
Tracking Performance

This page features public results from the ATLAS Tracking Performance Group.

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Papers and publications of ATLAS physics and performance results (10 shown of 1048 total)   
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Conference (CONF) notes with preliminary results on data
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Public (PUB) notes with preliminary results on simulated data or interpretations
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Public Plots Approval Date
 NEW  Track finding performance plots for a Graph Neural Network pipeline on ATLAS ITk simulated data October 2023
 NEW  Expected tracking performance of the ATLAS Inner Tracker Upgrade for Phase-II October 2023
 NEW  Status of the ACTS Integration for Phase-II ATLAS Track Reconstruction October 2023
Clustering and tracking in dense hadronic environments with the ATLAS Inner Tracker for the High-Luminosity LHC November 2022
Parameter optimization algorithms within ACTS June 2022
Latest Performance Studies of the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) in the HL-LHC February 2020
Hashing for track reconstruction : Hashing and similarity learning for track reconstruction October 2019
A Fast Track Reconstruction for HL-LHC September 2019
Expected Performance of the ATLAS Inner Tracker at the High-Luminosity LHC March 2017
Vertex reconstruction performance in high pile-up conditions October 2016
Study of HL-LHC luminous region scenarios October 2016
Properties of clusters and seeds for the ITk October 2016

Run 2 and Run 3

Public PlotsSorted ascending Approval Date
2016 Primary Vertex Performance Plots July 2016
2D Views of the ID with hadronic interactions February 2016
Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector with early 2016 LHC data May 2016
ATLAS Inner Detector Alignment Performance with 2015 Cosmic Ray Data June 2015
ATLAS Pixel cluster splitting with Mixture Density Network May 2019
ATLAS Primary Vertex Reconstruction with ACTS November 2021
Average Number of Tracks against mu for Data 2017 November 2017
Basic Inner Detector Tracking Performance at 13 TeV June 2015
Cluster size at B-Layer in 2016. Time dependence of dE/dx and cluster size in the IBL and B-layer in 2016. December 2017
Comparison Between Lorentz Angle at Beginning of Run1 and Run 2 Pixel Approved Plots May 2017
Comparison of vertex reconstruction quantities in ATLAS software releases 21 and 20.7 for 2016 proton-proton data August 2017
Effects of reduced charge information on CTIDE neural network performances March 2018
Expected Large-Radius Tracking Performance in Run 3 December 2021
Hadronic Interaction Candidates in 13 TeV data June 2015
Heavy Ion Track Reconstruction Efficiency July 2016
IBL Alignment Performance in 2016 July 2016
IBL Bowing November 2015
IBL sensor shape corrections February 2020
ID alignment trend plots in 2016 December 2016
Identifying merged tracks with machine learning April 2019
Impact of IBL distortion on impact parameter resolution December 2015
Impact of IBL distortion on impact parameter resolution in MC December 2015
Impact parameter resolution Run-1 vs. Run-2 July 2015
Impact Parameter Resolution Using 2016 MB Data December 2016
Impact Parameter resolutions in di-jet events September 2018
Increasing track reconstruction efficiency for high momentum B hadrons at ATLAS April 2019
Initial Run 3 pixel and tracking performance in data and simulation July 2022
Inner Detector residuals from first 2017 alignment July 2017
Jet core tracking pileup dependence September 2018
KS resonance July 2015
Low pT tracking in nominal pileup April 2020
 NEW  Proof of concept: Track finding with GPU-Based Annealer May 2023
 NEW  Reconstruction of V0 in photo-nuclear collisions using 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb data with ATLAS September 2023
Novel Vertex Selection for VBF Higgs Invisible Events April 2020
Number of reconstructed vertices versus number of interactions in 2016 data and simulation October 2016
Number of tracks vs. mu in 2015 and 2016 May 2016
Number of tracks vs. mu with full 2016 data November 2016
Performance of the improved ATLAS pixel number and position networks for LHC Run 3 July 2021
Performance plots for dynamic alignment in the pixel detector August 2016
Performance plots for the ATLAS Track and Vertex Reconstruction in early LHC Run 3 November 2022
Photon Conversion Candidates in 900 GeV data June 2015
Pixel Clustering Neural Networks Performance Plots September 2016
Pixel vertical position evolution March 2018
Preliminary ID systematic misalignment for the 2016 pp dataset December 2016
Primary Vertex Selection in VBF Higgs to Invisibles at mu 200 with the ATLAS Experiment April 2019
pT-weighted track reconstruction efficiency inside jets with 2016 data December 2016
Run 3 Large-radius tracking performance in data and simulation May 2022
SCT cluster splitting in high pT tau leptons March 2018
Shape of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer Sensors from Track-to-Hit Residuals April 2019
Signal track reconstruction efficiency in Large radius tracking July 2016
The ϕ-dependent radial distortion of the ATLAS Inner Detector April 2019
Time dependent alignment corrections to IBL distortions December 2015
Time Dependent Average B-Layer dE/dX (superseded by plot from December 2017) July 2017
Tracking efficiency studies in dense environments May 2022
Tracking performance in dense environments July 2022
Updates on long-term alignment monitoring and diagnostics for ATLAS ID misalignments February 2018
Vertex performance in 2018 data September 2018
Vertex Reco in 2016 and Release 20.7 May 2016
Vertex-quality fraction of secondary vertices created with large-impact-parameter tracks February 2018
Vertexing performance in high mu 2017 data November 2017
Vertexing Plots from Initial 13 TeV Runs June 2015
Weak mode biases in final ID alignment for the 2016 pp dataset July 2017

Run-1 (2012 Collision data)

Public Plot Approval Date
Alignment framework updates with IBL June 2014
ID material studies: SCT Extension efficiency March 2014
Inner Detector performance in 25 ns and 50 ns runs December 2013
Hadronic Interaction Vertices April 2013
TRT performance in HI collisions Feb 2013
Track Reconstruction Performance and Efficiency October 2012
Improved impact parameter systematics October 2012
Alignment systematics May 2012
Neural network clustering May 2012
Vertex reconstruction November 2013
Impact parameter resolution May 2012
TRT occupancy in 2012 May 2012
Minimum bias performance plots at 8 TeV August 2012

Run-1 (2011 Collision data)

Vertex performance

The following plots are commented in document ATL-COM-PHYS-2011-1312

They refer to 2011 data-taking, notice that plots for 2012 data are already available in the new vertex reconstruction plots page

The data are physics_MinBIas stream from period G4 (runs 183038, 183045, 183054, 183078, 183079, 183081, 183127, 183129, 183130), random triggers applied The MC is minimum bias. The resolution is computed with he split method described in ATLAS-CONF-2010-069 The most prominent difference to what is described in the CONF note above is that in the track reconstruction the minimum pT of tracks was raised from 100 MeV to 400 MeV.

Estimated vertex resolution σX in 7 TeV data of 2011 as a function of the number of tracks per vertex. The data are from period G4 from 2011 data taking which comprises of runs 183038, 183045, 183054, 183078, 183079, 183081, 183127, 183129, 183130. The stream is physics_MinBias which has 1.396.597 events. The random trigger applied is EF_rd0_filled_noAlg.
eps version of the figure
Estimated vertex resolution σY in 7 TeV data of 2011 as a function of the number of tracks per vertex. The data are from period G4 from 2011 data taking which comprises of runs 183038, 183045, 183054, 183078, 183079, 183081, 183127, 183129, 183130. The stream is physics_MinBias which has 1.396.597 events. The random trigger applied is EF_rd0_filled_noAlg.
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Estimated vertex resolution σZ in 7 TeV data of 2011 as a function of the number of tracks per vertex. The data are from period G4 from 2011 data taking which comprises of runs 183038, 183045, 183054, 183078, 183079, 183081, 183127, 183129, 183130. The stream is physics_MinBias which has 1.396.597 events. The random trigger applied is EF_rd0_filled_noAlg.
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Estimated vertex resolution σX in 7 TeV data of 2011 as a function of √ΣpT2) where pT is the transverse momentum of each track used in the vertex fit. The data are from period G4 from 2011 data taking which comprises of runs 183038, 183045, 183054, 183078, 183079, 183081, 183127, 183129, 183130. The stream is physics_MinBias which has 1.396.597 events. The random trigger applied is EF_rd0_filled_noAlg.
eps version of the figure
Estimated vertex resolution σY in 7 TeV data of 2011 as a function of √ΣpT2) where pT is the transverse momentum of each track used in the vertex fit. The data are from period G4 from 2011 data taking which comprises of runs 183038, 183045, 183054, 183078, 183079, 183081, 183127, 183129, 183130. The stream is physics_MinBias which has 1.396.597 events. The random trigger applied is EF_rd0_filled_noAlg.
eps version of the figure
Estimated vertex resolution σZ in 7 TeV data of 2011 as a function of √ΣpT2) where pT is the transverse momentum of each track used in the vertex fit. The data are from period G4 from 2011 data taking which comprises of runs 183038, 183045, 183054, 183078, 183079, 183081, 183127, 183129, 183130. The stream is physics_MinBias which has 1.396.597 events. The random trigger applied is EF_rd0_filled_noAlg.
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The following plots are commented in ATL-COM-PHYS-2011-571. They are updates of the document ATLAS-CONF-2010-069* The most prominent difference to what is described in the CONF note above is that in the track reconstruction the minimum pT of tracks was raised from 100 MeV to 400 MeV. The run is 180164 which had an integrated luminosity of ~24 pb-1. The trigger applied is EF_rd0_filled_noAlg. The stream is physics_MinBias which has ~494k events of which ~233k pass the trigger.

Two dimensional distribution of reconstructed primary vertices with NTrk > 3 in the transverse (x-y) plane in 7 TeV data of 2011. This plot updates Fig 2 of ATLAS-CONF-2010-069. The run is 180164 which had an integrated luminosity of ~24 pb-1. The trigger applied is EF_rd0_filled_noAlg. The stream is physics_MinBias which has ~494k events of which ~233k pass the trigger.
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Two dimensional distribution of reconstructed primary vertices with NTrk > 3 in the (x-z) plane in 7 TeV data of 2011. This plot updates Fig 3 (left) of ATLAS-CONF-2010-069. In 2011 the ATLAS coordinate system has been rotated by 0.5 mrad about the y-axis to make it closer to its nominal definition with the z-axis parallel to the beam. The run is 180164 which had an integrated luminosity of ~24 pb-1. The trigger applied is EF_rd0_filled_noAlg. The stream is physics_MinBias which has ~494k events of which ~233k pass the trigger.
eps version of the figure
Two dimensional distribution of reconstructed primary vertices with NTrk > 3 in the (y-z) plane in 7 TeV data of 2011. This plot updates Fig 3 (right) of ATLAS- CONF-2010-069. Differently from the x coordinate the much smaller 0.08 mrad tilt about the x-axis has not been applied in the redefinition of the coordinate system. The run is 180164 which had an integrated luminosity of ~24 pb-1. The trigger applied is EF_rd0_filled_noAlg. The stream is physics_MinBias which has ~494k events of which ~233k pass the trigger.
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Pile up

The previous set of plots from document ATL-COM-PHYS-2011-1426 has been removed since superseded by the public note ATLAS-CONF-2012-042

The following plots are commented in document ATL-COM-PHYS-2011-1312

Data are random trigger events from 2011 data up to mid-September. Simulation is a mixture of Non-Diffractive, Single Diffractive and Double Diffractive events based on Pythia cross sections (approximately 68% Non-Diffractive events).

Distribution of the number of tracks associated to the reconstructed vertices in data and MC. The MC sample used is a Pythia 6 minimum bias sample containing a mixture of Non-Diffractive, Single Diffractive and Double Diffractive events based on Pythia cross sections. Systematics uncertainties are not shown in the plot. Data are collected using a 5Hz random trigger
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Distribution of √ΣpT2 of the tracks associated to the reconstructed vertices in data and MC. The MC sample used is a Pythia 6 minimum bias sample containing a mixture of Non-Diffractive, Single Diffractive and Double Diffractive events based on Pythia cross sections. Systematics uncertainties are not shown in the plot. Data are collected using a 5Hz random trigger
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Distribution of the average number of reconstructed vertices as function of the average number of interactions per bunch crossing . Data are collected using a 5Hz random trigger (EF_rd0_filled_noAlg). The measurement is provided by the LUCID detector. The red curve is taken from a fit on minimum bias MC and superimposed on data fitting only the vertical offset (to account for a small component due to non-collision backgrounds in the data sample that is not simulated. The fitted intercept value is compatible with zero).The azure boxes show the mean number of reconstructed vertices per minute of data taking. The result agree with the MC expectation for a vertex reconstruction efficiency on Non-Diffractive vertices of about 95% and of about 10% on Diffractive ones
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Run-1 (2010 Collision data)

Tracking in jets

The following plots are commented in document ATL-COM-PHYS-2011-1247

Mean number of shared pixel hits as a function of the distance ∆R between the track and the jet for bins in jet pT for data and Monte Carlo. Jets are reconstructed with the anti-kt(R = 0.6) algorithm and calibrated using the EM+JES calibration scheme. hiCuts-d0_t_d0_wrtPV_lin.png
eps version of the figure
Fraction of tracks with a TRT extension as a function of the distance ∆R 0 between the track and the jet for bins in jet pT for data and Monte Carlo. Jets are reconstructed with the anti-kt(R = 0.6) algorithm and calibrated using the EM+JES calibration scheme. hiCuts-z0_t_z0st_wrtPV_lin.png
eps version of the figure

Interaction rate in SCT

The following plots are documented in ATL-COM-SOFT-2011-026, please refer to it for more details.

Fraction of charged particles with their last hits in the second and third layers of SCT (red for L2, green for L3) as a function of radius at which charged particles stops. The double structures in red and green come from the fact that the last hit in a layer occurs when the particle stopped in that layer or in the supporting material of the next layer. A small fraction of the tracks with their last hit in L4 are loopers and actually stop at small radii. Sketch_StopinSCT.png
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Comparisons of fractions of early/late interacting and non-interacting tracks from identified protons and anti-protons from Λ-decay to two G4 physics lists. The data and MC are plotted as a function of pT. The purity of the proton/anti-proton tracks is already before background subtraction (based on side-bands around the Λ mass). protons_0000.png
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Comparisons of fractions of early/late interacting and non-interacting tracks from identified pions from K0s-decay with all charged particle tracks. The data and MC are plotted as a function of pT. The purity of the pion tracks is already high before background subtraction (based on side-bands around the K0s mass). pions_0000.png
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Heavy ions tracking

The following plots are commented in document ATL-COM-PHYS-2010-1028

Track selection follows the special reconstruction cuts used in heavy ion tracking:

  • pT > 500 MeV
  • |η| < 2.5
  • nSCT hits + nPixel hits ≥ 9
  • no Pixel holes, at most 1 SCT hole
  • at most one shared silicon hit

with the additional tighter selections

  • nBLayer hits ≥ 1
  • |d0| < 1.5 mm (not for impact parameter distributions)
  • |z0sinθ| < 1.5 mm (not for impact parameter distributions)
Transverse impact parameter distribution for all reconstructed tracks. hiCuts-d0_t_d0_wrtPV_lin.png
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Longitudinal impact parameter distribution for all reconstructed tracks. hiCuts-z0_t_z0st_wrtPV_lin.png
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Number of pixel hits on track (integrated and averages as function of η) for heavy ion collision and comparison with Monte Carlo expectations. hiCuts_t_pixHits.png
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Number of SCT hits on track (integrated and averages as function of η) for heavy ion collision and comparison with Monte Carlo expectations. hiCuts_t_sctHits.png
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Distribution of average number SCT holes for heavy ion collision and comparison with Monte Carlo expectations. A hole is defined as a missing measurement when it is expected i.e. a track crosses an operational silicon modules and have hits both in silicon modules preceeding and following it. Since tracking runs with a requirement of no holes in the Pixel Detector, only SCT holes can be counted. hiCuts_t_sctHoles_eta.png
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Number of TRT hits on track (integrated and averages as function of η) for heavy ion collision and comparison with Monte Carlo expectations. hiCuts_t_trtHits.png
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Transverse impact parameter distribution for all tracks in centrality bins 0-10 and 70-100. hi10_mcdata_d0Lin_0_10_vs_70_100.png
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Longitudinal impact parameter distribution for all tracks in centrality bins 0-10 and 70-100. hi10_mcdata_z0Lin_0_10_vs_70_100.png
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Average number of pixel hits (total and versus pseudorapidity) on track in centrality bins 0-10 and 70-100. hi10_mcdata_PixelHits_0_10_vs_70_100.png
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Average number of SCT hits (total and versus pseudorapidity) on track in centrality bins 0-10 and 70-100. hi10_mcdata_SCTHits_0_10_vs_70_100.png
pdf version of the figure
pdf version of the figure

Heavy ion vertexing

The following plots are commented in document ATL-COM-PHYS-2011-1312

The transverse error of the primary vertex vs. the number of tracks used in the vertex fit. As expected, the error decreases as a square root with the number of tracks contributing to the vertex. The fact that the dependence is a power law is evident from linearity in log-log scale .The red line is Hijing MC, the black dots are data from run 169927 of 2010. HI_PV_SigmaX_vs_Ntrk.png
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The longitudinal error of the primary vertex vs. the number of tracks used in the vertex fit. As expected, the error decreases with the number of tracks contributing to the vertex. The red line is Hijing MC, the black dots are data from run 169927 of 2010. HI_PV_SigmaZ_vs_Ntrk.png
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The number of tracks contributing to the vertex vs. all reconstructed tracks in the event. The top plot is data from run 169927 of 2010, the bottom plot is HIJING MC. Most of the discrepancy can be attributed to the different momentum spectrum between data and HIJING. HI_PV_NTrkVtx_vs_AllTrkData.png
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eps version of the figure

Hadronic interactions

Older plots from ATL-COM-PHYS-2011-296 and ATL-COM-PHYS-2011-584 have been removed from this page.

Please use the ones from the published paper:
A measurement of the material in the ATLAS inner detector using secondary hadronic interactions

Public Plot Approval Date
 NEW  Two Dimensional Views of the Inner Detector Produced by the Use of Hadronic Interaction Vertices February 2016

Run-1 (2009 Collision data)

Armenteros-Podolanski plot of all secondary vertices selected as follows.

The selection of secondary vertices is identical to the one used for the K shorts, and Lambda(bar)s: The standard ATLAS V0 vertex finding code is used. No mass constraint is applied during the vertex fit. The two tracks are required to have opposite charge, more than six silicon hits each and a transverse momentum greater than 100 MeV. In addition, the distance of the reconstructed secondary vertex to the primary vertex has to be larger than 0.2 mm in the transverse x-y (=R phi) plane. Furthermore, a cut is applied to require that the flight path of the V0 candidate points back to the interaction point. The selection is applied on the angle in the transverse plane between the flight direction, defined from the line from the primary vertex to the secondary vertex, and the momentum sum of the two tracks.

The transverse momentum of the positive tracks is plotted versus the asymmetry of longitudinal momenta of both tracks. Transverse and longitudinal momenta are defined with respect to the momentum sum of the two tracks (i.e. the momentum direction of the V0 candidate), and are given in the laboratory frame.

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Inner Detector Material Studies

Several different geometries are used to compare simulated samples with data. The nominal sample is the default comparison, as the material model used in simulation is also used in reconstruction. The additional samples scale structures in the Inner Detector to produce roughly 10% and 20% more material in the simulation in terms of radiation length.
Fitted Kshort mean as a function of the decay radius for data and MC simulation. KshortMean_r_bar_dataMC.png
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Fitted Kshort mean as a function of the decay radius for various MC simulated material descriptions. KshortMean_r_bar_MC.png
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Simulation studies

Track reconstruction efficiency in jets

Internal documentation about these plots is available in document ATL-COM-PHYS-2012-139

Track reconstruction efficiency in simulated ttbar events, as a function of distance ΔR to the closest jet (ΔR=√(Δη2+Δφ2)). Cuts applied on the tracks: pT>500 MeV, at least seven silicon hits, at least two pixel hits, at least one hit in the innermost pixel layer, |d0|<1 mm. eff.png
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Rate of reconstructed tracks with a poor truth matching score (<80%) in simulated ttbar events, as a function of distance ΔR to the closest jet (ΔR=√(Δη2+Δφ2)). Cuts applied on the tracks: pT>500 MeV, at least seven silicon hits, at least two pixel hits, at least one hit in the innermost pixel layer, |d0|<1 mm. fake.png
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Electron energy loss recovery

Internal documentation about this plot is available in document ATL-COM-PHYS-2012-139

Some other plots using GSF instead of Global-χ2 fitter are available in ATLAS-CONF-2012-047.

Reconstructed transverse momentum compared to true transverse momentum for simulated electrons with pT=5 GeV, using three different track fitting algorithms. A truth seeded pattern recognition was used, therefore the plot does not show the effect of pattern recognition failures. brem.png
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Older Studies

* InDetTrackingPerformanceCSCFigures * ATLAS Detector Paper * CSC Book: ID Tracking Perfomance Note

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Major updates:
-- ChristianSchmitt - 19-Nov-2009

Responsible: ChristianSchmitt
Last reviewed by: Never reviewed

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formateps AlignTxEvol.eps r1 manage 18.0 K 2011-06-15 - 15:20 AttilioAndreazza Time dependent Tx
PNGpng AlignTxEvol.png r1 manage 48.2 K 2011-06-15 - 15:21 AttilioAndreazza Time dependent Tx
Unknown file formateps Fig1_AtlasStyle_RvsZall_data.eps r1 manage 2342.6 K 2011-03-28 - 13:55 AttilioAndreazza RZ map of hadronic interactions
PNGpng Fig1_AtlasStyle_RvsZall_data.png r1 manage 30.8 K 2011-03-28 - 13:56 AttilioAndreazza RZ map of hadronic interactions
Unknown file formateps Fig2_AtlasStyle_YvsXall_data.eps r1 manage 1584.6 K 2011-03-28 - 14:07 AttilioAndreazza XY map of hadronic interactions
PNGpng Fig2_AtlasStyle_YvsXall_data.png r1 manage 36.8 K 2011-03-28 - 13:57 AttilioAndreazza XY map of hadronic interactions
Unknown file formateps Fig3_AtlasPlots_Pix0PhiPrime_DataABC_minimum15.eps r1 manage 5732.1 K 2011-03-28 - 14:08 AttilioAndreazza Sector of pixel detector (data)
PNGpng Fig3_AtlasPlots_Pix0PhiPrime_DataABC_minimum15.png r1 manage 42.4 K 2011-03-28 - 14:08 AttilioAndreazza Sector of pixel detector (data)
Unknown file formateps Fig4_AtlasPlots_Pix0PhiPrime_MC.eps r1 manage 1957.4 K 2011-03-28 - 14:09 AttilioAndreazza Sector of pixel detector (MC)
PNGpng Fig4_AtlasPlots_Pix0PhiPrime_MC.png r1 manage 46.0 K 2011-03-28 - 14:09 AttilioAndreazza Sector of pixel detector (MC)
Unknown file formateps Fig5_AtlasStyle_Rproj_dataMC.eps r1 manage 31.1 K 2011-03-28 - 14:10 AttilioAndreazza R distribution of hadronic interactions
PNGpng Fig5_AtlasStyle_Rproj_dataMC.png r1 manage 15.9 K 2011-03-28 - 14:10 AttilioAndreazza R distribution of hadronic interactions
Unknown file formateps Fig6_AtlasStyle_Zproj_beampipe_dataMC.eps r1 manage 33.2 K 2011-03-28 - 14:11 AttilioAndreazza Z distribution of hadronic interactions on beam pipe
PNGpng Fig6_AtlasStyle_Zproj_beampipe_dataMC.png r1 manage 16.0 K 2011-03-28 - 14:12 AttilioAndreazza Z distribution of hadronic interactions on beam pipe
Unknown file formateps Fig7_AtlasStyle_Zproj_Pix1_dataMC.eps r1 manage 33.2 K 2011-03-28 - 14:12 AttilioAndreazza Z distribution of hadronic interactions on layer-0
PNGpng Fig7_AtlasStyle_Zproj_Pix1_dataMC.png r1 manage 17.0 K 2011-03-28 - 14:13 AttilioAndreazza Z distribution of hadronic interactions on layer-0
Unknown file formateps HI_PV_NTrkVtx_vs_AllTrkData.eps r1 manage 371.3 K 2011-10-05 - 15:53 AttilioAndreazza Tracks in HI vertexing
PNGpng HI_PV_NTrkVtx_vs_AllTrkData.png r1 manage 38.6 K 2011-10-05 - 15:53 AttilioAndreazza Tracks in HI vertexing
Unknown file formateps HI_PV_NTrkVtx_vs_AllTrkMC.eps r1 manage 320.6 K 2011-10-05 - 15:53 AttilioAndreazza Tracks in HI vertexing (MC)
PNGpng HI_PV_NTrkVtx_vs_AllTrkMC.png r1 manage 39.0 K 2011-10-05 - 15:54 AttilioAndreazza Tracks in HI vertexing (MC)
Unknown file formateps HI_PV_SigmaX_vs_Ntrk.eps r1 manage 109.1 K 2011-10-05 - 15:55 AttilioAndreazza HI transverse vertex resolution
PNGpng HI_PV_SigmaX_vs_Ntrk.png r1 manage 17.7 K 2011-10-05 - 15:55 AttilioAndreazza HI transverse vertex resolution
Unknown file formateps HI_PV_SigmaZ_vs_Ntrk.eps r1 manage 109.6 K 2011-10-05 - 15:57 AttilioAndreazza HI longitudinal vertex resolution
PNGpng HI_PV_SigmaZ_vs_Ntrk.png r1 manage 17.9 K 2011-10-05 - 15:57 AttilioAndreazza HI longitudinal vertex resolution
Unknown file formateps KshortMean_r_bar_MC.eps r1 manage 10.6 K 2010-03-02 - 09:57 TillEifert Fitted Kshort mean versus decay radius for various MC simulated material descriptions
PNGpng KshortMean_r_bar_MC.png r1 manage 19.0 K 2010-03-02 - 09:57 TillEifert Fitted Kshort mean versus decay radius for various MC simulated material descriptions
Unknown file formateps KshortMean_r_bar_dataMC.eps r1 manage 10.1 K 2010-03-02 - 09:58 TillEifert Fitted Kshort mean versus decay radius for data and MC simulation
PNGpng KshortMean_r_bar_dataMC.png r1 manage 17.6 K 2010-03-02 - 09:58 TillEifert Fitted Kshort mean versus decay radius for data and MC simulation
Unknown file formateps Lambda.eps r2 r1 manage 22.9 K 2009-12-17 - 20:55 TillEifert  
PNGpng Lambda.png r2 r1 manage 23.9 K 2009-12-17 - 20:56 TillEifert  
Unknown file formateps LambdaBar.eps r2 r1 manage 23.0 K 2009-12-17 - 20:56 TillEifert  
PNGpng LambdaBar.png r2 r1 manage 23.6 K 2009-12-17 - 20:56 TillEifert  
Unknown file formateps LambdaBar_overlay.eps r2 r1 manage 29.0 K 2009-12-17 - 20:57 TillEifert  
PNGpng LambdaBar_overlay.png r2 r1 manage 27.2 K 2009-12-17 - 20:57 TillEifert  
Unknown file formateps Lambda_overlay.eps r2 r1 manage 28.9 K 2009-12-17 - 20:58 TillEifert  
PNGpng Lambda_overlay.png r2 r1 manage 27.3 K 2009-12-17 - 20:58 TillEifert  
Unknown file formateps MKpi_sideBand_7TeV.eps r1 manage 23.0 K 2010-04-22 - 13:43 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng MKpi_sideBand_7TeV.png r1 manage 17.8 K 2010-04-22 - 13:43 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps MKpi_sig_1439_to_1469_7TeV.eps r1 manage 23.2 K 2010-04-22 - 13:44 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng MKpi_sig_1439_to_1469_7TeV.png r1 manage 17.0 K 2010-04-22 - 13:42 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps PV_VxvsMu.eps r1 manage 38.0 K 2011-10-05 - 16:04 AttilioAndreazza Luminosity dependence of vertex reconstruction efficiency
PNGpng PV_VxvsMu.png r1 manage 16.2 K 2011-10-05 - 16:04 AttilioAndreazza  
Unknown file formateps PV_ntracks.eps r1 manage 11.8 K 2011-10-05 - 16:01 AttilioAndreazza Number of tracks in minbias primary vertexes
PNGpng PV_ntracks.png r1 manage 11.5 K 2011-10-05 - 16:01 AttilioAndreazza Number of tracks in minbias primary vertexes
Unknown file formateps PV_resolution_X_Ntrk.eps r1 manage 38.3 K 2011-10-05 - 16:18 AttilioAndreazza X resolution versun ntrack
PNGpng PV_resolution_X_Ntrk.png r1 manage 11.4 K 2011-10-05 - 16:19 AttilioAndreazza X resolution versun ntrack
Unknown file formateps PV_resolution_X_SumPt2.eps r1 manage 34.0 K 2011-10-05 - 16:19 AttilioAndreazza X resolution versus sumpt
PNGpng PV_resolution_X_SumPt2.png r1 manage 11.6 K 2011-10-05 - 16:20 AttilioAndreazza X resolution versus sumpt
Unknown file formateps PV_resolution_Y_Ntrk.eps r1 manage 38.3 K 2011-10-05 - 16:20 AttilioAndreazza Y resolution versus ntrack
PNGpng PV_resolution_Y_Ntrk.png r1 manage 11.2 K 2011-10-05 - 16:21 AttilioAndreazza Y resolution versus ntrack
Unknown file formateps PV_resolution_Y_SumPt2.eps r1 manage 34.1 K 2011-10-05 - 16:21 AttilioAndreazza Y resolution versus sumpt
PNGpng PV_resolution_Y_SumPt2.png r1 manage 11.7 K 2011-10-05 - 16:21 AttilioAndreazza Y resolution versus sumpt
Unknown file formateps PV_resolution_Z_Ntrk.eps r1 manage 38.5 K 2011-10-05 - 16:22 AttilioAndreazza Z resolution versus ntrack
PNGpng PV_resolution_Z_Ntrk.png r1 manage 11.4 K 2011-10-05 - 16:22 AttilioAndreazza Z resolution versus ntrack
Unknown file formateps PV_resolution_Z_SumPt2.eps r1 manage 34.1 K 2011-10-05 - 16:22 AttilioAndreazza Z resolution versus sumpt
PNGpng PV_resolution_Z_SumPt2.png r1 manage 11.8 K 2011-10-05 - 16:23 AttilioAndreazza Z resolution versus sumpt
Unknown file formateps PV_sumpt.eps r1 manage 12.3 K 2011-10-05 - 16:02 AttilioAndreazza sqrt(sumpT) for minbiase primary vertexes
PNGpng PV_sumpt.png r1 manage 12.8 K 2011-10-05 - 16:02 AttilioAndreazza sqrt(sumpT) for minbiase primary vertexes
Unknown file formateps PixelModule.eps r1 manage 997.9 K 2011-06-06 - 09:07 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng PixelModule.png r1 manage 93.7 K 2011-06-06 - 09:07 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps RadialRes_pix1.eps r1 manage 16.9 K 2011-06-06 - 09:05 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng RadialRes_pix1.png r1 manage 14.3 K 2011-06-06 - 09:05 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng Sketch_StopinSCT.png r1 manage 17.9 K 2011-10-05 - 08:17 AttilioAndreazza Sketch of stopping tracks in SCT
Unknown file formateps TRT_Occupancy_pp.eps r1 manage 2686.9 K 2011-10-25 - 18:22 AndreasSalzburger  
PNGpng TRT_Occupancy_pp.png r1 manage 33.2 K 2011-10-25 - 18:23 AndreasSalzburger  
Unknown file formateps TRT_TubeHits_pp.eps r1 manage 12.0 K 2011-10-25 - 18:23 AndreasSalzburger  
PNGpng TRT_TubeHits_pp.png r1 manage 12.1 K 2011-10-25 - 18:23 AndreasSalzburger  
Unknown file formateps TRT_hits_pp.eps r1 manage 11.6 K 2011-10-25 - 18:22 AndreasSalzburger  
PNGpng TRT_hits_pp.png r1 manage 12.0 K 2011-10-25 - 18:22 AndreasSalzburger  
Unknown file formateps Transverse_data_8.eps r1 manage 2011.3 K 2011-06-06 - 09:07 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng Transverse_data_8.png r1 manage 92.4 K 2011-06-06 - 09:06 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps Transverse_simulation_8.eps r1 manage 1353.3 K 2011-06-06 - 09:06 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng Transverse_simulation_8.png r1 manage 85.7 K 2011-06-06 - 09:06 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps Transverse_truth_8.eps r1 manage 1157.0 K 2011-06-06 - 09:07 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng Transverse_truth_8.png r1 manage 52.4 K 2011-06-06 - 09:06 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps VxvsMu_noFIT.eps r1 manage 28.5 K 2011-10-25 - 18:23 AndreasSalzburger  
PNGpng VxvsMu_noFIT.png r1 manage 13.8 K 2011-10-25 - 18:24 AndreasSalzburger  
Unknown file formateps ZRes_pix1.eps r1 manage 16.8 K 2011-06-06 - 09:05 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng ZRes_pix1.png r1 manage 14.0 K 2011-06-06 - 09:05 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps Z_M_ID.eps r1 manage 24.4 K 2011-07-15 - 19:05 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass
PNGpng Z_M_ID.png r1 manage 29.3 K 2011-07-15 - 19:05 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass
Unknown file formateps Z_M_ID_BB.eps r1 manage 25.0 K 2011-07-15 - 19:06 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass barrel
PNGpng Z_M_ID_BB.png r1 manage 29.7 K 2011-07-15 - 19:06 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass barrel
Unknown file formateps Z_M_ID_BB_corr.eps r1 manage 24.8 K 2011-09-19 - 17:37 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng Z_M_ID_BB_corr.png r1 manage 28.1 K 2011-09-19 - 17:37 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps Z_M_ID_EAEA.eps r1 manage 25.1 K 2011-07-15 - 19:07 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass endcap A
PNGpng Z_M_ID_EAEA.png r1 manage 31.3 K 2011-07-15 - 19:07 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass endcap A
Unknown file formateps Z_M_ID_EAEA_corr.eps r1 manage 26.2 K 2011-09-19 - 17:38 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng Z_M_ID_EAEA_corr.png r1 manage 33.2 K 2011-09-19 - 17:38 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps Z_M_ID_ECEC.eps r1 manage 25.1 K 2011-07-15 - 19:07 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass endcap C
PNGpng Z_M_ID_ECEC.png r1 manage 31.4 K 2011-07-15 - 19:08 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass endcap C
Unknown file formateps Z_M_ID_ECEC_corr.eps r1 manage 26.3 K 2011-09-19 - 17:38 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng Z_M_ID_ECEC_corr.png r1 manage 32.8 K 2011-09-19 - 17:38 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps Zmass_neg_BB_vs_mu_phi.eps r1 manage 18.7 K 2011-07-15 - 19:10 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass vs phi mu- barrel
PNGpng Zmass_neg_BB_vs_mu_phi.png r1 manage 18.9 K 2011-07-15 - 19:10 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass vs phi mu- barrel
Unknown file formateps Zmass_neg_EAEA_vs_mu_phi.eps r1 manage 16.9 K 2011-07-15 - 19:11 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass vs phi mu- endcap A
PNGpng Zmass_neg_EAEA_vs_mu_phi.png r1 manage 19.0 K 2011-07-15 - 19:11 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass vs phi mu- endcap A
Unknown file formateps Zmass_neg_ECEC_vs_mu_phi.eps r1 manage 17.0 K 2011-07-15 - 19:12 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass vs phi mu- endcap C
PNGpng Zmass_neg_ECEC_vs_mu_phi.png r1 manage 18.5 K 2011-07-15 - 19:12 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass vs phi mu- endcap C
Unknown file formateps Zmass_pos_BB_vs_mu_phi.eps r1 manage 18.7 K 2011-07-15 - 19:13 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass vs phi mu+ barrel
PNGpng Zmass_pos_BB_vs_mu_phi.png r1 manage 18.6 K 2011-07-15 - 19:13 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass vs phi mu+ barrel
Unknown file formateps Zmass_pos_EAEA_vs_mu_phi.eps r1 manage 16.9 K 2011-07-15 - 19:13 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass vs phi mu+ endcap A
PNGpng Zmass_pos_EAEA_vs_mu_phi.png r1 manage 18.9 K 2011-07-15 - 19:14 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass vs phi mu+ endcap A
Unknown file formateps Zmass_pos_ECEC_vs_mu_phi.eps r1 manage 17.0 K 2011-07-15 - 19:14 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass vs phi mu+ endcap C
PNGpng Zmass_pos_ECEC_vs_mu_phi.png r1 manage 18.7 K 2011-07-15 - 19:15 AttilioAndreazza Summer 2011 Z mass vs phi mu+ endcap C
Unknown file formateps aJpsiMassVsPhiECA.eps r1 manage 12.4 K 2011-06-15 - 15:15 AttilioAndreazza J/psi mass vs. phi end-cap A
PNGpng aJpsiMassVsPhiECA.png r1 manage 15.3 K 2011-06-15 - 15:16 AttilioAndreazza J/psi mass vs. phi end-cap A
Unknown file formateps aJpsiMassVsPhiECC.eps r1 manage 12.1 K 2011-06-15 - 15:16 AttilioAndreazza J/psi mass vs. phi end-cap C
PNGpng aJpsiMassVsPhiECC.png r1 manage 15.2 K 2011-06-15 - 15:17 AttilioAndreazza J/psi mass vs. phi end-cap C
Unknown file formateps aKsMassVsPhiECA.eps r1 manage 12.8 K 2011-06-15 - 15:18 AttilioAndreazza K0s mass vs. phi end-cap A
PNGpng aKsMassVsPhiECA.png r1 manage 15.5 K 2011-06-15 - 15:19 AttilioAndreazza K0s mass vs. phi end-cap A
Unknown file formateps aKsMassVsPhiECC.eps r1 manage 12.5 K 2011-06-15 - 15:19 AttilioAndreazza K0s mass vs. phi end-cap C
PNGpng aKsMassVsPhiECC.png r1 manage 15.5 K 2011-06-15 - 15:20 AttilioAndreazza K0s mass vs. phi end-cap C
Unknown file formateps after_d0CorrectionVsEtaPhi.eps r1 manage 21.8 K 2012-10-25 - 18:33 AnthonyMorley Impact parameter biases before and after corrections
PNGpng after_d0CorrectionVsEtaPhi.png r1 manage 19.5 K 2012-10-25 - 18:33 AnthonyMorley Impact parameter biases before and after corrections
Unknown file formateps after_z0CorrectionVsEtaPhi.eps r1 manage 20.4 K 2012-10-25 - 18:32 AnthonyMorley Impact parameter biases before and after corrections
PNGpng after_z0CorrectionVsEtaPhi.png r1 manage 18.8 K 2012-10-25 - 18:32 AnthonyMorley Impact parameter biases before and after corrections
Unknown file formateps armenteros.eps r2 r1 manage 426.3 K 2009-12-17 - 20:58 TillEifert  
PNGpng armenteros.png r2 r1 manage 41.7 K 2009-12-17 - 20:59 TillEifert  
Unknown file formateps before_d0CorrectionVsEtaPhi.eps r1 manage 22.3 K 2012-10-25 - 18:32 AnthonyMorley Impact parameter biases before and after corrections
PNGpng before_d0CorrectionVsEtaPhi.png r1 manage 19.7 K 2012-10-25 - 18:32 AnthonyMorley Impact parameter biases before and after corrections
Unknown file formateps before_z0CorrectionVsEtaPhi.eps r1 manage 21.0 K 2012-10-25 - 18:32 AnthonyMorley Impact parameter biases before and after corrections
PNGpng before_z0CorrectionVsEtaPhi.png r1 manage 19.7 K 2012-10-25 - 18:32 AnthonyMorley Impact parameter biases before and after corrections
Unknown file formateps brem.eps r1 manage 13.1 K 2012-02-23 - 19:21 AttilioAndreazza Thijs' brem recovery plot
PNGpng brem.png r1 manage 17.5 K 2012-02-23 - 19:21 AttilioAndreazza Thijs' brem recovery plot
Unknown file formateps d0CorrectionVsEtaPhi.eps r1 manage 10.2 K 2012-10-25 - 18:32 AnthonyMorley Impact parameter biases before and after corrections
PNGpng d0CorrectionVsEtaPhi.png r1 manage 17.0 K 2012-10-25 - 18:32 AnthonyMorley Impact parameter biases before and after corrections
Unknown file formateps dEdx_LambdaSelection.eps r1 manage 155.5 K 2010-02-18 - 10:23 TillEifert dEdx plot with Lambda(bar) selection
PNGpng dEdx_LambdaSelection.png r1 manage 30.7 K 2010-02-18 - 10:24 TillEifert dEdx plot with Lambda(bar) selection
Unknown file formateps dEdx_LambdaSidebands.eps r1 manage 125.4 K 2010-02-18 - 10:24 TillEifert dEdx plot with Lambda(bar) sidebands selection
PNGpng dEdx_LambdaSidebands.png r1 manage 28.9 K 2010-02-18 - 10:24 TillEifert dEdx plot with Lambda(bar) sidebands selection
Unknown file formateps data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.PV_XY_bc.eps r1 manage 69.9 K 2011-06-06 - 08:40 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.PV_XY_bc.png r1 manage 16.9 K 2011-06-06 - 08:40 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.PV_ZX_bc.eps r1 manage 50.9 K 2011-06-06 - 08:40 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.PV_ZX_bc.png r1 manage 18.1 K 2011-06-06 - 08:39 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.PV_ZY_bc.eps r1 manage 45.1 K 2011-06-06 - 08:39 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.PV_ZY_bc.png r1 manage 17.8 K 2011-06-06 - 08:39 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.ResolutionXVsNTrk.eps r1 manage 8.8 K 2011-06-06 - 08:41 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.ResolutionXVsNTrk.png r1 manage 17.2 K 2011-06-06 - 08:41 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.ResolutionXVsSumPt2.eps r1 manage 9.6 K 2011-06-06 - 08:41 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.ResolutionXVsSumPt2.png r1 manage 15.8 K 2011-06-06 - 08:39 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.ResolutionZVsNTrk.eps r1 manage 8.8 K 2011-06-06 - 08:40 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.ResolutionZVsNTrk.png r1 manage 17.1 K 2011-06-06 - 08:40 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.ResolutionZVsSumPt2.eps r1 manage 9.6 K 2011-06-06 - 08:39 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng data11_7TeV.00180164.physics_MinBias.ResolutionZVsSumPt2.png r1 manage 15.6 K 2011-06-06 - 08:38 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps deltaM_sideBand_7TeV.eps r1 manage 16.1 K 2010-04-22 - 13:44 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng deltaM_sideBand_7TeV.png r1 manage 14.3 K 2010-04-22 - 13:43 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps deltaM_sig_7TeV.eps r1 manage 20.9 K 2010-04-22 - 13:43 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng deltaM_sig_7TeV.png r1 manage 18.0 K 2010-04-22 - 13:43 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps e_ntracks__inside-out-pt-hits-holes.eps r1 manage 11.3 K 2011-10-25 - 18:14 AndreasSalzburger  
PNGpng e_ntracks__inside-out-pt-hits-holes.png r1 manage 59.6 K 2011-10-25 - 18:15 AndreasSalzburger  
Unknown file formateps eff.eps r1 manage 11.0 K 2012-02-23 - 19:22 AttilioAndreazza Thijs' ttbar efficiency plot
PNGpng eff.png r1 manage 14.0 K 2012-02-23 - 19:22 AttilioAndreazza Thijs' ttbar efficiency plot
Unknown file formateps fake.eps r1 manage 10.8 K 2012-02-23 - 19:24 AttilioAndreazza Thijs' bad match for tracks in jets
PNGpng fake.png r1 manage 15.2 K 2012-02-23 - 19:24 AttilioAndreazza Thijs' bad match for tracks in jets
PDFpdf hi10_mcdata_PixelHitsEta_0_10_vs_70_100.pdf r1 manage 163.0 K 2011-10-21 - 16:15 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI pixel hits vs eta data/mc in centrality
PNGpng hi10_mcdata_PixelHitsEta_0_10_vs_70_100.png r1 manage 71.8 K 2011-10-21 - 16:15 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI pixel hits vs eta data/mc in centrality
PDFpdf hi10_mcdata_PixelHits_0_10_vs_70_100.pdf r1 manage 166.1 K 2011-10-21 - 16:14 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI total pixel hits data/mc in centrality
PNGpng hi10_mcdata_PixelHits_0_10_vs_70_100.png r1 manage 55.6 K 2011-10-21 - 16:15 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI total pixel hits data/mc in centrality
PDFpdf hi10_mcdata_SCTHitsEta_0_10_vs_70_100.pdf r1 manage 242.7 K 2011-10-21 - 16:17 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI SCT hits vs eta data/mc in centrality
PNGpng hi10_mcdata_SCTHitsEta_0_10_vs_70_100.png r1 manage 81.6 K 2011-10-21 - 16:18 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI SCT hits vs eta data/mc in centrality
PDFpdf hi10_mcdata_SCTHits_0_10_vs_70_100.pdf r1 manage 201.6 K 2011-10-21 - 16:16 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI SCT hits vs eta data/mc in centrality
PNGpng hi10_mcdata_SCTHits_0_10_vs_70_100.png r1 manage 57.1 K 2011-10-21 - 16:17 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI total SCT data/mc in centrality
PDFpdf hi10_mcdata_d0Lin_0_10_vs_70_100.pdf r1 manage 228.0 K 2011-10-21 - 16:12 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI d0 lin scale data/mc in centrality
PNGpng hi10_mcdata_d0Lin_0_10_vs_70_100.png r1 manage 68.3 K 2011-10-21 - 16:12 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI d0 lin scale data/mc in centrality
PDFpdf hi10_mcdata_d0Log_0_10_vs_70_100.pdf r1 manage 284.3 K 2011-10-21 - 16:13 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI d0 log scale data/mc in centrality
PNGpng hi10_mcdata_d0Log_0_10_vs_70_100.png r1 manage 86.0 K 2011-10-21 - 16:14 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI d0 log scale data/mc in centrality
PDFpdf hi10_mcdata_z0Lin_0_10_vs_70_100.pdf r1 manage 226.1 K 2011-10-21 - 16:18 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI z0 lin scale data/mc in centrality
PNGpng hi10_mcdata_z0Lin_0_10_vs_70_100.png r1 manage 70.3 K 2011-10-21 - 16:18 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI z0 lin scale data/mc in centrality
PDFpdf hi10_mcdata_z0Log_0_10_vs_70_100.pdf r1 manage 226.1 K 2011-10-21 - 16:19 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI z0 log scale data/mc in centrality
PNGpng hi10_mcdata_z0Log_0_10_vs_70_100.png r1 manage 82.4 K 2011-10-21 - 16:19 AndreasSalzburger Tracking HI z0 log scale data/mc in centrality
Unknown file formateps hiCuts-d0_t_d0_wrtPV_lin.eps r1 manage 12.0 K 2010-12-17 - 16:24 AttilioAndreazza Impact parameter distribution in havy ion events
PNGpng hiCuts-d0_t_d0_wrtPV_lin.png r1 manage 17.4 K 2010-12-17 - 16:25 AttilioAndreazza mpact parameter distribution in heavy ion events
Unknown file formateps hiCuts-d0_t_d0_wrtPV_log.eps r1 manage 11.1 K 2010-12-17 - 16:39 AttilioAndreazza Impact parameter distribution in heavy ion events
PNGpng hiCuts-d0_t_d0_wrtPV_log.png r1 manage 16.7 K 2010-12-17 - 16:41 AttilioAndreazza Impact parameter distribution in heavy ion events
Unknown file formateps hiCuts-z0_t_z0st_wrtPV_lin.eps r1 manage 13.2 K 2010-12-17 - 16:46 AttilioAndreazza Impact parameter distribution in heavy ion events
PNGpng hiCuts-z0_t_z0st_wrtPV_lin.png r1 manage 19.8 K 2010-12-17 - 16:46 AttilioAndreazza Impact parameter distribution in heavy ion events
Unknown file formateps hiCuts-z0_t_z0st_wrtPV_log.eps r1 manage 13.3 K 2010-12-17 - 16:47 AttilioAndreazza Impact parameter distribution in heavy ion events
PNGpng hiCuts-z0_t_z0st_wrtPV_log.png r1 manage 19.3 K 2010-12-17 - 16:47 AttilioAndreazza Impact parameter distribution in heavy ion events
Unknown file formateps hiCuts_t_pixHits.eps r1 manage 9.8 K 2010-12-17 - 16:52 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of pixel hits on track in heavy ions data
PNGpng hiCuts_t_pixHits.png r1 manage 12.8 K 2010-12-17 - 17:02 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of pixel hits on track in heavy ions data
Unknown file formateps hiCuts_t_pixHits_eta.eps r1 manage 11.3 K 2010-12-17 - 17:02 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of pixel hits on track in heavy ions data
PNGpng hiCuts_t_pixHits_eta.png r1 manage 17.1 K 2010-12-17 - 17:03 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of pixel hits on track in heavy ions data
Unknown file formateps hiCuts_t_sctHits.eps r1 manage 9.6 K 2010-12-17 - 17:23 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of SCT hits on track in heavy ions data
PNGpng hiCuts_t_sctHits.png r1 manage 12.9 K 2010-12-17 - 17:24 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of SCT hits on track in heavy ions data
Unknown file formateps hiCuts_t_sctHits_eta.eps r1 manage 11.9 K 2010-12-17 - 17:24 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of SCT hits on track in heavy ions data
PNGpng hiCuts_t_sctHits_eta.png r1 manage 19.2 K 2010-12-17 - 17:24 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of SCT hits on track in heavy ions data
Unknown file formateps hiCuts_t_sctHoles_eta.eps r1 manage 11.2 K 2010-12-17 - 17:27 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of SCT holes on track in heavy ions data
PNGpng hiCuts_t_sctHoles_eta.png r1 manage 18.4 K 2010-12-17 - 17:27 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of SCT holes on track in heavy ions data
Unknown file formateps hiCuts_t_trtHits.eps r1 manage 11.4 K 2010-12-17 - 17:25 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of TRT hits on track in heavy ions data
PNGpng hiCuts_t_trtHits.png r1 manage 17.1 K 2010-12-17 - 17:25 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of TRT hits on track in heavy ions data
Unknown file formateps hiCuts_t_trtHits_eta.eps r1 manage 11.0 K 2010-12-17 - 17:26 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of TRT hits on track in heavy ions data
PNGpng hiCuts_t_trtHits_eta.png r1 manage 17.8 K 2010-12-17 - 17:26 AttilioAndreazza Distribution of TRT hits on track in heavy ions data
Unknown file formateps kShort.eps r2 r1 manage 22.4 K 2009-12-17 - 21:00 TillEifert  
PNGpng kShort.png r2 r1 manage 23.2 K 2009-12-17 - 21:00 TillEifert  
Unknown file formateps kShort_SiTracks_pointing_D0_singleGaussFit.eps r1 manage 17.4 K 2009-12-12 - 18:55 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng kShort_SiTracks_pointing_D0_singleGaussFit.png r1 manage 22.4 K 2009-12-12 - 18:52 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps kShort_SiTracks_pointing_singleGaussFit.eps r1 manage 19.6 K 2009-12-12 - 18:53 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng kShort_SiTracks_pointing_singleGaussFit.png r1 manage 24.1 K 2009-12-12 - 18:52 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps kShort_SiTracks_singleGaussFit.eps r1 manage 19.4 K 2009-12-12 - 18:54 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng kShort_SiTracks_singleGaussFit.png r1 manage 23.6 K 2009-12-12 - 18:52 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps kShort_overlay.eps r2 r1 manage 27.6 K 2009-12-17 - 21:01 TillEifert  
PNGpng kShort_overlay.png r2 r1 manage 28.5 K 2009-12-17 - 21:01 TillEifert  
Unknown file formateps npixvseta_pfx.eps r1 manage 11.8 K 2010-02-08 - 12:41 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng npixvseta_pfx.png r1 manage 27.2 K 2010-02-08 - 12:40 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps npixvsphi_pfx.eps r1 manage 10.6 K 2010-02-08 - 12:40 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng npixvsphi_pfx.png r1 manage 25.6 K 2010-02-08 - 12:40 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps nsctvseta_pfx.eps r1 manage 13.9 K 2010-02-08 - 12:39 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng nsctvseta_pfx.png r1 manage 29.3 K 2010-02-08 - 12:39 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps nsctvsphi_pfx.eps r1 manage 10.2 K 2010-02-08 - 12:39 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng nsctvsphi_pfx.png r1 manage 24.5 K 2010-02-08 - 12:38 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps nvxVSlb_new.eps r2 r1 manage 16.7 K 2011-07-20 - 20:42 FedericoMeloni Average number of primary vertices vs lumi-block
PNGpng nvxVSlb_new.png r2 r1 manage 14.4 K 2011-07-20 - 20:45 FedericoMeloni Average number of primary vertices vs lumi-block
Unknown file formateps nvx_new.eps r2 r1 manage 9.9 K 2011-07-20 - 20:50 FedericoMeloni Number of reconstructed primary vertices
PNGpng nvx_new.png r2 r1 manage 10.8 K 2011-07-20 - 20:49 FedericoMeloni Number of reconstructed primary vertices
Unknown file formateps pions_0000.eps r1 manage 15.9 K 2011-10-05 - 08:31 AttilioAndreazza Early interacting pions in SCT
PNGpng pions_0000.png r1 manage 10.6 K 2011-10-05 - 08:30 AttilioAndreazza Early interacting pions in SCT
Unknown file formateps pions_0011.eps r1 manage 16.2 K 2011-10-05 - 08:31 AttilioAndreazza Late interacting pions in SCT
PNGpng pions_0011.png r1 manage 10.6 K 2011-10-05 - 08:31 AttilioAndreazza Late interacting pions in SCT
Unknown file formateps pions_1111.eps r1 manage 17.1 K 2011-10-05 - 08:32 AttilioAndreazza Non-interacting pions in SCT
PNGpng pions_1111.png r1 manage 11.7 K 2011-10-05 - 08:32 AttilioAndreazza Non-interacting pions in SCT
Unknown file formateps posVSneg_0000.eps r1 manage 13.5 K 2011-10-05 - 08:42 AttilioAndreazza Early interacting particles in SCT
PNGpng posVSneg_0000.png r1 manage 12.2 K 2011-10-05 - 08:42 AttilioAndreazza Early interacting particles in SCT
Unknown file formateps posVSneg_0011.eps r1 manage 13.4 K 2011-10-05 - 08:42 AttilioAndreazza Late interacting particles in SCT
PNGpng posVSneg_0011.png r1 manage 12.5 K 2011-10-05 - 08:43 AttilioAndreazza Late interacting particles in SCT
Unknown file formateps posVSneg_1111.eps r1 manage 14.0 K 2011-10-05 - 08:43 AttilioAndreazza Non-interacting particles in SCT
PNGpng posVSneg_1111.png r1 manage 13.2 K 2011-10-05 - 08:43 AttilioAndreazza Non-interacting particles in SCT
Unknown file formateps protons_0000.eps r1 manage 17.5 K 2011-10-05 - 08:54 AttilioAndreazza Early interacting protons in SCT
PNGpng protons_0000.png r1 manage 10.7 K 2011-10-05 - 08:55 AttilioAndreazza Early interacting protons in SCT
Unknown file formateps protons_0011.eps r1 manage 17.6 K 2011-10-05 - 08:55 AttilioAndreazza Late interacting protons in SCT
PNGpng protons_0011.png r1 manage 10.7 K 2011-10-05 - 08:55 AttilioAndreazza Late interacting protons in SCT
Unknown file formateps protons_1111.eps r1 manage 19.0 K 2011-10-05 - 08:56 AttilioAndreazza Non-interacting protons in SCT
PNGpng protons_1111.png r1 manage 11.2 K 2011-10-05 - 08:56 AttilioAndreazza Non-interacting protons in SCT
Unknown file formateps protons_FTFP_0000.eps r2 r1 manage 13.6 K 2011-10-05 - 15:23 AttilioAndreazza Early interacting protons in SCT (QGSP_FTFP_BERT)
PNGpng protons_FTFP_0000.png r2 r1 manage 10.1 K 2011-10-05 - 15:24 AttilioAndreazza Early interacting protons in SCT (QGSP_FTFP_BERT)
Unknown file formateps protons_FTFP_0011.eps r2 r1 manage 13.8 K 2011-10-05 - 15:26 AttilioAndreazza Late interacting protons in SCT (QGSP_FTFP_BERT)
PNGpng protons_FTFP_0011.png r2 r1 manage 10.3 K 2011-10-05 - 15:26 AttilioAndreazza Late interacting protons in SCT (QGSP_FTFP_BERT)
Unknown file formateps protons_FTFP_1111.eps r2 r1 manage 13.7 K 2011-10-05 - 15:27 AttilioAndreazza Non-interacting protons in SCT (QGSP_FTFP_BERT)
PNGpng protons_FTFP_1111.png r2 r1 manage 10.1 K 2011-10-05 - 15:27 AttilioAndreazza Non-interacting protons in SCT (QGSP_FTFP_BERT)
Unknown file formateps t_d0_wrtPV__inside-out-pt-hits-holes-1.eps r1 manage 21.9 K 2011-10-25 - 18:15 AndreasSalzburger  
PNGpng t_d0_wrtPV__inside-out-pt-hits-holes-1.png r1 manage 52.3 K 2011-10-25 - 18:16 AndreasSalzburger  
Unknown file formateps t_d0_wrtPV__inside-out-pt-hits-holes.eps r1 manage 19.4 K 2011-10-25 - 18:16 AndreasSalzburger  
PNGpng t_d0_wrtPV__inside-out-pt-hits-holes.png r1 manage 58.0 K 2011-10-25 - 18:16 AndreasSalzburger  
Unknown file formateps t_pixHits__inside-out-pt-hits-holes.eps r1 manage 16.9 K 2011-10-25 - 18:17 AndreasSalzburger  
PNGpng t_pixHits__inside-out-pt-hits-holes.png r1 manage 46.0 K 2011-10-25 - 18:18 AndreasSalzburger  
Unknown file formateps t_res_d0_wrtPV__inside-out-pt10.eps r1 manage 14.9 K 2011-10-25 - 18:18 AndreasSalzburger  
PNGpng t_res_d0_wrtPV__inside-out-pt10.png r1 manage 53.2 K 2011-10-25 - 18:19 AndreasSalzburger  
Unknown file formateps t_res_z0_wrtPV__inside-out-pt10.eps r1 manage 15.6 K 2011-10-25 - 18:19 AndreasSalzburger  
PNGpng t_res_z0_wrtPV__inside-out-pt10.png r1 manage 55.6 K 2011-10-25 - 18:19 AndreasSalzburger  
Unknown file formateps t_sctHits__inside-out-pt-hits-holes.eps r1 manage 17.6 K 2011-10-25 - 18:20 AndreasSalzburger  
PNGpng t_sctHits__inside-out-pt-hits-holes.png r1 manage 46.8 K 2011-10-25 - 18:20 AndreasSalzburger  
Unknown file formateps t_trtHits__inside-out-pt-hits-holes.eps r1 manage 21.6 K 2011-10-25 - 18:20 AndreasSalzburger  
PNGpng t_trtHits__inside-out-pt-hits-holes.png r1 manage 60.2 K 2011-10-25 - 18:21 AndreasSalzburger  
Unknown file formateps t_trtHits_eta__t_sctHits_eta_inside-out-pt-hits-holes.eps r1 manage 18.9 K 2011-10-25 - 18:21 AndreasSalzburger  
PNGpng t_trtHits_eta__t_sctHits_eta_inside-out-pt-hits-holes.png r1 manage 51.5 K 2011-10-25 - 18:21 AndreasSalzburger  
Unknown file formateps trk0.0-eta-1.2-hasTRTVsDr-pub.eps r1 manage 19.1 K 2011-09-19 - 17:26 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng trk0.0-eta-1.2-hasTRTVsDr-pub.png r1 manage 45.1 K 2011-09-19 - 17:26 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps trk0.0-eta-1.2-nPixelShareVsDr-pub.eps r1 manage 18.0 K 2011-09-19 - 17:27 ChristianSchmitt  
PNGpng trk0.0-eta-1.2-nPixelShareVsDr-pub.png r1 manage 43.9 K 2011-09-19 - 17:26 ChristianSchmitt  
Unknown file formateps z0CorrectionVsEtaPhi.eps r1 manage 10.1 K 2012-10-25 - 18:32 AnthonyMorley Impact parameter biases before and after corrections
PNGpng z0CorrectionVsEtaPhi.png r1 manage 17.4 K 2012-10-25 - 18:32 AnthonyMorley Impact parameter biases before and after corrections
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Topic revision: r140 - 2023-10-06 - ChristianGrefe
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