The Gaudi Project

Gaudi v27r1

Gaudi v27r1 Requirements

# Package used to manage the Gaudi project packages
# No wildcards allowed

package GaudiRelease

version v27r1
branches doc cmt

# CMT and Gaudi policy
use GaudiPolicy	   v15r8

# Gaudi executable
use Gaudi          v27r1

# Gaudi Plugin Service
use GaudiPluginService    v3r1

# Gaudi libraries - generic
use GaudiKernel    v33r1
use GaudiCoreSvc   v4r1
use GaudiCommonSvc v4r1
use GaudiSvc       v22r1
use GaudiAud       v10r5
use GaudiAlg       v17r1
use GaudiGSL       v9r2
use GaudiUtils     v6r2
use GaudiPartProp  v2r3

# Technology-specific Persistency packages
use RootCnv        v2r2
use RootHistCnv    v12r4
use GaudiPython    v14r2

# Container package specifying the minimum set of core packages
use GaudiSys       v27r1

# Monitoring utilities.
use GaudiMonitor   v5r7

# Profiling components and tools
use GaudiProfiling v2r9

# Multi Processing libraries
use GaudiMP v3r5

# Hive
use GaudiHive v2r0

# Examples packages
use GaudiExamples   v27r1

# Atlas packages
use PartPropSvc      v7r1

### Mark the package as the container package of the project.
apply_pattern container_package

# Allow the generation of QMTest summary
apply_pattern QMTestSummarize