Gaudi Framework, version v23r0

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IoComponentMgr Class Reference

#include <IoComponentMgr.h>

Inheritance diagram for IoComponentMgr:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for IoComponentMgr:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 IoComponentMgr (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
 Constructor with parameters:
virtual ~IoComponentMgr ()
virtual bool io_hasitem (IIoComponent *iocomponent) const
 : check if the registry contains a given IIoComponent
virtual bool io_contains (IIoComponent *iocomponent, const std::string &fname) const
 : check if the registry contains a given IIoComponent and that component had
virtual StatusCode io_register (IIoComponent *iocomponent)
 : allow a IIoComponent to register itself with this manager so appropriate actions can be taken when e.g.
virtual StatusCode io_register (IIoComponent *iocomponent, IIoComponentMgr::IoMode::Type iomode, const std::string &fname)
 : allow a IIoComponent to register itself with this manager so appropriate actions can be taken when e.g.
virtual StatusCode io_retrieve (IIoComponent *iocomponent, std::string &fname)
 : retrieve the new filename for a given IIoComponent and
virtual StatusCode io_reinitialize ()
 : reinitialize the I/O subsystem.
virtual StatusCode io_finalize ()
 : finalize the I/O subsystem.
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
 Gaudi Service Implementation.
virtual StatusCode finalize ()

Private Types

typedef std::map< std::string,
IIoComponent * > 
typedef std::list< IIoComponent * > IoStack_t

Private Member Functions

 IoComponentMgr ()
 Default constructor:

Private Attributes

MsgStream m_log
IoRegistry_t m_ioregistry
 Registry of IIoComponents.
IoStack_t m_iostack
 Stack of IIoComponents to properly handle order of registration.
PyObject * m_dict
 pointer to a python dictionary holding the associations: { 'iocomp-name' : { 'oldfname' : [ 'iomode', 'newfname' ] } }
std::string m_dict_location
 location of the python dictionary


class SvcFactory< IoComponentMgr >

Detailed Description

Definition at line 29 of file IoComponentMgr.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 127 of file IoComponentMgr.h.

Definition at line 131 of file IoComponentMgr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IoComponentMgr::IoComponentMgr ( const std::string name,
ISvcLocator pSvcLocator 

Constructor with parameters:

Definition at line 29 of file IoComponentMgr.cpp.

: base_class(name,svc), m_log(msgSvc(), name ),
    m_dict   ( 0 )
  // Property declaration
  //declareProperty( "Property", m_nProperty );

//   declareProperty ("Registry",
//                 m_dict_location = "GaudiMP.IoRegistry.registry",
//                 "Location of the python dictionary holding the "
//                 "associations: \n"
//                 " {component-name:{ 'old-fname' : ['io','new-fname'] }}\n"
//                 "\nSyntax: <python-module>.<python-module>.<fct-name> \n"
//                 " where fct-name is a function returning the wanted "
//                 " dictionary.");
IoComponentMgr::~IoComponentMgr (  ) [virtual]


Definition at line 51 of file IoComponentMgr.cpp.

  Py_XDECREF (m_dict);
IoComponentMgr::IoComponentMgr (  ) [private]

Default constructor:

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode IoComponentMgr::finalize (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 134 of file IoComponentMgr.cpp.

  m_log << MSG::INFO << "Finalizing " << name() << "..." << endmsg;

  if (m_log.level() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
    m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Listing all monitored entries: " << std::endl;

    std::string repr = "";
    // PyObject_Repr returns a new ref.
    PyObject* py_repr = PyObject_Repr (m_dict);
    if ( py_repr && PyString_Check(py_repr) ) {
      repr = PyString_AsString(py_repr);
    Py_XDECREF( py_repr );
    m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "content: " << repr << endmsg;

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode IoComponentMgr::initialize (  ) [virtual]

Gaudi Service Implementation.

Reimplemented from Service.

Definition at line 58 of file IoComponentMgr.cpp.

  m_log << MSG::INFO << "Initializing " << name() << "..." << endmsg;

  if ( Service::initialize().isFailure() ) {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to initialize Service base class" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  m_log.setLevel( m_outputLevel.value() );

  if ( ! Py_IsInitialized() ) {
    if (m_log.level() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
      m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Initializing Python" << endmsg;

    if ( ! Py_IsInitialized() ) {
      m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to initialize Python" << endmsg;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  // retrieve the python dictionary holding the I/O registry
  const std::string py_module_name = "GaudiMP.IoRegistry";
  m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "importing module [" << py_module_name << "]..."
        << endmsg;
  PyObject *module = PyImport_ImportModule ((char*)py_module_name.c_str());
  if ( !module || !PyModule_Check (module) ) {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not import [" << py_module_name << "] !"
          << endmsg;
    Py_XDECREF (module);
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  const std::string py_class_name = "IoRegistry";
  PyObject *pyclass = PyDict_GetItemString (PyModule_GetDict(module),
  // borrowed ref.
  Py_XINCREF (pyclass);
  if ( !pyclass ) {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not import ["
          << py_class_name << "] from module ["
          << py_module_name << "] !"
          << endmsg ;
    Py_XDECREF (pyclass);
    Py_DECREF  (module);
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  m_dict = PyObject_GetAttrString (pyclass, (char*)"instances");
  if ( !m_dict || !PyDict_Check (m_dict) ) {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR
          << "could not retrieve attribute [instances] from class ["
          << py_module_name << "." << py_class_name << "] !" << endmsg;
    Py_DECREF (pyclass);
    Py_DECREF (module);
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  m_log << MSG::INFO <<  "python I/O registry retrieved [ok]" << endmsg;
  if ( m_log.level() <=  MSG::DEBUG ) {
    std::string repr = "";
    // PyObject_Repr returns a new ref.
    PyObject* py_repr = PyObject_Repr (m_dict);
    if ( py_repr && PyString_Check(py_repr) ) {
      repr = PyString_AsString(py_repr);
    Py_XDECREF( py_repr );
    m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "content: " << repr << endmsg;

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
bool IoComponentMgr::io_contains ( IIoComponent iocomponent,
const std::string fname 
) const [virtual]

: check if the registry contains a given IIoComponent and that component had

`fname`as a filename

Implements IIoComponentMgr.

Definition at line 176 of file IoComponentMgr.cpp.

  if ( 0 == iocomponent ) {
    return false;
  const std::string& ioname = iocomponent->name();

  // m_dict is a python dictionary like so:
  //  { 'iocomp-name' : { 'oldfname' : [ 'iomode', 'newfname' ] } }

  // -> check there is an 'iocomp-name' entry
  // -> retrieve that entry
  PyObject *o = PyDict_GetItemString (m_dict, (char*)ioname.c_str());
  Py_XINCREF (o);

  // -> check it is a dictionary
  if ( NULL==o || !PyDict_Check (o) ) {
    Py_XDECREF (o);

    return false;

  // -> check 'oldfname' exists
  PyObject *item = PyDict_GetItemString (o, (char*)fname.c_str());

  const bool contains = (item != 0);
  if ( contains == false ) {
    std::string repr = "";
    // PyObject_Repr returns a new ref.
    PyObject* py_repr = PyObject_Repr (o);
    if ( py_repr && PyString_Check(py_repr) ) {
      repr = PyString_AsString(py_repr);
    Py_XDECREF( py_repr );
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "content: " << repr << endmsg;
  Py_DECREF (o);
  return contains;
StatusCode IoComponentMgr::io_finalize (  ) [virtual]

: finalize the I/O subsystem.

Hook to allow to e.g. give a chance to I/O subsystems to merge output files. Not sure how to do this correctly though...

Implements IIoComponentMgr.

Definition at line 452 of file IoComponentMgr.cpp.

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
bool IoComponentMgr::io_hasitem ( IIoComponent iocomponent ) const [virtual]

: check if the registry contains a given IIoComponent

Implements IIoComponentMgr.

Definition at line 162 of file IoComponentMgr.cpp.

  if ( 0 == iocomponent ) {
    return false;
  const std::string& ioname = iocomponent->name();
  IoRegistry_t::const_iterator io = m_ioregistry.find (ioname);
  return io != m_ioregistry.end();
StatusCode IoComponentMgr::io_register ( IIoComponent iocomponent ) [virtual]

: allow a IIoComponent to register itself with this manager so appropriate actions can be taken when e.g.

a fork(2) has been issued (this is usually handled by calling IIoComponent::io_reinit on every registered component)

Implements IIoComponentMgr.

Definition at line 229 of file IoComponentMgr.cpp.

  if ( 0 == iocomponent ) {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR
          << "io_register (component) received a NULL pointer !" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  const std::string& ioname = iocomponent->name();
  IoRegistry_t::iterator itr = m_ioregistry.find (ioname);
  if ( itr == m_ioregistry.end() ) {
    iocomponent->addRef(); // ownership...
    m_ioregistry[ioname] = iocomponent;
    m_iostack.push_back (iocomponent);
  } else {
    m_log << MSG::INFO << "IoComponent[" << iocomponent->name()
          <<"] already registered @" << (void*)itr->second << endmsg;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode IoComponentMgr::io_register ( IIoComponent iocomponent,
IIoComponentMgr::IoMode::Type  iomode,
const std::string fname 
) [virtual]

: allow a IIoComponent to register itself with this manager so appropriate actions can be taken when e.g.

a fork(2) has been issued (this is usually handled by calling IIoComponent::io_reinit on every registered component)

Implements IIoComponentMgr.

Definition at line 256 of file IoComponentMgr.cpp.

  if ( 0 == iocomponent ) {
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  const std::string& ioname = iocomponent->name();

  if ( !io_hasitem (iocomponent) ) {
    if ( !io_register (iocomponent).isSuccess() ) {
      m_log << MSG::ERROR
            << "could not register component [" << iocomponent->name() << "] "
            << "with the I/O component manager !"
            << endmsg;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  // m_dict is a python dictionary like so:
  //  { 'iocomp-name' : { 'oldfname' : [ 'iomode', 'newfname' ] } }

  // -> check there is an 'iocomp-name' entry
  // -> retrieve that entry
  PyObject *o = PyDict_GetItemString (m_dict, (char*)ioname.c_str());

  // -> check it is a dictionary
  if ( NULL==o ) {
    o = PyDict_New();
    if (NULL == o) {
      m_log << MSG::ERROR << "could not create an I/O entry for ["
            << ioname << "] "
            << "in the I/O registry !" << endmsg;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
    if ( 0 != PyDict_SetItemString (m_dict, (char*)ioname.c_str(), o) ) {
      Py_DECREF (o);
      m_log << MSG::ERROR << "could not create an I/O entry for ["
            << ioname << "] " << "in the I/O registry !" << endmsg;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  } else if ( !PyDict_Check (o) ) {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR
          << "internal consistency error (expected a dictionary !)"
          << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  } else {
    // borrowed ref.
    Py_INCREF (o);

  // -> check if 'fname' has already been registered
  std::string mode;
  switch (iomode) {
  case IIoComponentMgr::IoMode::Input: mode ="<input>"; break;
  case IIoComponentMgr::IoMode::Output:mode ="<output>";break;
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "unknown value for iomode: [" << iomode << "] !"
          << endmsg;
    Py_DECREF (o);
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  PyObject *val = PyDict_GetItemString (o, (char*)fname.c_str());
  if ( 0 != val ) {
    Py_DECREF (o);
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

  val = PyList_New(2);
  if ( 0 == val ) {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "could not allocate a python-list !" << endmsg;
    Py_DECREF (o);
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  int err = PyList_SetItem (val,
                            0, PyString_FromString ((char*)mode.c_str()));
  if (err) {
    Py_DECREF (val);
    Py_DECREF (o);
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "could not set py-iomode !" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  Py_INCREF (Py_None);
  // PyList_SetItem steals the ref...
  err = PyList_SetItem (val, 1, Py_None);
  if (err) {
    Py_DECREF (val);
    Py_DECREF (o);
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "could not properly fill python-list !" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  err = PyDict_SetItemString (o, (char*)fname.c_str(), val);
  if (err) {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "could not properly fill registry w/ python-list !"
          << endmsg;
    Py_DECREF (val);
    Py_DECREF (o);
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  Py_DECREF (o);
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode IoComponentMgr::io_reinitialize (  ) [virtual]

: reinitialize the I/O subsystem.

This effectively calls IIoComponent::io_reinit on all the registered IIoComponent.

Implements IIoComponentMgr.

Definition at line 419 of file IoComponentMgr.cpp.

  m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "reinitializing I/O subsystem..." << endmsg;
  bool allgood = true;
  for ( IoStack_t::iterator io = m_iostack.begin(), ioEnd = m_iostack.end();
        io != ioEnd;
        ++io ) {
    m_log << MSG::DEBUG << " [" << (*io)->name() << "]->io_reinit()..."
          << endmsg;
    if ( !(*io)->io_reinit().isSuccess() ) {
      allgood = false;
      m_log << MSG::ERROR << "problem in [" << (*io)->name()
            << "]->io_reinit() !" << endmsg;
    // we are done with this guy... release it

  // we are done.
  // FIXME: shall we allow for multiple io_reinitialize ?

  return allgood
    ? StatusCode::SUCCESS
    : StatusCode::FAILURE;
StatusCode IoComponentMgr::io_retrieve ( IIoComponent iocomponent,
std::string fname 
) [virtual]

: retrieve the new filename for a given IIoComponent and


Implements IIoComponentMgr.

Definition at line 365 of file IoComponentMgr.cpp.

  if ( 0 == iocomponent ) {
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  const std::string& ioname = iocomponent->name();

  // m_dict is a python dictionary like so:
  //  { 'iocomp-name' : { 'oldfname' : [ 'iomode', 'newfname' ] } }

  // -> check there is an 'iocomp-name' entry
  // -> retrieve that entry
  PyObject *o = PyDict_GetItemString (m_dict, (char*)ioname.c_str());
  Py_XINCREF (o);

  // -> check it is a dictionary
  if ( NULL==o || !PyDict_Check (o) ) {
    Py_XDECREF (o);
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  // -> check 'oldfname' exists
  PyObject *pylist = PyDict_GetItemString (o, (char*)fname.c_str());
  Py_XINCREF (pylist);

  if ( NULL==pylist || !PyList_Check (pylist) ) {
    Py_DECREF (o);
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  const std::size_t sz = PyList_Size (pylist);
  if ( 2 != sz ) {
    m_log << MSG::ERROR << "[" << ioname << "][" << fname << "] list has size ["
          << sz << " ! (expected sz==2)"
          << endmsg;
    Py_DECREF (o);
    Py_DECREF (pylist);
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  fname = PyString_AsString ( PyList_GetItem (pylist, 1) );
  Py_DECREF (o);
  Py_DECREF (pylist);
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class SvcFactory< IoComponentMgr > [friend]

Definition at line 31 of file IoComponentMgr.h.

Member Data Documentation

PyObject* IoComponentMgr::m_dict [private]

pointer to a python dictionary holding the associations: { 'iocomp-name' : { 'oldfname' : [ 'iomode', 'newfname' ] } }

Definition at line 138 of file IoComponentMgr.h.

location of the python dictionary

Definition at line 141 of file IoComponentMgr.h.

Registry of IIoComponents.

Definition at line 129 of file IoComponentMgr.h.

Stack of IIoComponents to properly handle order of registration.

Definition at line 133 of file IoComponentMgr.h.

MsgStream IoComponentMgr::m_log [mutable, private]

Definition at line 125 of file IoComponentMgr.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:17 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004