow to re-run L0 when
configuring from a TCK

2010-04-21 Moore v9r1

Release on top of HLT v10r2

2010-04-09 Moore v8r9

More maintenance fixes for data taking

2010-03-31 Moore v9r0

Release on top of LHCb v30r0, HLT v10r0

2010-03-19 Moore v8r8p1

Minor fixes for data taking

2010-03-02 Moore v8r8

Release on top of LHCb v29r2, HLT v9r2

2010-02-22 Moore v8r7

Release on top of LHCb v29r1, HLT v9r1

2010-02-18 Moore v8r6

Release on top of LHCb v29r0, HLT v9r0

2010-01-18 Moore v8r5

Release on top of LHCb v28r5, HLT v8r2

2009-12-18 Moore v8r4

Release on top of LHCb v28r4, HLT v8r0

2009-11-23 Moore v8r3

(re)Release on top of LHCb v28r3, with fixed ODIN event time
decoding for ODIN v6

2009-11-18 Moore v8r2

Based on Hlt v7r2, Phys v8r12, Lbcom v7r8, Rec v7r8 and Online v4r31
First release on top of LHCb v28r2, which contains support for ODIN
version 6.

2009-11-05 Moore v8r1

Based on Hlt v7r1, Phys v8r11, Lbcom v7r7, Rec v7r7 and Online v4r30

2009-11-02 Moore v8r0p1

Minimal changes needed for L0xHlt stripping

2009-10-21 Moore v8r0

Based on Hlt v7r0, Phys v8r10, Lbcom v7r6, Rec v7r6 and Online v4r29.

2009-09-29 Moore v7r5

Based on Hlt v6r8, Phys v8r10, Lbcom v7r6, Rec v7r6 and Online v4r29.
- Added the pattern container_package.

2009-09-14 Moore v7r4

Based on Hlt v6r7, Phys v8r8, Lbcom v7r5, Rec v7r5 and Online v4r28.
- Added the pattern container_package.

2009-08-04 Moore v7r3

Based on Hlt v6r5, Phys v8r7, Lbcom v7r4, Rec v7r4 and Online v4r27.

2009-07-15 Moore v7r2

Based on Hlt v6r4, Phys v8r6, Lbcom v7r3, Rec v7r3 and Online v4r25.

2009-06-08 Moore v7r1

Based on Hlt v6r2, Phys v8r4, Lbcom v7r1, Rec v7r1 and Online v4r23.

2009-05-27 Moore v7r0

Based on Hlt v6r1, Phys v8r3, Lbcom v7r0, Rec v7r0 and Online v4r22.
First release based on LHCB v27r0, and Gaudi v21r0

2009-04-11 Moore v6r2

Based on Hlt v5r2, but includes almost all changes which
will appear in Hlt v6r0. This version, unlike Hlt v6r0,
however still uses the LHCb v26r2 stack instead so we can
continue to use Online v4r20 for FEST3.

2009-03-11 Moore v6r1

Based on Hlt v5r1, Lbcom v6r26, Phys v8r1, Online v4r20
  Release used during the FEST week first week of February

2009-02-05 Moore v6r0

Based on Hlt v5r0, Lbcom v6r25, Phys v8r0, Online v4r19
  Release used during the FEST week last week of January

2008-12-19 Moore v5r6

Based on Phys v7r4, Rec v6r0, HLT v4r4, Lbcom v6r24, Online v4r18
  Updates for monitoring, routing bits, fixes for memory leak

2008-12-01 Moore v5r5

Based on Phys v7r4, Rec v6r0, HLT v4r4, Lbcom v6r24, Online v4r18
  Updates for Online v4r18 and Gaudi v20r3

! 2008-11-25 - Patrick Koppenburg
 - Adapt doxygen to no version directories.

2008-11-13 Moore v5r4

Based on Phys v7r2, Rec v5r12, HLT v4r3, Lbcom v6r23, Online v4r16
 add ONLINE_OVERRULE_MOORE_SETUP as tag to the requirements.
 This tag is used to change the setup for default is to
 take the environment from $LHCBSCRIPTS/, which runs the
 version in the release area. If this is set, the environment corresponding
 to the checked out version of Moore is generated and used instead

2008-09-21 Moore v5r3

Based on Phys v7r1, Rec v5r11, HLT v4r2, Lbcom v6r22, LHCb v25r1, Gaudi v20r2, LCGCMT 55a, Online v4r15
 Updates for Online v4r15, further integration into online system
 (eg. includes Velo lines)

2008-09-05 Moore v5r2

Based on Phys v7r0, Rec v5r10, HLT v4r1, Lbcom v6r21, LHCb v25r0, Gaudi v20r2, LCGCMT 55, Online v4r14
 Updates for Online v4r14, further integration into online system

2008-08-29 Moore v5r1

Based on Phys v7r0, Rec v5r10, HLT v4r1, Lbcom v6r21, LHCb v25r0, Gaudi v20r1, LCGCMT 55

 This version uses LHCb v25r0 and Gaudi v20r2 . Only Hlt changed.
 . Many changes to get pythonized configuration.
 . Prepare for working version in the pit.
 . New packages HltConf, HltHidValley

The Moore project temporarily contains DaVinciTools to allow the use
of the ParticleFilter in Hlt2 (was in DaVinciFilter).

2008-08-11 Moore v5r0

Based on Phys v7r0, Rec v5r10, HLT v4r0, Lbcom v6r21, LHCb v25r0, Gaudi v20r1, LCGCMT 55

 . Many changes for Gaudi state machine and use of TCK.
 . Hlt1: New packages HltEcalAlley, HltLuminosity, HltGlobalMonitor, HltRawData
 . Hlt2: Removed all .opts files and replaced by .py.

! 2008-07-28 - Gerhard Raven
  - add TCKData package

2008-07-09 Moore v4r3

Based on Phys v6r14, Rec v5r8, HLT v3r4, Lbcom v6r19, LHCb v24r0, Gaudi v20r1, LCGCMT 55

2008-06-02 Moore v4r2

 - Based on Hlt v3r3 and Online v4r10.
 - New IANNSvc
 - Used in Hlt2 throughout
 - Many changes in alleys

2008-05-06 Moore v4r1

 - Based on Hlt v3r2 and Online v4r8. Separation of Hlt1 and Hlt2.

2008-03-26 Moore v4r0

 - Based on Hlt v3r1 with LoKi::Hybrid and big alleys cleanup. Depends on Online v4r7.

2007-12-17 Moore v3r0

Tf framework version

2007-11-14 Moore v2r3

HLT benchmark version

2007-03-09 Moore v2r2

This version uses
 projects  Gaudi v19r2, LHCb v22r2, Lbcom v6r2, Rec v4r2, Hlt v1r3, Phys v6r0

This version is a development version for the DC06 Hlt Application.

A first incomplete release of the HltSelections is included.

2007-02-12 Moore v2r1

This version uses
 projects  Gaudi v19r1, LHCb v22r1, Lbcom v6r1, Rec v4r1, Hlt v1r2
 databases XmlDDDB v40r0, XmlConditions v2r4, ParamFiles v5r0, FieldMap v4r7

This version is a development version for the DC06 Hlt Application.
It is the first release using CMT InstallAreas

The application is again called Hlt/Moore, no longer Hlt/HltApp

2006-12-06 Moore v2r0

This version uses
 projects  Gaudi v18r11, LHCb v21r12, Lbcom v5r9, Rec v3r14p1, Hlt v1r0
 databases XmlDDDB v30r14, XmlConditions v2r4, ParamFiles v5r0, FieldMap v4r7

This version is a development version for the DC06 Hlt Application.

It contains the HltApp application, with only the HLT Alleys implementation.

The Moore application (HLT exclusive and Online intergration) is not available
in this release

- In HltApp v1r4:
  . HltAlleys.opts self-consistent to be run in DaVinci or other Gaudi App
      add options for HltCalAlley (but they are switched off)
  . L0.opts to rerun the L0
  . HltApp.opts cleaning the options
  . HltAppFrame.opts remove
  . L0Reco.opts rename to L0.opts

2005-07-26 Moore v1r2

This version uses LHCb v18r8, Lbcom v2r4, Rec v1r4, Phys v1r4, Online v1r4
                  Gaudi v16r5 and XmlDDDB v26r1

 - New features:
   . In offline mode, any /Raw, /Rec, /MC, /Trig node that may have been
     registered on the input file is killed by executing EventNodeKiller as the
     first TopAlg. This enables to transparently process .raw files that may or
     may not have these nodes already existing (MooreOffline.opts, LHCbAlgs v1r8)
   . Add support for OT RawBank v2 (OTDAQ v3r3, TrgForward v5r2)
   . MakeResonances now does not make any plot by default, exclusive HLT options
     have been updated accordingly
   . Add example for reading online ("Markus file") format in MooreOffline

 - New tuning:
   . Removed ResolutionCor from DeOTDetector, following 2005 test beam
     (OTDet v5r6)
   . Change OT readout gate from 50ns to 75ns (OTDAQ v3r3)

 - Bug fixes:
   . For 2D tracks, get phi-zone geometry from Velo detector element. Fixes L1
     accept rate problem in RTTC data (L1Reco v7r1)
   . Fix decoding of ST Raw Bank, was always decoding one word beyond end of bank
     (TrgForward v5r2)
   . Add /Event/Rec Node to DataOnDemandSvc, to prevent triggering a CaloPID
     algorithm instead (MooreCommon.opts)
   . Load GaudiPoolDb even in online (for Event dictionary) (MooreOnline.opts)
   . RichLocalPID tools were accessing TES before the start of the event loop,
     in the beginEvent incident handler (RichLocalPID v1r12)
   . HltCompare2RawBuffer algorithm no longer tries to access RawBuffer,
     accesses RawEvent instead (HltMonitor v1r1)
   . Fix memory leak in XmlMuonRegionCnv (MuonDet v4r8)
   . Fixes to bugs found during RTTC in various HLT packages, see PhysSys
     release notes for details
   . Decode again Velo RawBuffer in Reco sequence to avoid Velo tracking
     interference with Hlt. (RecSys v1r4)
   . Do not send L1 event number with Hlt decision (GaudiOnline v1r2p1)

2005-06-27 Moore v1r1

This version uses LHCb v18r7, Lbcom v2r3, Rec v1r3, Phys v1r3, Online v1r3

 - New features:
   . Property "Moore.HistoProduce" replaces "Moore.doHistos" (LHCbAlgs v1r7)
   . Split memory histogram into two, both with "Moore.HistoSize" bins
     + hID=2: one entry per event for first HistoSize events
     + hID=3: one entry every HistoSize events, starting at event 1
     (LHCbAlgs v1r7)
   . Repackaging of Rich to allow running both Hlt and Reco in same job
     (Not yet enabled. See LHCbSys, LbcomSys, RecSys, PhysSys release notes)
   . Read SFC client parameters from environment variables (SFCClient v1r1)

 - New tuning:
   . Speed improvements to Rich reconstruction
     (See LHCbSys, LbcomSys, RecSys release notes)

 - Bug fixes:
   . Load Pool persistency only in offline application
     (MooreOffline.opts, LHCbApplication.opts)
   . Set up online EventSelector in online application (MooreOnline.opts)
   . Fix memory leaks at finalisation (XmlTools v5r3p1, DetDesc v15r2)
   . Fix memory leaks in event loop (TrgPrimVertex v4r2, TrgMuon v1r2p2)
   . If UTGID is not set, don't give a null pointer (GauchoJob v2r3)

2005-06-15 Moore v1r0

This version uses LHCb v18r6, Lbcom v2r2, Rec v1r2, Phys v1r2, Online v1r2

First release, for RTTC tests