class MPSplitIntegrator : public MapIntegrator

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Integrator replacing each multipole by a set of thin lenses.

Phase space coordinates numbering:
number name unit
0 x metres
1 p_x/p_r 1
2 y metres
3 p_y/p_r 1
4 v*delta_t metres
5 delta_p/p_r 1

Where pr is the constant reference momentum defining the reference frame velocity, m is the rest mass of the particles, and v is the instantaneous velocity of the particle.

Other units used:
quantity unit
reference momentum electron-volts
velocity metres/second
accelerating voltage volts
separator voltage volts
frequencies hertz
phase lags 2*pi

A MPSplitIntegrator performs integration through an element using two thin lenses of force 1/2, one placed at 1/6 and the other at 5/6 of the length respectively.

Type: Instantiable
Superclasses: public MapIntegrator
Include file: ./Algorithms/MPSplitIntegrator.hh


Synopsis (including inherited members):


Documentation generated by fci on Mon Feb 7 12:29:57 2000