TWiki Variables » Search » Category: Development

CALC{"formula"} -- add spreadsheet calculations to tables

  • The %CALC{formula}% variable is handled by the SpreadSheetPlugin. Over 100 functions are available, such as $ABS(), $EXACT(), $EXISTS(), $GET()/$SET(), $IF(), $LOG(), $LOWER(), $PERCENTILE(), $TIME(), $VALUE().
  • Syntax: %CALC{formula}%
  • Examples:
    • %CALC{$SUM($ABOVE())}% returns the sum of all cells above the current cell
    • %CALC{$EXISTS(Web.SomeTopic)}% returns 1 if the topic exists
    • %CALC{$UPPER(Collaboration)}% returns COLLABORATION
  • Note: The CALC variable is handled with delay compared to other TWiki variables. You may get unexpected results if you nest CALC inside other variables (such as %INCLUDE{%CALC{...}%}%) because it does not get evaluated inside-out & left-to-right like ordinary TWiki variables. Use CALCULATE if you nest variables.
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, TablesAndSpreadsheetsVariables
  • Related: CALCULATE, IF, IfStatements, SpreadSheetPlugin (this topic)

CALCULATE{"formula"} -- handle spreadsheet calculations outside tables

  • The %CALCULATE{formula}% variable is handled by the SpreadSheetPlugin. Over 100 functions are available, such as $ABS(), $EXACT(), $EXISTS(), $GET()/$SET(), $IF(), $LOG(), $LOWER(), $PERCENTILE(), $TIME(), $VALUE().
  • Syntax: %CALC{formula}%
  • Examples:
    • %CALC{$EXISTS(Web.SomeTopic)}% returns 1 if the topic exists
    • %CALC{$UPPER(Collaboration)}% returns COLLABORATION
  • Note: The CALCULATE variable is handled inside-out & left-to-right like ordinary TWiki variables, but it does not support functions that refer to table cells, such as $LEFT() or $T(). Use CALC instead.
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, TablesAndSpreadsheetsVariables
  • Related: CALC, IF, IfStatements, SpreadSheetPlugin (this topic)

DASHBOARD -- build a dashboard with banner and boxes

EDITFORM{} -- render a TWiki form for edit

  • Show an HTML form to update the TWiki form data of a topic.
  • Syntax to update a TWiki form: %EDITFORM{topic="..." formfields="..."}%
  • Supported parameters:                                
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "..." or
    Name of topic containing the TWiki form, such as "Bug1234". Specify topic name or Web.TopicName Either "...", topic=""
    or formtemplate=""
    is required
    formtemplate="..." Name of form template topic, such as "BugForm". Specify topic name or Web.TopicName
    elements="..." Elements of edit form: formstart is the HTML form tag, header the form header, formfields the form fields, submit the submit button, hiddenfields are hidden input fields, formend is the HTML form end tag. "formstart, header,
    formfields, submit, hiddenfields, formend"
    header="..." Form header, typically containing the form name. If "on", the default format is used:
    *[[$formweb.$formtopic][$formtopic]]* "
    Supported variables:
    ? $formweb - name of web containing the form definition.
    ? $formtopic - name of topic containing the form definition.
    formfields="..., ..." Specify names of TWiki form fields to use, in sequence. The all token shows all remaining fields. "all"
    format="..." Format of one form field. Supported variables:
    ? $inputfield - rendered form input field.
    ? $title - raw field name (includes space and other special characters).
    ? $name - field name (sanitized title).
    ? $size - size of field or selector.
    ? $value - initial value, or select options.
    ? $tooltip - tooltip message.
    ? $attributes - type attributes, such as H for hidden, M for mandatory.
    ? $extra - extra information, such as * for mandatory field.
    ? $formweb - name of web containing the form definition.
    ? $formtopic - name of topic containing the form definition.
    See details in TWikiForms#FormFieldTypes.
    " $title: $extra $inputfield "
    hiddenfields="..., ..." List of form field names to use as hidden fields. For each name listed in hiddenfields="", add a name="value" parameter to specify the value of the hidden input field. If you omit the name="value" parameter for a hidden input field, it will be excluded as a form field, even with a formfields="all". ""
    submit="..." Format of submit button row. Line separator. Variable $submit expands to submit input field with label "Save", $submit(Save) to a submit input field with specific label. "   $submit "
    onsubmit="..." Execute JavaScript when the form is submitted, optional. ""
    action="..." Specify a TWiki script (view, edit, save, ...), or the full URL of an action to take on form submit. "save"
    method="..." HTML form action method. "post" for save
    action, else "get"
    separator="..." Line separator. Variable $br expands to <br /> tag, and $n to a newline. "$n"
    default="..." Text shown when no form or form fields are found ""
  • Example: %EDITFORM{ topic="%INCLUDINGTOPIC%" }% - show HTML form to update form data of the including topic (typically used in an included header)
  • Example: Custom form in an included header to update some form field values of the base topic, including one hidden field:
      formfields="Priority, Status"
      submit=" | | $submit(Update) |"
  • Category: DatabaseAndFormsVariables, DevelopmentVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables
  • Related: EDITFORMFIELD, ENCODE, ENTITY, FORM, FORMFIELD, META, METASEARCH, SEARCH, TWikiForms, FormattedSearch, QuerySearch, SearchHelp, TWikiScripts, TWikiTemplates (this topic)

EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" form=""} -- render an input field specified in a form template topic

  • Use this to create HTML forms that update TWikiForms, such as a custom "create new topic" form, or a topic header that allows users to change some form values at the top of the page. A valid form is composed of a start form type, various form fields, a submit type, and an end form type.
  • Syntax:
    • %EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" form="...Form"}% - create form field defined in a TWiki Form template
    • %EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" topic="..."}% - create form field based on a topic that has a TWiki Form & initialize its value
    • %EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" type="..."}% - create an HTML input field
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "fieldname" The name of a TWiki form field or HTML form field. Required
    form="..." Name of form template topic, such as "BugForm". Specify topic name or Web.TopicName Either form or topic
    is required unless
    type is specified
    topic="..." Name of topic containing form, such as "Bug1234". Specify topic name or Web.TopicName
    format="..." Format string. Supported variables:
    ? $inputfield - rendered form input field.
    ? $title - raw field name (includes space and other special characters).
    ? $name - field name (sanitized title).
    ? $size - size of field or selector.
    ? $value - initial value, or select options.
    ? $tooltip - tooltip message.
    ? $attributes - type attributes, such as H for hidden, M for mandatory.
    ? $extra - extra information, such as * for mandatory field.
    See details in TWikiForms#FormFieldTypes. This parameter is ignored if type="..." is specified.
    value="..." Initial value of input field. If omitted and if topic="..." is specified, the value is taken from the named form field. ""
    type="start" Special case: Start an HTML form. Parameters:
    "form" type="start" action="save" topic="..." method="" onsubmit="" onreset=""
    ? action: Specify a TWiki script (view, edit, save, ...), or a full action URL, default "view".
    ? topic: Specify topic name or Web.TopicName, default current topic; ignored if full action URL is provided.
    ? method: HTML form action method, default "post" for save action, else "get".
    ? onsubmit: Execute JavaScript when the form is submitted, optional.
    ? onreset: Execute JavaScript when the reset button is clicked, optional.
    type="end" Special case: End an HTML form. Parameters:
    "form" type="end"
    type="..." Special case: Create an input field regardless of the type defined in the TWikiForm. Used mainly for hidden fields and submit button. The nameless parameter is the field name. Supported types:
    ? "fieldname" type="hidden" value="..." - hidden input field.
    ? "fieldname" type="submit" value="..." - submit button, value is button label.
    ? "fieldname" type="button" value="..." onclick="..." - regular button, value is button label.
    ? "fieldname" type="text" value="..." size="80" - text input field.
    ? "fieldname" type="textarea" value="..." size="80x6" - multi line text area field, size denotes columns x rows.
    ? "fieldname" type="checkbox" value="..." text="..." - checkbox, text is display text.
    ? "fieldname" type="radio" value="..." text="..." - radio button, text is display text.
    ? In addition, any valid XHML and HTML5 input type is supported, such as type="date", type="file", type="image".
    Additional type-specific parameters can be supplied, such as alt="...", checked="checked", class="...", max="...", min="...", placeholder="...", src="...", style="...", width="...". Consult HTML documentation.
  • Example: %EDITFORMFIELD{ "ReleaseType" form="PackageForm" value="Beta-1" }%
  • Example: Custom form in an included header to update some values of the base topic
    %EDITFORMFIELD{ "form" type="start" action="save" topic="%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%" method="post" }%
    | Priority: | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "Priority" topic="%BASETOPIC%" }% |
    | Status:   | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "Status"   topic="%BASETOPIC%" }% |
    |  | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "form" type="submit" value="Update" }% |
    %EDITFORMFIELD{ "Updated" type="hidden" value="%SERVERTIME{$year-$mo-$day}%" }%
    %EDITFORMFIELD{ "form" type="end" }%
  • Category: DatabaseAndFormsVariables, DevelopmentVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables
  • Related: EDITFORM, EDITTABLE, FORM, FORMFIELD, METASEARCH, SEARCH, TWikiForms, FormattedSearch, QuerySearch, SearchHelp, TWikiScripts, TWikiTemplates (this topic)

ENTITY{string} -- encode a string to HTML entities

  • Encode "special" characters to HTML entities. Useful to encode text properly for HTML input fields.
  • Encoded characters:
    • all non-printable ASCII characters below space, including newline ("\n") and linefeed ("\r")
    • Space
    • HTML special characters "<", ">", "&", single quote (') and double quote (")
    • TWiki special characters "%", "[", "]", "@", "_", "*", "=" and "|"
  • Syntax: %ENTITY{string}%
  • Example: %ENTITY{text with "quotes" and
    expands to text&#32;with&#32;&#34;quotes&#34;&#32;and&#10;newline
  • Notes:
    • To protect against cross-site scripting (XSS), always entity encode text intended for HTML input fields. This is especially true if text is received dynamically via URLPARAM or the like.
      Example: <input type="text" name="address" value="%ENTITY{any text}%" />
    • %ENTITY{string}% is roughly equivalent to %ENCODE{ "string" type="html" }%, but the latter cannot handle strings that have double quotes embedded in it.
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables, ExportAndPublishingVariables

EXAMPLEVAR -- example variable

  • The %EXAMPLEVAR{}% variable is handled by the EmptyPlugin
  • Syntax: %EXAMPLEVAR{"text" format="..."}%
  • Parameter text="..." - example text.
  • Parameter format="..." - format of report.
  • Example: %EXAMPLEVAR{"hello" format="| $topic: $summary |"}%
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables
  • Related: EmptyPlugin (this topic)

FORM{} -- render a TWiki form for view

  • Show a table containing data of a TWiki form attached to a topic
  • Syntax: %FORM{topic="..." formfields="..." ...}%
  • Supported parameters:                    
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "..." or
    Name of topic containing the TWiki form, such as "Bug1234". Specify topic name or Web.TopicName Current topic
    rev="..." Get the form from the specified topic revision, range "1" to top revision of topic. "0" is equivalent to the top revision The rev URL parameter value if present, else the top revision
    formfields="..., ..." Specify names of TWiki form fields to show, in sequence. The all token shows all remaining fields. "all"
    header="..." Form header, typically containing the form name. If "on", the default format " *[[$formweb.$formtopic][$formtopic]]* " is used. If "none", the header is suppressed. Supported variables:
    ? $formweb - name of web containing the form definition.
    ? $formtopic - name of topic containing the form definition.
    format="..." Format of one form field. Supported variables:
    ? $title - raw field name (includes space and other special characters).
    ? $name - field name (sanitized title).
    ? $type - form field type.
    ? $size - size of field or selector.
    ? $value - form field value.
    ? $value(20, -<br />) - value hyphenated every 20 characters using separator -<br />.
    ? $value(30, ...) - value shortened to 30 characters.
    ? $length - length of form field value.
    ? $tooltip - tooltip message.
    ? $attributes - type attributes, such as H for hidden, M for mandatory.
    ? $formweb - name of web containing the form definition.
    ? $formtopic - name of topic containing the form definition.
    See details in TWikiForms#FormFieldTypes.
    " $title: $value "
    separator="..." Line separator. Variable $br expands to <br /> tag, and $n to a newline. "$n"
    default="..." Text shown when no form or form fields are found ""
    newline="$br" Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters. Variable $br expands to <br /> tag, and $n to a newline. Other text is encoded based on encode parameter. "$br" if format is a TWiki table, else "\n"
    encode="html" Encode special characters in form field value into HTML entities. Additional encodings available: encode="quote", encode="moderate", encode="safe", encode="entity" and encode="url". See ENCODE for details. "" (no encoding)
    showhidden="..." Set to "on" to show also hidden form fields. ""
  • Examples:
    • %FORM{topic="%INCLUDINGTOPIC%"}% - show form data of the including topic (typically used in an included header)
    • %FORM{topic="Projects.SushiProject" formfields="Title, Status, Deadline" header="none"}% - show a subset of form fields
    • %FORM{format="$name" header="none" separator=", "}% - get all visible form field names as a list
  • Category: DatabaseAndFormsVariables, DevelopmentVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: EDITFORM, EDITFORMFIELD, ENCODE, ENTITY, FORMFIELD, META, METASEARCH, SEARCH, TWikiForms, FormattedSearch, QuerySearch, SearchHelp (this topic)

GET{"name"} -- get a variable

  • Get the value of a named variable, previously set with %SET{}%. The %SET{}% and %GET{}% variables are handled by the SetGetPlugin.
  • Syntax: %GET{ "name" default="..." }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default
    "name" Name of variable, such as menu. May optionally contain a JSON path, such as menu.File.Open. (required)
    format="..." Format with supported variables:
    ? $name for variable name
    ? $value for variable value
    ? $isdefined expanding to 1 or 0 depending if variable is defined or not
    ? $isset expanding to 1 or 0 depending if variable is logically true or false
    ? $ispersistent expanding to 1 or 0 depending if variable is persistent or not
    ? all FormatTokens such as $dollar, $n, $percnt.
    default="..." Text shown if variable is not defined, e.g. not found. This parameter overrides the format parameter. "" (empty string)
    store="..." Specify a store name that holds the persistent variable. This assumes the variable was previously set with the same store name. ""
  • Example: %GET{"lunch"}% returns Sushi if the following has been previously set:
    %SET{ "lunch" value="Sushi" }% - see more examples
  • JSON Syntax: %GET{ name }% - see description.
  • Example to set a JSON object and to get a JSON object with a JSON path:
    • %SET{ menu = { "File": { "New": [ "new", "F" ], "Open": [ "open", "F" ] }, "Edit": { "Copy": [ "cpy", "F" ], "Paste": [ "pst", "F" ] } } }% - set a JSON object
    • %GET{ menu.File.Open }% - returns: ["open","F"]
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DevelopmentVariables
  • Related: IF, SET, SETGETDUMP, SetGetPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin#FuncGET (this topic)

JQPLOT -- add line, bar and pie charts using jqPlot JavaScript library

LDAP{"filter" format="format"} -- LDAP directory query

  • An interface to query an LDAP directory and display the results in a TWiki topic
  • Syntax: %LDAP{"filter" format="format" ...}%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "uid=joeshmoe" the LDAP query string required
    filter="uid=joeshmoe" (Alternative to above) N/A
    base="..." base dn of the (sub)tree to search in; if base is written in brackets (e.g. 'base="(ou=people)"') then it is prepended to the default base the default base of the LdapContrib
    scope="one" scope of search; possible values: sub, base, one sub
    format="..." format string used to display a database record $dn
    header="..." header to prepend the output no header
    footer="..." footer to appended to the output no footer
    sep="..." or separator="..." separator between database records $n (new line)
    sort="..." name of attributes to sort the output DN
    reverse="on" reverse the result set; possible values: on, off off
    limit="100" maximum number of records to return no limit
    skip="10" number of records in the hit set to skip before displaying them 0 (nothing is skipped)
    required="..." a comma separated list of LDAP record attributes. If specified, the LDAP query results not having all of the specified attributes are eliminated nothing is required
    hidenull="on" wether to hide any output on an empty hit set; possible values: on, off off
    default="..." when the LDAP query yields no results, the value of this parameter is returned as the search result instead of null. Naturally, if hidenull is on, default doesn't have any effect "" (null string)
  • The header, format and footer format strings may contain the following variables and the standard special tokens:
    Variable: Description:
    $count the number of hits
    $index the record number
    $<attr-name> the value of the record attribute <attr-name>
  • Example: %LDAP{"objectClass=posixAccount" format="| $index | $cn | $mail |"}%
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, DatabaseAndFormsVariables, SearchingAndListingVariables
  • Related: LDAPUSERS, LdapNgPlugin, LdapContrib (this topic)

LDAPUSERS{...} -- LDAP user information

  • This variable is disabled on this TWiki
  • List all LDAP user information. Information is drawn from cache and not from the LDAP server. Use ?refreshldap=on to update.
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    format="..." format string used to display a user record ordered list of $displayName
    header="..." header to prepend the output no header
    footer="..." footer to appended to the output no footer
    sep="..." separator between database records $n (new line)
    limit="100" maximum number of records to return no limit
    skip="10" number of records in the hit set to skip before displaying them 0 (nothing is skipped)
    include="..." regular expression a user's WikiName must match to be included in the output  
    exclude="..." regular expression a user's WikiName must not match  
    hideunknown="off" on/off, enable/disable filtering out users that did not log in yet and thus have no home topic (e.g. created by TWiki:Plugins/NewUsersPlugin) on
  • The header, format and footer format strings may contain the following variables and the standard special tokens:
    Variable: Description:
    $index the record number
    $wikiName the user's WikiName
    $loginName the user's login name
    $displayName a link pointing to the users home topic in the Main web, if it exists, and '<nop>$wikiName' otherwise
    $emails the list of all known email addresses
  • Example: %LDAPUSERS{limit="10"}%
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, DatabaseAndFormsVariables, SearchingAndListingVariables
  • Related: LDAPUSERS, LdapNgPlugin, LdapContrib (this topic)

SET{"name" value="..."} -- set a variable

  • Set a named variable that can be retrieved later with %GET{}%. No output is shown, e.g. %SET{}% resolves to an empty string. It is also possible to set a JSON object using a JSON path. The %SET{}% and %GET{}% variables are handled by the SetGetPlugin.
  • Syntax: %SET{ "name" value="..." remember="1" }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default
    "name" Name of variable. Alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores can be used. (required)
    value="..." Value of variable. Escape double quotes with backslash. (required, may be empty)
    remember="1" If set, the variable will be stored persistently so that it can be used later in any TWiki topic. Alternatively use the store parameter. See important notes. "0"
    store="..." Specify a store name to persistently store the variable, such as store="Parts". Use alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores for the name. For better performance, store is preferred over the remember parameter if you need to store a large dataset. See important notes. ""
  • Example: %SET{"lunch" value="Sushi"}% - see more examples.
  • JSON Syntax: %SET{ name = { ... } remember="1" }% - see description.
    • An optional remember="1" or store="..." parameter can be appended. If specified, the JSON object will be stored persistently so that it can be used later in any TWiki topic.
  • Example to set, modify and get a JSON object:
    • %SET{ menu = { "File": { "New": [ "new", "F" ], "Open": [ "open", "F" ] }, "Edit": { "Copy": [ "cpy", "F" ], "Paste": [ "pst", "F" ] } } }% - set a JSON object
    • %GET{ menu }% - returns: {"File":{"New":["new","F"],"Open":["open","F"]},"Edit":{"Copy":["cpy","F"],"Paste":["pst","F"]}}
    • %SET{ menu.File.Open[1] = "T" }% - modify a JSON object
    • %GET{ menu }% - returns: {"File":{"New":["new","F"],"Open":["open","T"]},"Edit":{"Copy":["cpy","F"],"Paste":["pst","F"]}}
    • %SET{ menu.Edit.Cut = [ "cut", "T" ] }% - add to a JSON object
    • %GET{ menu }% - returns: {"File":{"New":["new","F"],"Open":["open","T"]},"Edit":{"Copy":["cpy","F"],"Paste":["pst","F"],"Cut":["cut","T"]}}
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DevelopmentVariables
  • Related: GET, IF, SETGETDUMP, SetGetPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin#FuncSET (this topic)

SETGETDUMP{...} -- dump variables

USERREPORT -- show user reports with profile pictures

  • Show various user reports documented in UserReports
  • Syntax: %USERREPORT{ action="..." ... }%
  • Overview of actions with parameters:
    Report action= Parameters
    Show a simple list of registered users "user_list" search, limit, sort, reverse
    Show the profile picture image of a user "profile_picture" user, height, width, title
    Show slim, one line height user boxes "slim_box_start"
    "slim_box" or
    user, style
    users, style
    Show small, two line height user boxes "small_box_start"
    "small_box" or
    user, style
    users, style
    Show users in business card format "business_card_start"
    "business_card" or
    user, style
    users, style
    Show a selector to pick a user,
    for use in HTML forms
    "select_one_user" name, selected, users
    Show rows of checkboxes to select users,
    for use in HTML forms
    "select_users" name, selected, users, colums, style
  • Example: %USERREPORT{ action="user_list" search="jane" limit="5" }%
  • Category: AdministrationVariables, DevelopmentVariables, UsersAndAuthenticationVariables
  • Related: BUBBLESIG, SEARCH, USERSIG, UserList, UserReports (this topic)

VARCACHE{ attributes } -- cache TWiki variables in selected topics for faster page rendering

  • The %VARCACHE{}% variable is handled by the VarCachePlugin.
  • Syntax: %VARCACHE{ "24" }%
  • Supported attributes:
    Attribute Comment Default
    "..." or
    Cache refresh period in hours (maximum age of cache) REFRESH setting
    cachemsg="..." Message shown when looking at a cached topic. Use $age to indicate the age of cache, $link to indicate the refresh URL CACHEMSG setting
    updatemsg="..." Message shown after a cache refresh. Use $link to indicate the refresh URL UPDATEMSG setting
  • Example: %VARCACHE{"168"}% caches the current page for 7 days
  • Exclude variables from getting cached:
    • Use <varcache_exclude> ... </varcache_exclude> to exclude sections of a page
      • Example: <varcache_exclude> %SEARCH{...}% </varcache_exclude> runs the search on every page view, regardless of caching
    • Or, prefix variables with VARCACHE_EXCLUDE_
      • Example: %VARCACHE_EXCLUDE_WIKIUSERNAME% renders the WIKIUSERNAME variable on every page view, regardless of caching
  • Category: AdministrationVariables, DevelopmentVariables
  • Related: VarCachePlugin, VarCachePluginTest (this topic)

Total: 16 variables


Related Topics: TWikiVariables, TWikiVariablesSearch, TWikiVariablesQuickStart

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