Gaudi Framework, version v23r0

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Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog Class Reference

This class constitutes the core of the XML based FileCatalog API for using POOL within Gaudi. More...

#include <MultiFileCatalog.h>

Inheritance diagram for Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MultiFileCatalog (const std::string &nam, ISvcLocator *svc)
 Create a catalog file, initialization of XercesC.
virtual ~MultiFileCatalog ()
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
 IService implementation.
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
 Finalize service object.
virtual std::string createFID () const
 Catalog interface.
virtual CSTR connectInfo () const
 Access to connect string.
virtual void init ()
 Parse the DOM tree of the XML catalog.
virtual void commit ()
 Save DOM catalog to file.
virtual void rollback ()
 Save DOM catalog to file.
virtual bool readOnly () const
 Check if the catalog is read-only.
virtual bool dirty () const
 Check if the catalog should be updated.
virtual bool existsPFN (CSTR pfn) const
 Return the status of physical file name.
virtual std::string lookupPFN (CSTR pfn) const
 Lookup file identifier by physical file name.
virtual bool existsLFN (CSTR lfn) const
 Return the status of a logical file name.
virtual std::string lookupLFN (CSTR lfn) const
 Lookup file identifier by logical file name.
virtual bool existsFID (CSTR fid) const
 Return the status of a FileID.
virtual void getPFN (CSTR fid, Files &files) const
 Dump all physical file names of the catalog and their attributes associate to the FileID.
virtual void getLFN (CSTR fid, Files &files) const
 Dump all logical file names of the catalog associate to the FileID.
virtual void getFID (Strings &fids) const
 Dump all file Identifiers.
virtual void deleteFID (CSTR fid) const
 Delete FileID from the catalog.
virtual void registerPFN (CSTR fid, CSTR pfn, CSTR ftype) const
 Create a FileID and DOM Node of the PFN with all the attributes.
virtual void registerLFN (CSTR fid, CSTR lfn) const
 Create a FileID and DOM Node of the LFN with all the attributes.
virtual void registerFID (CSTR fid) const
 Create a FileID and DOM Node.
virtual void getMetaData (CSTR fid, Attributes &attr) const
 Dump all MetaData of the catalog for a given file ID.
virtual std::string getMetaDataItem (CSTR fid, CSTR name) const
 Access metadata item.
virtual void setMetaData (CSTR fid, CSTR attr, CSTR val) const
 Insert/update metadata item.
virtual void dropMetaData (CSTR fid) const
 Drop all metadata of one FID.
virtual void dropMetaData (CSTR fid, CSTR attr) const
 Drop specified metadata item.
virtual IFileCatalogfindCatalog (CSTR connect, bool must_be_writable) const
 Catalog management.
virtual void addCatalog (CSTR connect)
 Add new catalog identified by name to the existing ones.
virtual void addCatalog (IFileCatalog *cat)
 Add new catalog identified by reference to the existing ones.
virtual void removeCatalog (CSTR connect)
 Remove catalog identified by name from the existing ones.
virtual void removeCatalog (const IFileCatalog *cat)
 Remove catalog identified by reference from the existing ones.
virtual Catalogscatalogs ()
 Access catalog container.
virtual const Catalogscatalogs () const
 Access catalog container (CONST)
virtual IFileCatalogwriteCatalog (CSTR fid="") const
 Access to the (first) writable file catalog.
virtual void setWriteCatalog (IFileCatalog *cat)
 Define the writable catalog identified by reference.
virtual void setWriteCatalog (CSTR connect)
 Define the writable catalog identified by name.

Protected Types

typedef const std::stringCSTR
typedef std::vector
< IFileCatalog * > 
typedef std::vector< std::stringCatalogNames

Protected Member Functions

template<class T >
void _exec (T pmf) const
template<class A1 , class F >
std::string _find (A1 &arg1, F pmf) const
template<class A1 , class F >
void _collect (A1 arg1, F pmf) const
template<class A1 , class A2 , class F >
void _collect (A1 arg1, A2 &arg2, F pmf) const

Private Member Functions

IFileCataloggetCatalog (CSTR fid, bool throw_if_not, bool writable=true, bool prt=true) const
 Find catalog containing a given file identifier.
Catalogs::iterator i_findCatalog (CSTR connect, bool must_be_writable)
 Find catalog by connect string.
void propHandler (Property &)
 simple property handle to allow interactive modification of list of the file catalogs
void printError (CSTR msg, bool throw_exc=true) const
std::string lookupFID (CSTR lfn) const

Private Attributes

Catalogs m_catalogs
 Container with references to known catalogs.
CatalogNames m_catalogNames
 Property : Container with catalog names.
bool m_started
 Flag to indicate if catalog is started.
CatalogNames m_oldNames
 BACKUP:: Container with catalog names.

Detailed Description

This class constitutes the core of the XML based FileCatalog API for using POOL within Gaudi.

This class manages multiple file catalogs.

Definition at line 20 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<std::string> Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::CatalogNames [protected]

Definition at line 25 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

typedef std::vector<IFileCatalog*> Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::Catalogs [protected]

Definition at line 24 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

typedef const std::string& Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::CSTR [protected]

Definition at line 23 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MultiFileCatalog::MultiFileCatalog ( const std::string nam,
ISvcLocator svc 

Create a catalog file, initialization of XercesC.

Definition at line 27 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  : base_class(nam, svc), m_started(false), m_oldNames()
  declareProperty("Catalogs", m_catalogNames, "The list of Catalogs")
    -> declareUpdateHandler ( &Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::propHandler, this ) ;
MultiFileCatalog::~MultiFileCatalog (  ) [virtual]


Definition at line 35 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.


Member Function Documentation

template<class A1 , class F >
void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::_collect ( A1  arg1,
) const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 37 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

      A1 tmp;
      for(Catalogs::const_iterator i=m_catalogs.begin();i!=m_catalogs.end();++i,tmp.clear()) {
template<class A1 , class A2 , class F >
void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::_collect ( A1  arg1,
A2 &  arg2,
) const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 44 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

      A2 tmp;
      for(Catalogs::const_iterator i=m_catalogs.begin();i!=m_catalogs.end();++i,tmp.clear()) {
template<class T >
void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::_exec ( pmf ) const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 27 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

      for(Catalogs::const_iterator i=m_catalogs.begin(); i != m_catalogs.end(); ++i)
template<class A1 , class F >
std::string Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::_find ( A1 &  arg1,
) const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 31 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

      std::string result;
      for(Catalogs::const_iterator i=m_catalogs.begin(); i != m_catalogs.end(); ++i)
        if ( !(result= ((*i)->*pmf)(arg1)).empty() ) break;
      return result;
void MultiFileCatalog::addCatalog ( CSTR  connect ) [virtual]

Add new catalog identified by name to the existing ones.

Catalog is already present ... silently ignore request

Definition at line 130 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  if ( !con.empty() )  {
    if ( 0 == findCatalog(con,false) )  {
      static string xml_typ = "Gaudi::XMLFileCatalog";
      string::size_type id0 = con.find("_");
      string typ = con.substr(0,id0);
      string url = con.substr(id0+1);
      IInterface* cat = 0;
      if ( strncasecmp("xml",typ.c_str(),3) == 0 )    {
        cat = PluginService::Create<IInterface*>(xml_typ,url,msgSvc().get());
      else    {
        cat = PluginService::Create<IInterface*>(typ,url,serviceLocator().get());
        if ( !cat )  {
          cat = PluginService::Create<IInterface*>(typ,url,msgSvc().get());
      if ( cat )  {
        IFileCatalog* fileCat = 0;
        if ( cat->queryInterface(IFileCatalog::interfaceID(),pp_cast<void>(&fileCat)).isSuccess() ) {
      printError("Failed to create catalog connection:"+con,true);
  printError("Got invalid (empty) catalog connection string.",true);
void MultiFileCatalog::addCatalog ( IFileCatalog cat ) [virtual]

Add new catalog identified by reference to the existing ones.

Definition at line 163 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  if ( cat )  {
  printError("Got invalid catalog to be added to multi catalog.",true);
virtual Catalogs& Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::catalogs (  ) [inline, virtual]

Access catalog container.

Definition at line 141 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

{ return m_catalogs;      }
virtual const Catalogs& Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::catalogs (  ) const [inline, virtual]

Access catalog container (CONST)

Definition at line 143 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

{ return m_catalogs;      }
virtual void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::commit (  ) [inline, virtual]

Save DOM catalog to file.

Definition at line 72 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

{ _exec(&IFileCatalog::commit);   }
MultiFileCatalog::CSTR MultiFileCatalog::connectInfo (  ) const [virtual]

Access to connect string.

Definition at line 72 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  static string s("MultiCatalog");
  return s;
std::string MultiFileCatalog::createFID (  ) const [virtual]

Catalog interface.

Create file identifier using UUID mechanism.

Create file identifier using UUID mechanism

Definition at line 68 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  return createGuidAsString();
virtual void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::deleteFID ( CSTR  fid ) const [inline, virtual]

Delete FileID from the catalog.

Definition at line 105 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  writeCatalog(fid)->deleteFID(fid);                                     }
bool MultiFileCatalog::dirty (  ) const [virtual]

Check if the catalog should be updated.

Definition at line 242 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

{  return _findX0Bool(m_catalogs,&IFileCatalog::dirty,true);                  }
virtual void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::dropMetaData ( CSTR  fid ) const [inline, virtual]

Drop all metadata of one FID.

Definition at line 123 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  writeCatalog(fid)->dropMetaData(fid);                                  }
virtual void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::dropMetaData ( CSTR  fid,
CSTR  attr 
) const [inline, virtual]

Drop specified metadata item.

Definition at line 126 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  writeCatalog(fid)->dropMetaData(fid,attr);                             }
virtual bool Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::existsFID ( CSTR  fid ) const [inline, virtual]

Return the status of a FileID.

Definition at line 92 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  return 0 != getCatalog(fid,false,false,false);                          }
virtual bool Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::existsLFN ( CSTR  lfn ) const [inline, virtual]

Return the status of a logical file name.

Definition at line 86 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    { return !lookupLFN(lfn).empty();                                         }
virtual bool Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::existsPFN ( CSTR  pfn ) const [inline, virtual]

Return the status of physical file name.

Definition at line 80 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    { return !lookupPFN(pfn).empty();                                         }
StatusCode MultiFileCatalog::finalize (  ) [virtual]

Finalize service object.

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 59 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  m_started = false;
  return Service::finalize();
IFileCatalog * MultiFileCatalog::findCatalog ( CSTR  connect,
bool  must_be_writable 
) const [virtual]

Catalog management.

Find catalog by connect string

Definition at line 103 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  for(Catalogs::const_iterator i=m_catalogs.begin(); i != m_catalogs.end(); ++i) {
    if ( connect == (*i)->connectInfo() )
      return (must_be_writable && (*i)->readOnly()) ? 0 : *i;
  return 0;
IFileCatalog * MultiFileCatalog::getCatalog ( CSTR  fid,
bool  throw_if_not,
bool  writable = true,
bool  prt = true 
) const [private]

Find catalog containing a given file identifier.

Definition at line 77 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  for(Catalogs::const_iterator i=m_catalogs.begin(); i != m_catalogs.end(); ++i)  {
    IFileCatalog* c = *i;
    if ( c )  {
      if ( writable && c->readOnly() )
      else if ( fid.empty() )
        return c;
      else if ( !fid.empty() && c->existsFID(fid) )
        return c;
  if ( prt )  {
    printError("No writable file catalog found which contains FID:"+fid,throw_if_not);
  else  {
    MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
    log << MSG::DEBUG << "No writable file catalog found which contains FID:" << fid << endmsg;
  return 0;
virtual void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::getFID ( Strings &  fids ) const [inline, virtual]

Dump all file Identifiers.

Definition at line 102 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  _collect(fids,&IFileCatalog::getFID);                                  }
virtual void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::getLFN ( CSTR  fid,
Files &  files 
) const [inline, virtual]

Dump all logical file names of the catalog associate to the FileID.

Definition at line 98 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  _collect(fid,files,&IFileCatalog::getLFN);                             }
virtual void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::getMetaData ( CSTR  fid,
Attributes &  attr 
) const [inline, virtual]

Dump all MetaData of the catalog for a given file ID.

Definition at line 115 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  _collect(fid,attr,&IFileCatalog::getMetaData);                         }
string MultiFileCatalog::getMetaDataItem ( CSTR  fid,
CSTR  name 
) const [virtual]

Access metadata item.

Definition at line 220 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  std::string result;
  for(Catalogs::const_iterator i=m_catalogs.begin(); i != m_catalogs.end(); ++i)
    if ( !(result= (*i)->getMetaDataItem(fid,attr)).empty() ) break;
  return result;
virtual void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::getPFN ( CSTR  fid,
Files &  files 
) const [inline, virtual]

Dump all physical file names of the catalog and their attributes associate to the FileID.

Definition at line 95 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  _collect(fid,files,&IFileCatalog::getPFN);                             }
MultiFileCatalog::Catalogs::iterator MultiFileCatalog::i_findCatalog ( CSTR  connect,
bool  must_be_writable 
) [private]

Find catalog by connect string.

Definition at line 112 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  for(Catalogs::iterator i=m_catalogs.begin(); i != m_catalogs.end(); ++i) {
    if ( connect == (*i)->connectInfo() ) {
      return (must_be_writable && (*i)->readOnly()) ? m_catalogs.end() : i;
  return m_catalogs.end();
virtual void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::init (  ) [inline, virtual]

Parse the DOM tree of the XML catalog.

Definition at line 69 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  _exec(&IFileCatalog::init); m_started=true;                           }
StatusCode MultiFileCatalog::initialize (  ) [virtual]

IService implementation.

Finalize service object

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 38 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  CatalogNames::const_iterator i;
  std::string current = "";
  if ( !Service::initialize().isSuccess() )  {
    printError("Failed to initialize service base class.",false);
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  try {
    for(i=m_catalogNames.begin(); i != m_catalogNames.end(); ++i)  {
      current = *i;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  catch(const std::exception& /* e */)  {
    printError("Cannot add file catalog:"+current,false);
  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
std::string Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::lookupFID ( CSTR  lfn ) const [private]
virtual std::string Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::lookupLFN ( CSTR  lfn ) const [inline, virtual]

Lookup file identifier by logical file name.

Definition at line 89 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  return _find(lfn,&IFileCatalog::lookupLFN);                            }
virtual std::string Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::lookupPFN ( CSTR  pfn ) const [inline, virtual]

Lookup file identifier by physical file name.

Definition at line 83 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  return _find(pfn,&IFileCatalog::lookupPFN);                            }
void MultiFileCatalog::printError ( CSTR  msg,
bool  throw_exc = true 
) const [private]

Definition at line 121 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
  if ( rethrow )  {
    log << MSG::FATAL << msg << endmsg;
    throw runtime_error("Catalog> "+msg);
  log << MSG::ERROR << msg << endmsg;
void MultiFileCatalog::propHandler ( Property  ) [private]

simple property handle to allow interactive modification of list of the file catalogs

Definition at line 245 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  // not yet initialized
  if ( !m_started ) { m_oldNames = m_catalogNames; return; } // RETURN
  // no real change - no action
  if ( m_catalogNames == m_oldNames ) { return; }
  m_oldNames = m_catalogNames ;
  // remove ALL catalogs
  removeCatalog("") ;
  // add new catalogs
  for ( CatalogNames::const_iterator inew = m_catalogNames.begin() ;
        m_catalogNames.end() != inew ; ++inew ) { addCatalog ( *inew ) ; }
  // start
  init() ;
  MsgStream log ( msgSvc() , name() ) ;
  log << MSG::DEBUG
      << "New catalogs to be used: "
      << Gaudi::Utils::toString ( m_catalogNames ) << endmsg ;
bool MultiFileCatalog::readOnly (  ) const [virtual]

Check if the catalog is read-only.

Definition at line 239 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

{  return _findX0Bool(m_catalogs,&IFileCatalog::readOnly,false);              }
virtual void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::registerFID ( CSTR  fid ) const [inline, virtual]

Create a FileID and DOM Node.

Definition at line 112 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  writeCatalog()->registerFID(fid);                                      }
void MultiFileCatalog::registerLFN ( CSTR  fid,
CSTR  lfn 
) const [virtual]

Create a FileID and DOM Node of the LFN with all the attributes.

Definition at line 233 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  IFileCatalog* c = getCatalog(fid,false,true,false);
  if ( !c ) c = getCatalog("",true,true,true);
  c->registerLFN(fid, lfn);
void MultiFileCatalog::registerPFN ( CSTR  fid,
CSTR  pfn,
CSTR  ftype 
) const [virtual]

Create a FileID and DOM Node of the PFN with all the attributes.

Definition at line 227 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  IFileCatalog* c = getCatalog(fid,false,true,false);
  if ( !c ) c = getCatalog("",true,true,true);
  c->registerPFN(fid, pfn, ftype);
void MultiFileCatalog::removeCatalog ( const IFileCatalog cat ) [virtual]

Remove catalog identified by reference from the existing ones.

Definition at line 181 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  if ( cat )  {
    Catalogs::iterator i=find(m_catalogs.begin(),m_catalogs.end(),cat);
    if ( i != m_catalogs.end() )  {
    printError("Unknown file catalog -- cannot be removed.",true);
  printError("Invalid file catalog.",true);
void MultiFileCatalog::removeCatalog ( CSTR  connect ) [virtual]

Remove catalog identified by name from the existing ones.

Definition at line 172 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  if ( con.empty() || con == "*" )  {
virtual void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::rollback (  ) [inline, virtual]

Save DOM catalog to file.

Definition at line 74 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

{ _exec(&IFileCatalog::rollback); }
virtual void Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::setMetaData ( CSTR  fid,
CSTR  attr,
CSTR  val 
) const [inline, virtual]

Insert/update metadata item.

Definition at line 120 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  writeCatalog(fid)->setMetaData(fid,attr,val);                          }
void MultiFileCatalog::setWriteCatalog ( CSTR  connect ) [virtual]

Define the writable catalog identified by name.

Definition at line 210 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  Catalogs::iterator i = i_findCatalog(connect,true);
  if ( i == m_catalogs.end() ) {
void MultiFileCatalog::setWriteCatalog ( IFileCatalog cat ) [virtual]

Define the writable catalog identified by reference.

Definition at line 194 of file MultiFileCatalog.cpp.

  if ( cat )  {
    if ( !cat->readOnly() )  {
      Catalogs::iterator i=find(m_catalogs.begin(),m_catalogs.end(),cat);
      if ( i != m_catalogs.end() )  {
      printError("The catalog "+cat->connectInfo()+" is not known.",true);
    printError("The catalog "+cat->connectInfo()+" is not writable.",true);
  printError("Invalid file catalog.",true);
virtual IFileCatalog* Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::writeCatalog ( CSTR  fid = "" ) const [inline, virtual]

Access to the (first) writable file catalog.

Definition at line 145 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

    {  return getCatalog(fid,true,true,false);                                }

Member Data Documentation

CatalogNames Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::m_catalogNames [private]

Property : Container with catalog names.

Definition at line 168 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

Catalogs Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::m_catalogs [private]

Container with references to known catalogs.

Definition at line 166 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

CatalogNames Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::m_oldNames [private]

BACKUP:: Container with catalog names.

Definition at line 172 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

bool Gaudi::MultiFileCatalog::m_started [private]

Flag to indicate if catalog is started.

Definition at line 170 of file MultiFileCatalog.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:29 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004