Gaudi Framework, version v23r0

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Public Member Functions

Gaudi::RootTool Class Reference

Description: More...

#include <src/RootTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for Gaudi::RootTool:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Gaudi::RootTool:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 RootTool (RootDataConnection *con)
 Standard constructor.
virtual TBranch * getBranch (CSTR section, CSTR branch_name)
 Access data branch by name: Get existing branch in read only mode.
virtual int loadRefs (CSTR section, CSTR cnt, unsigned long entry, RootObjectRefs &refs)
 Load references object from file.
void addParam (ParamMap &c, char *p)
 Helper function to read params table.
void addEntry (StringVec &c, char *val)
 Helper function to read string tables.
template<class C , class F >
StatusCode readBranch (TTree *t, const char *nam, C &v, F pmf)
 Helper function to read internal file tables.
bool get (const string &dsc, pair< string, ContainerSection > &e)
 Analyze the Sections table entries.
void analyzeMergeMap (StringVec &tmp)
 Build merge sections from the Sections table entries.
StatusCode readRefs ()
 Read reference tables.
string getEntry (const string &c)
 Helper function to convert string vectors to branch entries.
string getParam (const pair< string, string > &p)
 Helper function to convert parameter vectors to branch entries.
template<class C , class F >
StatusCode saveBranch (const char *nam, C &v, F pmf)
 Helper function to save internal tables.
StatusCode saveRefs ()
 Save/update reference tables.

Detailed Description


Concrete implementation to read objects from POOL files.


Concrete implementation to read objects from ROOT files.


Definition at line 16 of file RootTool.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Gaudi::RootTool::RootTool ( RootDataConnection con ) [inline]

Standard constructor.

Definition at line 19 of file RootTool.h.

{ c = con; }

Member Function Documentation

void Gaudi::RootTool::addEntry ( StringVec c,
char *  val 
) [inline]

Helper function to read string tables.

Definition at line 108 of file RootTool.h.

{      c.push_back(val);    }
void Gaudi::RootTool::addParam ( ParamMap c,
char *  p 
) [inline]

Helper function to read params table.

Definition at line 100 of file RootTool.h.

      char* q = strchr(p,'=');
      if ( q ) {
        *q = 0;
void Gaudi::RootTool::analyzeMergeMap ( StringVec tmp ) [inline]

Build merge sections from the Sections table entries.

Definition at line 152 of file RootTool.h.

      StringVec::const_iterator i;
      LinkSections&  ls = linkSections();
      MergeSections& ms = mergeSections();
      pair<string,ContainerSection> e;
      MsgStream& msg = msgSvc();
      RootRef r;
      int cnt = 0;
      msg << MSG::VERBOSE;
      r.dbase = r.container = = r.clid = r.svc = r.entry = 0;
      for(i=tmp.begin(); i!=tmp.end();++i) {
        if ( get(*i,e) ) {
          msg << "Added Merge Section:" << e.first << endmsg;
          if (      e.first == "Links" )
        = e.second.start;
          else if ( e.first == "Containers" )
            r.container = e.second.start;
          else if ( e.first == "Databases" )
            r.dbase     = e.second.start;
          else if ( e.first == "Params" )
            r.svc       = e.second.start;
        else if ( (*i) == "[END-OF-SECTION]" ) {
          r.entry = cnt;
          if ( msg.isActive() ) {
            msg << "Link Section [" << r.entry << "," << ls.size()
              << "] -> D:" << r.dbase
              << " C:" << r.container
              << " L:" << 
              << " P:" << r.svc
              << endmsg;
bool Gaudi::RootTool::get ( const string dsc,
pair< string, ContainerSection > &  e 
) [inline]

Analyze the Sections table entries.

Definition at line 132 of file RootTool.h.

      if ( dsc != "[END-OF-SECTION]" ) { 
        size_t id1 = dsc.find("[CNT=");
        size_t id2 = dsc.find("[START=");
        size_t id3 = dsc.find("[LEN=");
        if ( id1 != string::npos && id2 != string::npos && id3 != string::npos ) {
          string tmp;
          string cnt = dsc.substr(id1+5, id2-1-5);
          int section_start  = ::atoi((tmp=dsc.substr(id2+7,id3-id2-8)).c_str());
          int section_length = ::atoi((tmp=dsc.substr(id3+5,dsc.find("]",id3+5)-id3-5)).c_str());
          e.first = cnt;
          e.second = ContainerSection(section_start,section_length);
          return true;
      e.first = "";
      e.second = ContainerSection(-1,-1);
      return false;
virtual TBranch* Gaudi::RootTool::getBranch ( CSTR  section,
CSTR  branch_name 
) [inline, virtual]

Access data branch by name: Get existing branch in read only mode.

Definition at line 21 of file RootTool.h.

      std::string n = branch_name+".";
      for(int i=0, m=n.length()-1; i<m; ++i) if ( !isalnum(n[i]) ) n[i]='_';
      TTree* t = c->getSection(section);
      TBranch* b = t ? t->GetBranch(n.c_str()) : 0;
      if ( !b ) b = t ? t->GetBranch(branch_name.c_str()) : 0;
      if (  b ) b->SetAutoDelete(kFALSE);
      return b;
string Gaudi::RootTool::getEntry ( const string c ) [inline]

Helper function to convert string vectors to branch entries.

Definition at line 213 of file RootTool.h.

{  return c;                    }
string Gaudi::RootTool::getParam ( const pair< string, string > &  p ) [inline]

Helper function to convert parameter vectors to branch entries.

Definition at line 215 of file RootTool.h.

{  return p.first+"="+p.second; }
virtual int Gaudi::RootTool::loadRefs ( CSTR  section,
CSTR  cnt,
unsigned long  entry,
RootObjectRefs refs 
) [inline, virtual]

Load references object from file.

Link manager:

Definition at line 31 of file RootTool.h.

      TBranch* b = getBranch(section,cnt+"#R");
      RootObjectRefs* prefs = &refs;
      if ( b ) {
        int nb = b->GetEntry(entry);
        if ( nb >= 1 )   {
          const MergeSections& ms = c->mergeSections();
          if ( !ms.empty() ) {
            MsgStream& msg = msgSvc();
            msgSvc() << MSG::VERBOSE;
            pair<const RootRef*,const ContainerSection*> ls = c->getMergeSection(cnt,entry);
            if ( ls.first )  {
              if ( ls.first->dbase >= 0 ) {
                // Now patch the references and links 'en block' to be efficient
                // First the leafs from the TES
                if ( msg.isActive() ) {
                  msg << "Refs: LS [" << entry << "] -> " 
                    << ls.first->dbase << "," << ls.first->container 
                    << "," << ls.first->link 
                    << "," << ls.first->entry
                    << endmsg;
                for(size_t j=0, n=refs.refs.size(); j<n; ++j)  {
                  RootRef& r = refs.refs[j];
                  if ( r.entry>= 0 && r.dbase >= 0 ) {
                    int db = r.dbase + ls.first->dbase;
                    if ( c->getDb(db) == c->fid() ) {
                      if ( r.dbase      ) r.dbase     += ls.first->dbase;
                      if ( r.container  ) r.container += ls.first->container;
                      if (       )      += ls.first->link;
                      const string& rc = c->getCont(r.container);
                      MergeSections::const_iterator k = ms.find(rc);
                      if ( k != ms.end() )   {
                        const ContainerSections& cs = (*k).second;
                        r.entry = ( ls.first->entry >= 0 && ls.first->entry < (int)cs.size() )
                          ? cs[ls.first->entry].start + r.entry : -1;
                        if ( msg.isActive() ) {
                          msg << "Add link [" << r.entry 
                            << "," << ls.first->entry 
                            << "," << ls.first->container
                            << "," << r.container
                            << "," << r.entry
                            << "] to -> " << rc << endmsg;
                      else {
                        msg << MSG::WARNING << c->fid() << "  [" << c->getDb(db) 
                          << "] Evt:" << entry << " Invalid link to " << rc << endmsg;
                        msg << MSG::VERBOSE;
                for(vector<int>::iterator i=refs.links.begin(); i!=refs.links.end();++i) {
                  (*i) += ls.first->link;
              return nb;
            return -1;
          return nb;
      return -1;
template<class C , class F >
StatusCode Gaudi::RootTool::readBranch ( TTree *  t,
const char *  nam,
C &  v,
) [inline]

Helper function to read internal file tables.

Definition at line 110 of file RootTool.h.

      char text[2048];
      TBranch* b = t->GetBranch(nam);
      if ( b ) {
        TLeaf* l = b->GetLeaf(nam);
        if ( l ) {
          msgSvc() << MSG::VERBOSE;
          for(Long64_t i=0, n=b->GetEntries(); i<n; ++i) {
            if ( b->GetEntry(i)>0 ) {
              char* p = (char*)l->GetValuePointer();
              msgSvc() << "Add Value[" << b->GetName() << "]:" << p << endmsg;
          return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
      msgSvc() << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to read '" << nam << "' table." << endmsg;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
StatusCode Gaudi::RootTool::readRefs (  ) [inline, virtual]

Read reference tables.

Implements Gaudi::RootDataConnection::Tool.

Definition at line 193 of file RootTool.h.

      TTree* t = (TTree*)c->file()->Get("Sections");
      StringVec tmp;
      if ( t && !readBranch(t,  "Sections",  tmp,       &RootTool::addEntry).isSuccess() )
        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
      else if ( refs() ) {
        if ( !readBranch(refs(),"Databases", dbs(),     &RootTool::addEntry).isSuccess() )
          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
        if ( !readBranch(refs(),"Containers",conts(),   &RootTool::addEntry).isSuccess() )
          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
        if ( !readBranch(refs(),"Links",     links(),   &RootTool::addEntry).isSuccess() )
          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
        if ( !readBranch(refs(),"Params",    params(),  &RootTool::addParam).isSuccess() )
          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
        return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
template<class C , class F >
StatusCode Gaudi::RootTool::saveBranch ( const char *  nam,
C &  v,
) [inline]

Helper function to save internal tables.

Definition at line 217 of file RootTool.h.

      Long64_t i, n;
      string val, typ = nam;
      StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
      TDirectory::TContext ctxt(c->file());
      TBranch* b = refs()->GetBranch(nam);
      if ( !b ) b = refs()->Branch(nam,0,(typ+"/C").c_str());
      if ( b ) {
        for(i=b->GetEntries(), n=Long64_t(v.size()); i<n; ++i) {
          val = (this->*pmf)(v[size_t(i)]);
          msgSvc() << MSG::VERBOSE << "Save Value[" << b->GetName() << "]:" << val << endmsg;
          if ( b->Fill() <= 1) sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
        return sc;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
StatusCode Gaudi::RootTool::saveRefs (  ) [inline, virtual]

Save/update reference tables.

Implements Gaudi::RootDataConnection::Tool.

Definition at line 236 of file RootTool.h.

      if ( refs() ) {
        if ( !saveBranch("Databases", dbs(),   &RootTool::getEntry).isSuccess() )
          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
        if ( !saveBranch("Containers",conts(), &RootTool::getEntry).isSuccess() )
          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
        if ( !saveBranch("Links",     links(), &RootTool::getEntry).isSuccess() )
          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
        if ( !saveBranch("Params",    params(),&RootTool::getParam).isSuccess() )
          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
        return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:31 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004