Gaudi Framework, version v23r0

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Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc Class Reference

This service provides access to particle properties. More...

#include <ParticlePropertySvc.h>

Inheritance diagram for Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef ParticlePropertymapped_type
typedef std::map< int,
typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef std::map< int,
typedef std::map< int,
typedef std::set
< ParticleProperty * > 

Public Member Functions

virtual StatusCode initialize ()
 Initialise the service.
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
 Finalise the service.
virtual StatusCode push_back (const std::string &particle, int geantId, int jetsetId, double charge, double mass, double tlife, const std::string &evtName, int pythiaId, double maxWidth)
 Create a new particle property.
virtual StatusCode push_back (ParticleProperty *pp)
 Add a new particle property.
virtual const_iterator begin () const
 Get a const reference to the beginning of the container.
virtual const_iterator end () const
 Get a const reference to the end of the container.
virtual int size () const
 Get the container size.
virtual ParticlePropertyfind (int geantId)
 Retrieve a property by geant3 id.
virtual ParticlePropertyfind (const std::string &name)
 Retrieve a property by particle name.
virtual ParticlePropertyfindByStdHepID (int stdHepId)
 Retrieve a property by StdHep id.
virtual ParticlePropertyfindByPythiaID (int pythiaID)
 Retrieve a property by Pythia id.
virtual StatusCode erase (int geantId)
 Erase a property by geant3 id.
virtual StatusCode erase (const std::string &name)
 Erase a property by particle name.
virtual StatusCode eraseByStdHepID (int stdHepId)
 Erase a property by StdHep id ???
 ParticlePropertySvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svc)
 Standard Constructor.
virtual ~ParticlePropertySvc ()

Protected Member Functions

const ParticlePropertyanti (const ParticleProperty *pp) const
 helper (protected) function to find an antiparticle for the given particle ID (StdHepID)
StatusCode setAntiParticles ()
 helper (protected) function to set the valid particle<-->antiparticle relations
StatusCode rebuild ()
 rebuild "the linear container" from the map
StatusCode erase (const ParticleProperty *pp)
 remove particle property from all maps
StatusCode parse (const std::string &file)
 parse the file
StatusCode parse ()
 Parses the file and fill all the maps.
StatusCode addParticles ()
bool diff (const ParticleProperty *o, const ParticleProperty *n, const MSG::Level l=MSG::DEBUG) const

Private Types

typedef std::vector< std::stringFiles
typedef std::vector< std::stringParticles

Private Attributes

std::string m_filename
 Filename of the particle properties file.
Files m_other
 additional file names
Particles m_particles
VectPP m_vectpp
 Vector of all particle properties.
MapID m_idmap
 Map for geant IDs.
MapName m_namemap
 Map for particle names.
MapStdHepID m_stdhepidmap
 Map for StdHep Ids.
MapPythiaID m_pythiaidmap
 Map for Pythia Ids.
Set m_owned
std::set< std::stringm_replaced

Detailed Description

This service provides access to particle properties.

The settable property of this service is the ParticlePropertiesFile, an ASCII file containing the list of properties for the particles. The default file is: "$PARAMFILESROOT/data/ParticleTable.txt" or if $PARAMFILESROOT is not defined "ParticleTable.txt"

Iain Last
Gloria Corti 8/11/1999 change default file from $CDF/particle.cdf to $LHCBDBASE/cdf/particle.cdf on Unix and use environment variable also on WinNT Also introduce finding of particle by StdHepID
2006-09-22 1) Modified to add possibility to redefine properties of existing particles and to read additional files. New property "OtherFiles" (default is empty vector) is introduces. Service parsed additional files after the main one.
    // read additional properties
    ParticlePropertySvc.OtherFiles = {
       "$SOMELOCATION1/file1.txt" ,
    } ;

2) Add possibility to modify only certain particles through the new property "Particles" (default is empty list), Each line is interpreted as a line in particle data table, e.g.

   // redefine the properties of H_20 and H_30 particles:
   ParticlePropertySvc.Particles = {
       "H_20 88 35 0.0 120.0 9.4e-26 Higgs'0 35 0.0e+00" ,
       "H_30 89 36 0.0  40.0 1.0e-12      A0 36 0.0e+00"
     } ;

The replaces/modified particles are reported.

Definition at line 72 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef IParticlePropertySvc::const_iterator Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::const_iterator

Reimplemented from IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 82 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

typedef std::vector<std::string> Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::Files [private]

Definition at line 183 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

typedef IParticlePropertySvc::iterator Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::iterator

Reimplemented from IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 83 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

typedef std::map< int, mapped_type > Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::MapID

Definition at line 77 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

typedef std::map< std::string, mapped_type > Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::MapName

Definition at line 78 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

typedef ParticleProperty* Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::mapped_type

Definition at line 76 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

typedef std::map< int, mapped_type > Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::MapPythiaID

Definition at line 80 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

typedef std::map< int, mapped_type > Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::MapStdHepID

Definition at line 79 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

typedef std::vector<std::string> Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::Particles [private]

Definition at line 184 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

typedef std::set<ParticleProperty*> Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::Set

Definition at line 84 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

typedef IParticlePropertySvc::VectPP Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::VectPP

Reimplemented from IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 81 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::ParticlePropertySvc ( const std::string name,
ISvcLocator svc 

Standard Constructor.

nameString with service name
svcPointer to service locator interface

: remove reference to LHCb-specific environment variable

Definition at line 44 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.

  : base_class( name, svc )
  // the default name of input data file
  , m_filename ( "ParticleTable.txt" )
  , m_other ()
  , m_particles ()
  // storages :
  , m_vectpp  ()
  , m_idmap   ()
  , m_namemap ()
  , m_stdhepidmap()
  , m_pythiaidmap()
  , m_owned ()
  , m_replaced ()
  , m_fileAccess (0)
  // Redefine the default name:
  if( System::getEnv("PARAMFILESROOT", m_filename) )
    m_filename += "/data/ParticleTable.txt";
  declareProperty ( "ParticlePropertiesFile" , m_filename  ) ;
  declareProperty ( "OtherFiles"             , m_other     ) ;
  declareProperty ( "Particles"              , m_particles ) ;
Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::~ParticlePropertySvc (  ) [virtual]



Definition at line 76 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.

  for ( Set::iterator i = m_owned.begin(); i != m_owned.end() ; ++i )
  { if ( 0 != *i ) { delete *i ; } }

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::addParticles (  ) [protected]

Definition at line 479 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.


  MsgStream log ( msgSvc() , name() ) ;
  // loop over all "explicit" particles
  for ( Particles::const_iterator ip = m_particles.begin() ;
        m_particles.end() != ip ; ++ip )
    const std::string item = *ip ;
    std::istringstream input( item ) ;
    // get the name
    std::string p_name   ;
    int         p_geant  ;
    int         p_jetset ;
    double      p_charge ;
    double      p_mass   ;
    double      p_ltime  ;
    std::string p_evtgen ;
    int         p_pythia ;
    double      p_maxwid ;
    if ( input
         >> p_name
         >> p_geant
         >> p_jetset
         >> p_charge
         >> p_mass
         >> p_ltime
         >> p_evtgen
         >> p_pythia
         >> p_maxwid )
      log << MSG::ALWAYS
          << " Add/Modify the particle: "
          << " name='"   << p_name   << "'"
          << " geant="   << p_geant
          << " jetset="  << p_jetset
          << " charge="  << p_charge
          << " mass="    << p_mass
          << " ltime="   << p_ltime
          << " evtgen='" << p_evtgen << "'"
          << " pythia="  << p_pythia
          << " maxwid="  << p_maxwid << endmsg ;
      StatusCode sc = push_back
        ( p_name                        ,
          p_geant                       ,
          p_jetset                      ,
          p_charge                      ,
          p_mass    * Gaudi::Units::GeV ,
          p_ltime   * Gaudi::Units::s   ,
          p_evtgen                      ,
          p_pythia                      ,
          p_maxwid  * Gaudi::Units::GeV ) ;
      if ( sc.isFailure() ) { return sc ; }                        // RETURN
      log << MSG::ERROR
          << " could not parse '" << item << "'" << endmsg ;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE ;                                 // RETURN
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS ;
const ParticleProperty * Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::anti ( const ParticleProperty pp ) const [protected]

helper (protected) function to find an antiparticle for the given particle ID (StdHepID)

Helper (protected) function to find an antiparticle for the given particle ID (StdHepID)

pppointer to particle property
pointer to antiparticle

Definition at line 415 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.

  if ( 0 == pp ) { return 0 ; }
  const int     ID = pp->pdgID() ;
  const int antiID = -1 * ID     ;
  for ( const_iterator it = m_vectpp.begin() ; m_vectpp.end() != it ; ++it )
    const ParticleProperty* ap = *it ;
    if ( 0 == ap               ) { continue  ; }                // CONTINUE
    if ( antiID == ap->pdgID() ) { return ap ; }                // RETURN
  return pp ;                                                   // RETURN
virtual const_iterator Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::begin ( void   ) const [inline, virtual]

Get a const reference to the beginning of the container.

Implements IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 120 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

{ return m_vectpp.begin() ; }
bool Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::diff ( const ParticleProperty o,
const ParticleProperty n,
const MSG::Level  l = MSG::DEBUG 
) const [protected]

Definition at line 552 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.

  if ( o == n ) { return false ; }
  MsgStream log ( msgSvc() , name() ) ;
  log << l ;
  if ( 0 == o || 0 == n  )
    log << MSG::WARNING << " ParticleProperty* point to NULL" << endmsg ;
    return true ;                                                    // RETURN
  bool result = false ;
  if ( o -> particle () != n -> particle () )
    result = true ;
    log << " Name:'"  << o -> particle () << "'/'" << n -> particle () << "'" ;
  if ( o -> geantID  () != n -> geantID  () )
    result = true ;
    log << " G3ID:"   << o -> geantID  () << "/"   << n -> geantID  () << "'" ;
  if ( o -> pdgID    () != n -> pdgID    () )
    result = true ;
    log << " PDGID:"  << o -> pdgID    () << "/"   << n -> pdgID    () << "'" ;
  if ( o -> pythiaID () != n -> pythiaID () )
    result = true ;
    log << " PYID:"   << o -> pythiaID () << "/"   << n -> pythiaID () << "'" ;
  if ( o -> charge   () != n -> charge   () )
    result = true ;
    log << " Q:"      << o -> charge   () << "/"   << n -> charge   () << "'" ;
  if ( o -> mass     () != n -> mass     () )
    result = true ;
    log << " M:"      << o -> mass     () << "/"   << n -> mass     () << "'" ;
  if ( o -> lifetime () != n -> lifetime () )
    result = true ;
    log << " T:"      << o -> lifetime () << "/"   << n -> lifetime () << "'" ;
  if ( o -> evtGenName () != n -> evtGenName () )
    result = true ;
    log << " EvtGen:" << o -> evtGenName () << "/"   << n -> evtGenName () << "'" ;
  if ( o -> maxWidth () != n -> maxWidth () )
    result = true ;
    log << " WMAX:"   << o -> maxWidth () << "/"   << n -> maxWidth () << "'" ;
  if ( result ) { log << endmsg ; }
  return result ;
virtual const_iterator Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::end ( void   ) const [inline, virtual]

Get a const reference to the end of the container.

Implements IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 122 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

{ return m_vectpp.end() ; }
StatusCode Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::erase ( const ParticleProperty pp ) [protected]

remove particle property from all maps

Definition at line 285 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.

  if ( 0 == pp ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE ; }

  _remove_ ( m_idmap       , pp ) ;
  _remove_ ( m_namemap     , pp ) ;
  _remove_ ( m_stdhepidmap , pp ) ;
  _remove_ ( m_pythiaidmap , pp ) ;
  return rebuild() ;
virtual StatusCode Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::erase ( int  geantId ) [inline, virtual]

Erase a property by geant3 id.

Implements IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 138 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

  { return erase ( find ( geantId ) ) ; }
virtual StatusCode Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::erase ( const std::string name ) [inline, virtual]

Erase a property by particle name.

Implements IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 141 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

  { return erase ( find ( name ) ) ; }
virtual StatusCode Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::eraseByStdHepID ( int  stdHepId ) [inline, virtual]

Erase a property by StdHep id ???

Implements IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 144 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

  { return erase( findByStdHepID ( stdHepId ) ) ; }
StatusCode Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::finalize (  ) [virtual]

Finalise the service.


finalize the base class

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 150 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.

  if ( !m_other.empty() )
    MsgStream log( msgSvc() , name() ) ;
    log << MSG::INFO
        << "Additional Properties have been read from files: "
        << Gaudi::Utils::toString ( m_other )
        << endmsg ;

  if ( !m_replaced.empty() )
    MsgStream log( msgSvc() , name() ) ;
    log << MSG::ALWAYS
        << "Properties have been redefined for "
        << m_replaced.size() << " particles : "
        << Gaudi::Utils::toString( m_replaced )
        << endmsg ;

  if (m_fileAccess) {
    m_fileAccess = 0;

  return Service::finalize () ;
virtual ParticleProperty* Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::find ( const std::string name ) [inline, virtual]

Retrieve a property by particle name.

Implements IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 129 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

  { return m_namemap[ name ] ; }
virtual ParticleProperty* Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::find ( int  geantId ) [inline, virtual]

Retrieve a property by geant3 id.

Implements IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 126 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

  { return m_idmap[ geantId ] ; }
virtual ParticleProperty* Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::findByPythiaID ( int  pythiaID ) [inline, virtual]

Retrieve a property by Pythia id.

Implements IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 135 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

  { return m_pythiaidmap[ pythiaID ]; }
virtual ParticleProperty* Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::findByStdHepID ( int  stdHepId ) [inline, virtual]

Retrieve a property by StdHep id.

Implements IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 132 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

  { return m_stdhepidmap[ stdHepId ] ; }
StatusCode Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::initialize (  ) [virtual]

Initialise the service.

initialize the service and setProperties

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 84 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.

  StatusCode sc = Service::initialize();
  if ( sc.isFailure() ) { return sc ; }

  MsgStream log( msgSvc() , name() ) ;

  sc = setProperties();
  if ( sc.isFailure() )
    log << MSG::ERROR << " Could not set the properties " << endmsg ;
    return sc ;

  sc = service("VFSSvc",m_fileAccess);
  if ( sc.isFailure() )
    log << MSG::ERROR << " Cannot retrieve the VFS service " << endmsg ;
    return sc ;

  sc = parse();
  if ( sc.isFailure() )
    log << MSG::ERROR << " Could not parse the file " << endmsg ;
    return sc ;
  if ( !m_particles.empty() )
    sc = addParticles () ;
    if ( sc.isFailure() )
      log << MSG::ERROR << " Could not treat particles! " << endmsg ;
      return sc ;
  log << MSG::DEBUG << "ParticleProperties parsed successfully" << endmsg;

  log << MSG::DEBUG << "Access properties" << endmsg;
  // For debugging purposes print out the size of the internal maps
  // particle name as key: all particles in database are present here
  log << MSG::DEBUG << "NameMap size =" << m_namemap.size() << endmsg;
  // Geant3 ID as key: all particles in database are present here
  log << MSG::DEBUG << "GeantID Map size =" << m_idmap.size() << endmsg;
  // StdHep ID as key: some particles have no valid StdHep ID
  log << MSG::DEBUG << "StdHepID Map size =" << m_stdhepidmap.size()
      << endmsg;
  // Pythia ID as key: some particles are not defined in Pythia
  log << MSG::DEBUG << "PythiaID Map size =" << m_pythiaidmap.size()
      << endmsg;

  if ( !m_replaced.empty() )
    log << MSG::INFO
        << "Properties have been redefined for "
        << m_replaced.size() << " particles : "
        << Gaudi::Utils::toString( m_replaced )
        << endmsg ;

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS ;
StatusCode Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::parse (  ) [protected]

Parses the file and fill all the maps.

Definition at line 299 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.


  // parse "the main" file
  StatusCode sc = parse ( m_filename ) ;
  if ( sc.isFailure() ) { return sc ; }

  // parse "other" files
  for ( Files::const_iterator file = m_other.begin() ;
        m_other.end() != file ; ++file )
    sc = parse ( *file ) ;
    if ( sc.isFailure() ) { return sc ; }

  // Now check that the file format was consistent with what parser
  // expected
  if ( m_namemap.size() == 0 )
    MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
    log << MSG::ERROR
        << "Format of input file inconsistent with what expected"
        << " - Check you are using ParticleData.txt" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  return sc;
StatusCode Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::parse ( const std::string file ) [protected]

parse the file

: This PPS should be removed from Gaudi, if not, the parser must be improved

Definition at line 328 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.

  StatusCode sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;

  MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
  char line[ 255 ];

  std::auto_ptr<std::istream> infileptr;
  if (m_fileAccess) infileptr = m_fileAccess->open(file);

  if ( infileptr.get() == 0 )
    log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to open properties file : " << file
        << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE ;

  std::istream &infile = *infileptr;
  sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  log << MSG::INFO
      << "Opened particle properties file : " << file << endmsg;

  while( infile )
    // parse each line of the file (comment lines begin with # in the cdf
    // file,
    infile.getline( line, 255 );

    if ( line[0] == '#' ) continue;

#ifdef WIN32
// Disable warning
//   C4996: 'strtok': This function or variable may be unsafe.
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
    std::string par, gid, jid, chg, mas, lif, evt, pyt, mwi ;
    char* token = strtok( line, " " );
    if ( token ) { par = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
    if ( token ) { gid = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
    if ( token ) { jid = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
    if ( token ) { chg = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
    if ( token ) { mas = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
    if ( token ) { lif = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
    if ( token ) { evt = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
    if ( token ) { pyt = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
    if ( token ) { mwi = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
    if ( token != NULL ) continue;

    // In SICb cdf file mass and lifetime units are GeV and sec, specify it so
    // that they are converted to Gaudi units (MeV and ns)
    double mass = atof( mas.c_str() ) * Gaudi::Units::GeV;
    double tlife = atof( lif.c_str() ) * Gaudi::Units::s;
    long   ljid = atoi( jid.c_str() );
    long   lgid = atoi( gid.c_str() );
    long   lpyt = atoi( pyt.c_str() ) ;
    double mW = atof( mwi.c_str() ) * Gaudi::Units::GeV ;

    // Change the particles that do not correspond to a pdg number
    if ( ljid == 0 ) {
      ljid = 10000000*lgid;

    // add a particle property
    sc = push_back( par, lgid, ljid,
                    atof( chg.c_str() ), mass, tlife, evt, lpyt, mW ) ;
    if ( sc.isFailure() )
      log << MSG::ERROR
          << "Error from ParticlePropertySvc::push_back for particle='"
          << par << "'" << endmsg ;



  return StatusCode::SUCCESS ;
StatusCode Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::push_back ( ParticleProperty pp ) [virtual]

Add a new particle property.

Add a particle property.

ParticlePropertySvc is not the owner of this property!
pp,aparticle property class.
StatusCode - SUCCESS if the particle property was added.

Implements IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 205 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.

  if ( 0 == pp ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE ; }
  { // try to add into Geant(3)ID map
    const int ID = pp->geantID() ;
    // is this already in the map?
    MapID::const_iterator ifind = m_idmap.find( ID ) ;
    if ( m_idmap.end() != ifind && 0 != m_idmap[ ID ])
      diff ( ifind->second , pp ) ;
      m_replaced.insert( m_idmap[ ID ]->particle() ) ;
    // put it into the map
    m_idmap[ ID ] = pp ;
  { // try to add into Name map
    const std::string& particle = pp->particle() ;
    // is this already in the map?
    MapName::const_iterator ifind = m_namemap.find( particle ) ;
    if ( m_namemap.end() != ifind && 0 != m_namemap[ particle ] )
      diff ( ifind->second , pp ) ;
      m_replaced.insert( m_namemap[ particle ]->particle() ) ;
    // put it into the map
    m_namemap[ particle ] = pp ;
  // add to StdHep map only if StdHep ID different from zero and if
  // not Cerenkov (StdHep ID = gamma)
  if ( 0 != pp->jetsetID() && "Tcherenkov" != pp->particle() )
  { // try to add into StdHepID map
    const int ID = pp->jetsetID() ;
    // is this already in the map?
    MapStdHepID::const_iterator ifind = m_stdhepidmap.find( ID ) ;
    if ( m_stdhepidmap.end() != ifind && 0 != m_stdhepidmap[ ID ])
      diff ( ifind->second , pp ) ;
      m_replaced.insert( m_stdhepidmap[ ID ]->particle() ) ;
    // put it into the map
    m_stdhepidmap[ ID ] = pp ;
  // add to Pythia map only if Pythia ID is different from
  // zero ( StdHep id is always different from zero in this case )
  if ( 0 != pp->pythiaID() &&
       0 != pp->jetsetID() &&
       "Tcherenkov" != pp->particle() )
  { // try to add into PythiaID map
    const int ID = pp->pythiaID() ;
    // is this already in the map?
    MapPythiaID::const_iterator ifind = m_pythiaidmap.find( ID ) ;
    if ( m_pythiaidmap.end() != ifind && 0 != m_pythiaidmap[ ID ])
      diff ( ifind->second , pp ) ;
      m_replaced.insert( m_pythiaidmap[ ID ]->particle() ) ;
    // put it into the map
    m_pythiaidmap[ ID ] = pp ;
  return rebuild() ;
StatusCode Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::push_back ( const std::string particle,
int  geantId,
int  jetsetId,
double  charge,
double  mass,
double  tlife,
const std::string evtName,
int  pythiaId,
double  maxWidth 
) [virtual]

Create a new particle property.

Create a particle property and insert it in the maps.

ParticlePropertySvc *IS* the owner if this property! String name of the particle.
geantIdGeant3 ID of the particle.
jetsetIdJetset ID of the particle.
chargeParticle charge (/e).
massParticle mass (GeV).
tlifeParticle lifetime (s).
evtNameString name of the particle in EvtGen.
pythiaIdPythia ID of the particle.
StatusCode - SUCCESS if the particle property was added.

Implements IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 183 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.

  ParticleProperty* pp = new ParticleProperty
    ( particle , geantId  , jetsetId ,
      charge   , mass     , tlife    ,
      evtName  , pythiaId , maxWidth ) ;
  m_owned.insert ( pp ) ;
  return push_back( pp );
StatusCode Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::rebuild (  ) [protected]

rebuild "the linear container" from the map

Definition at line 461 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.

  Set local ;
  m_vectpp.clear() ;
  m_vectpp.reserve ( m_idmap.size() + 100 ) ;
  // load information from maps into the set
  _load_ ( m_idmap       , local ) ;
  _load_ ( m_namemap     , local ) ;
  _load_ ( m_stdhepidmap , local ) ;
  _load_ ( m_pythiaidmap , local ) ;
  // load information from set to the linear container vector
  for ( Set::iterator i = local.begin() ; local.end() != i ; ++i )
  { m_vectpp.push_back ( *i ) ; }
  return setAntiParticles() ;
StatusCode Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::setAntiParticles (  ) [protected]

helper (protected) function to set the valid particle<-->antiparticle relations

status code

Definition at line 435 of file ParticlePropertySvc.cpp.

  // initialize particle<-->antiParticle relations
  for ( iterator ip = m_vectpp.begin() ; m_vectpp.end() != ip ; ++ip )
    ParticleProperty* pp = *ip ;
    if ( 0 == pp                    ) { continue ; }   // CONTINUE
    const ParticleProperty* ap = anti ( pp ) ;
    if ( 0 != ap                    ) { pp->setAntiParticle( ap ) ; }
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS ;
virtual int Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::size ( void   ) const [inline, virtual]

Get the container size.

Implements IParticlePropertySvc.

Definition at line 124 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

{ return m_vectpp.size() ; };

Member Data Documentation

IFileAccess* Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::m_fileAccess [private]

Definition at line 201 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

std::string Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::m_filename [private]

Filename of the particle properties file.

Definition at line 186 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

MapID Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::m_idmap [private]

Map for geant IDs.

Definition at line 192 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

MapName Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::m_namemap [private]

Map for particle names.

Definition at line 193 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

Files Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::m_other [private]

additional file names

Definition at line 187 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

Set Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::m_owned [private]

Definition at line 198 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

Particles Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::m_particles [private]

Definition at line 189 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

MapPythiaID Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::m_pythiaidmap [private]

Map for Pythia Ids.

Definition at line 195 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

std::set<std::string> Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::m_replaced [private]

Definition at line 199 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

MapStdHepID Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::m_stdhepidmap [private]

Map for StdHep Ids.

Definition at line 194 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

VectPP Gaudi::ParticlePropertySvc::m_vectpp [private]

Vector of all particle properties.

Definition at line 191 of file ParticlePropertySvc.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:29 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004