How to identify the right VOC support group

End user's incidents and requests related to machines dedicated to a given VO (called VOBoxes) or services run on such machines should be first addressed to the corresponding Virtual Organization Coordinator(s) (aka VOCs) e-group. That e-group contains the people responsible for those services. Those VOC(s) could, if need be, create a SNOW ticket at:

The up-to-date list of VOCs e-groups can be obtained by querying for all e-groups containing the string "-VOC-" at:

See also the informal list of Experiment-IT contacts here:

Currently (08/06/2011) the list of VOCs e-groups contains:

VOBox-VOC-ALICE Static VOBox VO Contacts for ALICE CDB cluster = voalice
VOBox-VOC-LHCb Static VOBox VOC Contacts for LHCb CDB cluster = volhcb
VOBox-VOC-ATLAS Static VOBox VO Contacts for ATLAS CDB cluster = voatlas
VOBox-VOC-CMS Static VOBox VO Contacts for CMS CDB cluster = vocms

VOBox-VOC-COMPASS Static VOBox VOC Contacts for the COMPASS Experiment CDB cluster = vobox
VOBox-VOC-ETICS Static VOBox VO Contacts for ETICS
VOBox-VOC-HARP Static VOBox VOC Contacts for HARP Experiment CDB cluster = vobox
VOBox-VOC-LCD Static LCD VOBox contacts CDB cluster = vobox
VOBox-VOC-dip Static VOBox VO Contacts for DIP
VOBox-VOC-NA48 Static VOBox VOC Contacts for NA48 Experiment CDB cluster = vobox
VOBox-VOC-PARTNER Static VOBox VO Contacts for partner CDB cluster = vobox
VOBox-VOC-SEC Static VOBox VO Contacts for SECurity

VOBox-VOC-SFT Static VOBox VO Contacts for PH-SFT applications CDB cluster = lcgapp
VOBox-VOC-thqcd Static VOBox VO Contacts for THQCD
VOBox-VOC-CASPUR Static VOBox VO Contacts for CASPUR CDB cluster = vobox
VOBox-VOC-arda Static VOBox VO Contacts for arda

How to identify which VOC group is responsible for a given machine

To identify which VOC e-group is responsible for a given machine, just check the "Responsible for the device" field for that machine in its LANDB entry.

-- JuanManuelGuijarro - 08-Jun-2011

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