
Distribution of missing ET, as measured in a data sample of Z->mumu candidates. The expectation from Monte Carlo simulation is superimposed and normalized to data, after each MC sample is weighted with its corresponding cross-section. The lower part of the figure shows the ratio between data and MC distributions.
default missing ET: Jet contribution is built from jets with pT>20 GeV, corrected with Jet area and calibrated. Soft contribution is built from LCW topoclusters and tracks not associated to reconstructed objects.
See ATLAS-CONF-2012-101 for details

Distribution of missing ET, after pile-up suppression, as measured in a data sample of Z->mumu candidates. The expectation from Monte Carlo simulation is superimposed and normalized to data, after each MC sample is weighted with its corresponding cross-section. The lower part of the figure shows the ratio between data and MC distributions.
Missing ET after pile-up suppression with STVF+JVF: Jet contribution built from jets with pT>20 GeV, corrected with Jet area and calibrated. Jets are requested to have |JVF|>0 (JVF is the ratio sum pT of tracks associated to primary vertex and all tracks associated to the jet). Soft contribution from LCW topoclusters and tracks, scaled with STVF (ratio of sum pT of tracks associated to primary vertex and all tracks outside reconstructed objects).

Resolution of x and y missing ET components as a function of the number of primary vertices for data and MC in Z->mumu candidates. The resolution after pile-up suppression, based on the ratio of the sum pT of the tracks associated to the primary vertex and all tracks, is also shown.
Resolution of x and y missing ET components as a function of the SumET in the event (before pile-up suppression) for data and MC Z->mumu candidates. The resolution after pile-up suppression, based on the ratio of the sum pT of the tracks associated to the primary vertex and all tracks, is also shown.

Major updates:
-- MichaelBegel - 25-Mar-2013

Responsible: MichaelBegel
Subject: public

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Topic revision: r1 - 2013-03-25 - MichaelBegel
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