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Gaudi::RootStatCnv Class Reference

Description: Base class converter for N-tuples and related classes. More...

#include <Root/RootStatCnv.h>

Inheritance diagram for Gaudi::RootStatCnv:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Gaudi::RootStatCnv:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 RootStatCnv (long typ, const CLID &clid, ISvcLocator *svc, RootCnvSvc *mgr)
 Initializing Constructor.
virtual ~RootStatCnv ()
 Standard Destructor.

Protected Member Functions

MsgStreamlog () const
 Helper to use mesage logger.
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
 Initialize converter object.
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
 Finalize converter object.
virtual const std::string containerName (IRegistry *pDir) const
 Retrieve the name of the container a given object is placed into.
virtual const std::string fileName (IRegistry *pReg) const
 Retrieve the name of the file a given object is placed into.
virtual const std::string topLevel (IRegistry *pReg) const
 Retrieve the full path of the file a given object is placed into.
StatusCode makeError (const std::string &msg, bool throw_exception=false) const
 Helper method to issue error messages.
StatusCode saveDescription (const std::string &path, const std::string &ident, const std::string &desc, const std::string &opt, const CLID &clid)
 Save statistics object description.

Protected Attributes

 Reference to data manager service to manipulate the TES.
 Reference to logger object.

Detailed Description

Description: Base class converter for N-tuples and related classes.


Definition at line 31 of file RootStatCnv.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RootStatCnv::RootStatCnv ( long  typ,
const CLID clid,
ISvcLocator svc,
RootCnvSvc mgr 

Initializing Constructor.

typ[IN] Concrete storage type of the converter
clid[IN] Class identifier of the object
svc[IN] Pointer to service locator object
Reference to RootBaseCnv object

Definition at line 25 of file RootStatCnv.cpp.

: RootConverter(typ, clid, svc, mgr), m_dataMgr(0), m_log(0)
virtual Gaudi::RootStatCnv::~RootStatCnv (  ) [inline, virtual]

Standard Destructor.

Definition at line 106 of file RootStatCnv.h.

{  }

Member Function Documentation

const string RootStatCnv::containerName ( IRegistry pDir ) const [protected, virtual]

Retrieve the name of the container a given object is placed into.

pReg[IN] Pointer to registry entry.
Name of the container the object should be put to.

Reimplemented in Gaudi::RootDatabaseCnv.

Definition at line 58 of file RootStatCnv.cpp.

  const string& path = pReg->identifier();
  long loc = path.find('/',1);
  string local = "<local>";
  //local = "";
  if ( loc > 0 )  {
    loc = path.find('/',++loc);
    if ( loc > 0 )  {
      local += path.substr(loc,path.length()-loc);
  //for(size_t i=0; i<local.length();++i)
  //  if ( !isalnum(local[i])) local[i] = '_';
  return local;
const string RootStatCnv::fileName ( IRegistry pReg ) const [protected, virtual]

Retrieve the name of the file a given object is placed into.

pReg[IN] Pointer to registry entry.
Name of the file the object should be put to.

Definition at line 75 of file RootStatCnv.cpp.

  string path = topLevel(pReg);
  DataObject* pObj = 0;
  dataProvider()->retrieveObject(path, pObj);
  if ( pObj )  {
    NTuple::File* fptr = dynamic_cast<NTuple::File*>(pObj);
    if ( fptr )  {
      return fptr->name();
  return "";
StatusCode RootStatCnv::finalize (  ) [protected, virtual]

Finalize converter object.

Reimplemented from Converter.

Definition at line 45 of file RootStatCnv.cpp.

  if ( m_log ) {
    delete m_log;
    m_log = 0;
  if ( m_dataMgr ) {
    m_dataMgr = 0;
  return RootConverter::finalize();
StatusCode RootStatCnv::initialize (  ) [protected, virtual]

Initialize converter object.

Reimplemented from Converter.

Definition at line 31 of file RootStatCnv.cpp.

  StatusCode sc = RootConverter::initialize();
  if ( sc.isSuccess() ) {
    sc = dataProvider()->queryInterface(IDataManagerSvc::interfaceID(),(void**)&m_dataMgr);
    if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
      return makeError("Failed to access IDataManagerSvc interface.");
  if ( m_log ) delete m_log;
  m_log = new MsgStream(msgSvc(),System::typeinfoName(typeid(*this)));
  return sc;
MsgStream& Gaudi::RootStatCnv::log (  ) const [inline, protected]

Helper to use mesage logger.

Definition at line 39 of file RootStatCnv.h.

{ return *m_log; }
StatusCode RootStatCnv::makeError ( const std::string msg,
bool  throw_exception = false 
) const [protected]

Helper method to issue error messages.

msg[IN] Text of the error message
throw_exc[IN]If true throw an exception of type std::runtime_error
Status code indicating success or failure.

Definition at line 105 of file RootStatCnv.cpp.

  if ( m_log )  {
    log() << MSG::ERROR << msg << endmsg;
  else {
    MsgStream l(msgSvc(),"RootConverter");
    l << MSG::ERROR << msg << endmsg;    
  if ( throw_exc ) {
  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
StatusCode RootStatCnv::saveDescription ( const std::string path,
const std::string ident,
const std::string desc,
const std::string opt,
const CLID clid 
) [protected]

Save statistics object description.

path[IN] Path of file to save the description on.
ident[IN] Identifier of description to be saved.
desc[IN] Description
opt[IN] Optional description
guid[IN] Object giud of described object
openMode[IN] Mode of opening the file to save description
Status code indicating success or failure.

Definition at line 120 of file RootStatCnv.cpp.

  RootDataConnection* con = 0;
  StatusCode status = m_dbMgr->connectDatabase(path, IDataConnection::UPDATE, &con);
  if ( status.isSuccess() )  {
    TClass* cl = gROOT->GetClass("Gaudi::RootNTupleDescriptor",kTRUE);
    if ( cl ) {
      RootNTupleDescriptor* ptr;
      auto_ptr<RootNTupleDescriptor> dsc(ptr=new RootNTupleDescriptor());
      TBranch* b = con->getBranch("##Descriptors","GaudiStatisticsDescription",cl,ptr);
      if ( b ) {
        dsc->description = desc;
        dsc->optional    = opt;
        dsc->container   = ident;
        dsc->clid        = clid;
        int nb = b->Fill();
        if ( nb > 1 ) {
          log() << MSG::DEBUG << "Save description for " << ident << endmsg;
          return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
      return makeError("Failed to access ROOT branch GaudiStatisticsDescription");
    return makeError("Failed to access TClass RootNTupleDescriptor");
  return makeError("Failed to access Tuple file:"+path);
const string RootStatCnv::topLevel ( IRegistry pReg ) const [protected, virtual]

Retrieve the full path of the file a given object is placed into.

pReg[IN] Pointer to registry entry.
Name of the file the object should be put to.

Definition at line 89 of file RootStatCnv.cpp.

  if ( pReg )    {
    string path = pReg->identifier();
    size_t idx = path.find('/', 1);
    if ( idx != string::npos )  {
      idx = path.find('/', idx+1);
      if ( idx != string::npos )  {
        path = path.substr(0, idx);
      return path;
  return "";

Member Data Documentation

IDataManagerSvc* Gaudi::RootStatCnv::m_dataMgr [protected]

Reference to data manager service to manipulate the TES.

Definition at line 34 of file RootStatCnv.h.

MsgStream* Gaudi::RootStatCnv::m_log [protected]

Reference to logger object.

Definition at line 36 of file RootStatCnv.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:31 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004