class BeamBeam3D : public BeamBeam

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A concrete representation for a beam-beam interaction.

The ``strong'' bunch has a Gaussian distribution of the form

N(x,y,s) = c * exp(- transpose(z - delta) sigma**(-1) (z - delta)),
with the definitions
  1. z: position vector in space,
  2. delta: centroid of strong bunch in global reference system,
  3. sigma: "beam" matrix in the TRANSPORT sense,
  4. c: a normalising factor, such that the total charge is Q,
  5. sigma(i,i): standard deviation sigma(i) in direction i,
  6. r(i,j): = sigma(i,j) / sqrt(sigma(i,i)*sigma(i,j)), correlations between phase space coordinates i and j .
***** MISSING ***** This class needs further work, based on MAD-8.

Type: Instantiable
Superclasses: public BeamBeam
Include file: ./Algorithms/BeamBeam3D.hh


Synopsis (including inherited members):


Documentation generated by fci on Mon Feb 7 12:29:47 2000