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Resources Lifecycle

The standard lifecycle policy for computing resources at CERN estabilishes that, when a user leaves CERN, his or her personal resources will first be blocked and then deleted, while his or her official resources will automatically be transferred to the user's supervisor.

More in detail:

  • 60, 27 and 7 days before a user leaves CERN, a mail notification will remind him or her to reassign his own official resources to the most appropriate person. If 7 days before the departure the user will still own resources that need to be reassigned, the user's supervisor will receive a reminder as well, with the list of all the official resources still owned by the supervisee.
  • On the contract end date, official resources still belonging to the user will be transferred to the user's supervisor.
  • 60 days after a user has left CERN, personal resources will be blocked, and all static E-Groups memberships will be deleted. This grace period allows the user to still access personal resources after he or she has left CERN.
  • 180 days after a user has left CERN, personal resources will be deleted. This grace period allows recovery if the user gets a new contract (e.g. affiliation renewal).
    For details about personal data retention, check

Created: 4/29/2024
Last reviewed: 3/7/2022
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