Gaudi Framework, version v23r0

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TimingAuditor Class Reference

Simple auditor which uses SequencerTimerTool for *ALL* algorithms, including the algorithm from main Gaudi "TopAlg" list and algorithms managed by Data-On-Demand Service. More...

Inheritance diagram for TimingAuditor:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for TimingAuditor:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void before (StandardEventType evt, INamedInterface *alg)
 The following methods are meant to be implemented by the child class...
virtual void after (StandardEventType evt, INamedInterface *alg, const StatusCode &sc)
virtual void before (CustomEventTypeRef evt, const std::string &name)
virtual void after (CustomEventTypeRef evt, const std::string &name, const StatusCode &sc)
virtual void handle (const Incident &)
 Inform that a new incident has occurred.
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
 TimingAuditor (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvc)
 standard constructor
virtual ~TimingAuditor ()
 virtual destructor

Private Types

typedef GaudiUtils::VectorMap
< const INamedInterface *, int > 
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap
< std::string, int > 

Private Member Functions

void i_beforeInitialize (INamedInterface *alg)
void i_afterInitialize (INamedInterface *alg)
void i_beforeExecute (INamedInterface *alg)
void i_afterExecute (INamedInterface *alg)
 TimingAuditor ()
 TimingAuditor (const TimingAuditor &)
TimingAuditoroperator= (const TimingAuditor &)

Private Attributes

 tool service
 incident service
 the timer tool
Map m_map
int m_indent
 indentation level
bool m_inEvent
 "In event" flag
bool m_goodForDOD
 "optimized for DOD"
MapUser m_mapUser
 map used to record user timing events

Detailed Description

Simple auditor which uses SequencerTimerTool for *ALL* algorithms, including the algorithm from main Gaudi "TopAlg" list and algorithms managed by Data-On-Demand Service.


Definition at line 33 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 97 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

Definition at line 106 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TimingAuditor::TimingAuditor ( const std::string name,
ISvcLocator pSvc 
) [inline]

standard constructor

Definition at line 59 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

    : base_class ( name , pSvc )
    , m_toolSvc    ( 0 )
    , m_incSvc     ( 0 )
    , m_timer      ( 0 )
    , m_appMgr     ( 0 )
    , m_map        (       )
    , m_indent     ( 0     )
    , m_inEvent    ( false )
    , m_goodForDOD ( false )
    , m_mapUser    (       )
    declareProperty ( "OptimizedForDOD" , m_goodForDOD ) ;
  } ;
virtual TimingAuditor::~TimingAuditor (  ) [inline, virtual]

virtual destructor

Definition at line 79 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

TimingAuditor::TimingAuditor (  ) [private]
TimingAuditor::TimingAuditor ( const TimingAuditor  ) [private]

Member Function Documentation

void TimingAuditor::after ( StandardEventType  evt,
INamedInterface alg,
const StatusCode sc 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Auditor.

Definition at line 211 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

  switch (evt) {
  case IAuditor::Initialize : i_afterInitialize( alg ); break;
  case IAuditor::Execute    : i_afterExecute( alg ); break;
  default: break;
void TimingAuditor::after ( CustomEventTypeRef  evt,
const std::string name,
const StatusCode sc 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Auditor.

Definition at line 307 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

  // Ignore obvious mistakes
  if ( name.empty() && evt.empty() ) { return; }

  // look for the user timer in the map
  std::string nick = name + ":" + evt;
  MapUser::iterator found = m_mapUser.find( nick );

  // We cannot do much if the timer is not available
  if ( m_mapUser.end() == found ) {
    MsgStream log(msgSvc(), this->name());
    log << MSG::WARNING << "Trying to stop the measure  of the timing for '"
                        << nick << "' but it was never started. Check the code"
                        << endmsg;
  m_timer->stop( found->second );
void TimingAuditor::before ( StandardEventType  evt,
INamedInterface obj 
) [virtual]

The following methods are meant to be implemented by the child class...

Reimplemented from Auditor.

Definition at line 202 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

  switch (evt) {
  case IAuditor::Initialize : i_beforeInitialize( alg ); break;
  case IAuditor::Execute    : i_beforeExecute( alg );    break;
  default: break;
void TimingAuditor::before ( CustomEventTypeRef  evt,
const std::string name 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Auditor.

Definition at line 285 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

  // Ignore obvious mistakes
  if ( name.empty() && evt.empty() ) { return; }

  // look for the user timer in the map
  int timer = 0;
  std::string nick = name + ":" + evt;
  MapUser::iterator found = m_mapUser.find( nick );

  if ( m_mapUser.end() == found ) {
    // add a new timer if not yet available
    timer = m_timer->addTimer( nick ) ;
    m_mapUser[nick] = timer;
  else {
    timer = found->second;

  m_timer->start( timer );
StatusCode TimingAuditor::finalize (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Auditor.

Definition at line 176 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

  if ( 0 != m_incSvc )
    m_incSvc -> removeListener ( this , IncidentType::BeginEvent ) ;
    m_incSvc -> removeListener ( this , IncidentType::EndEvent   ) ;
    m_incSvc -> release () ;
    m_incSvc = 0 ;
  if ( 0 != m_toolSvc )
    // the 2 following line are commented out: it is
    // is a temporary hack which prevent a crash due to a problem in
    // the reference counting
    //     if ( 0 != m_timer )
    //     { m_toolSvc -> releaseTool ( m_timer ) . ignore() ; m_timer = 0 ; }
    m_toolSvc -> release () ;
    m_toolSvc = 0 ;
  if ( 0 != m_appMgr ) { m_appMgr -> release () ;  m_appMgr = 0 ; }
  // clear the map
  m_map.clear() ;
  // finalize the base class
  return Auditor::finalize () ;
void TimingAuditor::handle ( const Incident i ) [virtual]

Inform that a new incident has occurred.

Implements IIncidentListener.

Definition at line 327 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

  if      ( IncidentType::BeginEvent == i.type () )
    m_timer -> start ( m_map[ m_appMgr ] ) ;
    ++m_indent ;
    m_inEvent = true ;
  else if ( IncidentType::EndEvent   == i.type () )
    m_timer -> stop  ( m_map[ m_appMgr ] ) ;
    --m_indent ;
    m_inEvent = false ;
void TimingAuditor::i_afterExecute ( INamedInterface alg ) [private]

Definition at line 276 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

  if ( 0 == alg ) { return ; }
  Map::iterator found = m_map.find( alg ) ;
  if ( m_map.end() == found ) { return ; }
  m_timer->stop( found->second ) ;
  --m_indent ;
void TimingAuditor::i_afterInitialize ( INamedInterface alg ) [private]

Definition at line 245 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

  if ( m_goodForDOD ) { return ; }
  if ( 0 == alg     ) { return ; }
  --m_indent ;
void TimingAuditor::i_beforeExecute ( INamedInterface alg ) [private]

Definition at line 252 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

  if ( 0 == alg ) { return ; }
  ++m_indent ;
  Map::iterator found = m_map.find( alg ) ;
  if ( m_map.end() == found )
    MsgStream log( msgSvc() , name() ) ;
    log << MSG::DEBUG
        << "Insert non-structural component '"
        << alg->name() << "' of type '"
        << System::typeinfoName(typeid(*alg)) << "' at level "
        << m_indent << endmsg ;
    std::string nick = alg->name() ;
    if ( 0 < m_indent  ) { nick = std::string ( m_indent , ' ') + nick ; }
    if ( !m_goodForDOD ) { nick[0]='*' ;}
    int timer = m_timer->addTimer( nick ) ;
    m_map.insert ( alg , timer ) ;
    m_timer->start( timer ) ;
    return ;
  m_timer->start( found->second ) ;
void TimingAuditor::i_beforeInitialize ( INamedInterface alg ) [private]

Definition at line 220 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

  if ( m_goodForDOD ) { return ; }
  if ( 0 == alg ) { return ; }
  Map::iterator found = m_map.find( alg ) ;
  if ( m_map.end() != found ) { return ; }
  ++m_indent ;
  std::string nick = alg->name() ;
  if ( 0 < m_indent ) { nick = std::string ( m_indent , ' ') + nick ; }
  if ( m_inEvent )
    nick[0] = '*' ;
    MsgStream log( msgSvc() , name() ) ;
    log << MSG::DEBUG
        << "Insert non-structural component '"
        << alg->name() << "' of type '"
        << System::typeinfoName(typeid(*alg)) << "' at level "
        << m_indent << endmsg ;
  int timer = m_timer->addTimer( nick ) ;
  m_map.insert ( alg , timer ) ;
  m_timer->start( timer ) ;
StatusCode TimingAuditor::initialize (  ) [virtual]


Reimplemented from Auditor.

Definition at line 115 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

  StatusCode sc = Auditor::initialize() ;
  if ( sc.isFailure() ) { return sc ; }                  // RETURN

  MsgStream log ( msgSvc() , name() ) ;

  // get tool service
  if ( 0 == m_toolSvc )
    sc = Auditor::service ( "ToolSvc" , m_toolSvc ) ;
    if ( sc.isFailure() )
      log << "Could not retrieve 'ToolSvc' " << sc << endmsg ;
      return sc ;                                        // RETURN
    if ( 0 == m_timer )
      sc = m_toolSvc->retrieveTool
        ( "SequencerTimerTool/TIMER" , m_timer , this  , true ) ;
      if ( sc.isFailure() )
        log << MSG::ERROR
            << "Could not retrieve ISequencerTimerTool" << endmsg ;
        return sc ;
  // get incident service
  if ( 0 == m_incSvc )
    sc = Auditor::service ( "IncidentSvc" , m_incSvc ) ;
    if ( sc.isFailure() )
      log << MSG::ERROR
          << "Could not retrieve 'IncidentSvc'" << sc << endmsg ;
      return sc ;
    m_incSvc -> addListener ( this , IncidentType::BeginEvent ) ;
    m_incSvc -> addListener ( this , IncidentType::EndEvent   ) ;
  // get the application manager
  if ( 0 == m_appMgr )
    sc = Auditor::service ( "ApplicationMgr" , m_appMgr ) ;
    if ( sc.isFailure() )
      log << MSG::ERROR
          << "Could not retrieve 'ApplicationMgr'" << sc << endmsg ;
      return sc ;
    if ( m_map.end() == m_map.find( m_appMgr ) )
      int timer = m_timer->addTimer( "EVENT LOOP" ) ;
      m_map.insert ( m_appMgr , timer ) ;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS ;
TimingAuditor& TimingAuditor::operator= ( const TimingAuditor  ) [private]

Member Data Documentation


Definition at line 95 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

"optimized for DOD"

Definition at line 104 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

incident service

Definition at line 91 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

int TimingAuditor::m_indent [private]

indentation level

Definition at line 100 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

bool TimingAuditor::m_inEvent [private]

"In event" flag

Definition at line 102 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

Definition at line 98 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

map used to record user timing events

Definition at line 107 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

the timer tool

Definition at line 93 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

tool service

Definition at line 89 of file TimingAuditor.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Generated at Mon Jan 30 2012 13:53:24 for Gaudi Framework, version v23r0 by Doxygen version 1.7.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2004