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SmartDataObjectPtr Class Reference

A small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores. More...

#include <GaudiKernel/SmartDataObjectPtr.h>

Inheritance diagram for SmartDataObjectPtr:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for SmartDataObjectPtr:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.


class  ObjectFinder
 Helper class to configure smart pointer functionality. More...
class  ObjectLoader
 Helper class to configure smart pointer functionality. More...

Public Types

typedef DataObject *(* AccessFunction )(SmartDataObjectPtr *ptr)

Public Member Functions

 SmartDataObjectPtr (AccessFunction access, IDataProviderSvc *pService, IRegistry *pDir, const std::string &path)
 Standard constructor: Construct an SmartDataObjectPtr instance.
 SmartDataObjectPtr (const SmartDataObjectPtr &copy)
 Copy constructor: Construct an copy of a SmartDataStorePtr instance.
virtual ~SmartDataObjectPtr ()
 Standard Destructor.
virtual SmartDataObjectPtroperator= (const SmartDataObjectPtr &copy)
 Assignment operator.
 operator IRegistry * ()
 Automatic conversion to data directory.
const std::stringpath () const
 Path name.
IRegistrydirectory ()
 Access to data directory.
void setService (IDataProviderSvc *svc)
 Assign data service.
IDataProviderSvcservice ()
 Retrieve data service.
StatusCode getLastError () const
 Access to potential errors during data accesses.
DataObjectaccessData ()
 Static Object retrieval method: must call specific function.
DataObjectretrieveObject ()
 Object retrieve method.
DataObjectfindObject ()
 Object find method.
DataObjectupdateObject ()
 Object update method.

Static Public Member Functions

static DataObjectretrieve (SmartDataObjectPtr *ptr)
 Static Object retrieval method.
static DataObjectfind (SmartDataObjectPtr *ptr)
 Static Object find method.
static DataObjectupdate (SmartDataObjectPtr *ptr)
 Static Object update method.

Protected Member Functions

StatusCode find (IRegistry *pDirectory, const std::string &path, DataObject *&refpObject)
 Find the specified object from the data store.
StatusCode find (const std::string &fullPath, DataObject *&refpObject)
 Find the specified object from the data store.
StatusCode retrieve (IRegistry *pDirectory, const std::string &path, DataObject *&refpObject)
 Retrieve the specified object from the data store.
StatusCode retrieve (const std::string &fullPath, DataObject *&refpObject)
 Retrieve the specified object from the data store.
StatusCode update (IRegistry *pDirectory)
 Update the specified object from the data store.
StatusCode update (const std::string &fullPath)
 Update the specified object from the data store.

Protected Attributes

 Pointer to contained object.
 Pointer to the data registry containing the object.
StatusCode m_status
 Keep track of the last error.
std::string m_path
 Path to object.
AccessFunction m_accessFunc
 Data access function.

Detailed Description

A small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores.

The class is meant as configurable base class for real Smart pointer instances. Here mainly the access of the data store is handled. It is important to keep as less functions as possible NON-VIRTUAL in particular those, which handle the data access - they might be called very often and hence the compiler must be able to inline them.


Definition at line 33 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 35 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SmartDataObjectPtr::SmartDataObjectPtr ( AccessFunction  access,
IDataProviderSvc pService,
IRegistry pDir,
const std::string path 
) [inline]

Standard constructor: Construct an SmartDataObjectPtr instance.

svcPointer to the data service interface used to interact with the store.
pDirPointer to data directory
pathpath to object relative to data directory

Definition at line 55 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

SmartDataObjectPtr::SmartDataObjectPtr ( const SmartDataObjectPtr copy ) [inline]

Copy constructor: Construct an copy of a SmartDataStorePtr instance.

copyCopy of Smart Pointer to object.

Definition at line 66 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

virtual SmartDataObjectPtr::~SmartDataObjectPtr (  ) [inline, virtual]

Standard Destructor.

Definition at line 75 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.


Member Function Documentation

DataObject* SmartDataObjectPtr::accessData (  ) [inline]

Static Object retrieval method: must call specific function.

Definition at line 111 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

    return m_accessFunc(this);
IRegistry* SmartDataObjectPtr::directory (  ) [inline]

Access to data directory.

Definition at line 91 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

    return m_pRegistry;
StatusCode SmartDataObjectPtr::find ( const std::string fullPath,
DataObject *&  refpObject 
) [protected]

Find the specified object from the data store.

Retrieve the object from the data store.

fullPathString containing the full path necessary to locate the object.
refpObjectReference to the pointer finally holding the object
StatusCode indicating success or failure.

Definition at line 62 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.cpp.

  StatusCode status = StatusCode::FAILURE;
  if ( 0 != m_dataProvider )    {
    status = m_dataProvider->findObject(fullPath, refpObject);
  return status;
static DataObject* SmartDataObjectPtr::find ( SmartDataObjectPtr ptr ) [inline, static]

Static Object find method.

Definition at line 121 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

    return ptr->findObject();
StatusCode SmartDataObjectPtr::find ( IRegistry pDirectory,
const std::string path,
DataObject *&  refpObject 
) [protected]

Find the specified object from the data store.

Retrieve the object from the data store.

pDirectoryPointer to the directory entry holding the object.
refpObjectReference to the pointer finally holding the object
StatusCode indicating success or failure.

Definition at line 53 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.cpp.

  StatusCode status = StatusCode::FAILURE;
  if ( 0 != m_dataProvider && 0 != pDirectory )    {
    status = m_dataProvider->findObject(pDirectory, path, refpObject);
  return status;
DataObject * SmartDataObjectPtr::findObject (  )

Object find method.

If the object is not known to the local object, it is requested from the data service either using the full path if there is no directory information present.

Definition at line 109 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.cpp.

  DataObject* pObj = 0;
  m_status = (0==m_pRegistry) ? find(m_path,pObj) : find(m_pRegistry,m_path,pObj);
  if ( m_status.isSuccess() )   {
    m_pRegistry = pObj->registry();
    m_path = "";
  return pObj;
StatusCode SmartDataObjectPtr::getLastError (  ) const [inline]

Access to potential errors during data accesses.

Definition at line 106 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

    return m_status;
SmartDataObjectPtr::operator IRegistry * (  ) [inline]

Automatic conversion to data directory.

Definition at line 81 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

    return m_pRegistry;
SmartDataObjectPtr & SmartDataObjectPtr::operator= ( const SmartDataObjectPtr copy ) [virtual]

Assignment operator.

Reimplemented in SmartDataStorePtr< TYPE, LOADER >, and SmartDataStorePtr< TYPE, SmartDataObjectPtr::ObjectLoader >.

Definition at line 27 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.cpp.

  m_path          = copy.m_path;
  m_pRegistry     = copy.m_pRegistry;
  m_dataProvider  = copy.m_dataProvider;
  return *this;
const std::string& SmartDataObjectPtr::path (  ) const [inline]

Path name.

Definition at line 86 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

    return m_path;
StatusCode SmartDataObjectPtr::retrieve ( const std::string fullPath,
DataObject *&  refpObject 
) [protected]

Retrieve the specified object from the data store.

Retrieve the object from the data store.

fullPathString containing the full path necessary to locate the object.
refpObjectReference to the pointer finally holding the object
StatusCode indicating success or failure.

Definition at line 44 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.cpp.

  StatusCode status = StatusCode::FAILURE;
  if ( 0 != m_dataProvider )    {
    status = m_dataProvider->retrieveObject(fullPath, refpObject);
  return status;
static DataObject* SmartDataObjectPtr::retrieve ( SmartDataObjectPtr ptr ) [inline, static]

Static Object retrieval method.

Definition at line 116 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

    return ptr->retrieveObject();
StatusCode SmartDataObjectPtr::retrieve ( IRegistry pDirectory,
const std::string path,
DataObject *&  refpObject 
) [protected]

Retrieve the specified object from the data store.

Retrieve the object from the data store.

pDirectoryPointer to the directory entry holding the object.
refpObjectReference to the pointer finally holding the object
StatusCode indicating success or failure.

Definition at line 35 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.cpp.

  StatusCode status = StatusCode::FAILURE;
  if ( 0 != m_dataProvider && 0 != pRegistry )    {
    status = m_dataProvider->retrieveObject(pRegistry, path, refpObject);
  return status;
DataObject * SmartDataObjectPtr::retrieveObject (  )

Object retrieve method.

Object retrieval method.

If the object is not known to the local object, it is requested from the data service either using the full path if there is no directory information present.

Definition at line 94 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.cpp.

  DataObject* pObj = 0;
  m_status = (0==m_pRegistry) ? retrieve(m_path,pObj) : retrieve(m_pRegistry,m_path,pObj);
  if ( m_status.isSuccess() )   {
    m_pRegistry = pObj->registry();
    m_path = "";
  return pObj;
IDataProviderSvc* SmartDataObjectPtr::service (  ) [inline]

Retrieve data service.

Definition at line 101 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

    return m_dataProvider;
void SmartDataObjectPtr::setService ( IDataProviderSvc svc ) [inline]

Assign data service.

Definition at line 96 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

    m_dataProvider = svc;
StatusCode SmartDataObjectPtr::update ( IRegistry pDirectory ) [protected]

Update the specified object from the data store.

update the object from the data store.

pDirectoryPointer to the directory entry holding the object.
StatusCode indicating success or failure.

Definition at line 72 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.cpp.

  StatusCode status = StatusCode::FAILURE;
  if ( 0 != m_dataProvider && 0 != pRegistry )    {
    status = m_dataProvider->updateObject(pRegistry);
  return status;
static DataObject* SmartDataObjectPtr::update ( SmartDataObjectPtr ptr ) [inline, static]

Static Object update method.

Definition at line 126 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

    return ptr->updateObject();
StatusCode SmartDataObjectPtr::update ( const std::string fullPath ) [protected]

Update the specified object from the data store.

update the object from the data store.

fullPathString containing the full path necessary to locate the object.
StatusCode indicating success or failure.

Definition at line 81 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.cpp.

  StatusCode status = StatusCode::FAILURE;
  if ( 0 != m_dataProvider )    {
    status = m_dataProvider->updateObject(fullPath);
  return status;
DataObject * SmartDataObjectPtr::updateObject (  )

Object update method.

If the object is not known to the local object, it is requested from the data service either using the full path if there is no directory information present. Needs to be virtual to to implicit object access.

If the object is not known to the local object, it is requested from the data service either using the full path if there is no directory information present.

Definition at line 124 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.cpp.

  DataObject* pObj = accessData();    // Have to load AND update if not present.
  if ( m_status.isSuccess() )   {
    m_status = (0 == m_pRegistry) ? update(m_path) : update(m_pRegistry);
    if ( !m_status.isSuccess() )  pObj = 0;
  return pObj;

Member Data Documentation

Data access function.

Definition at line 202 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

Pointer to contained object.

Definition at line 194 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

Path to object.

Definition at line 200 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

Pointer to the data registry containing the object.

Definition at line 196 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

Keep track of the last error.

Definition at line 198 of file SmartDataObjectPtr.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:22 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004