Gaudi Framework, version v23r0

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HistorySvc Class Reference

HistorySvc class definition. More...

#include <HistorySvc.h>

Inheritance diagram for HistorySvc:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for HistorySvc:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode reinitialize ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
virtual StatusCode stop ()
virtual StatusCode captureState ()
virtual StatusCode registerJob ()
virtual StatusCode listProperties () const
virtual JobHistorygetJobHistory () const
virtual StatusCode registerSvc (const IService &)
virtual StatusCode listProperties (const IService &) const
virtual ServiceHistorygetServiceHistory (const IService &) const
virtual void getServiceHistory (std::set< ServiceHistory * > &) const
virtual StatusCode registerAlg (const Algorithm &)
virtual StatusCode listProperties (const Algorithm &) const
virtual AlgorithmHistorygetAlgHistory (const Algorithm &) const
virtual void getAlgHistory (std::set< AlgorithmHistory * > &) const
virtual StatusCode registerAlgTool (const IAlgTool &)
virtual StatusCode listProperties (const IAlgTool &) const
virtual AlgToolHistorygetAlgToolHistory (const IAlgTool &) const
virtual void getAlgToolHistory (std::set< AlgToolHistory * > &) const
virtual DataHistorycreateDataHistoryObj (const CLID &id, const std::string &key, const std::string &store)
virtual StatusCode registerDataHistory (const CLID &id, const std::string &key, const std::string &store)
virtual DataHistorygetDataHistory (const CLID &id, const std::string &key, const std::string &store) const
virtual int getDataHistory (const CLID &id, const std::string &key, const std::string &storeName, std::list< DataHistory * > &dhlist) const
 HistorySvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svc)
virtual void handle (const Incident &inc)
virtual ~HistorySvc ()

Private Types

typedef std::multimap< DHH,
DataHistory * > 
typedef DataHistMap::iterator DHMitr
typedef DataHistMap::const_iterator DHMCitr

Private Member Functions

void clearState ()
void dumpProperties (std::ofstream &) const
void dumpProperties (const IService &, std::ofstream &) const
void dumpProperties (const Algorithm &, std::ofstream &) const
void dumpProperties (const IAlgTool &, std::ofstream &) const
void dumpState (std::ofstream &) const
void dumpState (const INamedInterface *, std::ofstream &) const
std::string dumpProp (const Property *, const bool isXML=false, int indent=0) const
IAlgorithmgetCurrentIAlg () const

Private Attributes

bool m_isInitialized
bool m_dump
bool m_activate
std::set< const Algorithm * > m_algs
std::map< const Algorithm
*, AlgorithmHistory * > 
std::set< const IAlgTool * > m_ialgtools
std::set< const AlgTool * > m_algtools
std::map< const AlgTool
*, AlgToolHistory * > 
std::set< const IService * > m_svcs
std::map< const IService
*, ServiceHistory * > 
std::multimap< DHH, DataHistory * > m_datMap
std::string m_outputFile
SmartIF< IToolSvcm_toolSvc
MsgStream m_log
bool m_outputFileTypeXML


class SvcFactory< HistorySvc >

Detailed Description

HistorySvc class definition.

Definition at line 46 of file HistorySvc.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 101 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 103 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 102 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 99 of file HistorySvc.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HistorySvc::HistorySvc ( const std::string name,
ISvcLocator svc 

Definition at line 67 of file HistorySvc.cpp.

  : base_class( name, svc ),
    m_log(msgSvc(), name )

    declareProperty("Activate", m_activate=true);

    // hack to bring in environ
    vector<string> envtmp = System::getEnv();
    envtmp.size(); // prevent icc remark #177: X declared but never referenced
HistorySvc::~HistorySvc (  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 89 of file HistorySvc.cpp.

  delete m_jobHistory;

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode HistorySvc::captureState (  ) [virtual]

Get all the Algorithms

Get all the AlgTools

Get all the Services

Definition at line 192 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  if (m_jobHistory == 0) {
    m_jobHistory = new JobHistory;
    IJobOptionsSvc *jo;
    if (service("JobOptionsSvc",jo).isFailure()) {
       m_log << MSG::ERROR
             << "Could not get jobOptionsSvc - "
             << "not adding properties to JobHistory" << endmsg;
    } else {

      bool foundAppMgr(false);

      std::vector<std::string> clients = jo->getClients();
      std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it;
      std::vector<const Property*>::const_iterator itr;
      for (it=clients.begin(); it!=clients.end(); ++it) {
        if (*it == "ApplicationMgr") {
          foundAppMgr = true;
        const std::vector<const Property*> *props = jo->getProperties(*it);
        for (itr=props->begin(); itr != props->end(); ++itr) {
          m_jobHistory->addProperty( *it, *itr );

      if (!foundAppMgr) {
        IProperty *ap;
        if (service("ApplicationMgr",ap).isFailure()) {
          m_log << MSG::ERROR << "could not get the ApplicationMgr" << endmsg;
        } else {
          std::vector<Property*>::const_iterator itr2;
          const std::vector<Property*> props = ap->getProperties();
          for (itr2=props.begin(); itr2 != props.end(); ++itr2) {
            m_jobHistory->addProperty( "ApplicationMgr", *itr2 );


  StatusCode sc;
  IAlgManager* algMgr = 0;
  sc = Gaudi::svcLocator()->queryInterface( IAlgManager::interfaceID(),
                                            pp_cast<void>(&algMgr) );
  if (sc.isFailure()) {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not get AlgManager" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  } else {

    std::list<IAlgorithm*> algs;
    algs = algMgr->getAlgorithms();
    std::list<IAlgorithm*>::const_iterator itr;
    for (itr=algs.begin(); itr!=algs.end(); ++itr) {
      Algorithm* alg = dynamic_cast<Algorithm*> (*itr);
      if (alg == 0) {
        m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Algorithm " << (*itr)->name()
              << " does not inherit from Algorithm. Not registering it."
              << endmsg;
      } else {
        registerAlg( *alg ).ignore();

    m_log << MSG::INFO;
    m_log << "Registered " << algs.size() << " Algorithms" << endmsg;


  m_isInitialized = true;
  std::set<const IAlgTool*>::const_iterator itra;
  for (itra = m_ialgtools.begin(); itra != m_ialgtools.end(); ++itra) {

  m_log << MSG::INFO << "Registered " << m_algtools.size() << " AlgTools"
        << endmsg;

  std::list<IService*> svcs = Gaudi::svcLocator()->getServices();

  std::list<IService*>::const_iterator itrs;
  for (itrs=svcs.begin(); itrs!=svcs.end(); ++itrs) {

  m_log << MSG::INFO;
  m_log << "Registered " << svcs.size() << " Services" << endmsg;

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

void HistorySvc::clearState (  ) [private]

Definition at line 107 of file HistorySvc.cpp.

  std::map<const Algorithm*, AlgorithmHistory*>::iterator algitr;
  for (algitr = m_algmap.begin(); algitr != m_algmap.end(); ++algitr) {
    AlgorithmHistory* h = algitr->second;
    (const_cast<Algorithm*> (algitr->first))->release();
    delete h;

  std::map<const AlgTool*, AlgToolHistory*>::iterator atitr;
  for (atitr=m_algtoolmap.begin(); atitr != m_algtoolmap.end(); ++atitr) {
    (const_cast<AlgTool*> (atitr->first))->release();
    delete atitr->second;

  std::map<const IService*, ServiceHistory*>::iterator svitr;
  for (svitr = m_svcmap.begin(); svitr != m_svcmap.end(); ++svitr) {
    (const_cast<IService*> (svitr->first))->release();
    delete svitr->second;
DataHistory * HistorySvc::createDataHistoryObj ( const CLID id,
const std::string key,
const std::string store 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 586 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  if (!m_activate) return 0;

  AlgorithmHistory *algHist;

  IAlgorithm* ialg = getCurrentIAlg();
  if (ialg == 0) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
    m_log << MSG::DEBUG
          << "Could not discover current Algorithm:" << endl
          << "          object CLID: " << id << "  key: \"" << key
          << "\"" << endmsg;
    algHist = 0;
  } else {
    Algorithm* alg = dynamic_cast<Algorithm*>(ialg);
    if (alg != 0) {
      algHist = getAlgHistory( *alg );
    } else {
      m_log << MSG::WARNING
            << "Could not extract concerete Algorithm:"
            << endl
            << "          object CLID: " << id << "  key: \"" << key
            << "\"" << endmsg;
      algHist = 0;

  DataHistory *hist = new DataHistory(id, key, algHist);

  return hist;

std::string HistorySvc::dumpProp ( const Property prop,
const bool  isXML = false,
int  indent = 0 
) const [private]

Definition at line 958 of file HistorySvc.cpp.

  std::ostringstream ost;
  if (isXML) {
    while (ind > 0) {
      ost << " ";
      ind --;
    ost << "<PROPERTY name=\"" << prop->name()
        << "\" value=\"" << HistoryObj::convert_string(prop->toString())
        << "\" documentation=\"" << HistoryObj::convert_string(prop->documentation())
        << "\">";
  } else {
  return ost.str();
void HistorySvc::dumpProperties ( std::ofstream ofs ) const [private]

Definition at line 519 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  ofs << "GLOBAL" << std::endl;
  const JobHistory::PropertyPairList props = m_jobHistory->propertyPairs();
  JobHistory::PropertyPairList::const_iterator itrj;
  for (itrj=props.begin(); itrj != props.end(); ++itrj) {
    std::string client = itrj->first;
    const Property* prp = itrj->second;
    ofs << client << "  " << dumpProp(prp) << std::endl;

  ofs << std::endl << "SERVICES" << std::endl;
  std::map<const IService*, ServiceHistory*>::const_iterator itr_s;
  for (itr_s=m_svcmap.begin(); itr_s != m_svcmap.end(); ++itr_s) {
    const IService* svc = itr_s->first;

    dumpProperties( *svc, ofs );


  ofs << std::endl << "ALGORITHMS" << std::endl;
  std::map<const Algorithm*, AlgorithmHistory*>::const_iterator itr;
  for (itr=m_algmap.begin(); itr != m_algmap.end(); ++itr) {
    const Algorithm* alg = itr->first;

    dumpProperties( *alg, ofs );


  ofs << std::endl << "ALGTOOLS" << std::endl;
  std::map<const AlgTool*, AlgToolHistory*>::const_iterator itr_a;
  for (itr_a=m_algtoolmap.begin(); itr_a != m_algtoolmap.end(); ++itr_a) {
    const AlgTool* alg = itr_a->first;

    dumpProperties( *alg, ofs );


void HistorySvc::dumpProperties ( const IService svc,
std::ofstream ofs 
) const [private]

Definition at line 802 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  ServiceHistory *hist = getServiceHistory( svc );

  if (hist == 0) {

  PropertyList::const_iterator itr;
  for (itr=hist->properties().begin(); itr != hist->properties().end();++itr) {
    ofs << << "  " << dumpProp(*itr) << std::endl;

void HistorySvc::dumpProperties ( const Algorithm alg,
std::ofstream ofs 
) const [private]

Definition at line 399 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  AlgorithmHistory *hist = getAlgHistory( alg );

  if (hist == 0) {

  PropertyList::const_iterator itr;
  for (itr=hist->properties().begin(); itr!=hist->properties().end(); ++itr) {
    ofs << << "  " << dumpProp(*itr) << std::endl;

void HistorySvc::dumpProperties ( const IAlgTool alg,
std::ofstream ofs 
) const [private]

Definition at line 891 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  AlgToolHistory *hist = getAlgToolHistory( alg );

  if (hist == 0) {

  PropertyList::const_iterator itr;
  for (itr=hist->properties().begin(); itr!=hist->properties().end(); ++itr) {
    ofs << << "  " << dumpProp(*itr) << std::endl;

void HistorySvc::dumpState ( const INamedInterface in,
std::ofstream ofs 
) const [private]

Definition at line 1070 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  HistoryObj *hist(0);
  IVersHistoryObj *vhist(0);

  const IService* is(0);
  const Algorithm* ia(0);
  const IAlgTool* it(0);
  if ( (is=dynamic_cast<const IService*>(in)) != 0) {
//    m_log << MSG::DEBUG << in->name() << " is Service" << endmsg;
    hist = getServiceHistory( *is );
  } else if ( (ia = dynamic_cast<const Algorithm*>(in)) != 0 ) {
//    m_log << MSG::DEBUG << in->name() << " is Alg" << endmsg;
    hist = getAlgHistory( *ia );
  } else if ( (it = dynamic_cast<const IAlgTool*>(in)) != 0 ) {
//    m_log << MSG::DEBUG << in->name() << " is AlgTool" << endmsg;
    hist = getAlgToolHistory( *it );
  } else {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR
          << "Could not dcast interface to accepted History Obj type for "
          << in->name() << endmsg;

  if (hist == 0) { return; }

  vhist = dynamic_cast<IVersHistoryObj*>(hist);

  if (!vhist) {
    warning() << "Failed to dynamic cast IVersHistoryObj for " << in->name() << endmsg;

  if (m_outputFileTypeXML) {
  } else {
    ofs << ">> " << vhist->name() << endl << *hist << endl;

void HistorySvc::dumpState ( std::ofstream ofs ) const [private]

Definition at line 978 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  if(m_outputFileTypeXML) {
    //xml header
    ofs << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?> " << std::endl;
    ofs << "<!--Test-xml-->" << std::endl;
    ofs << "<SETUP>" << std::endl;
    ofs << "  <GLOBAL>" << std::endl;
  } else {
    ofs << "GLOBAL" << std::endl;

  const JobHistory::PropertyPairList props = m_jobHistory->propertyPairs();
  JobHistory::PropertyPairList::const_iterator itrj;
  std::string client_currently_open = "start";
  for (itrj=props.begin(); itrj != props.end(); ++itrj) {
    // client is the name of the component of the current property
    std::string client = itrj->first;
    const Property* prp = itrj->second;

    if (m_outputFileTypeXML) {

      if (client != client_currently_open) {
        if(client_currently_open!="start") ofs << "    </COMPONENT>" << endl;
        ofs << "    <COMPONENT name=\""
            << client << "\" class=\"undefined\">" << std::endl;
    } else {
      ofs << client << "  ";

    ofs << dumpProp(prp,m_outputFileTypeXML,6) << endl;

    client_currently_open = client;

  if (m_outputFileTypeXML)
    ofs << "    </COMPONENT>" << endl;

  if(m_outputFileTypeXML) {
    ofs << "</GLOBAL>" << endl << "<SERVICES>" << endl;
  } else {
    ofs << "SERVICES" << std::endl;

  std::map<const IService*, ServiceHistory*>::const_iterator itr_s;
  for (itr_s=m_svcmap.begin(); itr_s != m_svcmap.end(); ++itr_s) {
    const IService* svc = itr_s->first;



  if(m_outputFileTypeXML) {
    ofs << "</SERVICES>" << endl << "<ALGORITHMS> " << endl;
  } else {
    ofs << "ALGORITHMS" << std::endl;

  std::map<const Algorithm*, AlgorithmHistory*>::const_iterator itr;
  for (itr=m_algmap.begin(); itr != m_algmap.end(); ++itr) {
    const Algorithm* alg = itr->first;



  if(m_outputFileTypeXML) {
    ofs << "</ALGORITHMS>" << endl << "<ALGTOOLS> " << endl;
  } else {
    ofs << "ALGTOOLS" << std::endl;

  std::map<const AlgTool*, AlgToolHistory*>::const_iterator itr_a;
  for (itr_a=m_algtoolmap.begin(); itr_a != m_algtoolmap.end(); ++itr_a) {
    const AlgTool* alg = itr_a->first;

    dumpState( alg, ofs);


  if(m_outputFileTypeXML) {
    ofs << "</ALGTOOLS>" << endl << "</SETUP>" << endl;

StatusCode HistorySvc::finalize (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 327 of file HistorySvc.cpp.



  StatusCode status = Service::finalize();

  if ( status.isSuccess() )
    m_log << MSG::INFO << "Service finalised successfully" << endmsg;

  return status;

void HistorySvc::getAlgHistory ( std::set< AlgorithmHistory * > &  algs ) const [virtual]

Definition at line 435 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  set<const Algorithm*>::const_iterator itr;
  for (itr=m_algs.begin(); itr!=m_algs.end(); ++itr) {
    AlgorithmHistory *ah = m_algmap.find(*itr)->second;


AlgorithmHistory * HistorySvc::getAlgHistory ( const Algorithm alg ) const [virtual]

Definition at line 416 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  const Algorithm *palg = &alg;
  set<const Algorithm*>::const_iterator itr = m_algs.find(palg);
  if ( itr == m_algs.end() ) {
    m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Algorithm " << << " not registered"
          << endmsg;
    return 0;

  map<const Algorithm*, AlgorithmHistory*>::const_iterator itr2;
  itr2 = m_algmap.find( *itr );

  return ( itr2->second );

AlgToolHistory * HistorySvc::getAlgToolHistory ( const IAlgTool alg ) const [virtual]

Definition at line 909 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  const AlgTool *palg = dynamic_cast<const AlgTool*>(&alg);
  set<const AlgTool*>::const_iterator itr = m_algtools.find(palg);
  if ( itr == m_algtools.end() ) {
    m_log << MSG::WARNING << "AlgTool " << << " not registered"
          << endmsg;
    return 0;

  map<const AlgTool*, AlgToolHistory*>::const_iterator itr2;
  itr2 = m_algtoolmap.find( *itr );

  return ( itr2->second );

void HistorySvc::getAlgToolHistory ( std::set< AlgToolHistory * > &  algs ) const [virtual]

Definition at line 929 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  set<const AlgTool*>::const_iterator itr;
  for (itr=m_algtools.begin(); itr!=m_algtools.end(); ++itr) {
    AlgToolHistory *ah = m_algtoolmap.find(*itr)->second;


IAlgorithm * HistorySvc::getCurrentIAlg (  ) const [private]

Definition at line 571 of file HistorySvc.cpp.

  if (p_algCtxSvc == 0) {
    m_log << MSG::WARNING << "trying to create DataHistoryObj before "
          << "HistorySvc has been initialized" << endmsg;
    return 0;

  } else {
    return p_algCtxSvc->currentAlg();
DataHistory * HistorySvc::getDataHistory ( const CLID id,
const std::string key,
const std::string store 
) const [virtual]

Definition at line 669 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  DHH dhh(id,key);

  pair<DHMCitr,DHMCitr> mitr = m_datMap.equal_range(dhh);

  if(mitr.first == mitr.second) {
    return 0;

  return mitr.first->second;

int HistorySvc::getDataHistory ( const CLID id,
const std::string key,
const std::string storeName,
std::list< DataHistory * > &  dhlist 
) const [virtual]

Definition at line 687 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  DHH dhh(id,key);

  int n(0);

  pair<DHMCitr,DHMCitr> mitr = m_datMap.equal_range(dhh);

  for (DHMCitr itr=mitr.first; itr != mitr.second; ++itr) {

  return n;

JobHistory * HistorySvc::getJobHistory (  ) const [virtual]

Definition at line 563 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  return m_jobHistory;

ServiceHistory * HistorySvc::getServiceHistory ( const IService svc ) const [virtual]

Definition at line 745 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  const IService *psvc = &svc;
  map<const IService*, ServiceHistory*>::const_iterator itr =
  if ( itr == m_svcmap.end() ) {
    m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Service " << << " not registered"
          << endmsg;
    return 0;

  return ( itr->second );

void HistorySvc::getServiceHistory ( std::set< ServiceHistory * > &  svcs ) const [virtual]

Definition at line 762 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  set<const IService*>::const_iterator itr;
  for (itr=m_svcs.begin(); itr!=m_svcs.end(); ++itr) {
    ServiceHistory *sh = m_svcmap.find( *itr )->second;


void HistorySvc::handle ( const Incident inc ) [virtual]

Definition at line 943 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  if (incident.type() == IncidentType::BeginEvent) {
    if (captureState().isFailure()) {
      m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Error capturing state." << endl
            << "Will try again at next BeginEvent incident" << endmsg;

StatusCode HistorySvc::initialize (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 138 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  StatusCode status = Service::initialize();
  m_log.setLevel( m_outputLevel.value() );

  if (status.isFailure()) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
    m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Failed to initialize the base class (Service)"
          << endmsg;
    return status;

#ifndef NDEBUG
  m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Initializing HistorySvc" << endmsg;

  if (!m_activate) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

  static const bool CREATEIF(true);

  if ( service("AlgContextSvc",p_algCtxSvc,CREATEIF).isFailure() ) {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "unable to get the AlgContextSvc" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  if (service("IncidentSvc", m_incidentSvc, CREATEIF).isFailure()) {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "unable to get the IncidentSvc" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  // create a weak dependency on the ToolSvc, so that it doesn't get deleted
  // before we're done with it in finalize
  m_toolSvc = serviceLocator()->service("ToolSvc");
  if (! m_toolSvc)  {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "could not retrieve the ToolSvc handle !"
          << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  // add listener to be triggered by first BeginEvent with low priority
  // so it gets called first
  const bool rethrow = false;
  const bool oneShot = true; // make the listener called only once

  m_isInitialized = true;

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

StatusCode HistorySvc::listProperties ( const IAlgTool alg ) const [virtual]

Definition at line 868 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  m_log << MSG::INFO << "Dumping properties for " << << endl;

  AlgToolHistory *hist = getAlgToolHistory( alg );

  if (hist == 0) {
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  ostringstream ost;
  ost << *hist;

  std::string str = ost.str();

  m_log << MSG::INFO << << " --> " << endl << str << endmsg;

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

StatusCode HistorySvc::listProperties (  ) const [virtual]

Definition at line 460 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  m_log << MSG::INFO;
  m_log << "Dumping properties for all Algorithms (" << m_algmap.size()
        << ")" << endmsg;

  std::map<const Algorithm*, AlgorithmHistory*>::const_iterator itr;
  for (itr=m_algmap.begin(); itr != m_algmap.end(); ++itr) {
    const Algorithm* alg = itr->first;

    listProperties( *alg ).ignore();


  m_log << MSG::INFO;
  m_log << "Dumping properties for all AlgTools (" << m_algtoolmap.size()
        << ")" << endmsg;

  std::map<const AlgTool*, AlgToolHistory*>::const_iterator itr_a;
  for (itr_a=m_algtoolmap.begin(); itr_a != m_algtoolmap.end(); ++itr_a) {
    m_log << MSG::DEBUG << " --> " << itr_a->second->algtool_name() << endmsg;
    const AlgTool* alg = itr_a->first;

    listProperties( *alg ).ignore();


  m_log << MSG::INFO;
  m_log << "Dumping properties for all Services (" << m_svcmap.size()
        << ")" << endmsg;

  std::map<const IService*, ServiceHistory*>::const_iterator itr_s;
  for (itr_s=m_svcmap.begin(); itr_s != m_svcmap.end(); ++itr_s) {
    const IService* svc = itr_s->first;

    listProperties( *svc ).ignore();


  m_log << MSG::INFO;
  m_log << "Dumping properties for Job";

  ostringstream ost;
  ost << *m_jobHistory;
  std::string str = ost.str();

  m_log << std::endl << str << endmsg;

  return StatusCode(StatusCode::SUCCESS,true);

StatusCode HistorySvc::listProperties ( const IService svc ) const [virtual]

Definition at line 776 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  m_log << MSG::INFO << "Dumping properties for " << << endl;

  ServiceHistory *hist = getServiceHistory( svc );

  if (hist == 0) {
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  ostringstream ost;
  ost << *hist;

  std::string str = ost.str();

  m_log << MSG::INFO << << " --> " << endl << str << endmsg;

  return StatusCode(StatusCode::SUCCESS,true);

StatusCode HistorySvc::listProperties ( const Algorithm alg ) const [virtual]

Definition at line 376 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  m_log << MSG::INFO << "Dumping properties for " << << endl;

  AlgorithmHistory *hist = getAlgHistory( alg );

  if (hist == 0) {
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  ostringstream ost;
  ost << *hist;

  std::string str = ost.str();

  m_log << MSG::INFO << << " --> " << endl << str << endmsg;

  return StatusCode(StatusCode::SUCCESS,true);

StatusCode HistorySvc::registerAlg ( const Algorithm alg ) [virtual]

Definition at line 347 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  JobHistory *job = getJobHistory();
  if (m_algmap.find(&alg) != m_algmap.end()) {
    m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Algorithm " <<
          << " already registered with HistorySvc" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;



  AlgorithmHistory *algHist = new AlgorithmHistory(alg, job);
  m_algmap[&alg] = algHist;

#ifndef NDEBUG
  m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Registering algorithm: ";
  m_log << << endmsg;

  return StatusCode(StatusCode::SUCCESS,true);

StatusCode HistorySvc::registerAlgTool ( const IAlgTool ialg ) [virtual]

Definition at line 820 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  if (! m_isInitialized) {
    if (p_algCtxSvc == 0) {
      if ( service("AlgContextSvc",p_algCtxSvc,true).isFailure() ) {
        m_log << MSG::ERROR << "unable to get the AlgContextSvc" << endmsg;
        return StatusCode::FAILURE;

    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

  const AlgTool *alg = dynamic_cast<const AlgTool*>( &ialg );
  if ( alg == 0 ) {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not dcast IAlgTool \"" <<
          << "\" to an AlgTool" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  if (m_algtools.find(alg) != m_algtools.end()) {
    m_log << MSG::WARNING << "AlgTool " <<
          << " already registered in HistorySvc" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;


  const JobHistory *job = getJobHistory();
  AlgToolHistory *algHist = new AlgToolHistory(*alg, job);
  m_algtoolmap[alg] = algHist;

#ifndef NDEBUG
  m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Registering algtool: ";
  m_log << alg->name() << endmsg;

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

StatusCode HistorySvc::registerDataHistory ( const CLID id,
const std::string key,
const std::string store 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 625 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  DHH dhh(id,key);

  pair<DHMitr,DHMitr> mitr = m_datMap.equal_range(dhh);

  if (mitr.first == mitr.second) {
    // not in the map
    DataHistory *dh = createDataHistoryObj(id,key,storeName);
  } else {
    // found at least one
    bool match(false);

    std::string algName;
    IAlgorithm *ialg = getCurrentIAlg();
    if (ialg != 0) {
      algName = ialg->name();
    } else {
      algName = "UNKNOWN";

    for (DHMitr itr = mitr.first; itr != mitr.second; ++itr) {
      DataHistory *dh = itr->second;
      if (dh->algorithmHistory()->algorithm_name() == algName) {
        match = true;

    if (! match) {
      DataHistory *dh = createDataHistoryObj(id,key,storeName);

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

StatusCode HistorySvc::registerJob (  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 449 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  return StatusCode(StatusCode::SUCCESS,true);

StatusCode HistorySvc::registerSvc ( const IService svc ) [virtual]

Definition at line 709 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  if ( == "HistoryStore" ) {
    //    m_log << MSG::WARNING << "not registering store" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode(StatusCode::SUCCESS,true);

  JobHistory *job = getJobHistory();
  const IService* psvc = &svc;
  map<const IService*, ServiceHistory*>::const_iterator itr =
  if (itr == m_svcmap.end()) {

#ifndef NDEBUG
    m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Registering Service: ";
    m_log << << endmsg;


    ServiceHistory *svcHist = new ServiceHistory(&svc, job);
    m_svcmap[psvc] = svcHist;



  return StatusCode(StatusCode::SUCCESS,true);

StatusCode HistorySvc::reinitialize (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 95 of file HistorySvc.cpp.

StatusCode HistorySvc::stop (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 296 of file HistorySvc.cpp.


  if (!m_activate) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

  if (m_dump) {

  if (m_outputFile != "") {
    std::ofstream ofs;;
    if (!ofs) {
      m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to open output file \"m_outputFile\""
            << endmsg;
    } else {

      //      dumpProperties(ofs);



  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;


Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class SvcFactory< HistorySvc > [friend]

Definition at line 108 of file HistorySvc.h.

Member Data Documentation

bool HistorySvc::m_activate [private]

Definition at line 112 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 117 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 116 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 121 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 120 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 126 of file HistorySvc.h.

bool HistorySvc::m_dump [private]

Definition at line 111 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 119 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 147 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 110 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 130 of file HistorySvc.h.

MsgStream HistorySvc::m_log [mutable, private]

Definition at line 150 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 132 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 151 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 124 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 123 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 148 of file HistorySvc.h.

Definition at line 114 of file HistorySvc.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:16 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004