To publish accounting data for a site you need to install a MON box and configure apel.
Following boxes should be configured: MON box, lcg-CE and Torque-server(if on separate box).

MON box configuration:

1. Install Mon box and set the variables in site-info.def file.

CE_HOST=myCE.$MY_DOMAIN  (Check according to your site)

2. Set the MYSQL and APEL password in site-info.def file. Don't set the default values!!! e.g


3. Check the APEL rpms. Install if its not there (CHECK the version of the rpms!!!)


4. Run the configuration on MON box and try to connect to the MYSQL database. e.g

mysql> use mysql
mysql> select * from db;
+-----------------------+---------------+------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-----------+------------+--- --------------+------------+------------+-----------------------+------------------+
| Host                  | Db            | User       | Select_priv | Insert_priv | Update_priv | Delete_priv | Create_priv | Drop_priv | Grant_priv | Re ferences_priv | Index_priv | Alter_priv | Create_tmp_table_priv | Lock_tables_priv |
+-----------------------+---------------+------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-----------+------------+--- --------------+------------+------------+-----------------------+------------------+

|       | accounting    | accounting | Y           | Y           | Y           | Y           | Y           | Y         | N          | Y               | Y          | Y          | Y                     | Y                

+-----------------------+---------------+------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-----------+------------+--- --------------+------------+------------+-----------------------+------------------+

mysql> select * from user;
Note the entry for CE in the user table.

5. Run the publisher as root on MON box.

   env RGMA_HOME=/opt/glite APEL_HOME=/opt/glite /opt/glite/bin/apel-publisher -f /opt/glite/etc/glite-apel-publisher/publisher-config-yaim.xml 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/apel.log

If you have more then one CE and Torque-server is on separate box. Then you need to give user access to all the CEs and Torque-server to connect to MYSQL database on MON box. It can be done as follows:

mysql --pass="$MYSQL_PASSWORD" --exec "grant all on accounting.* to 'accounting'@'$CE_HOST' identified by '$APEL_DB_PASSWORD'"
For example,
mysql --pass="$MYSQL_PASSWORD" --exec "grant all on accounting.* to 'accounting'@'' identified by 'lxb2006acc'"
Replace $CE_HOST by CE name and $APEL_DB_PASSWORD by the password that you will set on CE.

Note: choose different apel passwd for each CE and torque-server( if the server is not on CE).

Run the publisher as root on MON box or wait until cronjob activate.

See the logs at /var/log/apel.log and note the strange errror messages.

CE and Torque-server configuration:

1. Install the apel rpms (if its not there): (CHECK the version of the rpms!!!)


2. Set the MYSQL and APEL passwd in site-info.def file
MYSQL_PASSWORD=set_this_to_a_good_password >>> it should be the same as on MON box
APEL_DB_PASSWORD="your passwd"

The apel passwd should be different for torque-server if its not on CE.

3. Run the configuration on CE. Try to connect to the MYSQL database to check the access to the database.

mysql -u accounting -h MON_HOST -p

4. There is a cronjob for apel-pbs-parser on CE.
$ ll /etc/cron.d/edg-apel-pbs-parser
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 215 Feb 11 14:45 /etc/cron.d/edg-apel-pbs-parser

If you want to have a quick look, run the apel-pbs-parser by hand.

env RGMA_HOME=/opt/glite APEL_HOME=/opt/glite /opt/glite/bin/apel-pbs-log-parser -f /opt/glite/etc/glite-apel-pbs/parser-config-yaim.xml >> /var/log/apel.log 2>&1

Note for strange error messages in /var/log/apel.log


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger
        at org.glite.apel.pbs.ApelLogParser.<clinit>(
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger
        at org.glite.apel.pbs.ApelLogParser.<clinit>(
solution: You need to install package: log4j

Mon Feb 11 00:35:02 UTC 2008: apel-pbs-log-parser - program aborted
org.glite.apel.core.ApelException: Unable to setup a database connection: null,  message from server: "Host '' is not allowed to connect to
this MySQL server"
        at org.glite.apel.core.db.MySQLImpl.<init>(
        at org.glite.apel.core.processor.DBProcessor.<init>(
        at org.glite.apel.pbs.ApelLogParser.main(

That might be the apel do not configured correctly and therefore don't have access to the MYSQL database.

solution: You need to run the following command on Mon box:

mysql --pass="$MYSQL_PASSWORD" --exec "grant all on accounting.* to 'accounting'@'' identified by 'lxb2006acc';"

where "lxb2006acc" is the APEL_DB_PASSWORD on CE.

If all went fine then wait for at least one/two day to see the publishing data on accounting portal:

You can find more details in APEL docs:

-- FaridaNaz - 03 Mar 2008

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