LCG Grid Deployment - gLite Pre Production Services - PPS-CERN Admin Procedures

Installation and Configuration "Step by Step"

Tag the node with your name in the LCG Node status page

Before you start any procedure on a node you have to inform your collegues for your intention. This can be done trough CERN LCG Node Status page.

First of all you have to select from the combobox Cluster the cluster in which participate your node. In above link is preselected cluster gLite Cert. All comboboxes on the first line of CERN LCG Node Status page can be used for different selections of available nodes. So, to get nodes conforming to your conditions stated in comboboxes you have to push button Send. After that CERN LCG Node Status page will be updated and will contain only selected nodes.

The next step is to inform that you get administration on certain node. CERN LCG Node Status page displays a table containing for each node a row describing the node. First column commands contains three buttons. First button permits you to edit all other six fields. Wheh you push this button a new dialog page is opened. It contains current data of the other six fields. First field contains the node's name - do not edit it!. (It will be better to prevent this field from editing.) Second field is a combobox containing names of all persons who have permitions to be administrators - select your name. If your name is not here refer to administrators to update the site. Third field describes LCFG. It corresponds to column note and can have values SERVICE, CERT1, CERT2, CERT3 or free. The last means that node is free for installation. (This field can be combobox.) In field Alias: (fourth field) you have to put the system version which is istalled. Its value can be gLite 1.3 or free. This field contains information about hardware problems in the node. (It will be better to have some standards for this field.) The field Function: describes the function of the node in terms of the system described in field alias. The last field Cluster: is a combobox which describe to which cluster node belongs. Some additional information can be put in the right side edit pane. This information is not visible at CERN LCG Node Status page. You can read information put here by pressing the third button in column commands.

Usually, you have to upgrade a node or install from scratch. In these cases you have to update only information about system version and set administrator's name.

To update information about the node you have to press button Update. If you don't want to do that - press Cancel. Do not use button Delete - it deletes information about the node.

Second button in column commands will display detailed information about the node.

Before to start any service installation read careffuly the section Installation Pre-requisites for it in gLite Instllation Guide.

Install the software via APT

First you have log on the machine. This have to be done with:

> ssh -2 -l root

where XXXX is the number of your machine.

What problems can you have at this time? Your access to the machine as root user is rejected. It happens because the installation script has not been run since you have been registered as root user on this machine. You will have root access as soon as someone will upgrade or install some service on this node. And this is valid for all nodes, so you have to wait. More precisely, your certificate has not put on the machine. For more details on how to obtain access to machines in the certification testbed.

Check that apt is installed (usually it is):

> rmp -qa | grep apt

If it is not installed you can do that using Scientific Linux repository:

> rmp -ivh

This is for Pentium/Athlon/Xeon architecture. If your node has different operating system version or architecture check the site:

for corresponding directories.

Next is to edit the apt configuration file:

> vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glite.list

Insert the line you find in:


rpm glite/i386/1.4 externals Release1.4 SA1

Run apt commands:

> apt-get update

> apt-get upgrade

The last command will upgrade the apt and all not-up-to-date packages installed on your system. Then proceed with the module you selected to install:

> apt-get install glite-ce-config

> apt-get install glite-data-metadata-catalog-config

> apt-get install glite-data-single-catalog-config

> apt-get install glite-data-single-catalog-oracle-config

> apt-get install glite-data-transfer-agents-oracle-config

> apt-get install glite-file-transfer-service-oracle-config

> apt-get install glite-file-transfer-service-client-config

> apt-get install glite-file-placement-service-oracle-config

> apt-get install glite-io-client-config

> apt-get install glite-io-server-config

> apt-get install glite-lb-config

> apt-get install glite-rgma-client-config

> apt-get install glite-rgma-gin-config

> apt-get install glite-rgma-server-config

> apt-get install glite-rgma-servicetool-config

> apt-get install glite-security-utils-config

> apt-get install glite-security-voms-config

> apt-get install glite-service-discovery-config

> apt-get install glite-torque-client-config

> apt-get install glite-torque-server-config

> apt-get install glite-ui-config

> apt-get install glite-voms-server-config

> apt-get install glite-wms-config

> apt-get install glite-wn-config

APT downloads automatically all required dependencies.

The command:

> apt-get check

verifies that there are no broken dependencies.

Edit the configuration files

First of all make a copy of configuration files from directory:

Create for them a backup directory (if someone has not yet done that):

In practice, we configure nodes in above mentioned global directory and redirect local node configuration files to that global directory. In the next step we redirect local configuration file to global one. Change to the configuration directory of the node:

> cd /opt/glite/etc/config

Copy the configuration file glite-global.cfg.xml from the templates directory:

> cp templates/glite-global.cfg.xml .

Change the value attribute of element site.config.url to:

As result, you will have:

<!-- Site configuration URL-->
  description="The URL of the Site Configuration file for this node.
    The values defined in the Site Configuration file are applied first
    and are be overriden by values specified in the local configuration
    files. Leave this parameter empty or remove it to use local configuration

It is a good practice when you edit global configuration files to use your own copies. For example, instead of:

I use:

but this means that all configuration files referenced by that file which you edit have to have copies prefixed by your name. This convention is applied to prevent lost of information during concurent edit in global configuration files. For example, if you install unique node like RGMA Server, there is no need to create your own copies of configuration files referenced by the node. If it is possible to clash with someone create your own copies of all files referenced by your node which you edit. Your node element has to be configured in CERT-global-1.3.xml with node element.

So, in global configuration files referenced by your node element you have to put values for all attributes which have as value "changeme". In practice, new configuration files are to some extend compatible with old ones, in sense, that some new elements may be added to new configuration files or some changes may occur in new ones. For that use old configuration files adding and/or changing old element attributes. For that purpose careffuly read Installation Guide to find out what is new in this version and is there are any change in attribute value meanings.

When you finish configuration files editing check are they XML valid files. Simply open them in XML-enabled browser. This procedure is very important because error detection of configuration scripts is very bad.

Eventually do some service-specific actions

Pre-requisites are:

  • Common statement: These installation instructions are based on the RPMS distribution of gLite. It is also assumed that the target server platform is Red Hat Linux 3.0 or any binary compatible distribution, such as Scientific Linux or CentOS. Whenever a package needed by gLite is not distributed as part of gLite itself, it is assumed it can be found in the list of RPMS of the original OS distribution.
  • Security Settings
  • Java JRE/JDK
  • BD-II
  • Resource Management System
  • Oracle Instant Client
  • Oracle Database Configuration

Read Installation Pre-requisities section of the service from gLite Instllation Guide for more details.

Run the configuration scripts

Change to directory:

> cd /opt/glite/etc/config/scripts

All configuration scripts are installed in this directory. The scripts are written in python and follow a naming convention. Each file is called:


where <service> is the name of the service they can configure.

In addition, the same scripts directory contains the gLite Installer library ( and a number of helper scripts used to configure various applications required by the gLite services (,,, etc).

The gLite Installer library and the helper scripts are contained in the glite-config RPM. All service scripts are contained in the respective glite-<service>-config RPM.

All scripts have a number of command line switches to perform different actions. The usage instructions can be printed on screen with the command:

> ./glite-<service> --help

The configuration steps for all services and clients, except the User Interface, are executed by running the command:

> ./glite-<service> --configure

The services and daemons are started and stopped with:

> ./glite-<service> --start

> ./glite-<service> --stop

The status of the services and daemons can be verified with:

> ./glite-<service> --status

The status switch causes a few status lines to be printed on screen and return 0 if all services are running and 1 if at least one service is not running.

Individual scripts may have additional options.

The User Interface script does not have a --configure switch. Running the command

> ./

by itself configures the user interface and its various clients and tools.

List of all scripts:


Read carefully configuration section for the corresponding service from gLite Instllation Guide, because for some services procedure is not simply to run the corresponding script.

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