Gaudi Framework, version v23r0

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Public Member Functions

Gaudi::ISignalMonitor Class Reference

Interface for the service that monitors the occurrences of system signals. More...

#include <ISignalMonitor.h>

Inheritance diagram for Gaudi::ISignalMonitor:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Gaudi::ISignalMonitor:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DeclareInterfaceID (ISignalMonitor, 1, 0)
virtual void monitorSignal (int signum, bool propagate=true)=0
 Add a signal (number) to the list of signals to be monitored.
virtual void ignoreSignal (int signum)=0
 Ignore future occurrences of the given signal number.
virtual bool gotSignal (int signum) const =0
 Tell if the given signal has been received or not.
virtual void setSignal (int signum)=0
 Set the flag for the given signal, as if the signal was received.
virtual void clearSignal (int signum)=0
 Clear the flag for the given signal, so that a new occurrence can be identified.

Detailed Description

Interface for the service that monitors the occurrences of system signals.

The signal to be monitored have to be declared via the method monitorSignal(). The method gotSignal() can used to check if a signal has been received.

Note that the service is passive, in the sense that it simply keeps track of received signals without performing any action. So it is responsibility of the users to add a check if the signal has been received or not.

Marco Clemencic

Definition at line 19 of file ISignalMonitor.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void Gaudi::ISignalMonitor::clearSignal ( int  signum ) [pure virtual]

Clear the flag for the given signal, so that a new occurrence can be identified.

signum,:signal number

Implemented in Gaudi::Utils::SignalMonitorSvc.

Gaudi::ISignalMonitor::DeclareInterfaceID ( ISignalMonitor  ,
virtual bool Gaudi::ISignalMonitor::gotSignal ( int  signum ) const [pure virtual]

Tell if the given signal has been received or not.

signum,:signal number

Implemented in Gaudi::Utils::SignalMonitorSvc.

virtual void Gaudi::ISignalMonitor::ignoreSignal ( int  signum ) [pure virtual]

Ignore future occurrences of the given signal number.

signum,:signal number

Implemented in Gaudi::Utils::SignalMonitorSvc.

virtual void Gaudi::ISignalMonitor::monitorSignal ( int  signum,
bool  propagate = true 
) [pure virtual]

Add a signal (number) to the list of signals to be monitored.

It possible to choose if a previously installed signal handler should be called or not.

signum,:signal number
propagate,:if true (default) an already present signal handler is called, otherwise the signal is stopped in the service.

Implemented in Gaudi::Utils::SignalMonitorSvc.

virtual void Gaudi::ISignalMonitor::setSignal ( int  signum ) [pure virtual]

Set the flag for the given signal, as if the signal was received.

signum,:signal number

Implemented in Gaudi::Utils::SignalMonitorSvc.

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Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:29 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004