Gaudi Framework, version v23r0

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KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING > Class Template Reference

template class KeyedContainer, KeyedContainer.h More...

#include <KeyedContainer.h>

Inheritance diagram for KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.


struct  _InsertRelease
 Internal functor for insertion of objects. More...
struct  _RemoveRelease
 Internal functor for insertion of objects. More...

Public Types

typedef DATATYPE contained_type
 Definition of the contained object type.
typedef MAPPING container_type
 Definition of the implementing container type.
typedef std::vector
< contained_type * > 
 General container specific type definitions.
typedef contained_type::key_type key_type
 Definition of the key type: re-use definition of contained type.
typedef seq_type::value_type value_type
 Sequential access: definition of type stored in sequential container.
typedef seq_type::reference reference
 Sequential access: reference type used in sequential container.
typedef seq_type::const_reference const_reference
 Sequential access: const reference type used in sequential container.
typedef seq_type::iterator iterator
 Sequential access: iterator type used in sequential container.
typedef seq_type::const_iterator const_iterator
 Sequential access: const iterator type used in sequential container.
typedef seq_type::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator
 Sequential access: reverse iterator type used in sequential container.
 Sequential access: const reverse iterator type used in sequential container.

Public Member Functions

 KeyedContainer (void)
 Standard Constructor.
virtual ~KeyedContainer ()
NOT FOR GENERAL USE ObjectContainerBase function overloads.

The implementation of these methods ensure the behaviour of the class as a type of class ObjectContainerBase.

This base class and its behaviour are only used by "generic" object handlers. These classes collaborate with several classes such as the

  • SmartRef classes.
  • Generic converters.
  • Interfaces for interactivity (e.g. Python)

For this reason, the entry points in this section are reserved for "generic" object handling and should NOT be used in public.

virtual size_type numberOfObjects () const
 ObjectContainerBase overload: Number of objects in the container.
virtual long add (ContainedObject *pObject)
 ObjectContainerBase overload: Add an object to the container.
virtual long remove (ContainedObject *pObject)
 ObjectContainerBase overload: Remove an object from the container.
virtual ContainedObjectcontainedObject (long key_value) const
 ObjectContainerBase overload: Retrieve the object by reference given the long integer representation of the object's key.
virtual long index (const ContainedObject *p) const
 ObjectContainerBase overload: Retrieve the full long integer representation of the object's key from the object base class pointer.
virtual size_type containedObjects (std::vector< ContainedObject * > &v) const
 Retrieve the full content of the object container.
Container related implementation.

These methods allow to manipulate the container as a whole and to retrieve information about the internal behaviour of the container.

size_type size () const
 Number of objects in the container.
bool empty () const
 For consistency with STL: check if container is empty.
void reserve (size_type value)
 Reserve place for "value" objects in the container.
void clear ()
 Clear the entire content and erase the objects from the container.
virtual const std::vector
< const ContainedObject * > * 
containedObjects () const
 Retrieve the full content of the object container by reference.
virtual StatusCode update ()
 Reconfigure direct access to elements (Needed by POOL data loading) This function reuses the "update" callback of the generic DataObject base class.
Sequential array access to objects using iterators.

Sequential object access using iterators is much faster then object access by key.

In case all objects of the container should be addressed, use iterators rather than direct object access.

  • If the container is accessed through the iterators defined below, the elements may be sorted according to the user needs.
  • The container can be accesses in both const and non-const mode.
  • Iterations are supported in both directions: From the beginning to the end and the reverse.
iterator begin ()
 Retrieve start iterator.
const_iterator begin () const
 Retrieve start const iterator.
iterator end ()
 Retrieve terminating iterator.
const_iterator end () const
 Retrieve terminating const iterator.
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
 reverse_iterator returns the beginning of the reversed container
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
 const reverse_iterator returns the beginning of the reversed container
reverse_iterator rend ()
 reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the reversed container
const_reverse_iterator rend () const
 const reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the reversed container
Random access to objects in the container.

Access to objects is given by Key.

Please note, that random object access is nearly in all cases significantly slower than sequential access. If all objects in the contaienr should be addresses sequentially, use iterators rather than direct access. Direct access should only be used for selective retrieval of objects.

value_type object (const key_type &kval) const
 Object access by key.
value_type operator() (const key_type &kval) const
 STL algorithms support for object access.
Insert/Remove objects from the container.

Objects generally are identified by key.

Since keys are stored with the objects, insertions and removals are possible by key or by reference.

long erase (const key_type &kval)
 Remove/erase object (identified by key) from the container.
long erase (const value_type val)
 Remove/erase object (identified by pointer value) from the container.
long erase (iterator pos)
 Remove/erase object (identified by iterator) from the container.
void erase (iterator pos_start, iterator pos_stop, bool use_temp=false)
 Remove/erase objects by iterator range.
const key_typeinsert (const value_type val, const key_type &kval)
 Insert entry to the container with a valid key.
const key_typeinsert (const value_type val)
 Insert entry to the container with automatic key assignment.

Private Types

typedef Containers::traits
< container_type,
 Traits class definition.


struct GaudiDict::KeyedContainerDict< DATATYPE >

Implementation helpers.

container_type m_cont
 Map container to facilitate object access by key.
seq_type m_sequential
 Array to allow sequential access to the object (can be ordered).
 Array to allow random access to objects (not exposed)
FORCE_INLINE value_type i_object (const key_type &k) const
 Internal function to access objects within the container.
long i_erase (const_reference v, const key_type &k)
 Internal function to erase an object from the container.

DataObject virtual function overloads.

The implementation of these methods is required by the DataObject base class and determines the persistent run-time-type information.

virtual const CLIDclID () const
 Retrieve class ID.
static const CLIDclassID ()
 Retrieve class ID.

Detailed Description

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
class KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >

template class KeyedContainer, KeyedContainer.h

This class represents a container, where the contained objects are accessed by a key. Such a key can be any class, which is able to convert to and from a 32-bit (long) integer.

To insert objects into the container, this implementation determines the key in the following way:

Access to objects is given two-fold:

The KeyedContainer class uses for further specialization a traits class. By specializing these traits extra behaviour can be forced on request for special containers or special keys.


Definition at line 64 of file KeyedContainer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
typedef seq_type::const_iterator KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::const_iterator

Sequential access: const iterator type used in sequential container.

Definition at line 93 of file KeyedContainer.h.

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
typedef seq_type::const_reference KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::const_reference

Sequential access: const reference type used in sequential container.

Definition at line 89 of file KeyedContainer.h.

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
typedef seq_type::const_reverse_iterator KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::const_reverse_iterator

Sequential access: const reverse iterator type used in sequential container.

Definition at line 99 of file KeyedContainer.h.

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
typedef DATATYPE KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::contained_type

Definition of the contained object type.

Definition at line 70 of file KeyedContainer.h.

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
typedef MAPPING KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::container_type

Definition of the implementing container type.

Definition at line 72 of file KeyedContainer.h.

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
typedef seq_type::iterator KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::iterator

Sequential access: iterator type used in sequential container.

Definition at line 91 of file KeyedContainer.h.

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
typedef contained_type::key_type KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::key_type

Definition of the key type: re-use definition of contained type.

Definition at line 83 of file KeyedContainer.h.

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
typedef seq_type::reference KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::reference

Sequential access: reference type used in sequential container.

Definition at line 87 of file KeyedContainer.h.

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
typedef seq_type::reverse_iterator KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::reverse_iterator

Sequential access: reverse iterator type used in sequential container.

Definition at line 95 of file KeyedContainer.h.

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
typedef std::vector<contained_type*> KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::seq_type

General container specific type definitions.

The following type definitions are generic to most STL containers and are also presented by the KeyedContainer class. These forward declarations typically are used by STL algorithms. Definition of the STL sequential access type

Definition at line 81 of file KeyedContainer.h.

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
typedef Containers::traits<container_type, contained_type> KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::traits [private]

Traits class definition.

Specializing traits allows to specialize the container implementation for special needs.

Definition at line 105 of file KeyedContainer.h.

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
typedef seq_type::value_type KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::value_type

Sequential access: definition of type stored in sequential container.

Definition at line 85 of file KeyedContainer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::KeyedContainer ( void   ) [inline]

Standard Constructor.

Definition at line 180 of file KeyedContainer.h.

    // avoid problems with strict-aliasing rules
    seq_type** rptr = &m_random;
    seq_type*  sptr = &m_sequential;
template<class DATATYPE , class MAPPING >
KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::~KeyedContainer (  ) [inline, virtual]


Inline code for keyed container class.

Definition at line 491 of file KeyedContainer.h.

  erase(begin(), end());

Member Function Documentation

template<class DATATYPE , class MAPPING >
long KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::add ( ContainedObject pObject ) [inline, virtual]

ObjectContainerBase overload: Add an object to the container.

Plese see the documentation of the member function

const key_type& insert(DATATYPE* pObject)

for further details.

pObjectPointer to the object to be inserted into the container.
long integer representation of the key value.

Implements ObjectContainerBase.

Definition at line 606 of file KeyedContainer.h.

  return traits::identifier(insert(dynamic_cast<typename seq_type::value_type>(pObject)));
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
iterator KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::begin ( void   ) [inline]

Retrieve start iterator.

Definition at line 308 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{      return m_sequential.begin();   }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
const_iterator KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::begin ( void   ) const [inline]

Retrieve start const iterator.

Definition at line 310 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{      return m_sequential.begin();   }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
static const CLID& KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::classID (  ) [inline, static]

Retrieve class ID.

Reimplemented from DataObject.

Definition at line 199 of file KeyedContainer.h.

    static CLID clid = contained_type::classID() + container_type::classID();
    return clid;
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
void KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::clear ( void   ) [inline]

Clear the entire content and erase the objects from the container.

Definition at line 280 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{      erase(begin(), end());          }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
virtual const CLID& KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::clID (  ) const [inline, virtual]

Retrieve class ID.

Reimplemented from DataObject.

Definition at line 197 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{              return this->classID(); }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
virtual ContainedObject* KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::containedObject ( long  key_value ) const [inline, virtual]

ObjectContainerBase overload: Retrieve the object by reference given the long integer representation of the object's key.

Implements ObjectContainerBase.

Definition at line 253 of file KeyedContainer.h.

    return i_object( traits::makeKey( key_value ) );
template<class DATATYPE , class MAPPING >
KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::size_type KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::containedObjects ( std::vector< ContainedObject * > &  v ) const [inline, virtual]

Retrieve the full content of the object container.

vVector of contained objects, which will host all objects contained in this container.
Number of objects returned in v.

Definition at line 591 of file KeyedContainer.h.

  typename seq_type::const_iterator i = m_sequential.begin();
  typename seq_type::const_iterator s = m_sequential.end();
  for ( ; i != s; i++ )  {
    ContainedObject* p = const_cast<typename seq_type::value_type>(*i);
  return vec.size();
template<class DATATYPE , class MAPPING >
const std::vector< const ContainedObject * > * KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::containedObjects (  ) const [inline, virtual]

Retrieve the full content of the object container by reference.

Returned is the random access container if in sequntial direct access mode. Otherwise the sequential access container is returned

Reference to sequencal access container.

Definition at line 530 of file KeyedContainer.h.

  return (const std::vector<const ContainedObject*>*)
    ((0==m_cont.isDirect()) ? m_random : &m_sequential);
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
bool KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::empty ( void   ) const [inline]

For consistency with STL: check if container is empty.

Definition at line 276 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{      return m_sequential.empty();   }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
iterator KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::end ( void   ) [inline]

Retrieve terminating iterator.

Definition at line 312 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{      return m_sequential.end();     }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
const_iterator KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::end ( void   ) const [inline]

Retrieve terminating const iterator.

Definition at line 314 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{      return m_sequential.end();     }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
long KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::erase ( const key_type kval ) [inline]

Remove/erase object (identified by key) from the container.

kvalKey to identify the object within the container.
Enumeration value from the Containers namespace:
  • OBJ_NOT_FOUND: The indicated object was not found in the container
  • OBJ_ERASED: The indicated object was found and removed from the container. The object was not yet deleted, because its reference count was non zero.
  • OBJ_DELETED The indicated object was found and removed from the container. The object was deleted, because its reference count was zero.

Definition at line 378 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{ return i_erase(0, kval);  }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
long KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::erase ( iterator  pos ) [inline]

Remove/erase object (identified by iterator) from the container.

This member function removes an object, which is identified by its reference from the container. No key value is supplied. To identify the object within the container, the key of the object is used as it can be retrieved using the KeyedObject::key() method.

valReference to object to be removed from the container.
Enumeration value from the Containers namespace:
  • OBJ_NOT_FOUND: The indicated object was not found in the container
  • OBJ_ERASED: The indicated object was found and removed from the container. The object was not yet deleted, because its reference count was non zero.
  • OBJ_DELETED The indicated object was found and removed from the container. The object was deleted, because its reference count was zero.

Definition at line 424 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{                return erase(*pos);              }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
long KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::erase ( const value_type  val ) [inline]

Remove/erase object (identified by pointer value) from the container.

This member function removes an object, which is identified by its reference from the container. No key value is supplied. To identify the object within the container, the key of the object is used as it can be retrieved using the KeyedObject::key() method.

valReference to object to be removed from the container.
Enumeration value from the Containers namespace:
  • OBJ_NOT_FOUND: The indicated object was not found in the container
  • OBJ_ERASED: The indicated object was found and removed from the container. The object was not yet deleted, because its reference count was non zero.
  • OBJ_DELETED The indicated object was found and removed from the container. The object was deleted, because its reference count was zero.

Definition at line 400 of file KeyedContainer.h.

    return (val) ? i_erase(val, val->key()) : (long) Containers::OBJ_NOT_FOUND;
template<class DATATYPE , class MAPPING >
void KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::erase ( iterator  pos_start,
iterator  pos_stop,
bool  use_temp = false 
) [inline]

Remove/erase objects by iterator range.

This member function removes all objects, which are within the sequential iterator range [pos_start, pos_stop[.

pos_startStarting iterator of the range to be removed.
pos_stopStarting iterator of the range to be removed.
use_tempFlag to indicate that a temporary arry should be used.

Definition at line 638 of file KeyedContainer.h.

  bool is_start = start_pos == m_sequential.begin();
  bool is_stop  = stop_pos  == m_sequential.end();
  if ( is_start && is_stop )  {
    // Nothing special. Taken care of by Keyed object manager
  else if ( is_start || is_stop || use_tmp )  {
    std::vector<DATATYPE*> tmp(m_sequential.begin(), start_pos);
    tmp.insert(tmp.end(), stop_pos, m_sequential.end());
    std::for_each(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), traits::addRef);
    this->erase(m_sequential.begin(), m_sequential.end());
    std::for_each(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), _InsertRelease(this));
  std::for_each(start_pos, stop_pos, _RemoveRelease(this));
  seq_type *sptr = &m_sequential; // avoid problems with strict-aliasing rules
  std::vector<void*>* v = (std::vector<void*>*)sptr;
  std::vector<void*>::iterator i1 =
    v->begin() + std::distance(m_sequential.begin(), start_pos);
  std::vector<void*>::iterator i2 =
    v->begin() + std::distance(m_sequential.begin(), stop_pos);
  m_cont.erase(i1, i2);
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
long KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::i_erase ( const_reference  v,
const key_type k 
) [inline, private]

Internal function to erase an object from the container.

Definition at line 140 of file KeyedContainer.h.

    value_type p = value_type(m_cont.erase(traits::hash(k), v));
    if ( p )    {
      if ( p->parent() == this )  {
    return traits::release(p) <= 0 ? (long) Containers::OBJ_ERASED
                                   : (long) Containers::OBJ_DELETED;
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
FORCE_INLINE value_type KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::i_object ( const key_type k ) const [inline, private]

Internal function to access objects within the container.

Definition at line 133 of file KeyedContainer.h.

    return 0==m_cont.isDirect()
      ? value_type(*(m_random->begin()+traits::hash(k)))
      : value_type(m_cont.object(traits::hash(k)));
template<class DATATYPE , class MAPPING >
long KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::index ( const ContainedObject p ) const [inline, virtual]

ObjectContainerBase overload: Retrieve the full long integer representation of the object's key from the object base class pointer.

Implements ObjectContainerBase.

Definition at line 581 of file KeyedContainer.h.

  const contained_type* ptr = dynamic_cast<const contained_type*>(p);
  if ( ptr ) return traits::identifier(ptr->key());
  return -1;
template<class DATATYPE , class MAPPING >
const KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::key_type & KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::insert ( const value_type  val )

Insert entry to the container with automatic key assignment.

This member function inserts an element, which is identified by its reference to the container. No key value is supplied. The key used to insert the object is retrieved from the element itself. In the event the object already has a key, the assigned key of the object is used. If no key was assigned to the object, (i.e. the object's key is equal to the invalid key), a key is generated according to the number of objects present in the container.

The object will not be inserted and an exception will be raised under the following conditions:

  • A key was already assigned to the object, but another object with the same key is already present in the container.
valReference to object to be inserted into the container.
Key, which was used to index the object within the container. If the operation is not successful, an exception is thrown.

Definition at line 558 of file KeyedContainer.h.

  if ( 0 != val )   {
    if ( val->hasKey() )   {
      if (m_cont.insert(this,val,val,traits::hash(val->key()))
          == Containers::OBJ_INSERTED)   {
        return val->key();
    long k0;
    if ( m_cont.insert(this, val, val, &k0) == Containers::OBJ_INSERTED )   {
      traits::setKey(val, traits::makeKey(k0));
      return val->key();
  // Cannot insert object...indicate bad object insertion...
  return val->key();
template<class DATATYPE , class MAPPING >
const KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::key_type & KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::insert ( const value_type  val,
const key_type kval 
) [inline]

Insert entry to the container with a valid key.

This member function inserts an element, which is identified by its reference to the container. The element will be inserted using the specified key. If the object is already keyed, the long representations of the supplied key and the object's key must agree.

The object will not be inserted and an exception will be raised under the following conditions:

  • The supplied key does not agree with the object's key.
  • An object with the supplied key is already present in the container.
valReference to object to be inserted into the container. The object reference may NOT be NULL.
kvalKey to identify the object within the container.
Key, which was used to index the object within the container. If the operation is not successful, an exception is thrown.

Definition at line 537 of file KeyedContainer.h.

  if ( val )    {
    long k0 = traits::hash(kval);
    if ( !val->hasKey() || (traits::hash(val->key()) == k0) )    {
      if(m_cont.insert(this,val,val,k0) == Containers::OBJ_INSERTED)   {
        if ( !val->hasKey() ) traits::setKey(val, kval);
        return val->key();
  // Cannot insert object...indicate bad object insertion...
  return val->key();
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
virtual size_type KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::numberOfObjects (  ) const [inline, virtual]

ObjectContainerBase overload: Number of objects in the container.

Implements ObjectContainerBase.

Definition at line 222 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{  return m_sequential.size();       }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
value_type KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::object ( const key_type kval ) const [inline]

Object access by key.

Access contained objects by key.

kvalKey of the object to be returned.
Valid reference to the requested object. If the key of the requested object cannot be found in the container a null reference is returned.

Definition at line 342 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{  return i_object(kval);  }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
value_type KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::operator() ( const key_type kval ) const [inline]

STL algorithms support for object access.

Access contained objects by key using the operator(), which is demanded by STL algorithms.

kvalKey of the object to be returned.
Valid reference to the requested object. If the key of the requested object cannot be found in the container a null reference is returned.

Definition at line 353 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{  return i_object(kval);  }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
const_reverse_iterator KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::rbegin (  ) const [inline]

const reverse_iterator returns the beginning of the reversed container

Definition at line 318 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{      return m_sequential.rbegin();  }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
reverse_iterator KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::rbegin (  ) [inline]

reverse_iterator returns the beginning of the reversed container

Definition at line 316 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{      return m_sequential.rbegin();  }
template<class DATATYPE , class MAPPING >
long KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::remove ( ContainedObject pObject ) [inline, virtual]

ObjectContainerBase overload: Remove an object from the container.

Because this function is also called from the destructor of The ContainedObject class, it is no longer possible to deduce the key from the object itself. It is hence necessary to relay on the **NON-EXISTENCE** of virtual inheritance, ie. (void*)pObject = (void*)(contained_object). If the virtual object table is still intact, the normal erase is called.

pObjectPointer to the object to be removed from the container.

Implements ObjectContainerBase.

Definition at line 613 of file KeyedContainer.h.

  contained_type* p1 = dynamic_cast<contained_type*>(p);
  if ( p1 )    {  // Normal case; object still fully intact
    return this->erase(p1);
  else if ( p )   {
    const ObjectContainerBase* par = p->parent();
    // The following should never occur: object is in a funny state,
    // Because the parent was explicitly set to NULL in the
    // KeyeObject destructor.
    // - It cannot be a KeyedObject:  It would not have a parent
    // - Still the parent is present: We are not in the destructor
    //                                of KeyedObject
    if ( par )  {
    return m_cont.erase(0, p)==0 ? (long) Containers::OBJ_ERASED
                                 : (long) Containers::OBJ_NOT_FOUND;
  return (long) Containers::OBJ_NOT_FOUND;
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
reverse_iterator KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::rend (  ) [inline]

reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the reversed container

Definition at line 320 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{      return m_sequential.rend();    }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
const_reverse_iterator KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::rend (  ) const [inline]

const reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the reversed container

Definition at line 322 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{      return m_sequential.rend();    }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
void KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::reserve ( size_type  value ) [inline]

Reserve place for "value" objects in the container.

Definition at line 278 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{      m_cont.reserve(value);          }
template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
size_type KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::size ( void   ) const [inline]

Number of objects in the container.

Definition at line 274 of file KeyedContainer.h.

{      return m_sequential.size();    }
template<class DATATYPE , class MAPPING >
StatusCode KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::update (  ) [inline, virtual]

Reconfigure direct access to elements (Needed by POOL data loading) This function reuses the "update" callback of the generic DataObject base class.

Reimplemented from DataObject.

Definition at line 499 of file KeyedContainer.h.

  int count = 0;
  typename seq_type::iterator i = m_sequential.begin();
  typename seq_type::iterator s = m_sequential.end();
  for ( ; i != s; i++ )  {
    typename seq_type::value_type v = *i;
    if ( v )  {
      if ( !v->hasKey() ) {
        traits::setKey(v, v->key());
      long k0 = traits::hash(v->key());
      if(m_cont.insertDirect(this, v, v, k0) == Containers::OBJ_INSERTED)   {
    else  {
  if ( count > 0 )  {
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
friend struct GaudiDict::KeyedContainerDict< DATATYPE > [friend]

Definition at line 66 of file KeyedContainer.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
container_type KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::m_cont [private]

Map container to facilitate object access by key.

Definition at line 111 of file KeyedContainer.h.

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
seq_type* KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::m_random [private]

Array to allow random access to objects (not exposed)

Definition at line 115 of file KeyedContainer.h.

template<class DATATYPE, class MAPPING = Containers::HashMap>
seq_type KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::m_sequential [private]

Array to allow sequential access to the object (can be ordered).

Definition at line 113 of file KeyedContainer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:18 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004