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EventSelector Class Reference

Definition of class EventSelector. More...

#include <EventSelector.h>

Inheritance diagram for EventSelector:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for EventSelector:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector
< EventSelectorDataStream * > 
typedef std::vector< std::stringStreamSpecs
typedef std::vector
< StringProperty

Public Member Functions

virtual StatusCode initialize ()
 IService implementation: Db event selector override.
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
 IService implementation: Service finalization.
virtual StatusCode reinitialize ()
 Service override: Reinitialize service.
virtual StatusCode createContext (Context *&refpCtxt) const
 Create a new event loop context.
virtual StatusCode next (Context &refCtxt) const
 Get next iteration item from the event loop context.
virtual StatusCode next (Context &refCtxt, int jump) const
 Get next iteration item from the event loop context, but skip jump elements.
virtual StatusCode previous (Context &refCtxt) const
 Get previous iteration item from the event loop context.
virtual StatusCode previous (Context &refCtxt, int jump) const
 Get previous iteration item from the event loop context, but skip jump elements.
virtual StatusCode rewind (Context &refCtxt) const
 Rewind the dataset.
virtual StatusCode createAddress (const Context &refCtxt, IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddr) const
 Create new Opaque address corresponding to the current record.
virtual StatusCode releaseContext (Context *&refCtxt) const
 Release existing event iteration context.
virtual StatusCode resetCriteria (const std::string &cr, Context &c) const
 Will set a new criteria for the selection of the next list of events and will change the state of the context in a way to point to the new list.
virtual StatusCode last (Context &c) const
 Access last item in the iteration.
StatusCode firstOfNextStream (bool shutDown, EvtSelectorContext &it) const
 Retrieve first entry of the next data stream.
StatusCode lastOfPreviousStream (bool shutDown, EvtSelectorContext &it) const
 Retrieve last entry of the previous data stream.
 EventSelector (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svcloc)
 Standard Constructor.
virtual ~EventSelector ()
 Standard Destructor.

Public Attributes

long int m_streamID

Protected Member Functions

virtual void printEvtInfo (const EvtSelectorContext *iter) const
 Progress report.

Protected Attributes

SmartIF< IIncidentSvcm_incidentSvc
 Reference to the indicent service.
SmartIF< IToolSvcm_toolSvc
bool m_reconfigure
 Reconfigure occurred.
StreamSpecs m_streamSpecs
 Input stream specifiers (for job options)
StreamSpecs m_streamSpecsLast
 Input stream specifiers (last used)
Streams m_streams
 Input streams.
int m_streamCount
 Input stream counter (0..oo, monotonely increasing)
int m_firstEvent
 First event to be processed.
int m_evtMax
 Maximum number of events to be processed.
int m_evtPrintFrequency
 Printout frequency.
std::string m_streamManager

Detailed Description

Definition of class EventSelector.

Basic event selector service. The event selector service itself is able to connect other services to attached streams.

History: +---------+----------------------------------------------+------------+ | Date | Comment | Who | +---------+----------------------------------------------+------------+ | 3/10/00 | Initial version | M.Frank | +---------+----------------------------------------------+------------+ | 4/09/09 | Added firing incident on opening/ending file | R. Lambert | +---------+----------------------------------------------+------------+

Markus Frank
R. Lambert

Definition at line 53 of file EventSelector.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 57 of file EventSelector.h.

Definition at line 55 of file EventSelector.h.

Definition at line 56 of file EventSelector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EventSelector::EventSelector ( const std::string name,
ISvcLocator svcloc 

Standard Constructor.

Definition at line 27 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  : base_class( name, svcloc)
  m_incidentSvc       = 0;
  m_toolSvc           = 0;
  m_streamCount       = 0;
  m_firstEvent        = 0;
  m_evtPrintFrequency = 10;
  m_evtMax            = INT_MAX;
  declareProperty( "Input",      m_streamSpecs);
  declareProperty( "FirstEvent", m_firstEvent);
  declareProperty( "EvtMax",     m_evtMax);
  declareProperty( "PrintFreq",  m_evtPrintFrequency);
  declareProperty( "StreamManager",  m_streamManager="DataStreamTool");
  m_reconfigure = false;
EventSelector::~EventSelector (  ) [virtual]

Standard Destructor.

Definition at line 45 of file EventSelector.cpp.


Member Function Documentation

StatusCode EventSelector::createAddress ( const Context refCtxt,
IOpaqueAddress *&  refpAddr 
) const [virtual]

Create new Opaque address corresponding to the current record.

refCtxt[IN/OUT] Reference to the context
refpAddr[OUT] Reference to address pointer
StatusCode indicating success or failure

Implements IEvtSelector.

Definition at line 335 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  const EvtSelectorContext *cpIt  = dynamic_cast<const EvtSelectorContext*>(&refCtxt);
  EvtSelectorContext *pIt  = const_cast<EvtSelectorContext*>(cpIt);
  refpAddr = 0;
  if ( pIt )    {
    const EventSelectorDataStream* s = m_streamtool->getStream(pIt->ID());
    Context* it = pIt->context();
    IEvtSelector* sel = s->selector();
    if ( it && sel )    {
      IOpaqueAddress* pAddr = 0;
      StatusCode sc = sel->createAddress(*it, pAddr);
      if ( sc.isSuccess() )  {
        refpAddr = pAddr;
      pIt->set(it, pAddr);
      return sc;
  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
StatusCode EventSelector::createContext ( Context *&  refpCtxt ) const [virtual]

Create a new event loop context.

refpCtxt[IN/OUT] Reference to pointer to store the context
StatusCode indicating success or failure

Implements IEvtSelector.

Definition at line 194 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  // Max event is zero. Return begin = end
  refpCtxt = 0;
  if ( m_firstEvent < 0 ) {
    MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
    log << MSG::ERROR  << "First Event = " << m_firstEvent << " not valid" << endmsg;
    log << MSG::ERROR  << "It should be > 0 " << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;    // if failure => iterators = end();
  EvtSelectorContext* ctxt = new EvtSelectorContext(this);
  ctxt->set(0, -1, 0, 0);
  firstOfNextStream(true, *ctxt).ignore();
  refpCtxt = ctxt;
  long nskip = m_firstEvent;
  while( --nskip > 0 )    {
    StatusCode sc = next(*refpCtxt);
    if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
      MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
      log << MSG::ERROR << " createContext() failed to start with event number "
          << m_firstEvent << endmsg;
      refpCtxt = 0;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode EventSelector::finalize (  ) [virtual]

IService implementation: Service finalization.

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 452 of file EventSelector.cpp.


  MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());

  log << MSG::DEBUG << "finalize()" << endmsg;

  m_incidentSvc = 0;

  if (m_streamtool) {
    if (m_toolSvc.isValid()) {
    } else {
      // It should not be possible to get here
    m_streamtool = 0;

  m_toolSvc = 0;

  return Service::finalize();
StatusCode EventSelector::firstOfNextStream ( bool  shutDown,
EvtSelectorContext it 
) const

Retrieve first entry of the next data stream.

Definition at line 83 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  StatusCode status = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  IDataStreamTool::size_type iter_id = (m_reconfigure) ? 0 : iter.ID()+1;
  if ( m_reconfigure ) const_cast<EventSelector*>(this)->m_reconfigure = false;
  if ( shutDown )   {
    if ( iter.ID() >= 0 && iter.ID() < (long)m_streamtool->size() )   {
      const EventSelectorDataStream* s = m_streamtool->getStream(iter.ID());
      if ( s->isInitialized() )    {
        EventSelector* thisPtr = const_cast<EventSelector*>(this);
        if ( s->selector() && iter.context() )  {
          Context* ctxt = iter.context();
        status = thisPtr->m_streamtool->finalizeStream(const_cast<EventSelectorDataStream*>(s));

  const EventSelectorDataStream* s ;
  status = m_streamtool->getNextStream( s , iter_id );

  if ( status.isSuccess() )   {

    if ( !s->isInitialized() )    {
      EventSelector* thisPtr = const_cast<EventSelector*>(this);
      status = thisPtr->m_streamtool->initializeStream(const_cast<EventSelectorDataStream*>(s));

    if ( status.isSuccess() ) {
      const IEvtSelector* sel = s->selector();
      if ( sel )    {
        Context* ctxt = 0;
        status = sel->createContext(ctxt);
        if ( status.isSuccess() )   {
          status = sel->resetCriteria(s->criteria(), *ctxt);
          if ( status.isSuccess() )   {
            MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
            iter.set(this, iter_id, ctxt, 0);
            log << MSG::INFO << *s << endmsg;
            return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
    if(s!=NULL) {

  iter.set(this, -1, 0, 0);
  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
StatusCode EventSelector::initialize (  ) [virtual]

IService implementation: Db event selector override.

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 382 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  // Initialize base class
  StatusCode status = Service::initialize();
  MsgStream logger(msgSvc(), name());
  if ( !status.isSuccess() )    {
    logger << MSG::ERROR << "Error initializing base class Service!" << endmsg;
    return status;
  // Get the references to the services that are needed by the ApplicationMgr itself
  m_incidentSvc = serviceLocator()->service("IncidentSvc");
  if( !m_incidentSvc.isValid() )  {
    logger << MSG::FATAL << "Error retrieving IncidentSvc." << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  if ( m_evtMax != INT_MAX )   {
    logger << MSG::ERROR << "EvtMax is an obsolete property of the event selector." << endmsg;
    logger << MSG::ERROR << "Please set \"ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = " << m_evtMax
           << ";\" to process the requested number of events." << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  m_toolSvc = serviceLocator()->service("ToolSvc");
  if ( !m_toolSvc.isValid() ) {
    logger << MSG::ERROR << " Could not locate the Tool Service! " << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  status = m_toolSvc->retrieveTool(m_streamManager.c_str(), m_streamtool, this);

  if( status.isFailure() ) {
    logger << MSG::ERROR << "Error initializing "
           << m_streamManager << endmsg;
    return status;

  status = m_streamtool->clear();
  if( status.isFailure() ) {
    // Message already printed by the tool
    return status;

  status = m_streamtool->addStreams(m_streamSpecs);

  m_streamSpecsLast = m_streamSpecs;

  m_streamID          = 0;

  return status;
StatusCode EventSelector::last ( Context c ) const [virtual]

Access last item in the iteration.

cReference to the Context object.
StatusCode indicating success or failure

Implements IEvtSelector.

Definition at line 305 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  EvtSelectorContext *pIt  = dynamic_cast<EvtSelectorContext*>(&refCtxt);
  if ( pIt )    {
  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
StatusCode EventSelector::lastOfPreviousStream ( bool  shutDown,
EvtSelectorContext it 
) const

Retrieve last entry of the previous data stream.

Definition at line 143 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  StatusCode status = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  if ( shutDown )   {
    if ( iter.ID() >= 0 && iter.ID() < (long)m_streamtool->size() )   {
      const EventSelectorDataStream* s = m_streamtool->getStream(iter.ID());
      if ( s->isInitialized() )    {
        EventSelector* thisPtr = const_cast<EventSelector*>(this);
        if ( s->selector() && iter.context() )  {
          Context* ctxt = iter.context();
        status = thisPtr->m_streamtool->finalizeStream(const_cast<EventSelectorDataStream*>(s));

  IDataStreamTool::size_type iter_id = iter.ID()-1;
  const EventSelectorDataStream* s ;
  status = m_streamtool->getPreviousStream( s , iter_id );

  if ( status.isSuccess() )   {

    if ( !s->isInitialized() )    {
      EventSelector* thisPtr = const_cast<EventSelector*>(this);
      status = thisPtr->m_streamtool->initializeStream(const_cast<EventSelectorDataStream*>(s));
    if ( status.isSuccess() )   {
      const IEvtSelector* sel = s->selector();
      if ( sel )  {
        Context* ctxt = 0;
        status = sel->createContext(ctxt);
        if ( status.isSuccess() )   {
          status = sel->resetCriteria(s->criteria(), *ctxt);
          if ( status.isSuccess() )   {
            MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
            iter.set(this, iter_id, ctxt, 0);
            log << MSG::INFO << *s << endmsg;
            return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

  iter.set(this, -1, 0, 0);
  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
StatusCode EventSelector::next ( Context refCtxt ) const [virtual]

Get next iteration item from the event loop context.

refCtxt[IN/OUT] Reference to the context
StatusCode indicating success or failure

Implements IEvtSelector.

Definition at line 224 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  return next(refCtxt, 1);
StatusCode EventSelector::next ( Context refCtxt,
int  jump 
) const [virtual]

Get next iteration item from the event loop context, but skip jump elements.

refCtxt[IN/OUT] Reference to the context
StatusCode indicating success or failure

Implements IEvtSelector.

Definition at line 229 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  EvtSelectorContext *pIt  = dynamic_cast<EvtSelectorContext*>(&refCtxt);
  if ( pIt )    {
    if ( pIt->ID() != -1 ) {
      const EventSelectorDataStream* s = m_streamtool->getStream(pIt->ID());
      Context* it = pIt->context();
      IEvtSelector* sel = s->selector();
      if ( it && sel )    { // First exploit the current stream
        StatusCode sc = sel->next(*it);  // This stream is empty: advance to the next stream
        if ( !sc.isSuccess() )   {
          sc = firstOfNextStream(true, *pIt);
          if (sc.isSuccess() ) sc = next(*pIt);
        else  {
          pIt->set(it, 0);
        return sc;
      else if ( m_reconfigure )  {
        StatusCode sc = firstOfNextStream(false, *pIt);
        return sc;
    else if ( m_reconfigure )  {
      StatusCode sc = firstOfNextStream(false, *pIt);
      return sc;
  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
StatusCode EventSelector::previous ( Context refCtxt ) const [virtual]

Get previous iteration item from the event loop context.

refCtxt[IN/OUT] Reference to the context
jump[IN] Number of events to be skipped
StatusCode indicating success or failure

Implements IEvtSelector.

Definition at line 268 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  return previous(refCtxt, 1);
StatusCode EventSelector::previous ( Context refCtxt,
int  jump 
) const [virtual]

Get previous iteration item from the event loop context, but skip jump elements.

refCtxt[IN/OUT] Reference to the context
jump[IN] Number of events to be skipped
StatusCode indicating success or failure

Implements IEvtSelector.

Definition at line 273 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  EvtSelectorContext *pIt  = dynamic_cast<EvtSelectorContext*>(&refCtxt);
  if ( pIt && jump > 0 )    {
    StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
    for ( int i = 0; i < jump && sc.isSuccess(); ++i ) {
      const EventSelectorDataStream* s = m_streamtool->getStream(pIt->ID());
      Context* it = pIt->context();
      IEvtSelector* sel = s->selector();
      if ( it && sel )    { // First exploit the current stream
                            // This stream is empty: advance to the next stream
        sc = sel->previous(*it);  // This stream is empty: advance to the next stream
        if ( !sc.isSuccess() )   {
          sc = lastOfPreviousStream(true, *pIt);
        else  {
          pIt->set(it, 0);
        if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
          return sc;
    return sc;
  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
void EventSelector::printEvtInfo ( const EvtSelectorContext iter ) const [protected, virtual]

Progress report.

Definition at line 57 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  if ( 0 != iter )  {
    long count = iter->numEvent();
    // Print an message every m_evtPrintFrequency events
    if ( 0 == iter->context() )   {
      MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
      log << MSG::INFO << "End of event input reached." << endmsg;
    else if( iter->numStreamEvent() == -1 ) {
      // Intial value for this stream
    else if( m_evtPrintFrequency != -1 && (count % m_evtPrintFrequency == 0))   {
      MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
      log << MSG::ALWAYS << "Reading Event record " << count+1
          << ". Record number within stream " << iter->ID()+1
          << ": " << iter->numStreamEvent()+1 << endmsg;
  else  {
    MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
    log << MSG::INFO << "End of event input reached." << endmsg;
StatusCode EventSelector::reinitialize (  ) [virtual]

Service override: Reinitialize service.

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 433 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  if ( FSMState() != Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
    MsgStream logger(msgSvc(), name());
    logger << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot reinitialize: service not in state initialized" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  if( m_streamSpecsLast != m_streamSpecs ) {
    StatusCode status = m_streamtool->clear();
    if ( status.isFailure() ) return status;
    m_streamSpecsLast = m_streamSpecs;
    m_reconfigure = true;
    return m_streamtool->addStreams(m_streamSpecs);

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode EventSelector::releaseContext ( Context *&  refCtxt ) const [virtual]

Release existing event iteration context.

refCtxt[IN/OUT] Reference to the context
StatusCode indicating success or failure

Implements IEvtSelector.

Definition at line 359 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  const EvtSelectorContext *cpIt = dynamic_cast<const EvtSelectorContext*>(refCtxt);
  EvtSelectorContext       *pIt  = const_cast<EvtSelectorContext*>(cpIt);
  if ( pIt && pIt->ID() >= 0 && pIt->ID() < (long)m_streamtool->size() ) {
    const EventSelectorDataStream* s = m_streamtool->getStream(pIt->ID());
    Context* it = pIt->context();
    IEvtSelector* sel = s->selector();
    if ( it && sel )    {
      StatusCode sc = sel->releaseContext(it);
      if ( sc.isSuccess() )  {
        refCtxt = 0;
        delete pIt;
        return sc;
  if ( pIt )   {
    delete pIt;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode EventSelector::resetCriteria ( const std::string cr,
Context c 
) const [virtual]

Will set a new criteria for the selection of the next list of events and will change the state of the context in a way to point to the new list.

crThe new criteria string.
cReference pointer to the Context object.
StatusCode indicating success or failure

Implements IEvtSelector.

Definition at line 50 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
StatusCode EventSelector::rewind ( Context refCtxt ) const [virtual]

Rewind the dataset.

refCtxt[IN/OUT] Reference to the context
StatusCode indicating success or failure

Implements IEvtSelector.

Definition at line 313 of file EventSelector.cpp.

  EvtSelectorContext *ctxt  = dynamic_cast<EvtSelectorContext*>(&refCtxt);
  if ( ctxt )    {
    ctxt->set(0, -1, 0, 0);
    firstOfNextStream(true, *ctxt);
    long nskip = m_firstEvent;
    while( --nskip > 0 )    {
      StatusCode sc = next(*ctxt);
      if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
        MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
        log << MSG::ERROR << "rewind() failed to start with event number "
            << m_firstEvent << endmsg;
        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  return StatusCode::FAILURE;

Member Data Documentation

int EventSelector::m_evtMax [protected]

Maximum number of events to be processed.

Definition at line 82 of file EventSelector.h.

Printout frequency.

Definition at line 84 of file EventSelector.h.

int EventSelector::m_firstEvent [protected]

First event to be processed.

Definition at line 80 of file EventSelector.h.

Reference to the indicent service.

Definition at line 63 of file EventSelector.h.

bool EventSelector::m_reconfigure [protected]

Reconfigure occurred.

Definition at line 70 of file EventSelector.h.

Input stream counter (0..oo, monotonely increasing)

Definition at line 78 of file EventSelector.h.

Definition at line 59 of file EventSelector.h.

Definition at line 86 of file EventSelector.h.

Input streams.

Definition at line 76 of file EventSelector.h.

Input stream specifiers (for job options)

Definition at line 72 of file EventSelector.h.

Input stream specifiers (last used)

Definition at line 74 of file EventSelector.h.

Definition at line 67 of file EventSelector.h.

Definition at line 65 of file EventSelector.h.

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 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:12 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004