
  • HEPscore deployment scenario agreed at the WLCG WS in Lancaster:
    • Sites won't have to re-benchmark existing resources with HEPscore
    • New resource purchased by the sites will be benchmarked with HEPscore
    • HEPscore will be normalized to HS06 with factor 1
  • This will imply minimal changes in the accounting workflow, however in order to make a distinction between resources benchmarked with each benchmark, some changes are required.

Changes Required

Changes required on the site side

  • Accounting records have to contain the name of the benchmark. This is already the case for individual job records, and summary records, but not for normalized records (for example CERN is sending normalized records). The benchmark name contained in the individual job records and summary records is taken by APEL client from local APEL configuration (or BDII), though currently it does expect only HS06 or si2k as the name of the benchmark.
  • Depending on site configuration, accounting records are generated either by an APEL client, third party clients - that is, dedicated components of ARC or HTCondor CEs - or the accounting systems of the site for normalized records.
  • So the following modifications are required:
    • Local APEL configuration should contain the properly defined name of the benchmark
    • APEL client should be able to consume the name of the benchmark including HEPscore from the local configuration. Corresponding components of ARC and HTCondor should also report correctly the name of benchmark in the accounting record
    • APEL developers should provide new specification for the normalized record which would contain the name of the benchmark.
    • Sites which send normalized records should implement changes in order to include the name of the benchmark. WLCG Ops Coordination will contact sites reporting normalized records to ask them to perform required modifications.
    • WLCG Ops Coordination has to contact OSG accounting to make sure they perform necessary changes on their side. They also send normalized records

Changes required on the APEL repository side

  • APEL schema has to be changed in order to record the name of the benchmark
  • APEL aggregation procedures have to be changed in order to aggregate data by benchmark
  • By default (if the name of benchmark is not sent), APEL should consider benchmark to be HS06

Changes required in the EGI portal and WAU

  • Both EGI portal and WAU should provide a possibility to group data by benchmark in order to show which part of the resources is benchmarked with HEPscore

Time line and order of implementation

  • At the WLCG WS it has been agreed that the switch of the benchmark in the official accounting reports should happen on the 1st of APRIL
  • This does not imply that all the changes should be implemented by the 1st of April
  • Changes mandatory for the 1st of April
    • APEL client should read the name of the benchmark from the BDII or local APEL configuration
    • APEL schema should be changed to record properly the name of the benchmark
    • Only sites which do have resources benchmarked with HEPscore would need to upgrade APEL client
  • Changes which are not mandatory for the 1st of APRIL
    • Changes in APEL aggregation procedure as well as hanged in the EGI accounting portal and WAU are not mandatory though desirable for the switch on the 1st of April

Status by the beginning of April

Action Status Timeline Comments
EGI UI changed to show HEPscore23 units DONE 1st of April  
CRIC UIs for pledges, VO requirements changed for HEPscore23 units DONE 1st of April  
WAU units are changed to HEPscore23 DONE 1st of April Forgot to change in the plot header
CRIC changes for accounting report generation Ready for deployment Beginning of May Will be deployed in production only for April report generation , that is beginning of May
APEL testing infrastructure to report benchmark name deployed DONE end of March No data aggregation yet
APEL client Not ready yet beginning of May KIT provided patches to APEL client which are used by the site to join testing
Normalized records reporting in progress depends on a given site INFN-T1 is mostly ready
ARC client In progress Beginning of May Patched version is currently being tested
APEL server with aggregation not ready yet beginning of May  
EGI UI showing split resources by the used benchmark in progress May depends on readiness of APEL server with aggregation
Site documentation DONE 1st of April First version is ready, further improvements are expected
Support in GGUS-SNOW, GGUS-SNOW synchronization DONE 1st of April  

Specification for the accounting record supporting several benchmarks

Site instructions

  • It is clear that for quite some time we will deal with the situation where part of the resources will be benchmarked with HEPSpec and another part with HEPScore. Below we reference to the set of the resources homogeneous from the benchmarking point of view (single benchmark, single benchmarking factor) as a 'resource set'.
  • Every accounting record will contain the name of the benchmark and the value corresponding to normalized duration.
  • The name of the benchmark and benchmarking factor should be provided for every CE and defined in the APEL configuration file. See format of the APEL configuration file and example (See specification).
  • For the sites which will have some part of their resources benchmarked with HEPSpec and another part with HEPScore there are two possible scenarios:
    • Every CE can submit either to HEPScore or to HEPSpec resource set
    • CE submits to mixed resources considering used benchmark

  • In case CE provides access to a mixture of the resources benchmarked with two different benchmarks, the benchmarking factor should be calculated normalized by resource capacity of every resource set. In this case the accounting record should contain "HEPScore23" as a benchmark name, though technically resources are not homogeneous considering used benchmark.


A test repository has been set up. To send records to it, follow these steps:
  1. You can either publish
    • under a DN that has a corresponding gLite-APEL service in GOCDB, informing the APEL team of the DN, or
    • using an AMS token which can be requested from the APEL team.
  2. In either case, also let the APEL team know what your CE/batch/accounting setup is so that we can track test coverage.
  3. Configure SSM:
    • protocol: AMS
    • host (ARC targeturl):
    • ams_project: accounting
    • destination (ARC topic): hepscore23-testing
  4. Wait for confirmation that you're authorised on the test system, then publish your test accounting records.
  5. The data should be available to view within 24 hours at
N.B. Only disposable test data should be sent to this endpoint as data will not be retained beyond the testing period.

Status of testing for various use cases

Normalized records

  • Sites sending normalized records have been notified
  • Status for sites which joined tests:
    • INFN-T1 - issue with normalised record format and extra fields in individual records. Decimal handling ok.
    • CERN-PROD - normalised records look ok.
    • OSG - Waiting to hear back after sending example config.

ARC client for reporting

HTCondor with APEL client

  • KIT - individual records look ok
  • PIC - individual records look ok

AUDITOR plugin

  • UNI-FREIBURG - summary record looks ok

Between Repository and Portal

  • Messaging issue resolved.
  • Will coerce records without benchmark type to HEPspec

Testing of the new APEL server

Use-case Record type Site Status Comment
HtCondor+APEL client Individual job record      
HtCondor+APEL client Individual job record      
ARC Individual job record      
ARC Individual job record      
- Summary record      
- Summary record      
- Norlmalized record      
- Norlmalized record      

This topic: LCG > WebHome > AccountingTaskForce > ChangesForHEPscore
Topic revision: r23 - 2024-04-26 - unknown
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