Gaudi Framework, version v23r0

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GaudiMP::GMPBase::CollectHistograms Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def execute
def finalize

Public Attributes


Private Attributes


Detailed Description

GaudiPython algorithm used to clean up histos on the Reader and Workers
Only has a finalize method()
This retrieves a dictionary of path:histo objects and sends it to the
writer.  It then waits for a None flag : THIS IS IMPORTANT, as if
the algorithm returns before ALL histos have been COMPLETELY RECEIVED
at the writer end, there will be an error.

Definition at line 181 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def GaudiMP::GMPBase::CollectHistograms::__init__ (   self,

Definition at line 190 of file

00191                                        :
00192         PyAlgorithm.__init__( self )
00193         self._gmpc = gmpcomponent
00194         self.log = self._gmpc.log
        return None

Member Function Documentation

def GaudiMP::GMPBase::CollectHistograms::execute (   self )

Definition at line 195 of file

00196                         :
        return SUCCESS
def GaudiMP::GMPBase::CollectHistograms::finalize (   self )

Definition at line 197 of file

00198                          :
00199'CollectHistograms Finalise (%s)'%(self._gmpc.nodeType))
00200         self._gmpc.hDict = self._gmpc.dumpHistograms( )
00201         ks = self._gmpc.hDict.keys()
00202'%i Objects in Histogram Store'%(len(ks)))
00203         # crashes occurred due to Memory Error during the sending of hundreds
00204         # histos on slc5 machines, so instead, break into chunks
00205         # send 100 at a time
00206         chunk = 100
00207         reps = len(ks)/chunk + 1
00208         for i in xrange(reps) :
00209             someKeys = ks[i*chunk : (i+1)*chunk]
00210             smalld = dict( [(key, self._gmpc.hDict[key]) for key in someKeys] )
00211             self._gmpc.hq.put( (self._gmpc.nodeID, smalld) )
00212         # "finished" Notification
00213         self.log.debug('Signalling end of histos to Writer')
00214         self._gmpc.hq.put( 'HISTOS_SENT' )
00215         self.log.debug( 'Waiting on Sync Event' )
00216         self._gmpc.sEvent.wait()
00217         self.log.debug( 'Histo Sync Event set, clearing and returning' )
00218         self._gmpc.hvt.clearStore()
00219         root = gbl.DataObject()
00220         setOwnership(root, False)
00221         self._gmpc.hvt.setRoot( '/stat', root )
00222         return SUCCESS
00224 # =============================================================================

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 190 of file

Definition at line 190 of file

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Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:33 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004