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Gaudi::Histogram1D Class Reference

AIDA implementation for 1 D histograms using ROOT THD1. More...

#include <H1D.h>

Inheritance diagram for Gaudi::Histogram1D:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Gaudi::Histogram1D:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Histogram1D ()
 Standard constructor.
 Histogram1D (TH1D *rep)
 Standard constructor with initialization. The histogram representation will be adopted.
virtual ~Histogram1D ()
virtual void adoptRepresentation (TObject *rep)
 Adopt ROOT histogram representation.
virtual bool setBinContents (int i, int entries, double height, double error, double centre)
 set bin content (entries and centre are not used )
virtual bool reset ()
 need to overwrite reset to reset the sums
virtual bool setStatistics (int allEntries, double eqBinEntries, double mean, double rms)
 set histogram statistics
virtual bool fill (double x, double weight)
 Fill the Profile1D with a value and the corresponding weight.
bool setRms (double rms)
 Update histogram RMS.
void copyFromAida (const AIDA::IHistogram1D &h)
 Create new histogram from any AIDA based histogram.
virtual const CLIDclID () const
 Retrieve reference to class defininition identifier.
StreamBufferserialize (StreamBuffer &s)
 Serialization mechanism, Serialize the object for reading.
StreamBufferserialize (StreamBuffer &s) const
 Serialization mechanism, Serialize the object for writing.

Static Public Member Functions

static const CLIDclassID ()
 Retrieve reference to class definition structure (static access)

Protected Attributes

double m_sumwx
 cache sumwx when setting contents since I don't have bin mean

Private Member Functions

void init (const std::string &title, bool initialize_axis=true)
void initSums ()

Detailed Description

AIDA implementation for 1 D histograms using ROOT THD1.


Definition at line 17 of file H1D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Gaudi::Histogram1D::Histogram1D (  )

Standard constructor.

Definition at line 60 of file H1D.cpp.

  m_rep = new TH1D();
Gaudi::Histogram1D::Histogram1D ( TH1D *  rep )

Standard constructor with initialization. The histogram representation will be adopted.

Definition at line 65 of file H1D.cpp.

  m_rep = rep;
virtual Gaudi::Histogram1D::~Histogram1D (  ) [inline, virtual]


Definition at line 30 of file H1D.h.


Member Function Documentation

void Gaudi::Histogram1D::adoptRepresentation ( TObject *  rep ) [virtual]

Adopt ROOT histogram representation.

Reimplemented from Gaudi::Generic1D< INTERFACE, IMPLEMENTATION >.

Definition at line 100 of file H1D.cpp.

  if ( m_rep )  {
static const CLID& Gaudi::Histogram1D::classID (  ) [inline, static]

Retrieve reference to class definition structure (static access)

Retrieve Pointer to class definition structure.

Reimplemented from DataObject.

Definition at line 47 of file H1D.h.

{ return CLID_H1D; }
virtual const CLID& Gaudi::Histogram1D::clID (  ) const [inline, virtual]

Retrieve reference to class defininition identifier.

Reimplemented from DataObject.

Definition at line 46 of file H1D.h.

{ return classID(); }
void Gaudi::Histogram1D::copyFromAida ( const AIDA::IHistogram1D &  h )

Create new histogram from any AIDA based histogram.

Definition at line 164 of file H1D.cpp.

 // implement here the copy
  std::string tit = h.title()+"Copy";
  delete m_rep;
  if (h.axis().isFixedBinning() )  {
    m_rep = new TH1D(tit.c_str(),tit.c_str(),h.axis().bins(),h.axis().lowerEdge(),h.axis().upperEdge());
  else {
    Edges e;
    for (int i =0; i < h.axis().bins(); ++i)  {
    // add also upperedges at the end
    e.push_back(h.axis().upperEdge() );
    m_rep = new TH1D(tit.c_str(),tit.c_str(),e.size()-1,&e.front());
  m_sumEntries = 0;
  m_sumwx = 0;
  // sumw
  double sumw = h.sumBinHeights();
  // sumw2
  double sumw2 = 0;
  if (h.equivalentBinEntries() != 0)
    sumw2 = ( sumw * sumw ) /h.equivalentBinEntries();

  double sumwx = h.mean()*h.sumBinHeights();
  double sumwx2 = (h.mean()*h.mean() + h.rms()*h.rms() )*h.sumBinHeights();

  // copy the contents in
  for (int i=-2; i < axis().bins(); ++i) {
    // root binning starts from one !
    m_rep->SetBinContent(rIndex(i),h.binHeight(i) );
    m_rep->SetBinError(rIndex(i),h.binError(i) );
  // need to do set entries after setting contents otherwise root will recalulate them
  // taking into account how many time  SetBinContents() has been called
    // stat vector
  std::vector<double> stat(11);
  stat[0] = sumw;
  stat[1] = sumw2;
  stat[2] = sumwx;
  stat[3] = sumwx2;
bool Gaudi::Histogram1D::fill ( double  x,
double  weight 
) [virtual]

Fill the Profile1D with a value and the corresponding weight.

Definition at line 159 of file H1D.cpp.

  (weight == 1.) ? m_rep->Fill(x) : m_rep->Fill(x,weight);
  return true;
void Gaudi::Histogram1D::init ( const std::string title,
bool  initialize_axis = true 
) [private]

Definition at line 71 of file H1D.cpp.

  m_classType = "IHistogram1D";
  if ( initialize_axis )  {
  const TArrayD* a = m_rep->GetSumw2();
  if ( 0 == a || (a && a->GetSize()==0) ) m_rep->Sumw2();
  m_sumEntries = 0;
  m_sumwx = 0;
void Gaudi::Histogram1D::initSums (  ) [private]

Definition at line 84 of file H1D.cpp.

  m_sumwx = 0;
  m_sumEntries = 0;
  for(int i=1, n=m_rep->GetNbinsX(); i<=n; ++i)    {
    m_sumwx += m_rep->GetBinContent(i)*m_rep->GetBinCenter(i);
    m_sumEntries += (int)m_rep->GetBinContent(i);
bool Gaudi::Histogram1D::reset (  ) [virtual]

need to overwrite reset to reset the sums

Reimplemented from Gaudi::Generic1D< INTERFACE, IMPLEMENTATION >.

Definition at line 93 of file H1D.cpp.

  m_sumwx = 0;
  m_sumEntries = 0;
  return Base::reset();
StreamBuffer & Gaudi::Histogram1D::serialize ( StreamBuffer s ) const

Serialization mechanism, Serialize the object for writing.

sthe StreamBuffer where to write the data
the resulting StreamBuffer, after wrinting

Definition at line 264 of file H1D.cpp.

  s << static_cast<int>( annotation().size() );
  for (int i = 0; i < annotation().size(); i++) {
    s << annotation().key(i);
    s << annotation().value(i);
  const AIDA::IAxis & axis( this->axis() );
  const int isFixedBinning = axis.isFixedBinning();
  const int bins = axis.bins();
  s << isFixedBinning << bins;
  if ( isFixedBinning ) {
    s << axis.lowerEdge();
  else {
    for ( int i = 0; i < bins; ++i )
      s << axis.binLowerEdge(i);
  s << axis.upperEdge();
  for ( int i = 0; i <= bins + 1; ++i )
    s << m_rep->GetBinContent(i) << m_rep->GetBinError( i );

  s << m_rep->GetEntries();
  Stat_t stats[4];  // stats array
  m_rep->GetStats( stats );
  s << stats[0] << stats[1] << stats[2] << stats[3];
  return s;
StreamBuffer & Gaudi::Histogram1D::serialize ( StreamBuffer s )

Serialization mechanism, Serialize the object for reading.

sthe StreamBuffer containing the data to be read
the resulting StreamBuffer, after reading

Definition at line 217 of file H1D.cpp.

  std::string title;
  int size;
  s >> size;
  for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
    std::string key, value;
    s >> key >> value;
    annotation().addItem (key, value);
    if ("Title" == key) {
      title = value;
  double lowerEdge, upperEdge, binHeight, binError;
  int    isFixedBinning, bins;
  s >> isFixedBinning >> bins;

  if ( m_rep ) delete m_rep;
  if ( isFixedBinning ) {
    s >> lowerEdge >> upperEdge;
    m_rep = new TH1D(title.c_str(),title.c_str(),bins,lowerEdge,upperEdge);
  } else {
    Edges edges;
    for ( int i = 0; i <= bins; ++i )
      s >> *(double*)&edges[i];
    m_rep = new TH1D(title.c_str(),title.c_str(),edges.size()-1,&edges.front());
  m_sumEntries = 0;
  m_sumwx = 0;

  for ( int i = 0; i <= bins + 1; ++i ) {
    s >> binHeight >> binError;
    m_rep->SetBinContent( i, binHeight );
    m_rep->SetBinError( i, binError );
  Stat_t allEntries;
  s >> allEntries;
  m_rep->SetEntries( allEntries );
  Stat_t stats[4];                                    // stats array
  s >> stats[0] >> stats[1] >> stats[2] >> stats[3];
  m_rep->PutStats( stats );
  return s;
bool Gaudi::Histogram1D::setBinContents ( int  i,
int  entries,
double  height,
double  error,
double  centre 
) [virtual]

set bin content (entries and centre are not used )

Definition at line 108 of file H1D.cpp.

  // accumulate sumwx for in range bins
  if (i != AIDA::IAxis::UNDERFLOW_BIN && i !=  AIDA::IAxis::OVERFLOW_BIN )
    m_sumwx  += centre*height;
  m_sumEntries += entries;
  return true;
bool Gaudi::Histogram1D::setRms ( double  rms )

Update histogram RMS.

Definition at line 124 of file H1D.cpp.

  std::vector<double> stat(11);
  // sum weights
  stat[0] =  sumBinHeights();
  stat[1] = 0;
  if (equivalentBinEntries() != 0)
    stat[1] = (  sumBinHeights() * sumBinHeights() ) / equivalentBinEntries();
  stat[2] = m_sumwx;
  double mean = 0;
  if ( sumBinHeights() != 0 ) mean =  m_sumwx/ sumBinHeights();
  stat[3] = ( mean*mean + rms*rms )* sumBinHeights();
  return true;
bool Gaudi::Histogram1D::setStatistics ( int  allEntries,
double  eqBinEntries,
double  mean,
double  rms 
) [virtual]

set histogram statistics

Definition at line 141 of file H1D.cpp.

  // fill statistcal vector for Root
  std::vector<double> stat(11);
  // sum weights
  stat[0] =  sumBinHeights();
  // sum weights **2
  stat[1] = 0;
  if (eqBinEntries != 0)
    stat[1] = (  sumBinHeights() * sumBinHeights() ) / eqBinEntries;
  // sum weights * x
  stat[2] = mean*sumBinHeights();
  // sum weight * x **2
  stat[3] = ( mean*mean + rms*rms )* sumBinHeights();
  return true;

Member Data Documentation

double Gaudi::Histogram1D::m_sumwx [protected]

cache sumwx when setting contents since I don't have bin mean

Definition at line 23 of file H1D.h.

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Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:28 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004