Gaudi Framework, version v23r0

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Gaudi::Main::gaudimain Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def setupParallelLogging
def generatePyOutput
def generateOptsOutput
def printconfig
def writeconfig
def printsequence
def run
 Instantiate and run the application.
def runSerial
def runParallel

Public Attributes


Static Public Attributes

 mainLoop = None

Private Member Functions

def _writepickle

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def Gaudi::Main::gaudimain::__init__ (   self )

Definition at line 12 of file

00013                        :
00014         from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
00015         appMgr = ApplicationMgr()
00016         if "GAUDIAPPNAME" in os.environ:
00017             appMgr.AppName = str(os.environ["GAUDIAPPNAME"])
00018         if "GAUDIAPPVERSION" in os.environ:
00019             appMgr.AppVersion = str(os.environ["GAUDIAPPVERSION"])
00020         self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Member Function Documentation

def Gaudi::Main::gaudimain::_writepickle (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 73 of file

00074                                      :
00075         #--- Lets take the first file input file as the name of the pickle file
00076         import pickle
00077         output = open(filename, 'wb')
00078         # Dump only the the configurables that make sense to dump (not User ones)
00079         from GaudiKernel.Proxy.Configurable import getNeededConfigurables
00080         to_dump = {}
00081         for n in getNeededConfigurables():
00082             to_dump[n] = Configuration.allConfigurables[n]
00083         pickle.dump(to_dump, output, -1)
00084         output.close()

def Gaudi::Main::gaudimain::generateOptsOutput (   self,
  all = False 

Definition at line 60 of file

00061                                              :
00062         from pprint import pformat
00063         conf_dict = Configuration.configurationDict(all)
00064         out = []
00065         names = conf_dict.keys()
00066         names.sort()
00067         for n in names:
00068             props = conf_dict[n].keys()
00069             props.sort()
00070             for p in props:
00071                 out.append('%s.%s = %s;' % (n,p, repr(conf_dict[n][p])))
00072         return "\n".join(out)

def Gaudi::Main::gaudimain::generatePyOutput (   self,
  all = False 

Definition at line 55 of file

00056                                            :
00057         from pprint import pformat
00058         conf_dict = Configuration.configurationDict(all)
00059         return pformat(conf_dict)

def Gaudi::Main::gaudimain::printconfig (   self,
  old_format = False,
  all = False 

Definition at line 85 of file

00086                                                            :
00087         msg = 'Dumping all configurables and properties'
00088         if not all:
00089             msg += ' (different from default)'
00091         conf_dict = Configuration.configurationDict(all)
00092         if old_format:
00093             print self.generateOptsOutput(all)
00094         else:
00095             print self.generatePyOutput(all)

def Gaudi::Main::gaudimain::printsequence (   self )

Definition at line 109 of file

00110                            :
00111         def printAlgo( algName, appMgr, prefix = ' ') :
00112             print prefix + algName
00113             alg = appMgr.algorithm( algName.split( "/" )[ -1 ] )
00114             prop =
00115             if prop.has_key( "Members" ) :
00116                 subs = prop[ "Members" ].value()
00117                 for i in subs : printAlgo( i.strip( '"' ), appMgr, prefix + "     " )
00118             elif prop.has_key( "DetectorList" ) :
00119                 subs = prop[ "DetectorList" ].value()
00120                 for i in subs : printAlgo( algName.split( "/" )[ -1 ] + i.strip( '"' ) + "Seq", appMgr, prefix + "     ")
00121         import GaudiPython
00122         self.g = GaudiPython.AppMgr()
00123         mp =
00124         print "\n ****************************** Algorithm Sequence **************************** \n"
00125         for i in mp["TopAlg"].value(): printAlgo( i, self.g )
00126         print "\n ****************************************************************************** \n"

def Gaudi::Main::gaudimain::run (   self,
  ncpus = None 

Instantiate and run the application.

Depending on the number of CPUs (ncpus) specified, it start

Definition at line 129 of file

00130                                :
00131         if not ncpus:
00132             # Standard sequential mode
00133             result = self.runSerial()
00134         else:
00135             # Otherwise, run with the specified number of cpus
00136             result = self.runParallel(ncpus)
00137         return result

def Gaudi::Main::gaudimain::runParallel (   self,

Definition at line 163 of file

00164                                  :
00165         if self.mainLoop:
00166             self.log.fatal("Cannot use custom main loop in multi-process mode, check your options")
00167             return 1
00168         self.setupParallelLogging( )
00169         from Gaudi.Configuration import Configurable
00170         import GaudiMP.GMPBase as gpp
00171         c = Configurable.allConfigurables
00173'%s: Parallel Mode : %i '%(__name__, ncpus))
00174         from commands import getstatusoutput as gso
00175         metadataCommands = [ 'uname -a',
00176                              'echo $CMTCONFIG',
00177                              'echo $GAUDIAPPNAME',
00178                              'echo $GAUDIAPPVERSION']
00179         for comm in metadataCommands :
00180             s, o = gso( comm )
00181             if s :
00182                 o = "Undetermined"
00183             string = '%s: %30s : %s '%(__name__, comm, o)
00184    string )
00185         try :
00186             events = str(c['ApplicationMgr'].EvtMax)
00187         except :
00188             events = "Undetermined"
00189'%s: Events Specified : %s '%(__name__,events))
00191         # Parall = gpp.Coordinator(ncpus, shared, c, self.log)
00192         Parall = gpp.Coord( ncpus, c, self.log )
00193         sysStart = time()
00194         sc = Parall.Go()
00195'MAIN.PY : received %s from Coordinator'%(sc))
00196         if sc.isFailure() :
00197             return 1
00198         sysTime = time()-sysStart
00199 = 'Gaudi/ Logger'
00201'%s: parallel system finished, time taken: %5.4fs', __name__, sysTime)
00203         return 0
def Gaudi::Main::gaudimain::runSerial (   self )

Definition at line 139 of file

00140                         :
00141         #--- Instantiate the ApplicationMgr------------------------------
00142         import GaudiPython
00143         self.log.debug('-'*80)
00144         self.log.debug('%s: running in serial mode', __name__)
00145         self.log.debug('-'*80)
00146         sysStart = time()
00147         self.g = GaudiPython.AppMgr()
00148         runner = self.mainLoop or (lambda app, nevt:
00149         statuscode = runner(self.g, self.g.EvtMax)
00150         if hasattr(statuscode, "isSuccess"):
00151             success = statuscode.isSuccess()
00152         else:
00153             success = statuscode
00154         success = self.g.exit().isSuccess() and success
00155         if not success and self.g.ReturnCode == 0:
00156             # ensure that the return code is correctly set
00157             self.g.ReturnCode = 1
00158         sysTime = time()-sysStart
00159         self.log.debug('-'*80)
00160         self.log.debug('%s: serial system finished, time taken: %5.4fs', __name__, sysTime)
00161         self.log.debug('-'*80)
00162         return self.g.ReturnCode

def Gaudi::Main::gaudimain::setupParallelLogging (   self )

Definition at line 21 of file

00022                                      :
00023         # ---------------------------------------------------
00024         # set up Logging
00025         # ----------------
00026         # from multiprocessing import enableLogging, getLogger
00027         import multiprocessing
00028         # preliminaries for handlers/output files, etc.
00029         from time import ctime
00030         datetime = ctime()
00031         datetime = datetime.replace(' ', '_')
00032         outfile = open( 'gaudirun-%s.log'%(datetime), 'w' )
00033         # two handlers, one for a log file, one for terminal
00034         streamhandler = logging.StreamHandler(strm=outfile)
00035         console       = logging.StreamHandler()
00036         # create formatter : the params in parentheses are variable names available via logging
00037         formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" )
00038         # add formatter to Handler
00039         streamhandler.setFormatter(formatter)
00040         console.setFormatter(formatter)
00041         # now, configure the logger
00042         # enableLogging( level=0 )
00043         # self.log = getLogger()
00044         self.log = multiprocessing.log_to_stderr()
00045         self.log.setLevel( logging.INFO )
00046 = 'Gaudi/ Logger'
00047         self.log.handlers = []
00048         # add handlers to logger : one for output to a file, one for console output
00049         self.log.addHandler(streamhandler)
00050         self.log.addHandler(console)
00051         self.log.removeHandler(console)
00052         # set level!!
00053         self.log.setLevel = logging.INFO
00054         # ---------------------------------------------------

def Gaudi::Main::gaudimain::writeconfig (   self,
  all = False 

Definition at line 96 of file

00097                                                 :
00098         write = { ".pkl" : lambda filename, all: self._writepickle(filename),
00099                   ".py"  : lambda filename, all: open(filename,"w").write(self.generatePyOutput(all) + "\n"),
00100                   ".opts": lambda filename, all: open(filename,"w").write(self.generateOptsOutput(all) + "\n"),
00101                 }
00102         from os.path import splitext
00103         ext = splitext(filename)[1]
00104         if ext in write:
00105             write[ext](filename, all)
00106         else:
00107             log.error("Unknown file type '%s'. Must be any of %r.", ext, write.keys())
00108             sys.exit(1)

Member Data Documentation


Definition at line 109 of file


Definition at line 12 of file

Gaudi::Main::gaudimain::mainLoop = None [static]

Definition at line 10 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
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Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:31 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004