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OutputStream Class Reference

A small to stream Data I/O. More...

#include <OutputStream.h>

Inheritance diagram for OutputStream:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for OutputStream:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector
< DataStoreItem * > 
typedef std::vector< std::stringItemNames

Public Member Functions

 OutputStream (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
 Standard algorithm Constructor.
virtual ~OutputStream ()
 Standard Destructor.
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
 Initialize OutputStream.
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
 Terminate OutputStream.
virtual StatusCode execute ()
 Working entry point.
virtual StatusCode connectConversionSvc ()
virtual bool collect (IRegistry *dir, int level)
 Store agent's classback.
virtual StatusCode collectObjects ()
 Collect all objects to be written to the output stream.
void clearItems (Items &itms)
 Clear item list.
void addItem (Items &itms, const std::string &descriptor)
 Add item to output streamer list.
void clearSelection ()
 Clear list of selected objects.
IDataSelectorselectedObjects ()
 Return the list of selected objects.

Protected Member Functions

StatusCode decodeAcceptAlgs ()
 Decode list of Algorithms that this stream accepts.
void acceptAlgsHandler (Property &theProp)
 Handler for AcceptAlgs Property.
StatusCode decodeRequireAlgs ()
 Decode list of Algorithms that this stream requires.
void requireAlgsHandler (Property &theProp)
 Handler for RequireAlgs Property.
StatusCode decodeVetoAlgs ()
 Decode list of Algorithms that this stream is vetoed by.
void vetoAlgsHandler (Property &theProp)
 Handler for VetoAlgs Property.
StatusCode decodeAlgorithms (StringArrayProperty &theNames, std::vector< Algorithm * > *theAlgs)
 Decode specified list of Algorithms.
bool isEventAccepted () const
 Test whether this event should be output.
DataStoreItemfindItem (const std::string &path)
 Find single item identified by its path (exact match)
virtual StatusCode writeObjects ()
 Select the different objects and write them to file.
virtual bool hasInput () const
 Tell if the instance has been configured with input items or not.

Protected Attributes

SmartIF< IIncidentSvcm_incidentSvc
 Reference to the indicent service.
bool m_doPreLoad
 Flag indicating wether data pre-loading should be performed.
bool m_doPreLoadOpt
 Flag indicating whether optional items should be preloaded.
bool m_verifyItems
 Flag to indicate that item consistency should be checked.
std::string m_storeName
 Name of the service managing the data store.
std::string m_persName
 Name of the persistency service capable to write data from the store.
std::string m_output
 Name of the output file specification.
std::string m_outputName
 Name of the output file.
std::string m_outputType
 Keep reference of agent.
SmartIF< IDataProviderSvcm_pDataProvider
 Keep reference to the data provider service.
SmartIF< IDataManagerSvcm_pDataManager
 Keep reference to the data manager service.
SmartIF< IConversionSvcm_pConversionSvc
 Keep reference to the data conversion service.
 Keep track of the current item.
ItemNames m_itemNames
 Vector of item names.
Items m_itemList
 Vector of items to be saved to this stream.
ItemNames m_optItemNames
 Vector of item names.
Items m_optItemList
 Vector of optional items to be saved to this stream.
IDataSelector m_objects
 Collection of objects being selected.
int m_events
 Number of events written to this output stream.
StringArrayProperty m_acceptNames
 Vector of names of Algorithms that this stream accepts.
StringArrayProperty m_requireNames
 Vector of names of Algorithms that this stream requires.
StringArrayProperty m_vetoNames
 Vector of names of Algorithms that this stream is vetoed by.
std::vector< Algorithm * > * m_acceptAlgs
 Vector of Algorithms that this stream accepts.
std::vector< Algorithm * > * m_requireAlgs
 Vector of Algorithms that this stream requires.
std::vector< Algorithm * > * m_vetoAlgs
 Vector of Algorithms that this stream is vetoed by.
bool m_fireIncidents
 should I fire incidents for writing opening/closing etc?


class AlgFactory< OutputStream >
class Factory< OutputStream, IAlgorithm *(std::string, ISvcLocator *)>

Detailed Description

A small to stream Data I/O.

Author: M.Frank author R. Lambert Version: 1.0

Definition at line 32 of file OutputStream.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 38 of file OutputStream.h.

Definition at line 37 of file OutputStream.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OutputStream::OutputStream ( const std::string name,
ISvcLocator pSvcLocator 

Standard algorithm Constructor.

in the baseclass, always fire the incidents by default in e.g. RecordStream this will be set to false, and configurable

in the baseclass, always fire the incidents by default in RecordStream this will be set to false, and configurable

Definition at line 31 of file OutputStream.cpp.

 : Algorithm(name, pSvcLocator)
  m_doPreLoad      = true;
  m_doPreLoadOpt   = false;
  m_verifyItems    = true;
  m_output         = "";
  m_outputName     = "";
  m_outputType     = "UPDATE";
  m_storeName      = "EventDataSvc";
  m_persName       = "EventPersistencySvc";
  m_agent          = new OutputStreamAgent(this);
  m_acceptAlgs     = new std::vector<Algorithm*>();
  m_requireAlgs    = new std::vector<Algorithm*>();
  m_vetoAlgs       = new std::vector<Algorithm*>();
  m_fireIncidents  = true;
  declareProperty("ItemList",         m_itemNames);
  declareProperty("OptItemList",      m_optItemNames);
  declareProperty("Preload",          m_doPreLoad);
  declareProperty("PreloadOptItems",  m_doPreLoadOpt);
  declareProperty("Output",           m_output);
  declareProperty("OutputFile",       m_outputName);
  declareProperty("EvtDataSvc",       m_storeName);
  declareProperty("EvtConversionSvc", m_persName);
  declareProperty("AcceptAlgs",       m_acceptNames);
  declareProperty("RequireAlgs",      m_requireNames);
  declareProperty("VetoAlgs",         m_vetoNames);
  declareProperty("VerifyItems",      m_verifyItems);

  // Associate action handlers with the AcceptAlgs, RequireAlgs & VetoAlgs properties
  m_acceptNames.declareUpdateHandler ( &OutputStream::acceptAlgsHandler , this );
  m_requireNames.declareUpdateHandler( &OutputStream::requireAlgsHandler, this );
  m_vetoNames.declareUpdateHandler   ( &OutputStream::vetoAlgsHandler   , this );
OutputStream::~OutputStream (  ) [virtual]

Standard Destructor.

Definition at line 71 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  delete m_agent;
  delete m_acceptAlgs;
  delete m_requireAlgs;
  delete m_vetoAlgs;

Member Function Documentation

void OutputStream::acceptAlgsHandler ( Property theProp ) [protected]

Handler for AcceptAlgs Property.

Definition at line 445 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  StatusCode sc = decodeAlgorithms( m_acceptNames, m_acceptAlgs );
  if (sc.isFailure()) {
    throw GaudiException("Failure in OutputStream::decodeAlgorithms",
void OutputStream::addItem ( Items itms,
const std::string descriptor 

Add item to output streamer list.

Definition at line 332 of file OutputStream.cpp.

        MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
  int level = 0;
  size_t sep = descriptor.rfind("#");
  std::string obj_path (descriptor,0,sep);
  std::string slevel   (descriptor,sep+1,descriptor.length());
  if ( slevel == "*" )  {
    level = 9999999;
  else   {
    level = atoi(slevel.c_str());
  if ( m_verifyItems )  {
    size_t idx = obj_path.find("/",1);
    while(idx != std::string::npos)  {
      std::string sub_item = obj_path.substr(0,idx);
      if ( 0 == findItem(sub_item) )   {
        addItem(itms, sub_item+"#1");
      idx = obj_path.find("/",idx+1);
  DataStoreItem* item = new DataStoreItem(obj_path, level);
  log << MSG::DEBUG << "Adding OutputStream item " << item->path()
      << " with " << item->depth()
      << " level(s)." << endmsg;
  itms.push_back( item );
void OutputStream::clearItems ( Items itms )

Clear item list.

Definition at line 312 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  for ( Items::iterator i = itms.begin(); i != itms.end(); i++ )    {
    delete (*i);
  itms.erase(itms.begin(), itms.end());
void OutputStream::clearSelection (  )

Clear list of selected objects.

Definition at line 307 of file OutputStream.cpp.

bool OutputStream::collect ( IRegistry dir,
int  level 
) [virtual]

Store agent's classback.

Definition at line 235 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  if ( level < m_currentItem->depth() )   {
    if ( dir->object() != 0 )   {
      std::cout << "Analysing ("
                << dir->name()
                << ") Object:"
                << ((dir->object()==0) ? "UNLOADED" : "LOADED")
                << std::endl;
      return true;
  return false;
StatusCode OutputStream::collectObjects (  ) [virtual]

Collect all objects to be written to the output stream.

Reimplemented in InputCopyStream.

Definition at line 253 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
  StatusCode status = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  Items::iterator i;
  // Traverse the tree and collect the requested objects
  for ( i = m_itemList.begin(); i != m_itemList.end(); i++ )    {
    DataObject* obj = 0;
    m_currentItem = (*i);
    StatusCode iret = m_pDataProvider->retrieveObject(m_currentItem->path(), obj);
    if ( iret.isSuccess() )  {
      iret = m_pDataManager->traverseSubTree(obj, m_agent);
      if ( !iret.isSuccess() )  {
        status = iret;
    else  {
      log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot write mandatory object(s) (Not found) "
          << m_currentItem->path() << endmsg;
      status = iret;
  // Traverse the tree and collect the requested objects (tolerate missing items here)
  for ( i = m_optItemList.begin(); i != m_optItemList.end(); i++ )    {
    DataObject* obj = 0;
    m_currentItem = (*i);
    StatusCode iret = m_pDataProvider->retrieveObject(m_currentItem->path(), obj);
    if ( iret.isSuccess() )  {
      iret = m_pDataManager->traverseSubTree(obj, m_agent);
    if ( !iret.isSuccess() )    {
      log << MSG::DEBUG << "Ignore request to write non-mandatory object(s) "
          << m_currentItem->path() << endmsg;

  if (status.isSuccess()){
    // Remove duplicates from the list of objects, preserving the order in the list
    std::set<DataObject*> unique;
    std::vector<DataObject*> tmp; // temporary vector with the reduced list
    for (std::vector<DataObject*>::iterator o = m_objects.begin(); o != m_objects.end(); ++o) {
      if (!unique.count(*o)) {
        // if the pointer is not in the set, add it to both the set and the temporary vector
    m_objects.swap(tmp); // swap the data of the two vectors

  return status;
StatusCode OutputStream::connectConversionSvc (  ) [virtual]

Definition at line 362 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  StatusCode status = StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true);
  MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
  // Get output file from input
  std::string dbType, svc, shr;
  Tokenizer tok(true);
  tok.analyse(m_output, " ", "", "", "=", "'", "'");
  for(Tokenizer::Items::iterator i = tok.items().begin(); i != tok.items().end(); ++i)   {
    const std::string& tag = (*i).tag();
    const std::string& val = (*i).value();
    switch( ::toupper(tag[0]) )    {
    case 'D':
      m_outputName = val;
    case 'T':
      dbType = val;
    case 'S':
      switch( ::toupper(tag[1]) )   {
      case 'V':    svc = val;      break;
      case 'H':    shr = "YES";    break;
      switch( ::toupper(val[0]) )   {
      case 'R':
        if ( ::strncasecmp(val.c_str(),"RECREATE",3)==0 )
          m_outputType = "RECREATE";
        else if ( ::strncasecmp(val.c_str(),"READ",3)==0 )
          m_outputType = "READ";
      case 'C':
      case 'N':
      case 'W':
        m_outputType = "NEW";
      case 'U':
        m_outputType = "UPDATE";
        m_outputType = "???";
  if ( !shr.empty() ) m_outputType += "|SHARED";
  // Get access to the default Persistency service
  // The default service is the same for input as for output.
  // If this is not desired, then a specialized OutputStream must overwrite
  // this value.
  if ( dbType.length() > 0 || svc.length() > 0 )   {
    std::string typ = dbType.length()>0 ? dbType : svc;
    SmartIF<IPersistencySvc> ipers(serviceLocator()->service(m_persName));
    if( !ipers.isValid() )   {
      log << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to locate IPersistencySvc interface of " << m_persName << endmsg;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
    IConversionSvc *cnvSvc = 0;
    status = ipers->getService(typ, cnvSvc);
    if( !status.isSuccess() )   {
      log << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to locate IConversionSvc interface of database type " << typ << endmsg;
      return status;
    // Increase reference count and keep service.
    m_pConversionSvc = cnvSvc;
  else    {
    log << MSG::FATAL
        << "Unable to locate IConversionSvc interface (Unknown technology) " << endmsg
        << "You either have to specify a technology name or a service name!" << endmsg
        << "Please correct the job option \"" << name() << ".Output\" !"     << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode OutputStream::decodeAcceptAlgs (  ) [protected]

Decode list of Algorithms that this stream accepts.

Definition at line 441 of file OutputStream.cpp.

StatusCode OutputStream::decodeAlgorithms ( StringArrayProperty theNames,
std::vector< Algorithm * > *  theAlgs 
) [protected]

Decode specified list of Algorithms.

Definition at line 477 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  // Reset the list of Algorithms
  theAlgs->clear( );

  MsgStream log( msgSvc( ), name( ) );

  StatusCode result = StatusCode::FAILURE;

  SmartIF<IAlgManager> theAlgMgr(serviceLocator());
  if ( theAlgMgr.isValid() ) {
    // Build the list of Algorithms from the names list
    const std::vector<std::string> nameList = theNames.value( );
    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it;
    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itend = nameList.end( );
    for (it = nameList.begin(); it != itend; ++it) {
      // Check whether the supplied name corresponds to an existing
      // Algorithm object.
      const std::string &theName = (*it);
      SmartIF<IAlgorithm> &theIAlg = theAlgMgr->algorithm(theName);
      Algorithm*  theAlgorithm;
      if ( theIAlg.isValid() ) {
        result = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
          theAlgorithm = dynamic_cast<Algorithm*>(theIAlg.get());
        } catch(...){
          result = StatusCode::FAILURE;
      if ( result.isSuccess( ) ) {
        // Check that the specified algorithm doesn't already exist in the list
        std::vector<Algorithm*>::iterator ita;
        std::vector<Algorithm*>::iterator itaend = theAlgs->end( );
        for (ita = theAlgs->begin(); ita != itaend; ++ita) {
          Algorithm* existAlgorithm = (*ita);
          if ( theAlgorithm == existAlgorithm ) {
            result = StatusCode::FAILURE;
        if ( result.isSuccess( ) ) {
          theAlgs->push_back( theAlgorithm );
      else {
        log << MSG::INFO << theName << " doesn't exist - ignored" << endmsg;
    result = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  else {
    log << MSG::FATAL << "Can't locate ApplicationMgr!!!" << endmsg;
  return result;
StatusCode OutputStream::decodeRequireAlgs (  ) [protected]

Decode list of Algorithms that this stream requires.

Definition at line 453 of file OutputStream.cpp.

StatusCode OutputStream::decodeVetoAlgs (  ) [protected]

Decode list of Algorithms that this stream is vetoed by.

Definition at line 465 of file OutputStream.cpp.

StatusCode OutputStream::execute (  ) [virtual]

Working entry point.

Reimplemented in RecordStream, RunRecordStream, and SequentialOutputStream.

Definition at line 174 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  // Clear any previously existing item list
  // Test whether this event should be output
  if ( isEventAccepted() )  {
    StatusCode sc = writeObjects();
    if(sc.isSuccess() && m_fireIncidents)
    else if(m_fireIncidents)
    return sc;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode OutputStream::finalize (  ) [virtual]
DataStoreItem * OutputStream::findItem ( const std::string path ) [protected]

Find single item identified by its path (exact match)

Definition at line 321 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  for(Items::const_iterator i=m_itemList.begin(); i != m_itemList.end(); ++i)  {
    if ( (*i)->path() == path )  return (*i);
  for(Items::const_iterator j=m_optItemList.begin(); j != m_optItemList.end(); ++j)  {
    if ( (*j)->path() == path )  return (*j);
  return 0;
bool OutputStream::hasInput (  ) const [protected, virtual]

Tell if the instance has been configured with input items or not.

Reimplemented in InputCopyStream.

Definition at line 581 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  return !(m_itemNames.empty() && m_optItemNames.empty());
StatusCode OutputStream::initialize (  ) [virtual]

Initialize OutputStream.

Reimplemented from Algorithm.

Reimplemented in InputCopyStream, and TagCollectionStream.

Definition at line 79 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());

  // Reset the number of events written
  m_events = 0;
  // Get access to the DataManagerSvc
  m_pDataManager = serviceLocator()->service(m_storeName);
  if( !m_pDataManager.isValid() )   {
    log << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to locate IDataManagerSvc interface" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  // Get access to the IncidentService
  m_incidentSvc = serviceLocator()->service("IncidentSvc");
  if( !m_incidentSvc.isValid() )  {
    log << MSG::WARNING << "Error retrieving IncidentSvc." << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  // Get access to the assigned data service
  m_pDataProvider = serviceLocator()->service(m_storeName);
  if( !m_pDataProvider.isValid() )   {
    log << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to locate IDataProviderSvc interface of " << m_storeName << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  if ( hasInput() )  {
    StatusCode status = connectConversionSvc();
    if( !status.isSuccess() )   {
      log << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to connect to conversion service." << endmsg;
      if(m_outputName!="" && m_fireIncidents) m_incidentSvc->fireIncident(Incident(m_outputName,
      return status;

  // Clear the list with optional items
  // Clear the item list

  ItemNames::iterator i;
  // Take the new item list from the properties.
  for(i = m_itemNames.begin(); i != m_itemNames.end(); i++)   {
    addItem( m_itemList, *i );

  // Take the new item list from the properties.
  for(i = m_optItemNames.begin(); i != m_optItemNames.end(); i++)   {
    addItem( m_optItemList, *i );

  // Take the item list to the data service preload list.
  if ( m_doPreLoad )    {
    for(Items::iterator j = m_itemList.begin(); j != m_itemList.end(); j++)   {
      m_pDataProvider->addPreLoadItem( *(*j) ).ignore();
    // Not working: bad reference counting! pdataSvc->release();

  if ( m_doPreLoadOpt )    {
    for(Items::iterator j=m_optItemList.begin(); j!=m_optItemList.end(); j++) {
      m_pDataProvider->addPreLoadItem( *(*j) );
  log << MSG::INFO << "Data source: " << m_storeName  << " output: " << m_output << endmsg;

  // Decode the accept, required and veto Algorithms. The logic is the following:
  //  a. The event is accepted if all lists are empty.
  //  b. The event is provisionally accepted if any Algorithm in the accept list
  //     has been executed and has indicated that its filter is passed. This
  //     provisional acceptance can be overridden by the other lists.
  //  c. The event is rejected unless all Algorithms in the required list have
  //     been executed and have indicated that their filter passed.
  //  d. The event is rejected if any Algorithm in the veto list has been
  //     executed and has indicated that its filter has passed.
  decodeAcceptAlgs ().ignore();
  decodeVetoAlgs   ().ignore();
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
bool OutputStream::isEventAccepted (  ) const [protected]

Test whether this event should be output.

Definition at line 535 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  typedef std::vector<Algorithm*>::iterator AlgIter;
  bool result = true;

  // Loop over all Algorithms in the accept list to see
  // whether any have been executed and have their filter
  // passed flag set. Any match causes the event to be
  // provisionally accepted.
  if ( ! m_acceptAlgs->empty() ) {
    result = false;
    for(AlgIter i=m_acceptAlgs->begin(),end=m_acceptAlgs->end(); i != end; ++i) {
      if ( (*i)->isExecuted() && (*i)->filterPassed() ) {
        result = true;

  // Loop over all Algorithms in the required list to see
  // whether all have been executed and have their filter
  // passed flag set. Any mismatch causes the event to be
  // rejected.
  if ( result && ! m_requireAlgs->empty() ) {
    for(AlgIter i=m_requireAlgs->begin(),end=m_requireAlgs->end(); i != end; ++i) {
      if ( !(*i)->isExecuted() || !(*i)->filterPassed() ) {
        result = false;

  // Loop over all Algorithms in the veto list to see
  // whether any have been executed and have their filter
  // passed flag set. Any match causes the event to be
  // rejected.
  if ( result && ! m_vetoAlgs->empty() ) {
    for(AlgIter i=m_vetoAlgs->begin(),end=m_vetoAlgs->end(); i != end; ++i) {
      if ( (*i)->isExecuted() && (*i)->filterPassed() ) {
        result = false;
  return result;
void OutputStream::requireAlgsHandler ( Property theProp ) [protected]

Handler for RequireAlgs Property.

Definition at line 457 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  StatusCode sc = decodeAlgorithms( m_requireNames, m_requireAlgs );
  if (sc.isFailure()) {
    throw GaudiException("Failure in OutputStream::decodeAlgorithms",
IDataSelector* OutputStream::selectedObjects (  ) [inline]

Return the list of selected objects.

Definition at line 147 of file OutputStream.h.

    return &m_objects;
void OutputStream::vetoAlgsHandler ( Property theProp ) [protected]

Handler for VetoAlgs Property.

Definition at line 469 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  StatusCode sc = decodeAlgorithms( m_vetoNames, m_vetoAlgs );
  if (sc.isFailure()) {
    throw GaudiException("Failure in OutputStream::decodeAlgorithms",
StatusCode OutputStream::writeObjects (  ) [protected, virtual]

Select the different objects and write them to file.

Reimplemented in SequentialOutputStream, and TagCollectionStream.

Definition at line 194 of file OutputStream.cpp.

  // Connect the output file to the service
  StatusCode status = collectObjects();
  if ( status.isSuccess() )   {
    IDataSelector*  sel = selectedObjects();
    if ( sel->begin() != sel->end() )  {
      status = m_pConversionSvc->connectOutput(m_outputName, m_outputType);
      if ( status.isSuccess() )   {
        // Now pass the collection to the persistency service
        IDataSelector::iterator j;
        IOpaqueAddress* pAddress = 0;
        for ( j = sel->begin(); j != sel->end(); j++ )    {
          StatusCode iret = m_pConversionSvc->createRep( *j, pAddress );
          if ( !iret.isSuccess() )      {
            status = iret;
          IRegistry* pReg = (*j)->registry();
        for ( j = sel->begin(); j != sel->end(); j++ )    {
          IRegistry* pReg = (*j)->registry();
          StatusCode iret = m_pConversionSvc->fillRepRefs( pReg->address(), *j );
          if ( !iret.isSuccess() )      {
            status = iret;
        // Commit the data if there was no error; otherwise possibly discard
        if ( status.isSuccess() )  {
          status = m_pConversionSvc->commitOutput(m_outputName, true);
        else   {
          m_pConversionSvc->commitOutput(m_outputName, false).ignore();
  return status;

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class AlgFactory< OutputStream > [friend]

Definition at line 33 of file OutputStream.h.

friend class Factory< OutputStream, IAlgorithm *(std::string, ISvcLocator *)> [friend]

Definition at line 34 of file OutputStream.h.

Member Data Documentation

Vector of Algorithms that this stream accepts.

Definition at line 87 of file OutputStream.h.

Vector of names of Algorithms that this stream accepts.

Definition at line 81 of file OutputStream.h.

Keep reference of agent.

Definition at line 59 of file OutputStream.h.

Keep track of the current item.

Definition at line 67 of file OutputStream.h.

bool OutputStream::m_doPreLoad [protected]

Flag indicating wether data pre-loading should be performed.

Definition at line 43 of file OutputStream.h.

bool OutputStream::m_doPreLoadOpt [protected]

Flag indicating whether optional items should be preloaded.

Definition at line 45 of file OutputStream.h.

int OutputStream::m_events [protected]

Number of events written to this output stream.

Reimplemented in SequentialOutputStream.

Definition at line 79 of file OutputStream.h.

should I fire incidents for writing opening/closing etc?

Definition at line 122 of file OutputStream.h.

Reference to the indicent service.

Definition at line 41 of file OutputStream.h.

Vector of items to be saved to this stream.

Definition at line 71 of file OutputStream.h.

Vector of item names.

Definition at line 69 of file OutputStream.h.

Collection of objects being selected.

Definition at line 77 of file OutputStream.h.

Vector of optional items to be saved to this stream.

Definition at line 75 of file OutputStream.h.

Vector of item names.

Definition at line 73 of file OutputStream.h.

Name of the output file specification.

Definition at line 53 of file OutputStream.h.

Name of the output file.

Definition at line 55 of file OutputStream.h.


Definition at line 57 of file OutputStream.h.

Keep reference to the data conversion service.

Definition at line 65 of file OutputStream.h.

Keep reference to the data manager service.

Definition at line 63 of file OutputStream.h.

Keep reference to the data provider service.

Definition at line 61 of file OutputStream.h.

Name of the persistency service capable to write data from the store.

Definition at line 51 of file OutputStream.h.

Vector of Algorithms that this stream requires.

Definition at line 89 of file OutputStream.h.

Vector of names of Algorithms that this stream requires.

Definition at line 83 of file OutputStream.h.

Name of the service managing the data store.

Definition at line 49 of file OutputStream.h.

bool OutputStream::m_verifyItems [protected]

Flag to indicate that item consistency should be checked.

Definition at line 47 of file OutputStream.h.

Vector of Algorithms that this stream is vetoed by.

Definition at line 91 of file OutputStream.h.

Vector of names of Algorithms that this stream is vetoed by.

Definition at line 85 of file OutputStream.h.

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 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:20 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004